[tce] o mais estupido e idiota LOL do day... ever...

2007-07-24 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
pode-se divertir, uma coisa assim ... - - Também devia ser dado a crianças, para incentiva-los a saborear as coisas boas da vida ... - - A caneca para enfeitar ao lado da máquina está muito bem ... No final das contas, não sei quem é mais estupido, se o idiota se o jornalista. - -- Vitor Domingos

[tce] Vamos levar justiça aos portugueses virtua is

2007-07-27 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
sociais (myspace, facebook)! Criem já, com o apoio da UA e sei lá, qualquer delegação regional da Ordem dos Advogados, grupos de mediação para as redes onde estão portugueses. - -- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux

[tce] ahhh the finger pointing at his best

2007-08-06 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
-eaters). Tough luck for its president, which was on the meeting. - -- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFGt3EgzLeQsaqPtNIRCoBSAJ43sARUL9ZEzf6FdI+3vy3MUsPnrACffR64 6BUwqeSXBqdliy0IAZPpobg= =MNsz -END PGP SIGNATURE

[tce] all your torrents are belong to us

2007-08-09 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
it sound like torrents were all fine, secure and a copyrighted friend. Oh! What? DRM ? Right away, in the next BitTorrent version, for sure. - -- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFGuvnHzLeQsaqPtNIRCix+AKCL4gIb

[tce] up, up and away for Linux

2007-08-09 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
, datacenters, servers but not (god forbid me!) for the desktop. Fair enough :) More teasers for Flight Linux: http://www.hostingforum.ca/682953-news-everyone-gnu-linux-user-airplane.html - -- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux

[tce] is it mysql, yoursql ou theirsql ?

2007-08-10 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
benefit from the worldwide community testing (stated here: http://www.mysql.com/products/which-edition.html#difference) These changes are crippling the community that worked for yoursql version. Hopefully the guys of CentOS will ask for access to the Enterprise Source. - -- Vitor Domingos

Re: [tce] A Letter to XenSource Customers and Partners

2007-08-16 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
://www.virtualization.info/2006/06/virtualization-market-towards-monopoly.html - -- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFGxD0qzLeQsaqPtNIRCuHvAJwLLSjlWNo5SuQAF5oviRGgAm6L9ACfcr+t Lf/Sb3SHUMgXsGPj5N5RHQw= =LuxH -END PGP SIGNATURE

[tce] DGS: os campos electromagnéticos e a sua velocidade de download

2007-08-17 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
relatórios fora do site da DGS: http://files-upload.com/files/440934/i009078.pdf http://files-upload.com/files/440947/i009076.pdf - -- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFGxZgjzLeQsaqPtNIRCmZ7AJ9HHhaiHVFmzglfDfWlGheUBT0wJACdH7+D

[tce] the 404 printscreen day

2007-08-17 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
-pages-reloaded/ [2] - http://paradigma.pt/~vd/images/neon-day-prtsc_404.png The portuguese version of this can be found as prt.sc news: http://www.prt.sc/about/news/ - -- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux

[tce] laught-r-us

2007-08-22 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
: Earth to america - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL6SD1IdnzQ whose line? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11lRFvq8miQ - -- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFGzEvEzLeQsaqPtNIRCu/bAJ9/lwb6XypkszJbE1GqXAdEZ00qbQCgin/a TjXntOvks7kJvdA

[tce] ...cáustico...

2007-08-23 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
telemóvel também é! Ah! E o regulamento é do melhor! http://sic.sapo.pt/online/programas/qtt_regulamento É tipo Galp milhões, pelo sim, pelo não, é capaz de passar as diversas fases. - -- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux

[tce] coisinhas boas vindas do telemóvel

2007-08-30 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
comprar uns quantos para distribuir no natal pelos miudos dos meus amigos... não vá eles encontrarem o Bin Laden na rua e não o reconhecerem. - -- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux

[tce] the idea vs the concretion: SMS mobile payments

2007-09-03 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
using this old and burned out concept, probably now with patent approved. - -- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFG3AyfzLeQsaqPtNIRCp9PAJ4yp0kEN5hIL5KwoACZQjGf1cl81QCggIuD LTzibYAoyxcKpXviNXIQpy8= =TAt5 -END PGP SIGNATURE

[tce] a couple of questions for the mobile iPhoney's market

2007-09-04 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
/mobile-ajax-news-iphone-and-opera-mini - -- Vitor Domingos Paradigma.pt -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFG3SuHzLeQsaqPtNIRCvNBAJ4v6sUUKjXVzvcdf+5Wu9ptBI5C5gCfTuxs J7pF3PV13lnpWgX7o3C7R3s= =0FCE -END PGP SIGNATURE

[tce] on Paul Graham's: the human resources biased world

2007-09-06 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Link to Graham's article: http://paulgraham.com/colleges.html * My resume for his side of the story He defends that people cannot be measured by the college/company they attend/work and so, they're usually hired by human resources people that tend to choose some student/worker over the other just

[tce] pc's aos quilos

2007-09-12 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
José Sócrates esteve presente na secundária Quinta do Marquês, em Oeiras, a que erradamente chamou escola Marquês de Pombal - ou seja, estar ali ou estar na secundária do Fundão ou no Aterro de Chelas, é a mesma coisa. o que interessa é estar nalgum sitio. A ironia de ver o presidente

[tce] [EMAIL PROTECTED] aka LisboaCampusParty?

2007-09-21 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Já me chegou por email o link do evento que se falava por ai... Conceito: 3 dias, um espaço fechado, podes levar o PC, WiFi enabled e podes dormir e comer por lá, de borla. AKA: LisboaCampus Party gratuita. Diferenças: é feito pelo Sapo, vai ser em Lisboa, querem evangelistas de novas

[tce] from the news corner

2007-09-28 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
- iPhone users, we [Apple] told you so, now go to ATT and ask for another activation http://news.google.com/news?hl=enned=usie=UTF-8ncl=1121199110 - VMware Fusion hits 1.1. Anyone with a Mac care to try ? :) http://www.vmware.com/products/fusion/ - sFlow for wireless traffic monitoring, now in

[tce] sinais dos tempos

2007-10-05 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
- 5 Outubro, praça do municipio Quando o primeiro ministro chega depois do presidente da república; quando existe mais público a assistir que convidados presentes (leia-se, as cadeiras vazias com o nome em cima superam os presentes). - Educação Quando ficar em casa e educar uma criança não é

[tce] vindo directamente do fundo do baú .. ..

2007-10-09 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Estavamos em 1998 - era eu responsável pelo helpdesk da Jazztel - e o Paulo Laureano (com aspecto certinho e com mais cabelo que actualmente) entrevista o Manuel Lemos (que vestiu o melhor fato que tinha no armário) no programa Acontece, que passava

[tce] Portuguese Startup Hubs

2007-10-10 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Right after the startup ubiquity [1], Paul gives us today an article about startup hubs in US [2]. The first one already had stated that startups should be in or near hubs, not incubators, which is quite different. This is a recurrent talk that

[tce] What makes a format 'open'?

2007-10-15 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 By the National Archives of Australia [1]. *What makes a format 'open'?* Four principles: - Based on open standards, - Community developed, - Multiple implementations and - No licensing constraints. But, that's not

[tce] as coisinhas boas que andam por aqui

2007-10-17 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
- O BCP concedeu um crédito ao filho de um administrador, sem o administrador saber e sem quaisquer garantias bancárias. Depois o filho, disse que não podia pagar, o banco aceitou e foram-se 12 milhões de euros à vida. Hoje ainda sabe-se que o mesmo banco perdoou uma 90% de 40 milhões a um dos

[tce] Retro Moves: Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark

2007-10-21 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark aka OMD [1], have wroten a couple of great melodic songs: - - Enola Gay (which was the name for the B29 bomber of the first atomic bomb): http://youtube.com/watch?v=01SBf0tsLyI - - and 2007 live version:

[tce] Portuguese Citizen Digital Card - speaking of security

2007-10-22 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Now this is intriguing ... In this year of Vantagem+ Security conference and workshop [1], Accenture will be speaking on behalf the Portuguese Citizen Digital Card, of which and as far as I know isn't yet on full production, but still working on

[tce] my other social part

2007-11-03 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 I'm not very fond of todays social sites, but a long time user of social features. Here's just a few that I personally like and use: - Pownce: http://pownce.com/vd/ - LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/vitordomingos - RedHat Mugshot:

[tce] movies sound tracks that are ringtones on my phone

2007-11-25 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
- Matrix I PropellerHeads: SpyBreak http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y-aqy9BYqDM - Lost in Space Apollo 440: Lost in Space http://youtube.com/watch?v=GiZqmDXYeWk Propellherheads: Bang On! http://youtube.com/watch?v=1cHqQWR9ev8 - Ocean's 12 Nikkfurie: thé a la menthe

[tce] The fossa are coming [1] to the cellphone ...

2007-12-06 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
The fossa are coming, they're always annoying us by trespassing, interrupting our parties, and ripping our limbs off [1]. - Google's bid on wireless spectrum all about openness

[tce] the rise and fall for Facebook

2007-12-08 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
This was the rise: http://lists.paradigma.pt/pipermail/tce/2007-October/000138.html This is the fall: http://valleywag.com/tech/scoop/mark-zuckerberg-cashes-out-331589.php The beacon process, the immature CEO, the bad PR, the community asking for FB heads, the valuation given by MSFT; the

[tce] Quando o tráfego ilimitado é muito li mitado

2007-12-23 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
http://www.zapp.pt/empresas/index.php?page=trafegoilimitado Zapp Tráfego Ilimitado pode tirar o máximo partido dos serviços de Internet mais utilizados (navegação web, acesso ao e-mail, messaging, acesso remoto à sua intranet empresarial, entre outros), sem qualquer tipo de preocupações com o

[tce] retro moves: from xmas; was there sugar, prophets flows ? ...

2007-12-26 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
... sure! Here it is, right from CJ Bolland hands - with a little help from Armand Van Helden - and Dimension 5, for those heavily mentally trance fans: - The Prophet http://youtube.com/watch?v=zhNTZOl1MaI - Sugar is Sweeter http://youtube.com/watch?v=GXtnHCcIAVI (original here:

[tce] the phone is the computer

2008-01-06 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Remember this ? - A computer on every desk, and every one running Microsoft software - In the 70's, said by Bill Gates - The Network is the Computer - Sun's famous moto, by John Gage. They're both true: Microsoft runs 90% of all desktops (even now Apple surpassed Linux on desktop) and we all use

[tce] poder ser e querer ser

2008-01-30 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Belmiro de Azevedo Um empreendedor não se faz, mas FAZ-SE http://www.jornaldenegocios.pt/default.asp?Session=CpContentId=310442 Interessante este artigo do Belmiro de Azevedo, que a pedido do Jornal de Negócios escreve a sua opinão sobre o ser-se empreendedor. De reter alguns pontos: perder num

[tce] three strikes not a coincidence ...

2008-02-02 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Yesterday, CNN reported: Third undersea Internet cable cut in Mideast. It's the third loss of a line carrying Internet and telephone traffic in three days. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/02/01/internet.outage/ Here's a picture from the Guardian to illustrate the world connections, specially

[tce] Taking Off

2008-04-19 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Today I was on TakeOff (http://takeoff.ideias3.com/2008) giving a talk on ideas, innovation and entrepreneurship. I wanted to twitt the conference, but the people and talks were far more interesting than possible posts, so here's my this year resume. I was the second speaker, at 10:40AM, in

[tce] as years go by

2008-05-07 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
May 7 - 2008 http://pownce.com/vd/notes/2088870/ May 7 - 2007 http://lists.paradigma.pt/pipermail/tce/2007-May/01.html http://paradigma.pt/~vd/wlog/index.php?entry=entry070505-025149 Feb 10 - 2005 http://paradigma.pt/~vd/wlog/index.php?m=02y=05d=15entry=entry050215-205554 I've been blogging

[tce] prt.sc hiccup

2008-05-09 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
After a whole year without problems, our first hiccup was got to be with our domain registrar - iDotz.net . As you may've notice this morning that the prt.sc domain was down, with a parking page from our registrar. This is the normal procedure, as I understood, for under renewal domains,

[tce] tea internet rockstars

2008-06-04 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Our private Ruben Fonseca [1], brought us tea recommended by Digg, from AdagioTeas. Here's the proof: - http://paradigma.pt/~vd/images/digg_tea-01.jpg - http://paradigma.pt/~vd/images/digg_tea-02.jpg But I'm still wondering if that's _real_ tea or _netherlands_ tea... Still

[tce] new (apple) fashion store in Lisbon

2008-06-10 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
I'm no Mac fanboy, that's a given. But I do appreciate people with power to innovate and create spaces and cultures where people come in and can have a fresh air. I do have some ideas for a geek (coffee) space in Lisbon, but that's another story. Yet, despite all my rants about Macs, I've

[tce] a leitura de fim de semana

2008-06-28 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Fui um leitor semanal constante do Expresso por inerência familiar. O meu pai comprava-o, eu acabava por o ler antes dele. E assim foi até ter casa própria. Ainda por vezes ao fim de semana, quando ia visitar a familia, ficava com o suplemento de economia e a revista. O primeiro dava uma

[tce] prt.sc is now ready for iPhone

2008-07-18 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
http://prt.sc is now iPhone ready! You can use your mobile safari, on your iPhone, and access PrintScreen with no problems whatsoever. There, I've said it. That's the prt.sc joke for iPhone. Move on, nothing to see here, we didn't change anything at all. //VD

[tce] handividual, be one

2008-07-28 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
And what is an handividual, you may ask It's someone that's in handivi - http://handivi.com Be one of them, register and we'll promptly contact you to test the service. //[EMAIL PROTECTED] feedback service ___ tce mailing list

[tce] black hat pudding

2008-08-10 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
From this year Black Hat conference in LA, we've got a couple of interesting stuff First, was this talk that got canceled by federal court, but who's slides are online, it's called: - Anatomy of a Subway Hack - http://www-tech.mit.edu/V128/N30/subway/Defcon_Presentation.pdf

[tce] checking the current firmware version

2008-09-12 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
what a priceless way of checking a simple thing: 1. Checking the current firmware version 1.1 Make sure the CMEDHOST is connected to a TV or monitor. 1.2 Select a folder by using the navigation buttons on the remote control. 1.3 Press the ‘FUNC’ button on the remote control, select ‘PROPERTIES’

[tce] desktop meme

2008-09-24 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
http://paradigma.pt/~vd/images/desktop-meme.jpg Take a screenshot of your desktop right now, don’t change anything, post it on your blog! //VD ___ tce mailing list tce@lists.paradigma.pt http://lists.paradigma.pt/mailman/listinfo/tce

[tce] daquelas dúvidas existenciais ...

2008-09-25 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Querido blog, Compro um computador, daqueles pequenos, que as operadoras móveis vendem, com placa 3G incluida, ou então, fico com o Magalhães + Placa 3G ... ou daqueles das novas oportunidades, com placa 3G incluida... certo ?!! Estes contratos tem duração de 24 meses, tipicamente, mas se o

[tce] beija mão 2.0

2008-10-02 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
http://www.jornaldenegocios.pt/index.php?template=SHOWNEWSid=333876 “O objectivo da Microsoft é o de acelerar o aparecimento de novas empresas inovadoras, removendo a barreira de acesso à tecnologia, numa fase em que as empresas necessitam de concentrar investimentos e capital no

[tce] 7syntax mad crew you, on Shift 08

2008-10-07 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
so, you would like to meet the 7syntax flight crew? the mad penguins? poke around handivi a little bit? well, you can! BUT (and there's always a but), you can also go with us to Shift 08; Social and Human Ideas for Technology - http://www.shift.pt/ for FREE!! That's right!! The whole

[tce] there's some video with me rolling all over the internet

2008-10-13 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
... and it's true, but as I stated before on the prt.sc heavily secret and private mailing list, it was only a test, without proper conditions, lights, sound or whatsoever edition and script. The video was encoded by me, whose skills for that particular thing are (yet) lower than null.

[tce] 3 days of shift08

2008-10-17 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
I'm writing this after the BIG pizza party with all the speakers from Shift08, where we had a wonderful time with lot's of wine and beer, so, pay attention as I'm only say this once: shift08 was shiftsome! freaking awesome! Full conference review is on episode 2 of our newly show,

[tce] terceira raça; vocação para a escrav atura

2008-10-26 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Aula sobre mercado de trabalho, que sintetizo: - O único factor de competitividade que sobrou para as empresa, chama- se inovação - Inovação só vende gente, não vende máquina - O empresário bacana sabe que a única coisa que presta na empresa dele são os funcionários

[tce] the S word

2008-11-08 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
This week I've heard an interview on local radio with Rui Araújo, the author of O Diário Secreto que Salazar não leu - http://www.fnac.pt/pt/Catalog/Detail.aspx?cIndex=0catalog=livroscategoryN=Livroscategory=historiaBiografiasproduct=9789895553433 It seems quite interesting and from what I've

[tce] SUN; great ideas, but never here

2008-11-11 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
* Computer is the network * Grid computing is the future SUN is one of those companies with great ideas, just before everyone was thinking about making web applications, they were already saying that the network will be the future. After that and long before Amazon Web Services, SliceHost

[tce] BPN: inquirir pessoas e apreender documentos

2008-11-12 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Isto é bom demais para ser verdade!!! http://noticias.sapo.pt/lusa/artigo/b9fc6af3c8b68ee7d1e531.html Então, 1 semana depois da nacionalização do Banco e 3 meses depois do Banco de Portugal saber da coisa, é que vão inquirir pessoas e aprrender documentos ? Após este tempo devem encontrar lá

[tce] photos du jour; macbook teleatlas

2008-11-28 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
First, our beloved Ruben private Fonseca bought a new macbook - the new ones: http://paradigma.pt/~vd/images/office/mac_reuben01.jpg http://paradigma.pt/~vd/images/office/mac_reuben02.jpg Second, TeleAtlas is in Lisbon, so I suppose that Google StreetView will be available soon:

[tce] catching up ... ugh! ... not quite there yet

2008-12-06 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
My blog is on a leave of absence I've been busy elsewhere [1], [2], [3]. So, here's a quick follow up to stuff that happened: - Next week there will be new handivi for you! That's right! We've been quietly pushing daisies on handivi infrastructure so that people can have an even more

[tce] shameless PR: Mobile Peer Awards Barcelona

2008-12-28 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
for the selection process Mobile Monday Portugal and the International Jury. On December 31 midnight local time, the competition will close and no new entries or edits will be accepted. For more information please contact MoMoPT Vitor Domingos -...@mobilemondayportugal.com or Diogo

[tce] cloud mindmaps

2008-12-30 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Beautiful image map of cloud services and companies: http://paradigma.pt/~vd/images/cloud-usual_suspects.jpg Cloud Storage flow (EMC biased): http://paradigma.pt/~vd/images/cloud-storage.jpg Source: http://share.xmind.net/search/?q=cloud //VD ___ tce

[tce] 2008

2008-12-31 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Still in 2008 - uff! - so people, have a great 2009! (will talk about it tomorrow :) ) //VD ___ tce mailing list tce@lists.paradigma.pt http://lists.paradigma.pt/mailman/listinfo/tce

[tce] o email vai acabar por ganhar

2009-01-16 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Ha' uns anos atras a malta divertia-se com os foruns e mailing lists. Depois vieram os blogs, os rss, as notificacoes e o email foi caindo em desuso. Em 2007, deixei o blog de 2 anos (php+flat-file) para esta mailing list: - http://lists.paradigma.pt/pipermail/tce/2007-May/000291.html Por

[tce] next monday will be about mobile

2009-02-26 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
The portuguese chapter of Mobile Monday global initiative will have its second meeting at TBSore, in Lisbon, next monday (2nd March). Here's the speakers lineup: http://mobilemondayportugal.com/2009/02/26/52/ We have one more slot open for a speaker. Will you be one ? //VD

[tce] social networks like a tragedy of the commons

2009-03-12 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
It can thus be shown that people who add friends or followers (or any other type of connection) without any type of discrimination are actually decreasing the value of the network (by decreasing the number of existing subgroups). The people collecting virtual pseudo friends are actually

[tce] it's all about design

2009-03-20 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
Design plays a primary role in the interpretation of a message. It creates a crucial, lasting impression. It encourages examination and generates interest. Accessible, understandable information and beauty of form can engage observers and arrest their attention. A confusing, poorly designed

[tce] kickstart - two day mba from Mário Valente

2009-04-03 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
For those who follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/vd , know that today started the mini-MBA workshop with Mário Valente - http://mvalente.wufoo.com/forms/kickstart/ Where's some photos: http://handivi.com/view/09f15b2ade3d4b8aaea112b688f09171

[tce] quick roundup after easter

2009-04-13 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
I haven't written for quite a while here, since I've been engaged into something else (more detail bellow), so here's a quick round up for stuff that happen: - 10 April - o Our lead mobile hacker, Ruben Fonseca, given us an easter gift: handivi was seen to run on iPhone:

[tce] cloud computing as it really is

2009-04-19 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
http://blog.cpinto.net/2009/04/real-cloud-computing.html The cloud computing concept nowadays breaks down in two major camps That's wrong, Celso. Cloud computing is a number of trends (it's a trend) related to pushing computing resources (any kind; hardware, software, data) further into the

[tce] vodafone reinvents the definition of unlimited

2009-04-20 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
http://www.vodafone.com/start/media_relations/news/local_press_releases/uk_press_releases/2007/htc_magic_preorder.html The HTC Magic pricing starts from free on a two year contract at £35 per month including unlimited mobile internet use So Vodafone UK just launched their first Android phone,

[tce] orasun - Us and Them

2009-04-23 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
And the best article about Oracle buying Sun comes from Tim Bray: http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/04/22/Oracle-Sun Sun's portfolio is quite impressive, but more than that, they honestly have a great hacking team worldwide. If the first can be addressed while dumping stuff into the

[tce] vodafone.pt widget contest - €20.000 for the first prize

2009-05-01 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
For those not following Mobile Monday Portugal, here's the hint: - http://mobilemondayportugal.com/2009/04/29/vodafone-portugal-launches-a-widget-contest/ - http://www.vodafone.pt/main/Particulares/Servicos/concursoapps.htm //VD ___ tce mailing list

[tce] Mobile Monday Portugal: 4th meeting; last minute agenda

2009-05-04 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
This is becoming to be more usual than wanted. Again my apologies for this minute agenda for today's meeting: http://mobilemondayportugal.com/2009/05/04/last-minute-agenda-for-todays-4th-meeting/ We'll have Sérgio Gonçalves what will be talking about music and mobile, Paulo Dimas will show

[tce] OFFF Estoril Conferences

2009-05-09 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
I'm writing this post after a two successful great days; first at OFFF then at Estoril Conferences. - http://offf.ws - http://conferenciasdoestoril.com For OFFF resume, just follow http://alt.prt.sc video posts, since we (prt.sc) are covering the event regularly, but (there's always a but)

[tce] big fan of online radio here

2009-05-15 Por tôpico Vitor Domingos
During the day: - Vocal Trance - Digitally Imported http://www.di.fm/vocaltrance/ - 1Mix - Live Shows and DJ Sets http://1mix.co.uk/ At night, before bed: - Big R Radio - 80s Metal FM http://www.bigrradio.com/player.php?id=57 - KickRadio - The 80's Channel http://www.kickradio.nl/ - CRIK FM