[twitter-dev] Cursor Not Being Returned When It Should

2009-10-26 Thread TylerC

Hey everyone, im trying to figure out why cursors are not being
returned... I am making a call to 
to get my first page of friends through OAuth and simpleXML in PHP5.

Everything is fine and the next_cursor shows up in my browser, but
when I try to extract it or even var dump the xml the tag does not
even show up. Heres how im getting it:

$users = $oauth->oAuthRequest(
 // Where
$page is -1 in this case...
array(), "GET"

$xml = simplexml_load_string($users);


//$next_page = $xml->next_cursor;

I get only data located under the users array, any ideas?

[twitter-dev] When will List API release?

2009-10-26 Thread wilfred yau

Hi all, this is my first post :D

I am a Twitter Client Developer ,
Do anyone know when  the twitter list API will be released??
or the API is already released??

Thanks :)

[twitter-dev] Re: Making crossdomain.xml less restrictive on api.twitter.com?

2009-10-26 Thread Dossy Shiobara

Bah, who seriously develops applications using Flash, anyway?


(For those who don't know, Wez and I are friends ...)

On 10/26/09 6:09 PM, Wez Crozier wrote:
> I'm gonna have to bump this fellas! +1 here and I know a dozen other
> flash devs in the UK that would like a less restrictive
> crossdomain.xml!
> Thanks Orian!
> Wez
> On Oct 21, 5:31 pm, orian  wrote:
>> Now that api.twitter.com has gone live, can we please have a less
>> restrictive crossdomain.xml so that Flash apps can access the API
>> without requiring the use of a proxy? This was being planned more than
>> a year and a half 
>> ago:http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread...

Dossy Shiobara  | do...@panoptic.com | http://dossy.org/
Panoptic Computer Network   | http://panoptic.com/
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

[twitter-dev] Re: Search API - 403 bursts and (maybe) a caching issue.

2009-10-26 Thread briantroy

This is happening RIGHT NOW for the following:

1) Go to search.twitter.com and enter "tweetsforboobs OR
tweetforboobs" as the search.

2) Go to http://tweetsforboobs.org and see the twitter feed on the

Notice that the last tweet from 2 hours ago (VerticalMeasures) is not
in the twitter feed on tweetsforboobs.org. Also note the ID of the
tweet - from VerticalMeasures that is missing from tweetsforboobs.org:

Now here is the log file of the Twitter API call:

DEBUG: 06:18:01 PM on Mon October 26th Doing CURL fetch with User
Agent: justsignal/1.0 (+http://justsignal.com) and RFERER:
DEBUG: 06:18:01 PM on Mon October 26th Twitter responded with 200 HTTP
Status Code.
DEBUG: 06:18:01 PM on Mon October 26th MaxID: 5182676703
DEBUG: 06:18:01 PM on Mon October 26th There are: 0 results in this
Updating number for api hits for hour: 18 to: 6
THROTTLE-69: 06:18:01 PM on Mon October 26th Slowing collection...
Avg: 0 returning delay: 180
DEBUG: 06:18:01 PM on Mon October 26th Checking for next page... 
DEBUG: 06:18:01 PM on Mon October 26th There is NOT another page of
DEBUG: 06:18:01 PM on Mon October 26th Old max: 5182676703 New max:
DEBUG: 06:18:01 PM on Mon October 26th Old max: 5182676703 New max:

Note that our id is already > the last tweet ID from VerticalMeasures,
yet we never got that tweet. Our id from the log snip: (5182676703) is
NOT in our database (we never got it). It does not match the tweet ID
before Vertical Measures: 5180513610

Somehow the API is returning a new (and bigger) max id on 200
responses with no tweets in them OR on 403 (those are the only two
http codes in the log for today). Either way, that shouldn't be

Brian Roy

On Oct 26, 12:47 pm, briantroy  wrote:
> 1) Since late last week I've noticed a significant number of 403
> errors (403 Error from JSON: since_id too recent, poll less
> frequently). These usually indicate I'm hitting a server with an
> "older" view of the search index - since it thinks the ID I sent in
> since_id is newer than the newest it has. These trouble me because
> when I get a 200 after the 403 sometimes I get everything back to my
> since_id, sometimes I don't. I appears some indexes have gaps until
> they catch up.
> QUESTION: Are there any ongoing search indexing issues that you are
> aware of?
> 2) Since late last week I've noticed that some search API requests
> appear to get "stuck" returning an empty json result (no new tweets).
> This can go on for HOURS (today one got stuck like this for 12 hours).
> When I restart my process sometimes this clears up (I get the backlog)
> - other times it does not (I continue to get 0 tweets in the json).
> All of the requests return HTTP 200 and valid json.
> QUESTION: Are they any ongoing caching issues with the search API?
> These issues are new in the last 7 days (since about last Thursday).
> My IP is whitelisted. I'm sending both a valid user agent and referrer
> header. My processes are throttled by the volume of tweets the
> receive. I've made no changes to my processing since late September.
> Any assistance would be appreciated. My user's are comparing what they
> see from my service to search.twitter.com and telling me we are
> broken.
> Regards,
> Brian Roy
> justSignal

[twitter-dev] Re: from:user and since_id breaking Search API

2009-10-26 Thread arjun

I am seeing issues with twitter search using since_id.

The search results the query returns is not correct for atleast few
hours. I think, some synchronization happens every certain number of
hours. Also, if since_id is old, it expires.

I don't find it to be that useful.


The synchronization is very

On Oct 23, 8:06 am, Marc W  wrote:
> Hello Damon!
> I'm not 100% sure I buy this explanation:
> 1. This problem wasn't happening a day or two ago.
> 2. I tried executing the query on the command line, and incremented
> the since_id by 1 maybe 8-10x ... it just doesn't return any results.
> Even weirder is that if I wait 20 minutes, and execute the same query
> with the same original since_id, then I might get some of the results,
> but not all of them.
> Currently, the only solution I can see is to simply never use since_id
> and just filter out - on the client - those tweetids I've seen
> already.  Seems like a horrible waste of bandwidth and computing
> power, and especially strange given that this largely worked a few
> days ago, right before some other changes were rolled out that also
> seemed to cause a sudden increase in 500-series errors being returned
> from the servers and other weirdnesses.
> Thanks,
> Marc.
> On Oct 23, 9:31 pm, Damon Clinkscales  wrote:
> > Christopher
> > To my recollection, for search with since_id to work properly, the
> > tweet id must be in the search index.  In this case:
> >http://search.twitter.com/search?q=+from%3Asilent_tester02
> > does not yield the "Dinner, movie, drinks." tweet in the index.
> > As an aside, I did an "exact match search" on that phrase above and it
> > returned many results that are not exact matches. But that's a
> > separate issue.
> > You could file an issue about the fact that the results coming back
> > are not always consistent, but the first thing I would do is make sure
> > that I am using a since_id that actually exists in the search index.
> > Granted this can be a bit of a pain to verify this 100% of the time
> > because sometimes tweets do not end up in the search index (which
> > appears to be the case here). But in my experience, most of the time,
> > they do.  So as a test, pick a tweet you know is in the index and make
> > some calls with it over a period of time.  See if the results are
> > consistent.
> > Best,
> > -damon
> > --http://twitter.com/damon
> > On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 9:06 AM, Christopher Warren
> >  wrote:
> > > We have an app that runs searches regularly, and recently stopped
> > > receiving new tweets. After investigating we found a search
> > > combination that seems to break the search API. Instead of getting a
> > > response with no tweets, an .atom request errors and a .json request
> > > 404s.
> > >http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=from:silent_tester02&since_id...
> > >http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=from:silent_tester02&since_id...
> > > Changing the query to not use from:username works as expect, but I've
> > > put several usernames in and they all respond the same way. I haven't
> > > managed to narrow down the cause of the problem much further than
> > > that, but we're handling it in our code by rescuing any failed
> > > searches and appending since: with the date of the most recent tweet
> > > to the q.
> > > Any thoughts on what might be causing this would be appreciated.

[twitter-dev] Re: Search API - 403 bursts and (maybe) a caching issue.

2009-10-26 Thread Vipul

we are seeing the same issue at our end. It gets better in the night
(PST) and then breaks in the morning.
I don't even see 403 but only 200s. Our (5 minutely) search request
comes back with none, one or two results at the max though i know
every minute there are about a 100  messages (as we'v been getting
consistently till 10/21 or so)
(No breach of limit at our end!!)

On Oct 26, 12:47 pm, briantroy  wrote:
> 1) Since late last week I've noticed a significant number of 403
> errors (403 Error from JSON: since_id too recent, poll less
> frequently). These usually indicate I'm hitting a server with an
> "older" view of the search index - since it thinks the ID I sent in
> since_id is newer than the newest it has. These trouble me because
> when I get a 200 after the 403 sometimes I get everything back to my
> since_id, sometimes I don't. I appears some indexes have gaps until
> they catch up.
> QUESTION: Are there any ongoing search indexing issues that you are
> aware of?
> 2) Since late last week I've noticed that some search API requests
> appear to get "stuck" returning an empty json result (no new tweets).
> This can go on for HOURS (today one got stuck like this for 12 hours).
> When I restart my process sometimes this clears up (I get the backlog)
> - other times it does not (I continue to get 0 tweets in the json).
> All of the requests return HTTP 200 and valid json.
> QUESTION: Are they any ongoing caching issues with the search API?
> These issues are new in the last 7 days (since about last Thursday).
> My IP is whitelisted. I'm sending both a valid user agent and referrer
> header. My processes are throttled by the volume of tweets the
> receive. I've made no changes to my processing since late September.
> Any assistance would be appreciated. My user's are comparing what they
> see from my service to search.twitter.com and telling me we are
> broken.
> Regards,
> Brian Roy
> justSignal

[twitter-dev] Im a newbie, eager to learn, teach me how to setup API

2009-10-26 Thread North Carolina developer

How to start the Twitter API on my site?

I have been playing with php for a month now and really want to use
the simplicity of the Twitter API to make a nice site, using my
visitors status updates, friends, and other info that the API shares.
I have a free hosting site at 000webhost.com  if u never heard of it,
its free, offers php/mysql, and 100s of features for free.  How should
I start my new project.. if I want to simply... display a couple feeds
on a page, with the header of the page including the visitor's profile
pic and bio info.  One feed will be theirs and another mine.

I've been thru 20 plus tutorials and they jump to fast into the coding
part.  I think i have every code there is as well as library or json
jquery twitterlib etc but no one ever shows how to start from

How to use the curl options?

How does the php interact with xml pages and can u explain that

What do I need to do to get the API to work, come back to the page
with the accessed info from Twitter.

Please help, im desperate, in the middle of nowhere, and broke! lol
This is so interesting and hope to get some great answers from someone
who can explain well.  Thanks and God Bless!

[twitter-dev] Re: Making crossdomain.xml less restrictive on api.twitter.com?

2009-10-26 Thread Folletto


If that's not possible, it will be interesting an update about the
reasons still blocking the more permissive crossdomain.xml ;)

On Oct 21, 6:31 pm, orian  wrote:
> Now that api.twitter.com has gone live, can we please have a less
> restrictive crossdomain.xml so that Flash apps can access the API
> without requiring the use of a proxy? This was being planned more than
> a year and a half 
> ago:http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread...

[twitter-dev] Re: Search API - 403 bursts and (maybe) a caching issue.

2009-10-26 Thread briantroy

Actually I can confirm my previous supposition, here is the log for an
empty 200 response with a new max_id:

DEBUG: 06:02:44 PM on Mon October 26th Doing CURL fetch with User
Agent: justsignal/1.0 (+http://justsignal.com) and RFERER:
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th Twitter responded with 200 HTTP
Status Code.
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th MaxID: 5182676703
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th There are: 0 results in this
Updating number for api hits for hour: 18 to: 1
THROTTLE-69: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th Slowing collection...
Avg: 0 returning delay: 180
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th Checking for next page... 
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th There is NOT another page of
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th Old max: 5181314618 New max:
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th Old max: 5182676703 New max:

As you can see I'm getting 0 tweets and a new max_id... that isn't

Please advise.


Brian Roy

On Oct 26, 12:47 pm, briantroy  wrote:
> 1) Since late last week I've noticed a significant number of 403
> errors (403 Error from JSON: since_id too recent, poll less
> frequently). These usually indicate I'm hitting a server with an
> "older" view of the search index - since it thinks the ID I sent in
> since_id is newer than the newest it has. These trouble me because
> when I get a 200 after the 403 sometimes I get everything back to my
> since_id, sometimes I don't. I appears some indexes have gaps until
> they catch up.
> QUESTION: Are there any ongoing search indexing issues that you are
> aware of?
> 2) Since late last week I've noticed that some search API requests
> appear to get "stuck" returning an empty json result (no new tweets).
> This can go on for HOURS (today one got stuck like this for 12 hours).
> When I restart my process sometimes this clears up (I get the backlog)
> - other times it does not (I continue to get 0 tweets in the json).
> All of the requests return HTTP 200 and valid json.
> QUESTION: Are they any ongoing caching issues with the search API?
> These issues are new in the last 7 days (since about last Thursday).
> My IP is whitelisted. I'm sending both a valid user agent and referrer
> header. My processes are throttled by the volume of tweets the
> receive. I've made no changes to my processing since late September.
> Any assistance would be appreciated. My user's are comparing what they
> see from my service to search.twitter.com and telling me we are
> broken.
> Regards,
> Brian Roy
> justSignal

[twitter-dev] Re: Making crossdomain.xml less restrictive on api.twitter.com?

2009-10-26 Thread Wez Crozier

I'm gonna have to bump this fellas! +1 here and I know a dozen other
flash devs in the UK that would like a less restrictive

Thanks Orian!


On Oct 21, 5:31 pm, orian  wrote:
> Now that api.twitter.com has gone live, can we please have a less
> restrictive crossdomain.xml so that Flash apps can access the API
> without requiring the use of a proxy? This was being planned more than
> a year and a half 
> ago:http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread...

[twitter-dev] Getting conversations

2009-10-26 Thread Guru

Hi All,

Currently I am getting conversations for a tweet as follows:
   singleStatus = twitter.showStatus(statusId);
   convTweet = singleStatus.getText();
   replyId = singleStatus.getInReplyToStatusId();
i.e. looping the statusId till it reaches -1.
Is there any other better way to get conversations?


[twitter-dev] Re: How to get related hashtags?

2009-10-26 Thread JDG
Whether or not two hashtags are related or similar is really in the eye of
the beholder and as such, should be up to you to implement an algorithm to
come up with your own relationships.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 12:00, Legend  wrote:

> Hi,
> I was wondering if there's a way to get related hashtags or maybe
> hashtags that are similar. If Twitter API does not support it, what is
> the best way to achieve this? Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Rahul

Internets. Serious business.

[twitter-dev] How to get related hashtags?

2009-10-26 Thread Legend


I was wondering if there's a way to get related hashtags or maybe
hashtags that are similar. If Twitter API does not support it, what is
the best way to achieve this? Any suggestions?


[twitter-dev] Adding members to lists via API

2009-10-26 Thread Tim Haines
Hey guys,

I've just played around with adding members to a list via API.  It turns out
I can add protected members who I don't follow, but I can't add people that
have blocked me.  Not being able to add people who have blocked me makes
sense.  I'm wondering what the theory is behind being able to add protected
members though?

I guess there probably is a few reasonable use cases - i.e. keep a list of
people I've sent a follow request to - and if their tweets don't show
anyway, then what's the harm right?

Just an observation I thought might be interesting to discuss.  I need to
update my error messages for adding users that have blocked.  One of my
testers struck this over the weekend.


[twitter-dev] Search API - 403 bursts and (maybe) a caching issue.

2009-10-26 Thread briantroy


1) Since late last week I've noticed a significant number of 403
errors (403 Error from JSON: since_id too recent, poll less
frequently). These usually indicate I'm hitting a server with an
"older" view of the search index - since it thinks the ID I sent in
since_id is newer than the newest it has. These trouble me because
when I get a 200 after the 403 sometimes I get everything back to my
since_id, sometimes I don't. I appears some indexes have gaps until
they catch up.

QUESTION: Are there any ongoing search indexing issues that you are
aware of?

2) Since late last week I've noticed that some search API requests
appear to get "stuck" returning an empty json result (no new tweets).
This can go on for HOURS (today one got stuck like this for 12 hours).
When I restart my process sometimes this clears up (I get the backlog)
- other times it does not (I continue to get 0 tweets in the json).
All of the requests return HTTP 200 and valid json.

QUESTION: Are they any ongoing caching issues with the search API?

These issues are new in the last 7 days (since about last Thursday).
My IP is whitelisted. I'm sending both a valid user agent and referrer
header. My processes are throttled by the volume of tweets the
receive. I've made no changes to my processing since late September.

Any assistance would be appreciated. My user's are comparing what they
see from my service to search.twitter.com and telling me we are


Brian Roy

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter is blocking requests.

2009-10-26 Thread Chad Etzel

You can send your IP(s) to a...@twitter.com to have them checked
against the blacklist...

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:04 AM, Dossy Shiobara  wrote:
> I'm still waiting to hear a response from Twitter Support.  The irony
> here is that in order to check help.twitter.com, it redirects through
> twitter.com for zendesk_auth - yet, since HTTP requests to twitter.com
> from my IPs are immediately TCP RST'ed, I can't auth. and see updates to
> my help.twitter.com tickets.
> On 10/26/09 8:05 AM, Mike O wrote:
>> Twitter appears to be blocking requests from my IP Address. I have
>> seen similar issues reported on twitter. Is anyone else experiencing
>> this problem and have you been able to get support from Twitter.
>> Thank You.
> --
> Dossy Shiobara              | do...@panoptic.com | http://dossy.org/
> Panoptic Computer Network   | http://panoptic.com/
>  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
>    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth in popup, does not work when auto close

2009-10-26 Thread Chris Babcock

> I authenticate with twitter oauth using a popup from my site. When the
> authentication is done, twitter redirects the user to my site again.
> The user then has my site both in the original browser window, and in
> the popup.

One way of formulating your problem would be "How can I avoid having two
windows open?" The simplest answer would be, "Don't open a second

> I want to close the popup automatically, so the user don't have to. I
> do this with the following:
>  0) { echo "self.close
> ()"; } ?
> The problem is that when using the above code, the authentication
> don't seem to work. When trying to tweet I get this:
> /statuses/update.xml Could not authenticate you.
> When I don't use the above code, and thereby force the user to close
> the popup manually if he don't want it open, everything works fine.
> Can someone explain this to me, and help with how I can auto close the
> popup without messing with the authentication?

PHP is not my language of choice, but that looks like a scoping issue.

When you close the window with JavaScript, the authentication data you
obtained is lost when the window containing it is closed. You need to
persist the data whatever that means for your application - save a
cookie, submit data or (Ugh!) set a global - before you close the

Chris Babcock

[twitter-dev] Re: New behaviour for statuses/update API call for 141+ char sized messages and duplicates?

2009-10-26 Thread Kevin Menard

Thanks for the info, Dave.

Although, the fact that the current behavior does not match the API
docs does make it a bug.  Whether that bug is in the implementation or
the docs is really what's up for grabs.


On Oct 24, 6:39 am, Dave Sherohman  wrote:
> http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread...http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread...
> These are deliberate changes on Twitter's part, so they are not bugs.
> Whether they are features depends on who you ask...
> As it currently stands, you must either check the returnedstatusID to
> see if it's higher than previous IDs or compare the submittedstatusto
> the returnedstatus(ignoring URLs) to determine whether theupdatewas
> actually successful or if it was silently rejected by Twitter.
> Hopefully, in the (very near) future, Twitter will start providing some
> indication in the response that will make it simple and reliable to
> determine when anupdatehas been rejected without requiring app
> developers to try to figure that out on our own, but, so far as I am
> aware, Twitter has not yet made any statement regarding this.
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 08:53:16AM -0700, Kevin Menard wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm seeing the same thing that Ole is.  Twitter is not truncating the
> >status, but rather returning the last correctly updatedstatus.
> > --
> > Kevin
> > On Oct 16, 4:58 am, janole  wrote:
> > > According to my tests, messages will not be truncated anymore!
> > > Instead, you will get the most recentstatusupdateas a reply.
> > > Is this a bug or feature?
> > > Also, it seems as if the API now checks for duplicates in your
> > > "backlog" of statuses and not just you most recent tweet.
> > > Previously, only the last tweet was checked:
> > > - Last tweet "test"
> > > - Send new tweet with "status=test" will return the oldstatus(with
> > > the old status_id)
> > > but if you had something like this:
> > > Last tweet "Hello, world."
> > > Second last tweet "test"
> > > Then you were able to create a new tweet with "status=test"!
> > > This is not possible at the moment.
> > > Bug or feature?
> > > I'm getting a lot of complaints from my Twitter client users who
> > > apparently experience both of these new "behaviours" or "bugs" (long
> > > tweets fail, duplicates fail.)
> > > Ole @ mobileways.de
> > > On Twitter:http://twitter.com/janole
> > > On Oct 15, 8:26 pm, Josh Roesslein  wrote:
> > > > If you send a message longer than 140 twitter will truncate it and set
> > > > the truncate value on thestatusto True.
> > > > For duplicates it will just ignore thestatus.
> > > > Josh
> > > > On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 1:20 PM, janole  wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > I just figured out that when calling statuses/updatewith a text
> > > > > longer than 140 chars, the reply of that API call will be 200 OK with
> > > > > the laststatusof the user.
> > > > > Wouldn't it be better to return some sort of error message?
> > > > > The same seems to be happening when sending a duplicate tweet.
> > > > > Ole
> > > > > --
> > > > > Jan Ole Suhr
> > > > > s...@mobileways.de
> > > > > On Twitter:http://twitter.com/janole
> --
> Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: 52: Empty reply from server

2009-10-26 Thread shiplu
Any Idea on these issue from anyone?

A K M Mokaddim
Stop Top Posting !!
বাংলিশ লেখার চাইতে বাংলা লেখা অনেক ভাল
Sent from Dhaka, Bangladesh

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Lists: /user/list/members.xml returning only 20 at a time

2009-10-26 Thread Eric Woodward

Rich, I think you answered your own question there, the first one
anyway. I would not expect a real answer to the second one.


Eric Woodward
Email: e...@nambu.com

On Oct 26, 2:30 am, Rich  wrote:
> Seriously have we got a two tier dev system now, can we all have
> access to the API please?
> On Oct 24, 10:18 pm, Dave Briccetti  wrote:
> > How can I retrieve more than 20 at a time?
> > ?cursor=-1&count=200  has no effect

[twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API - follow method - Pipe drying out

2009-10-26 Thread John Kalucki

This shouldn't be happening. There's most likely a problem with your
client implementation, or you are connecting with the same account
twice. Email me with your account, details on how your client is
implemented, and the time in UTC that this has happened (use date -u),
and I'll see what I can tell from the logs.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Oct 26, 8:08 am, Narayan  wrote:
> Hi,
> We have encountered this issue often in the past - I wanted to see if
> you have a solution for this or are aware of this already.
> We use the follow, bird-dog method of the Streaming API and sometimes,
> the data just stops flowing. The pipe doesn't disconnect though - it
> just kind of hangs. I currently have some timeouts configured based on
> the incoming data speed to counter this. However, it means I have to
> restart the servers every time incoming data speed is zero for an
> extended period of time (around 5-10 minutes). And yes, I'm sure there
> is valid data available in that time period - it just doesn't come in
> the existing pipe we have.
> Are you aware of this issue? If so, is there anything we can do to
> avoid this from happening?
> Thanks,
> Lakshmi Naarayanan R

[twitter-dev] Streaming API - follow method - Pipe drying out

2009-10-26 Thread Narayan


We have encountered this issue often in the past - I wanted to see if
you have a solution for this or are aware of this already.

We use the follow, bird-dog method of the Streaming API and sometimes,
the data just stops flowing. The pipe doesn't disconnect though - it
just kind of hangs. I currently have some timeouts configured based on
the incoming data speed to counter this. However, it means I have to
restart the servers every time incoming data speed is zero for an
extended period of time (around 5-10 minutes). And yes, I'm sure there
is valid data available in that time period - it just doesn't come in
the existing pipe we have.

Are you aware of this issue? If so, is there anything we can do to
avoid this from happening?

Lakshmi Naarayanan R

[twitter-dev] Re: Can someone show me sample code on how to Post to Twitter with a User-Agent?

2009-10-26 Thread Rich

Do you mean 'from ' at the bottom of each status?

If so it's all here:

On Oct 26, 11:26 am, TrixJo  wrote:
> I have been googling for sample code and tutorials on how to post to
> twitter using CURL (PHP) and specifying a specific user agent.
> Say my user agent is "myapplication.com".
> How do I then post to twitter using this user agent?
> thank you

[twitter-dev] Re: Facebook checkbox

2009-10-26 Thread Rich

I don't understand why the Twitter API should support this, when you
can achieve it yourself through Facebook Connect.

On Oct 26, 1:37 pm, Nicole Simon  wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 5:31 PM, Mossy  wrote:
> > Underneath the message box, a checkbox labelled "Copy this tweet to my
> > facebook status."
> Not going to happen. ;)
> But you can use "selective twitter updates" as facebook app or
> use one of the desktop clients which can post to both on choice
> Nicole
> --
> My german twitter sitehttp://mit140zeichen.de-http://twitter.com/m140z
> Kontakt:http://twitter.com/NicoleSimonhttps://www.xing.com/profile/Nicole_Simon
> skype: nicole.simon / mailto:nicole.si...@mit140zeichen.de
> phone: +49 451 899 75 03 / mobile: +49 179 499 7076

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter is blocking requests.

2009-10-26 Thread Dossy Shiobara

I'm still waiting to hear a response from Twitter Support.  The irony
here is that in order to check help.twitter.com, it redirects through
twitter.com for zendesk_auth - yet, since HTTP requests to twitter.com
from my IPs are immediately TCP RST'ed, I can't auth. and see updates to
my help.twitter.com tickets.

On 10/26/09 8:05 AM, Mike O wrote:
> Twitter appears to be blocking requests from my IP Address. I have
> seen similar issues reported on twitter. Is anyone else experiencing
> this problem and have you been able to get support from Twitter.
> Thank You.

Dossy Shiobara  | do...@panoptic.com | http://dossy.org/
Panoptic Computer Network   | http://panoptic.com/
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

[twitter-dev] Re: Deprecation Notice: pagination on several methods is being replaced with cursoring on October 26, 2009

2009-10-26 Thread John Kalucki

Internal discussions indicate that removing the backing store that
supports this method remains a priority. The API will be disabled to
allow the backing store to be decommissioned.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Oct 26, 3:18 am, Tim Haines  wrote:
> I guess they haven't indicated otherwise, so you'd have to presume it's
> still going to go ahead?
> I half expect they'll delay it due to performance issues raised, but I
> wouldn't bank on it.
> Tim.
> On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 6:49 PM, DustyReagan  wrote:
> > Bump.
> > Anyone know if page deprecation still scheduled to happen on Oct.
> > 26th?
> > On Oct 22, 3:17 am, Rich  wrote:
> > > I hope not, Apple are being especially slow at approving my update at
> > > the moment that includes the cursor changes!
> > > On Oct 22, 3:20 am, DustyReagan  wrote:
> > > > Is page deprecation still scheduled to happen on Oct. 26th?
> > > > Is this deprecation happening on all methods that have the cursor
> > > > parameter enabled?
> > > > -Dusty
> > > > On Oct 8, 5:26 am, Kyle Mulka  wrote:
> > > > > Will thepageparameter on /statuses/user_timeline (or on any of the
> > > > > other timeline methods) be deprecated as well?
> >https://twitterapi.pbworks.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-statuses-us...
> > > > > I've noticed a lot of failures on /statuses/user_timeline recently.
> > > > > Instead of thepageparameter, is it better to use max_id?
> > > > > --
> > > > > Kyle Mulkahttp://twilk.com-putyourfriends faces on your Twitter
> > background
> > > > > On Sep 24, 8:47 pm, Alex Payne  wrote:
> > > > > > Hi,
> > > > > > Recently, we documented a new pagination mechanism for our "social
> > > > > > graph" methods, /friends/ids and /followers/ids. Traditional
> > > > > >page-based pagination doesn't dovetail with our recent backend
> > > > > > changes, and we've now exposed acursor-based pagination mechanism
> > > > > > that's far more reliable.
> > > > > > Today, we've documented that this new pagination mechanism is also
> > > > > > available for the /statuses/friends and /statuses/followers
> > methods.
> > > > > > With that change, we're setting a hard deprecation date for
> > > > > > traditional pagination on these four methods: October 26th, 2009.
> > > > > > That's over a month from now.
> > > > > > Once deprecated, we'll simply ignore the "page" parameter if it's
> > sent
> > > > > > by a client, and you'll get the default number of items for the
> > method
> > > > > > you're calling.
> > > > > > For more information, seehttp://
> > apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation. Thanks.
> > > > > > --
> > > > > > Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

[twitter-dev] Re: Using Stream API to track $

2009-10-26 Thread John Kalucki

Yeah, that's a tough one. The track functionality is pretty limited.
While we have all sorts of features and improvements planned for
track, providing what amounts to single character search or regular
expression search isn't really possible at the current product of tps
and client cardinality. If this $ thing really takes off, we might be
able to make some special case for it, but such a feature isn't likely
in the near future.

Describe your application, how data is consumed and displayed to
a...@twitter.com, and perhaps we can grant elevated access to 10,000
items. I'd guess 10k should cover most of the non-OTC US equity
markets or the vast majority of global equity by market cap. 26^4 is
only a half million.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Oct 26, 6:39 am, MrGoogleAlerts  wrote:
> I am working on a Twitter app that consumes tweets related to stocks.
> My code can use the streaming API to track individual stock names,
> such as $aapl, with no problem. I'd like to gather all references to
> stocks, so I'm trying to use the $ character as the filter string. I
> would then parse out only the tweets that have a valid $[stockname]
> included. When I create a statuses/filter connection with the
> predicate of just $, I get tweets with the $ followed by a space or a
> number, but never followed by an alpha character. Is this a bug, or as
> designed? Is it possible to have the API return tweets with $ followed
> by any characters?
> The only other alternative I can see is setting up a filter connection
> with all stock names preceded by $, but that will require more track
> keywords than allowed in the default rate.

[twitter-dev] Using Stream API to track $

2009-10-26 Thread MrGoogleAlerts

I am working on a Twitter app that consumes tweets related to stocks.
My code can use the streaming API to track individual stock names,
such as $aapl, with no problem. I'd like to gather all references to
stocks, so I'm trying to use the $ character as the filter string. I
would then parse out only the tweets that have a valid $[stockname]
included. When I create a statuses/filter connection with the
predicate of just $, I get tweets with the $ followed by a space or a
number, but never followed by an alpha character. Is this a bug, or as
designed? Is it possible to have the API return tweets with $ followed
by any characters?

The only other alternative I can see is setting up a filter connection
with all stock names preceded by $, but that will require more track
keywords than allowed in the default rate.

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Data Dumps?

2009-10-26 Thread John Kalucki

We have some feature plans for geotagging in the streaming api but
they probably won't apply to the sampled streams. Just take the
streams and filter on your end. We don't mind.

Note that the geotagging feature is not yet enabled, but it will be
soon. For now, I think the only information you have is in the user's

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter.com

On Oct 25, 7:15 pm, futureboy  wrote:
> Is there a way to filter based on some criteria? In particular, I want
> the service to only return tweets that are geo-enabled, i.e. geo is
> not null.
> Right now I'm opening a connection 
> tohttp://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/sample.json
> and it works fine, but I was hoping I could have some additional query
> string likehttp://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/sample.json?filter=geo.
> Obviously, I can filter this out after I've received any tweet, but I
> would imagine I'd get much more results if I asked the service to only
> serve up geo-enabled tweets.
> Thanks,
> futureboy
> On Oct 25, 5:43 pm, futureboy  wrote:
> > Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback, I'm receiving tons of data from
> > the streaming API, very exciting!
> > On Oct 21, 10:26 pm, futureboy  wrote:
> > > Hi folks, I'm interested in doing some of my own twitterdatamining
> > > and I was curious if Twitter posts anydatasets covering 24 hour
> > > periods, or perhaps even longer intervals. For instance I'd love to
> > > have a full dump of all tweets over the month when Michael Jackson
> > > died, but even 24 hourdumpswould be great. The format seems super
> > > simple, just a timestamp, a username, and the message. Multiply that
> > > by a few million records/day or whatever Twitter now experiences.
> > > Obviously this would be a decent amount ofdataalthough compression
> > > should certainly help. Does Twitter provide suchdatasets anywhere?
> > > If so, where and how can I access them?

[twitter-dev] Re: cursor based paging

2009-10-26 Thread John Kalucki

Also fixed.

On Oct 26, 2:07 am, Pradeep  wrote:
> John,
> Thank you for your quick response.
> I think the same mistake is there in the case of statuses/friends 
> too.http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-statuses%C2%A0f...
> Thanks,
> Pradeep.
> On Oct 23, 6:09 pm, John Kalucki  wrote:
> > Fixed.
> > On Oct 23, 1:02 am, Pradeep  wrote:
> > > John,
> > > Please not that the API documentation on this 
> > > linkhttp://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-statuses%C2%A0f...
> > > tells the users to use negated values on each subsequent requests.
> > > Please take immediate steps to correct this in the documentation.
> > > Regards,
> > > Pradeep
> > > On Oct 16, 10:57 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> > > > You are negating the values on subsequent requests. Start with -1
> > > > (negative 1). Then, just use thecursorvalue exactly as returned.
> > > > Everywhichway, it works just fine.
> > > > -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> > > > Services, Twitter Inc.
> > > > On Oct 15, 2:11 pm, dozykraut  wrote:
> > > > > http:// twitter.com/statuses/followers/username.xml?cursor=-1 gives me
> > > > > page 1 of my followers list,. When I then request http:// twitter.com/
> > > > > statuses/followers/username.xml?cursor=-new_cursor_value I get page 1
> > > > > again.
> > > > > The same happens when I 
> > > > > requesthttp://twitter.com/statuses/followers.xml?screen_name=username&cursor...
> > > > > So everywhichway - it don't work

[twitter-dev] Re: Facebook checkbox

2009-10-26 Thread Nicole Simon
On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 5:31 PM, Mossy  wrote:

> Underneath the message box, a checkbox labelled "Copy this tweet to my
> facebook status."

Not going to happen. ;)
But you can use "selective twitter updates" as facebook app or
use one of the desktop clients which can post to both on choice

My german twitter site
http://mit140zeichen.de - http://twitter.com/m140z


skype: nicole.simon / mailto:nicole.si...@mit140zeichen.de
phone: +49 451 899 75 03 / mobile: +49 179 499 7076

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Search Issues for Japanese

2009-10-26 Thread John Kalucki

I've forwarded your message to the Japan product manager and to the
engineer who first brought Japanese tokenizing to Search.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter.com

On Oct 26, 2:27 am, Aki  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm developing desktop Twitter application for Mac, targeting Japanese
> Twitterers.
> I've recently implemented a feature to interface the official Twitter
> Search API.
> It came to my attention that there are several severe issues with the
> current implementation of Twitter Search.
> Firstly, many tweets posted by Japanese Twitterers are not being
> indexed at all.
> Yes, I have read the notice regarding missing tweets from the search
> results. (http://help.twitter.com/forums/10713/entries/42646)
> From looking at several people I follow, about 50% of people are not
> being indexed at all.
> Actually, tweets were never indexed at all. Many of the other Japanese
> developers have also noticed these issues.
> I have tried using the "locale" option for the search API, but it
> didn't help much.
> Secondly, the operator to execute an exact phrase search (documented
> athttp://search.twitter.com/operators) does not work for Japanese
> query.
> I'm not sure if it's supposed to work with the API though.
> This issue is annoying, because search results returned from a query
> containing Japanese characters seems to return very fuzzy results.
> I get very irrelevant results, and even find it difficult to figure
> out why it even matched at all.
> I consider Twitter Search to be the major feature of Twitter, and I
> think correcting these issues will make Twitter much better web
> service for Japanese people.
> Thank you.
> -- Aki

[twitter-dev] Re: lang parameter in the search api

2009-10-26 Thread Nicole Simon
The language selection is useless, even with a limitation to English.
The problem is probably that normal methods of attributing language
are more or less based on longer text - and not text stripped down
to 140 chars or less.

If you want to make detection f.e. in search, rather get all
results and apply common sense methods, like grep
special words which most likely are only used in your
language of choice.

For real 'select your choice here' it is not going to work.

At the current rate, this is rather hurting than helping.
I instruct users in my book to rather use search which
will limit itself, i.e. use German words if possible in search.



My german twitter site
http://mit140zeichen.de - http://twitter.com/m140z


skype: nicole.simon / mailto:nicole.si...@mit140zeichen.de
phone: +49 451 899 75 03 / mobile: +49 179 499 7076

[twitter-dev] Twitter is blocking requests.

2009-10-26 Thread Mike O

Twitter appears to be blocking requests from my IP Address. I have
seen similar issues reported on twitter. Is anyone else experiencing
this problem and have you been able to get support from Twitter.

Thank You.

[twitter-dev] Twitter Search Issues for Japanese

2009-10-26 Thread Aki


I'm developing desktop Twitter application for Mac, targeting Japanese
I've recently implemented a feature to interface the official Twitter
Search API.
It came to my attention that there are several severe issues with the
current implementation of Twitter Search.

Firstly, many tweets posted by Japanese Twitterers are not being
indexed at all.
Yes, I have read the notice regarding missing tweets from the search
results. (http://help.twitter.com/forums/10713/entries/42646)
>From looking at several people I follow, about 50% of people are not
being indexed at all.
Actually, tweets were never indexed at all. Many of the other Japanese
developers have also noticed these issues.
I have tried using the "locale" option for the search API, but it
didn't help much.

Secondly, the operator to execute an exact phrase search (documented
at http://search.twitter.com/operators) does not work for Japanese
I'm not sure if it's supposed to work with the API though.
This issue is annoying, because search results returned from a query
containing Japanese characters seems to return very fuzzy results.
I get very irrelevant results, and even find it difficult to figure
out why it even matched at all.

I consider Twitter Search to be the major feature of Twitter, and I
think correcting these issues will make Twitter much better web
service for Japanese people.

Thank you.

-- Aki

[twitter-dev] Re: cursor based paging

2009-10-26 Thread Pradeep


Thank you for your quick response.

I think the same mistake is there in the case of statuses/friends too.


On Oct 23, 6:09 pm, John Kalucki  wrote:
> Fixed.
> On Oct 23, 1:02 am, Pradeep  wrote:
> > John,
> > Please not that the API documentation on this 
> > linkhttp://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-statuses%C2%A0f...
> > tells the users to use negated values on each subsequent requests.
> > Please take immediate steps to correct this in the documentation.
> > Regards,
> > Pradeep
> > On Oct 16, 10:57 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> > > You are negating the values on subsequent requests. Start with -1
> > > (negative 1). Then, just use thecursorvalue exactly as returned.
> > > Everywhichway, it works just fine.
> > > -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> > > Services, Twitter Inc.
> > > On Oct 15, 2:11 pm, dozykraut  wrote:
> > > > http:// twitter.com/statuses/followers/username.xml?cursor=-1 gives me
> > > > page 1 of my followers list,. When I then request http:// twitter.com/
> > > > statuses/followers/username.xml?cursor=-new_cursor_value I get page 1
> > > > again.
> > > > The same happens when I 
> > > > requesthttp://twitter.com/statuses/followers.xml?screen_name=username&cursor...
> > > > So everywhichway - it don't work

[twitter-dev] J2ME twitter client?

2009-10-26 Thread aztroboy

Hello! I would like to know if there's some simple method to receive
updates only with J2ME.

I've looked for solutions, but since J2ME lacks of lots of libraries,
there's always a problem regarding some library that isn't included,
thus making it impossible to compile... For instance, LoliTwitter is
an open source J2ME app, but as soon as I get the .java files and
import them directly to, say, my Netbeans project, it would prompt
compiling errors.

I guess there should be an easy solution based on the HTML/XML basics.

I would really appreciate any help, any guidance

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Data Dumps?

2009-10-26 Thread futureboy

Is there a way to filter based on some criteria? In particular, I want
the service to only return tweets that are geo-enabled, i.e. geo is
not null.

Right now I'm opening a connection to 
and it works fine, but I was hoping I could have some additional query
string like http://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/sample.json?filter=geo.
Obviously, I can filter this out after I've received any tweet, but I
would imagine I'd get much more results if I asked the service to only
serve up geo-enabled tweets.


On Oct 25, 5:43 pm, futureboy  wrote:
> Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback, I'm receiving tons of data from
> the streaming API, very exciting!
> On Oct 21, 10:26 pm, futureboy  wrote:
> > Hi folks, I'm interested in doing some of my own twitterdatamining
> > and I was curious if Twitter posts anydatasets covering 24 hour
> > periods, or perhaps even longer intervals. For instance I'd love to
> > have a full dump of all tweets over the month when Michael Jackson
> > died, but even 24 hourdumpswould be great. The format seems super
> > simple, just a timestamp, a username, and the message. Multiply that
> > by a few million records/day or whatever Twitter now experiences.
> > Obviously this would be a decent amount ofdataalthough compression
> > should certainly help. Does Twitter provide suchdatasets anywhere?
> > If so, where and how can I access them?

[twitter-dev] Re: Register an Application fails

2009-10-26 Thread tribalvibes

I ran into this problem... does your app name have spaces?  Try an app
name with no spaces. That seemed to solve it.

On Oct 23, 5:44 am, moksahero  wrote:
> I'm having trouble withhttp://twitter.com/oauth_clients/new
> I always get "Unable to find that client application"
> even when I use correct Callback URL that exists and visible from the
> Internet.
> Is the URL specified in Callback URL needs to produce something?
> I wonder this is a bug on twitter's side or not.
> Thanks,
> Takeshi Amano

[twitter-dev] Re: Register an Application fails

2009-10-26 Thread tribalvibes

Did you get a resolution to this? I'm seeing the same result.

On Oct 23, 5:44 am, moksahero  wrote:
> I'm having trouble withhttp://twitter.com/oauth_clients/new
> I always get "Unabletofindthatclientapplication"
> even when I use correct Callback URL that exists and visible from the
> Internet.
> Is the URL specified in Callback URL needs to produce something?
> I wonder this is a bug on twitter's side or not.
> Thanks,
> Takeshi Amano

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Data Dumps?

2009-10-26 Thread futureboy

One more question folks. I wrote my little PHP script to collect
tweets (super simple!) but I was curious if I could put in a server-
side filter; in particular, I would like to get ONLY tweets that have
geospatial metadata (i.e. "geo" element's value is non-null). I can
obviously do this as a client side filter but I would imagine a server-
side filter would be more efficient as post-filtering will
significantly reduce the number of results I get per minute.

Right now I'm basically curling out to this URL:
http://<>@stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/sample.json and I
would ideally like to add a query parameter like filter=geo or
something, but I cannot find that in the documentation.


On Oct 25, 5:43 pm, futureboy  wrote:
> Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback, I'm receiving tons of data from
> the streaming API, very exciting!
> On Oct 21, 10:26 pm, futureboy  wrote:
> > Hi folks, I'm interested in doing some of my own twitterdatamining
> > and I was curious if Twitter posts anydatasets covering 24 hour
> > periods, or perhaps even longer intervals. For instance I'd love to
> > have a full dump of all tweets over the month when Michael Jackson
> > died, but even 24 hourdumpswould be great. The format seems super
> > simple, just a timestamp, a username, and the message. Multiply that
> > by a few million records/day or whatever Twitter now experiences.
> > Obviously this would be a decent amount ofdataalthough compression
> > should certainly help. Does Twitter provide suchdatasets anywhere?
> > If so, where and how can I access them?

[twitter-dev] Re: Delay on tweets from the API

2009-10-26 Thread Arnaldo de Moraes Pereira

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 4:48 AM, Karthik  wrote:

> Which API method do you use?

Arnaldo M Pereira

[twitter-dev] Can someone show me sample code on how to Post to Twitter with a User-Agent?

2009-10-26 Thread TrixJo

I have been googling for sample code and tutorials on how to post to
twitter using CURL (PHP) and specifying a specific user agent.

Say my user agent is "myapplication.com".

How do I then post to twitter using this user agent?

thank you

[twitter-dev] Re: Deprecation Notice: pagination on several methods is being replaced with cursoring on October 26, 2009

2009-10-26 Thread Tim Haines
I guess they haven't indicated otherwise, so you'd have to presume it's
still going to go ahead?

I half expect they'll delay it due to performance issues raised, but I
wouldn't bank on it.


On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 6:49 PM, DustyReagan  wrote:

> Bump.
> Anyone know if page deprecation still scheduled to happen on Oct.
> 26th?
> On Oct 22, 3:17 am, Rich  wrote:
> > I hope not, Apple are being especially slow at approving my update at
> > the moment that includes the cursor changes!
> >
> > On Oct 22, 3:20 am, DustyReagan  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Is page deprecation still scheduled to happen on Oct. 26th?
> >
> > > Is this deprecation happening on all methods that have the cursor
> > > parameter enabled?
> >
> > > -Dusty
> >
> > > On Oct 8, 5:26 am, Kyle Mulka  wrote:
> >
> > > > Will thepageparameter on /statuses/user_timeline (or on any of the
> > > > other timeline methods) be deprecated as well?
> https://twitterapi.pbworks.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-statuses-us...
> >
> > > > I've noticed a lot of failures on /statuses/user_timeline recently.
> > > > Instead of thepageparameter, is it better to use max_id?
> >
> > > > --
> > > > Kyle Mulkahttp://twilk.com-putyour friends faces on your Twitter
> background
> >
> > > > On Sep 24, 8:47 pm, Alex Payne  wrote:
> >
> > > > > Hi,
> >
> > > > > Recently, we documented a new pagination mechanism for our "social
> > > > > graph" methods, /friends/ids and /followers/ids. Traditional
> > > > >page-based pagination doesn't dovetail with our recent backend
> > > > > changes, and we've now exposed acursor-based pagination mechanism
> > > > > that's far more reliable.
> >
> > > > > Today, we've documented that this new pagination mechanism is also
> > > > > available for the /statuses/friends and /statuses/followers
> methods.
> > > > > With that change, we're setting a hard deprecation date for
> > > > > traditional pagination on these four methods: October 26th, 2009.
> > > > > That's over a month from now.
> >
> > > > > Once deprecated, we'll simply ignore the "page" parameter if it's
> sent
> > > > > by a client, and you'll get the default number of items for the
> method
> > > > > you're calling.
> >
> > > > > For more information, seehttp://
> apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation. Thanks.
> >
> > > > > --
> > > > > Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Lists Issues

2009-10-26 Thread Tim Haines
Hi Paul,

I asked similar questions to these in the IRC channel when Marcel (@noradio)
was in there answering questions.  The answers I got: If someone has added
you to a list, and you want off, you need to block the list owner.  If you
then unblock the list owner, you remain off the list until/unless they add
you again.  If you block them before they add you, they can't add you.

There's no other way - api or otherwise - that you can remove yourself.
 This discussion took place a few days ago.  It wouldn't surprise me if
Twitter does add a friendlier way to remove yourself from lists in the



On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Paul Kinlan  wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> This isn't technically an API issue but a usage issue of the new to arrive
> Lists API.
> Retweets (outside of the API) have had an issue where by it is pretty easy
> to fake a users tweet, for instance someone could easily produce a tweet as
> a RT that I have never ever said:
> RT @PaulKinlan OMG Guess who is standing for parliament
>> http://somelinkto-a-rickroll.com
> Myself and a colleague have been talking about forgery/defamation through
> Twitter lists, for instance, if someone didn't like me they could create a
> new user (or use their user), create a list of "Racists" and add me to that
> list, or something similar that would cause me to be associated with.  This
> list is listed in my profile when someone looks at me in the "Lists
> Following me"
> For example: http://twitter.com/PaulKinlan/example-list-of-bad-peeps (I
> will delete this soon), this will also be in @ev's profile
> http://twitter.com/ev/lists/memberships
> So just some quick questions:
> If I block a person, will they be able to add me to a list?
> If I block a person will I be removed from their lists they have generated?
> Without blocking a person, will I be able to remove myself from a list?
> Through the API we be able to remove ourselves from a lists?
> Cheers,
> Paul

[twitter-dev] Twitter Lists Issues

2009-10-26 Thread Paul Kinlan
Hi Guys,

This isn't technically an API issue but a usage issue of the new to arrive
Lists API.

Retweets (outside of the API) have had an issue where by it is pretty easy
to fake a users tweet, for instance someone could easily produce a tweet as
a RT that I have never ever said:

RT @PaulKinlan OMG Guess who is standing for parliament
> http://somelinkto-a-rickroll.com

Myself and a colleague have been talking about forgery/defamation through
Twitter lists, for instance, if someone didn't like me they could create a
new user (or use their user), create a list of "Racists" and add me to that
list, or something similar that would cause me to be associated with.  This
list is listed in my profile when someone looks at me in the "Lists
Following me"

For example: http://twitter.com/PaulKinlan/example-list-of-bad-peeps (I will
delete this soon), this will also be in @ev's profile

So just some quick questions:

If I block a person, will they be able to add me to a list?
If I block a person will I be removed from their lists they have generated?
Without blocking a person, will I be able to remove myself from a list?
Through the API we be able to remove ourselves from a lists?


[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Lists: /user/list/members.xml returning only 20 at a time

2009-10-26 Thread Rich

Seriously have we got a two tier dev system now, can we all have
access to the API please?

On Oct 24, 10:18 pm, Dave Briccetti  wrote:
> How can I retrieve more than 20 at a time?
> ?cursor=-1&count=200  has no effect

[twitter-dev] Re: Check when a friendship was created

2009-10-26 Thread Gaurav Shaha
Hey can you provide me the code for getting the list of "Following" of
specific twitter user.

Thank you in advance.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 4:43 AM, TylerC  wrote:

> I am seeking the need to know when a friendship or when I have
> followed a given user. Basically, I want to scan my account for people
> I have been following, enter a given number of days, and unfollow them
> if they have not followed me back in that timespan. I have it all
> worked out expect for checking when I followed a given person.
> Is there no way to do this via the API, from the looks of it I would
> have to do this artificially with a database or something right?
> Thanks!

Warm Regards,
Gaurav Shaha

"All Persons have weakness..
But each will have one particular Strength..
That will overwrite all weakness,
if u believe in URSELF"