[Trisquel-users] Re : Web Browser

2018-02-04 Thread lcerf
In some jurisdictions, they cannot be "public domain", unless their authors died at least 70 years ago, which I very much doubt. They are probably distributed under a so-called "permissive license" (aka "lax license", aka "pushover license"), which lets anyone do anything they want with the

[Trisquel-users] Re : How does one release something under a free license,

2018-02-04 Thread lcerf
By explicitly stating what license apples to your work: a copyright notice in each file and a copy of the license distributed along the work. For the details, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html for the GNU licenses for software, https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-howto.html for th

[Trisquel-users] Re : Abrowser not playing sound because it now requires Pulseaudio

2018-02-05 Thread lcerf
It is not a "Trisquel problem". Sound in Abrowser works great on my systems. Have you tried launching 'abrowser' from a terminal emulator and "open" a video? An error message may be displayed. Also, does the "Applications" tab of "Sound", in the "System Settings", list Abrowser? Is it on

[Trisquel-users] Re : Abrowser not playing sound because it now requires Pulseaudio

2018-02-05 Thread lcerf
It is in the default install.

[Trisquel-users] Re : What's wrong with qt5-webengine

2018-02-07 Thread lcerf
No package is named "qt5-webengine" in Trisquel's repository. Neither in Debian's, apparently: https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=qt5-webengine&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all The closest I found (maybe the same): https://packages.debian.org/libqt5webengine5 Both Trisquel and D

[Trisquel-users] Re : What's wrong with qt5-webengine

2018-02-07 Thread lcerf
Thanks for your answer, but webkit is a different story from webengine, could you check if the libqt5webengine5 package is available on trisquel? Not in Trisquel 7's repository at least. And what about the other question I made about Debian and it's nonfree repos, I would really like to know

[Trisquel-users] Re : Software updates on the Add/Remove Applications folder

2018-02-11 Thread lcerf
Except for Abrowser and IceCat, the versions of the packages in a given version of Trisquel are frozen. Regular updates only fix security issues or otherwise critical bugs. LibreOffice 6 will be in Trisquel 9, probably. But, yes, you can download the .deb for your architecture on https:/

[Trisquel-users] Re : Community guidelines question

2018-02-11 Thread lcerf
It is still an issue (on small-width screens). Apparently, "bootstrap" provides a solution but I was trying to stay away from frameworks. Also, the version of Midori in Trisquel 7's repository get the alignment wrong (whatever the width of the screen). It may be that more recent versions

[Trisquel-users] Re : Why is Trisquel 8 taking so long

2018-02-12 Thread lcerf
Also, if I'm not mistaken, even Debian's "main" repository has some GNU FSDG issues, so even if one manages to "do it yourself" the process of disabling the other repositories, you still end up with possibly non-free software. https://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.html says: Debian consc

[Trisquel-users] Re : Why is Trisquel 8 taking so long

2018-02-12 Thread lcerf
Of course it is. The opposite would mean DRM! But FSF-endorsed distributions do not steer users towards nonfree software. Here is the whole paragraph in the FSDG: A free system distribution must not steer users towards obtaining any nonfree information for practical use, or encourage the

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free email providers

2018-02-13 Thread lcerf
Of course he does! He refused to send any information to Glenn Greenwald before he had PGP working. He has endorsed Signal on multiple occasions. Etc.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-14 Thread lcerf
With your own isolated network you would only communicate with yourself, i.e., not communicate. Free software end-to-end encryption, using good-enough cyphers and protocols, is the solution. It works on the Internet. That is for the data. For the meta-data, the best we have is Tor. Bot

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free email providers

2018-02-14 Thread lcerf
The email provider does NOT run only free software. NO computer in this world does that as of today. I wonder why it is so difficult for most people here to understand this. I wonder why it is so difficult for you to understand that it is *not* quantumgravity's point. He even started his r

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-14 Thread lcerf
Why should the communication go through "your own network"? Those are your words. Isn't your interlocutor entitled to control the network carrying the communication as much as you are? Should you and your interlocutor build a network you administrate together? Good luck if an ocean separa

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free email providers

2018-02-14 Thread lcerf
I still haven't figured out how to add a gpg key to it yet Have you tried following the steps on https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/en/index.html ?

[Trisquel-users] Re : ELI5 the advantages of updating the kernel

2018-02-14 Thread lcerf
I am not sure about the extended-term support (ETS) version. I am certain that all other versions that jxself's repository currently propose have the KPTI patches.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free email providers

2018-02-15 Thread lcerf
You want your GPG private key to stay on *your* machine, not on that of your provider.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is this normal?

2018-02-15 Thread lcerf
Try to import http://jenkins.trisquel.info/archive/trisquel/trisquel-archive-signkey.gpg : $ apt-key adv --fetch-keys http://jenkins.trisquel.info/archive/trisquel/trisquel-archive-signkey.gpg

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is this normal?

2018-02-15 Thread lcerf
gnutastyc apparently has the correct process (at least it seems to work as well for vltr, two posts below): https://trisquel.info/fr/forum/testing-trisquel-8-upgrade-process#comment-124586

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free email providers

2018-02-16 Thread lcerf
You can write to david (although I am not sure the issue is worth fixing): https://trisquel.info/users/david/contact

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-16 Thread lcerf
Spectre and Meltdown are not backdoors. They are attacks to read data in the main memory that the process should not be allowed to read.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-16 Thread lcerf
There is this newly emerging trend to sell "ethical" devices which I think will become more popular as surveillance increases. So ethics is becoming corrupt too. "Popular" implies "corrupt"?!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-16 Thread lcerf
Assuming you want commercial grade tactical security: A typical PC with no proprietary software on it, and exchanging PGP encrypted emails over internet (and ensuring that the other side also takes the same precautions) should suffice. It suffices Edward Snowden, who successfully communicat

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-17 Thread lcerf
Edward Snowden might have exploited the status of having a low profile (i.e. not being singled out) by then. I would estimate that 99.% of the people have a lower profile than a NSA contractor with top-level permissions! For those people, GPG on a free software operating system (such a

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-17 Thread lcerf
I think on the contrary, an agent using encrypted communications would be less suspect arising than average people doing the same, as it is only normal and natural for an agent to use encryption. Laura Poitras is not an agent. She was on the watch list of the Department of Homeland Securit

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-17 Thread lcerf
Such an incident would intimidate people to self-censoring. The Snowden revelations have caused self-censorship: https://theintercept.com/2016/04/28/new-study-shows-mass-surveillance-breeds-meekness-fear-and-self-censorship/ It indirectly implies that: "All these security fuss is really much

[Trisquel-users] Re : Can't boot Trisquel 8 from USB

2018-02-17 Thread lcerf
I personally used Trisquel 7's graphical "USB Creator" (or whatever it is called) to create a live USB from http://jenkins.trisquel.info/makeiso/iso/20171223/trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso That said, the problem may be with the recently cooked (today!) ISO.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-17 Thread lcerf
I don't think it is fair to say that Abdullah's posts here have had a demotivating influence. It is indeed unfair. And ungrounded (as I wrote: I have no evidence). In the same way that it is unfair and ungrounded to suggest that Edward Snowden is "a deliberately created figure". It was w

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-17 Thread lcerf
I agree that it should be repeated over and over that perfect security does not exist. Yet, for 99.% of the users, the available technologies (such as GPG) will efficiently secure their online communications. One does not secure a line in an absolute way but given a threat model: http

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-17 Thread lcerf
Nobody said "give up". Indeed. You understand the word "subliminal", don't you? And Abdullah actually answered: "I might have come across a bit discouraging in my attempt to 'be on the safe side'": https://trisquel.info/forum/there-perfect-method-guard-our-communication?page=2#comment-128

[Trisquel-users] Re : Kernel Panic Using Virt-Manager on Trisquel and libreboot

2018-02-18 Thread lcerf
I very much doubt the problem relates to a bug in the CPU. Just knowing the kernel "panics", how can you tell?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-18 Thread lcerf
Meanwhile he himself is actually discouraging any exploration into anything different from the established pattern of "say free software and don't look any further". (...) I am not the one who puts words in other people's mouth You are. Here for instance.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free software foundations problems

2018-02-18 Thread lcerf
Unclear to who? Some lawyer? Seems pretty clear to me. Do you really want a lawyer to tell you what software to use? Or a layman who fails to understand legal terms? I really want the lawyer. The layman may be somebody who believes he understands everything after looking at one single lice

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-18 Thread lcerf

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free software foundations problems

2018-02-18 Thread lcerf
I don't think it is not part of the browser (is it?). They are like embedded dependencies. "third_party" contains 3,726,248 lines of codes, according to 'sloccount'. They are not included for nothing. https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/ui/webui/resources/js/analytics.js

[Trisquel-users] Re : Pretty new..

2018-02-18 Thread lcerf
Your hardware is fine. However, doubling the RAM would not cost much and would make a real difference in the number of Web pages and applications you could simultaneously open. You can test Trisquel's live system before installing.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-19 Thread lcerf
You should make a difference between demotivating and disagreeing to blind faith in "free" as a synonym of "safe". Nobody here says that "free" is synonymous with "safe" (again: good work at not "putting words into other people's mouth"!). "Free" is a necessary condition to "security", not

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free software foundations problems

2018-02-19 Thread lcerf
These make me think that the analytics may be part of the Android version or Chrome (where I assume that being tracked is inevitable). I see no reason why the Android version of Chromium would "need" Google Analytics more than the desktop versions. BTW if https://www.google-analytics.com/an

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-19 Thread lcerf
Where do you see me say "person X is saying free is synonymous to safe"? Yet it is undoubtedly a common assumption that it is so. No, it is not. And I say it is, in the context of the particular things I was answering to. ?? Yes, I have such network. So do I. Inside my apartment. It is no

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free software foundations problems

2018-02-19 Thread lcerf
But you can unminify it. That's what I meant. It is still difficult to read due to the non-descriptive variable and function names but that is surely easier to reverse engineer than a binary code. Are you the same person who pretends that freedom 1 is not practical because it is too much wo

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-19 Thread lcerf
Then why people want free software according to you? Because they like the licensing? Or because it is not paid? No - they want it because of the ability for community control which implies it safety. You pretend that the free software movement believes that "free software implies safety" s

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free software foundations problems

2018-02-19 Thread lcerf
analytics.js is not 10M lines of code. "Unminify" https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/chrome/test/data/chromeproxy/extension/google-analytics-bundle.js (about 1300 lines of code) all you want and try to rewrite part of it in understandable JavaScript (with meaningful var

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-20 Thread lcerf
there is not a single mention that free software (like Firefox/forks) can also report that you are "reading page 5" (through telemetry) The telemetry component does not report the pages the users visit. Doesn't that say that in the world of free software you won't be a victim? - Yes, it does

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free software foundations problems

2018-02-21 Thread lcerf
A: I see no issue with this at this point. Previously (before WebExtensions) any extension could enable that or make changes to any other preference, but that is all sandboxed away now. *Third-party* attacks concern*ed* RMS. Not Mozilla. Not anymore. As you see - just mitigations, not a fi

[Trisquel-users] Re : Pretty new..

2018-02-21 Thread lcerf
as an example: https://anchev.net Its CSS is more than 10,000 lines long (!): https://anchev.net/home.css Without it, your site becomes much uglier: http://dcc.ufmg.br/~lcerf/anchev_no-css.html I blanked all pictures. Although you told me in https://trisquel.info/forum/web-browser?page=5#commen

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free software foundations problems

2018-02-22 Thread lcerf
Indeed. Pyllyukko, who is quite paranoid but honest, even keeps the protection against phishing that Safe Browsing brings: https://github.com/pyllyukko/user.js Honesty is what is probably lacking to somebody who, on one hand, pretends to be concerned about Google learning too much from Saf

[Trisquel-users] Re : Pretty new..

2018-02-22 Thread lcerf
FWIW (not that I owe anyone an explanation): this website was made on a quick notice, using a ready made template. Yet you took the time to subscribe to Google Analytics and to add their proprietary JavaScript to your website. The majority of the visitors are using Mac OSX, Windows, Google

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free email providers

2018-02-25 Thread lcerf
I am pretty sure strypey refers to the current #1 poster on this forum: https://trisquel.info/forum/what-i-think-about-george-anchev-heyjoe-and-his-site

[Trisquel-users] Re : Pretty new..

2018-02-25 Thread lcerf
This thread is not about "What do you Magic Banana think about person X and his site". Indeed. I have just posted a thread called like that: https://trisquel.info/fr/forum/what-i-think-about-george-anchev-heyjoe-and-his-site Thank you for the suggestion.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Libdvd-pkg Trisquel 8

2018-02-25 Thread lcerf
In Trisquel 7, one just has to execute the following command in a terminal: $ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh If that Shell script still exist in Trisquel 8, it probably still work.

[Trisquel-users] Re : OT Good Books?, init process

2018-02-25 Thread lcerf
What exactly happens after the kernel launches the init daemon depends on... what that init daemon is. They all aim at launching the system services but do so differently. Nowadays, systemd is, by far, the most popular. https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/ lists quite a lot o

[Trisquel-users] Re : Community guidelines question

2018-02-25 Thread lcerf
Thank you very much! I was not expecting anything! I will apply that patch tomorrow and see if I can understand your magic.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Most people hate free software

2018-02-25 Thread lcerf
Any association you could join? Maybe a free software user group?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Pretty new..

2018-02-25 Thread lcerf
I gotta say, if true, it doesn't make your case look good. It is true. See by yourself: https://anchev.net/home.js

[Trisquel-users] Re : Most people hate free software

2018-02-26 Thread lcerf
Often times, avoiding proprietary software comes to a point of avoiding computers altogether for that task. Are you talking about avoiding proprietary software on your own computers or on computers you do not administrate? The latter case does not make you more/less free. Only the owner o

[Trisquel-users] Re : Community guidelines question

2018-02-27 Thread lcerf
Your patch really makes my web page look better on smaller screen. Thank you again!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Free email providers

2018-02-27 Thread lcerf
I will write to you now to get your account number and thank you that way for the better CSS you wrote for my Web page. Totally different topic: I know you are involved with checking Chromium's licensing status. Have you taken a look at the superficial investigation I made in https://tri

[Trisquel-users] Re : Uruk 2.0 Last Touches

2018-02-28 Thread lcerf
I am still on Trisquel 7 but anyway: Additionally, I do not know how to connect to other repositories such as the Trisquel 8 repositories to see if some of the missing packages might be available. Isn't there "Software & Update" (or something like that) in the "MATE Control Center"? Alternat

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is httpseverywhere useless?

2018-02-28 Thread lcerf
Exactly. Here are the supported domains: https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere/atlas/ And https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere/rulesets explains how to add a ruleset to HTTPS Everywhere.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Disconnet addon will not install in Abrowser

2018-03-03 Thread lcerf
https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/621553/disconnect-5.18.21-an+fx-linux.xpi works here (I have just successfully installed it... and removed it since, as far as I understood, Privacy Badger does the same job).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Disconnet addon will not install in Abrowser

2018-03-03 Thread lcerf
The support for extensions relying on the older (and problematic, because tightly coupled with Firefox's core) XUL and XPCOM APIs have been disabled since Firefox 57, in favor of WebExtensions. After a rather long period of transition. Indeed, the WebExtension API has been considered stable

[Trisquel-users] Re : Disconnet addon will not install in Abrowser

2018-03-04 Thread lcerf
NoScript is now a WebExtension: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/858506/noscript_security_suite-

[Trisquel-users] Re : Disconnet addon will not install in Abrowser

2018-03-04 Thread lcerf
Decentraleyes too: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/870473/decentraleyes-2.0.3-an+fx.xpi

[Trisquel-users] Re : Disconnet addon will not install in Abrowser

2018-03-04 Thread lcerf
I believe that quidam sets an older and more common user agent to mitigate fingerprinting. You can right-click on the button "+ Add to Firefox" to then copy the link and paste it in the address bar.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Disconnet addon will not install in Abrowser

2018-03-04 Thread lcerf
Indeed. The real solution is to add the free software add-ons to Abrowser's catalog, https://trisquel.info/en/browser/addons that is also accessible through Abrowser's menu. I do not know who takes care of that list. Adding add-ons in decreasing order of popularity (https://addons.mozill

[Trisquel-users] Re : Disconnet addon will not install in Abrowser

2018-03-04 Thread lcerf
Here is a script (basically one line) that downloads the pages of add-ons from addons.mozilla.org (calling it with no argument display usage info): #!/bin/sh # Copyright 2018 Loïc Cerf (lcerf [at] dcc.ufmg.br) # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under

[Trisquel-users] Re : (Trisquel 8) Problems with installing add-ons in Abrowser

2018-03-07 Thread lcerf
It is plain text: use a text editor.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How does one respond to this statement?

2018-03-07 Thread lcerf
Red Hat is among the co-founders of the "Open Invention Network": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Invention_Network So, technically, Red Hat (and the rest of OIN) holds software patents, for defensive purpose.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel needs to be rebooted and based on Ubuntu 18.04

2018-03-14 Thread lcerf
Repeating, with one more bullet, what I wrote three months ago in https://trisquel.info/forum/trisquel-8-where-are-you#comment-121933 t3g, you are tiresome: https://trisquel.info/forum/trisquel-8-almost-6-months-late-do-something-anything https://trisquel.info/forum/trisquel-8-still-not-out-ye

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel needs to be rebooted and based on Ubuntu 18.04

2018-03-15 Thread lcerf
How ironic! The five threads you created to complain that quidam is not working fast enough certainly helped a lot to "get a free software OS out the door".

[Trisquel-users] Re : Email provider: riseup.net OR disroot.org?

2018-03-16 Thread lcerf
See that recent thread: https://trisquel.info/forum/free-email-providers (heyjoe's messages were removed; that is why, sometimes, the sequences of messages apparently makes little sense).

[Trisquel-users] Re : uruk gnu/linux 2.0 beta-2

2018-03-16 Thread lcerf
Again: as long as you do not run out of RAM and never hibernates the system, the swap makes no difference. No advantage and no drawback (it does not slow the system, if vm.swappiness is small enough), except the related disk space consumption, typically one or two GB (maybe more if you want

[Trisquel-users] Re : Email provider: riseup.net OR disroot.org?

2018-03-17 Thread lcerf
It is common practice. Whether it is acceptable is up to you. If you do not use end-to-end encryption (typically GPG), the email provider can read your emails. Some providers propose to store your emails encrypted: see https://posteo.de/en/site/encryption for instance and notice (a comple

[Trisquel-users] Re : uruk gnu/linux 2.0 beta-2

2018-03-17 Thread lcerf
I suspect you do not understand what "running out of RAM" means. Probably an English problem. Every program you execute uses some RAM. If you execute many programs, or programs using much RAM (maybe because of memory leaks), then all the RAM may be in use. Once a program tries to store s

[Trisquel-users] Re : Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-03-17 Thread lcerf
It is another terminal-based front-end to the package manager. Like 'apt-get' and 'apt-cache' ('aptitude' provides the functionalities of both these commands, ad more).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-03-17 Thread lcerf
As far as I know, those GNU/Linux distributions are not 100% free software and not even trying.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Email provider: riseup.net OR disroot.org?

2018-03-17 Thread lcerf
What is copylefted? The JavaScript of the webmail?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Email provider: riseup.net OR disroot.org?

2018-03-18 Thread lcerf
The content of the website?

[Trisquel-users] Re : uruk gnu/linux 2.0 beta-2

2018-03-18 Thread lcerf
I am sorry: your English makes little sense to me.

[Trisquel-users] Re : terminal does not recognize text files written with gedit or leafpad

2018-03-19 Thread lcerf
That is weird. Sorry to ask but are you sure you do not forget to save the file or save it somewhere else or start its name with a dot (if so, it is hidden)? Since you write that the problem happens with different text editors saving the file (Leafpad or GEdit), I do not really believe in

[Trisquel-users] Re : Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-03-19 Thread lcerf
After removing the repositories that do not distribute software for flidas or xenial, you need to get rid of broken packages. To list them graphically, you can use the "Synaptic Package Manager": click on the "Custom Filter" button (in the bottom-left corner of the window) and then on "Broke

[Trisquel-users] Re : terminal does not recognize text files written with gedit or leafpad

2018-03-19 Thread lcerf
My file manager had no difficulty listing it in the same directory where terminal couldn't see it. Again: that is weird. Even if there is no simple way to trigger the bug, please show us at least a screenshot with your file manager displaying the content of the directory and a terminal ses

[Trisquel-users] Re : terminal does not recognize text files written with gedit or leafpad

2018-03-20 Thread lcerf
LibreOffice Calc still does a better job, as I can sort on two columns at once, eliminating the need to sort with terminal. The 'sort' command can do that (and much more): one or several --key (or simply -k) options can be used and --field-separator (or simply -t) specifies the character se

[Trisquel-users] Re : Why is Trisquel 8 taking so long

2018-03-20 Thread lcerf
Oh, yes, there is that. Are there still packages under that old unclear license in Stretch?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing an audio production system based on Trisquel Mini

2018-03-21 Thread lcerf
Here is a superficial analysis of differences in packages between Trisquel 7 and Trisquel 7 Mini: $ apt-cache depends trisquel trisquel-recommended | grep -e '^ Depends:' -e '^ Recommends:' | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sort -u > Trisquel $ apt-cache depends trisquel-mini trisquel-mini-recommended | gr

Re: [Trisquel-users] uruk gnu/linux 2.0 beta-2

2018-03-21 Thread lcerf
I have both a SATA 3 HDD and a M.2 SSD in my laptop. Benchmarking them with 'hdparm -t' respectively gives 0.142 GB/s and 0.430 GB/s of transfer rates. Benchmarking my DDR4 RAM with memtest86+ gives 21.053. So the RAM is about 150 faster than my HDD but still about 50 times faster than my

[Trisquel-users] Re : Software Updater is failing due to"untrusted packages"

2018-03-21 Thread lcerf
The server you were downloading your packages from is apparently down (hopefully not permanently, but I do not know): select another server. You can do so graphically from "Software & Updates" in the "System Settings". You can even "Select Best Server" (based on 'ping', I suppose), a button

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel Mini Black Screen

2018-03-22 Thread lcerf
If you press Ctrl+Alt+F1, do you get some text or even a login prompt?

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to install Wine in Trisquel 8?

2018-03-22 Thread lcerf
That looks OK. If there are package repositories to remove, they must be define in files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d Notice that you can use as well a graphical interface to manage the software repositories: "Software & Updates" in the "System Settings" (well, that is for Trisquel 7 at leas

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to install Wine in Trisquel 8?

2018-03-22 Thread lcerf
Yes. Everything looks OK then. It may just be that Wine is (for the moment?) not installable on Trisquel 8, which is still alpha.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to install Wine in Trisquel 8?

2018-03-23 Thread lcerf
What happens if you "accept this solution"?

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to install Wine in Trisquel 8?

2018-03-23 Thread lcerf
Weird indeed.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to install Wine in Trisquel 8?

2018-03-23 Thread lcerf
As far as I understand, nickylodeon tells you that the winehq repository contains nonfree packages and that using apt-get's "--no-install-recommends" option does not trigger their installation: $ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends wine

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to install Wine in Trisquel 8?

2018-03-24 Thread lcerf
Just to be clear: the "no-install-recommends" option aims to not trigger the installation of the packages that are "recommendations" (rather than "dependencies"; "suggestions" exist too) of the packages you explicitly ask to install. The recommended packages can be all free software (e.g., i

[Trisquel-users] Re : Slow terminal and office writer when typing?

2018-03-25 Thread lcerf
I would try a more recent kernel, taken from jxself's repository: https://jxself.org/linux-libre/

[Trisquel-users] Re : Manual about KODI / media center

2018-03-25 Thread lcerf
Go ahead! :-)

[Trisquel-users] Re : Temperatures inside pc high?

2018-03-25 Thread lcerf
On Trisquel 7, to call the script /usr/local/bin/max-fan at the init: Edit (here with GEdit but you can use any text editor) /etc/rc.local: $ gksu gedit /etc/rc.local Write that line before the 'exit' statement: /usr/local/bin/max-fan Save the file.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Searx.me as add-on in Abrowser?

2018-03-25 Thread lcerf
It works here (Abrowser 58.0.2), normally. Try to do what I wrote here, maybe: https://trisquel.info/forum/disconnet-addon-will-not-install-abrowser#comment-129059

[Trisquel-users] Re : Temperatures inside pc high?

2018-03-25 Thread lcerf
Just that: /etc/rc.local is executed with administrative permissions. Write a line before the 'exit' statement (and after "#!/bin/sh -e").

[Trisquel-users] Re : Why doesn't Trisquel 8 use Iridium browser as default browser?

2018-03-27 Thread lcerf
That's both Abrowser and IceCat.

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