Re: Updating a Dynamic Image with AJAX (and JFreeChart)

2009-11-14 Thread Wojtek

Hi there,
is JFreeChart your only possible approach? Check out flot integration 
from wicketstuff-core.
It draws nicer charts and you can update datasets sending json object 
and redraw it by js.


Swarnim Ranjitkar pisze:

I couldn't override getResourceState of DynamicImageResource as it new Resource 
state uses variable from DynamicImageResource eg format. Instead i copied 
DynamicImageResource class and made my own version of it and modified the 
getResourceState() get method. When I changed the drop down I was expecting it 
to call the geImageData but it wasn't calling it. Could you please advice.
Here is the modified method.
protected synchronized ResourceState getResourceState()
return new ResourceState()
private byte[] imageData;
private final String contentType = "image/" + format;

public Time lastModifiedTime()
if (lastModifiedTime == null)
lastModifiedTime = 
if (lastModifiedTime == null)
lastModifiedTime =;
return lastModifiedTime;

public byte[] getData()
// here is what I made the change.
imageData = getImageData();
return imageData;

public String getContentType()
return contentType;

From my  Image Class I called the copied version of   in getImageResource() {

return new DynamicImageResource(){

public class TugboatChartImage extends NonCachingImage  {

private int width;
private int height;

public TugboatChartImage(String id, JFreeChart chart, int width, int 
super(id, new Model(chart));
this.width = width;
this.height = height;

protected Resource getImageResource() {
return new DynamicImageResource(){//my copied version of DynamicResouce
protected byte[] getImageData() {
JFreeChart chart = (JFreeChart)getDefaultModelObject();
return toImageData(chart.createBufferedImage(width, height));




Subject: Re: Updating a Dynamic Image with AJAX (and JFreeChart)
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 23:31:39 -0500

Look at the source of the DynamicImageResource class.  The getResourceState 
method does something like (sorry for the lame pseudocode) 'if image data is 
null then save and return value of getImageData else return the previous image 
data'.  So its gonna call your getImageData() method once and save the value.  
This falls in line with the super class's (DynamicWebResource) javadoc that 

very useful for things you   generate dynamically, but reuse for a while after 
that. If you need resources that stream   directly and are not cached, extend 
WebResource directly and implement Resouce.getResourceStream() yourself.

It has nothing to do with HTTP caching, which it looks like you're trying to 
solve with your headers, but server-side caching.  Anyways... in this case, 
getResourceStream of WebResource ends up calling getResourceState of 
DynamicImageResource.  All you need to do is is override getResourceState (and 
therefore kind of overrides the behavior of getResourceStream) of your 
DynamicImageResource and ensure that it doesn't cache the result of 
getImageData() and you should be set.


From: wicketnewuser []
Sent: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 20:32:05 -0500
Subject: Re: Updating a Dynamic Image with AJAX (and JFreeChart)

  I have same situation. I'm not able to refresh my image. But if i view the
  image i do get refreshed image
  Here is my code. Based on my dropdownchoice it should make new Jfreechart
  and the image should refresh. I couldn't get it working so i wrapped the
  image with in a span but it still doesn't work. TugboatChartImage extends
  NonCachingImage . Can any one point out what I'm doing wrong
  Chart chart1 = new Chart(this.getString(column1.toString()), "Date",
final String yAxisType = "linear";
final int smallChartWidth=400;
final int smallChartHeight=200;
JFreeChart jfChartOne = chart1.render(chartOneCollection, null, yAxisType,
  smallChartWidth, smallChartHeight);

// make an image

final TugboatChartImage imageOne = new TugboatChartImage("chart1image",
  jfChartOne, smallChartWidth, smallChartHeight);
final WebMarkupContainer chart1Span = new

Re: When NOT to use models ?

2009-11-14 Thread Martin Makundi
> it's more like an model graph.. so you say
> IModel> dataFromDB=new LoadableDetachedModel() ...
> IModel countModel=new
> CascadingLoad..Model>(dataFromDB);
> add(new Label("counter",countModel));
> countModel.detach() is called from Label, and dataFromDB.detach() is
> called fram countModel.
> Because it's generic you can use it everywhere..

Ok. I came up with something similar based on the assumption: models
do not change during render.

I made a ModelLatch that caches the model value after onBeforeRender
and frees the latch at onDetach.

The problem is that there is no "onBeforeRender" event and one must
implement it for each container at least and for components that need
it and are ajax updated without their parent container:

public class ModelLatch implements IDetachable {
  private boolean latched;
  private boolean strict = true;

  public void onBeforeRender() {

   * @see org.apache.wicket.model.IDetachable#detach()
  public void detach() {

   * @param 
   * @param 
   * @param dataTypeModel
   * @return IModel
  public >
IModel getInstance(
  DataTypeModel dataTypeModel) {
return new LatchModel(dataTypeModel);

   * @param latched the latched to set
  public void setLatched(boolean latched) {
this.latched = latched;

   * @return the latched
  public boolean isLatched() {
return latched;

   * @author Martin
   * @param 
  private class LatchModel implements IModel {
private IModel rootModel;
private boolean cached;
private T cache;

 * @param rootModel
public LatchModel(IModel rootModel) {
  this.rootModel = rootModel;

 * @see org.apache.wicket.model.IModel#getObject()
public T getObject() {
  if (isLatched()) {
return getCachedValue();

  return rootModel.getObject();

 * @return T
private T getCachedValue() {
  if (cached) {
return cache;

  try {
return cache = rootModel.getObject();
  } finally {
cached = true;

 * @see org.apache.wicket.model.IModel#setObject(java.lang.Object)
public void setObject(T object) {
  if (isLatched() && isStrict()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Strict latch does not allow
modifying values in latched state.");

 * @see org.apache.wicket.model.IDetachable#detach()
public void detach() {
  cached = false;

   * @return the strict
  public boolean isStrict() {
return strict;

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2009-11-14 Thread Николай Кучумов
I have a "Person" class, describing a person, which has a member
"credentials" of type "Credentials" (username/password).
I tried to make a registration page in this way:


Person person = [create a person with empty credentials];

Form form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(person));


form.add(new TextField("familyName"));
form.add(new TextField("givenName"));

form.add(new TextField("credentials.userName"));
form.add(new TextField("credentials.passWord"));

// also add a submit button

And now when I push the "Submit" button, it outputs this error:

org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.PageExpiredException: Cannot find the
rendered page in session [pagemap=null,componentPath=0,versionNumber=0]

I like the idea of compound object model, and I wouldn't like to deprive
myself from using it just because of this strange error...
Can you give me a hint on what have I done wrong in the code above?

Re: CompoundPropertyModel

2009-11-14 Thread Jeremy Thomerson
Do both Person and Credentials (and everything else Person holds on to)
implement Serializable?

Watch the logs to see if there are serialization errors.  It's a problem of
the page not being in the session - which means it either didn't make it
there or the session is somehow gone.

Jeremy Thomerson

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 7:26 AM, Николай Кучумов wrote:

> Hello.
> I have a "Person" class, describing a person, which has a member
> "credentials" of type "Credentials" (username/password).
> I tried to make a registration page in this way:
> Page
> {
>Person person = [create a person with empty credentials];
>Form form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(person));
>form.add(new TextField("familyName"));
>form.add(new TextField("givenName"));
>form.add(new TextField("credentials.userName"));
>form.add(new TextField("credentials.passWord"));
>// also add a submit button
> }
> And now when I push the "Submit" button, it outputs this error:
> org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.PageExpiredException: Cannot find the
> rendered page in session [pagemap=null,componentPath=0,versionNumber=0]
> I like the idea of compound object model, and I wouldn't like to deprive
> myself from using it just because of this strange error...
> Can you give me a hint on what have I done wrong in the code above?

Re: CompoundPropertyModel

2009-11-14 Thread Николай Кучумов
Hi, Jeremy.
No, the log contained only this error...
But to be honest, although it didn't fix the error, your advice is still
valuable, because not all of the classes were Serializable.
And you know what?
I think I'll reinstall my application server.
I used Glassfish 2 before, and this time I tried Glassfish 3, but it
appeared to be a bitch...
It hangs oftenly and operates strangely...
So maybe it somehow messes with the sessions...
I'll install Glassfish 2 back then, when I have more time for this (maybe
tomorrow), and then I'll post the results here.
Thanks for your reply.

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Jeremy Thomerson  wrote:

> Do both Person and Credentials (and everything else Person holds on to)
> implement Serializable?
> Watch the logs to see if there are serialization errors.  It's a problem of
> the page not being in the session - which means it either didn't make it
> there or the session is somehow gone.
> --
> Jeremy Thomerson
> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 7:26 AM, Николай Кучумов  >wrote:
> > Hello.
> > I have a "Person" class, describing a person, which has a member
> > "credentials" of type "Credentials" (username/password).
> > I tried to make a registration page in this way:
> >
> > Page
> > {
> >super();
> >
> >Person person = [create a person with empty credentials];
> >
> >Form form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(person));
> >
> >add(form);
> >
> >form.add(new TextField("familyName"));
> >form.add(new TextField("givenName"));
> >
> >form.add(new TextField("credentials.userName"));
> >form.add(new TextField("credentials.passWord"));
> >
> >// also add a submit button
> > }
> >
> > And now when I push the "Submit" button, it outputs this error:
> >
> > org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.PageExpiredException: Cannot find the
> > rendered page in session [pagemap=null,componentPath=0,versionNumber=0]
> >
> > I like the idea of compound object model, and I wouldn't like to deprive
> > myself from using it just because of this strange error...
> > Can you give me a hint on what have I done wrong in the code above?
> >

Re: CompoundPropertyModel

2009-11-14 Thread Jeremy Thomerson
Try running your project in Jetty for development (you can use the Maven
quickstart to help you get started).  It's usually much easier to get
running and see what's going on.  It also allows for very easy on-the-fly
changes and reloading.

Jeremy Thomerson

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Николай Кучумов wrote:

> Hi, Jeremy.
> No, the log contained only this error...
> But to be honest, although it didn't fix the error, your advice is still
> valuable, because not all of the classes were Serializable.
> And you know what?
> I think I'll reinstall my application server.
> I used Glassfish 2 before, and this time I tried Glassfish 3, but it
> appeared to be a bitch...
> It hangs oftenly and operates strangely...
> So maybe it somehow messes with the sessions...
> I'll install Glassfish 2 back then, when I have more time for this (maybe
> tomorrow), and then I'll post the results here.
> Thanks for your reply.
> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Jeremy Thomerson <
> > wrote:
> > Do both Person and Credentials (and everything else Person holds on to)
> > implement Serializable?
> >
> > Watch the logs to see if there are serialization errors.  It's a problem
> of
> > the page not being in the session - which means it either didn't make it
> > there or the session is somehow gone.
> >
> > --
> > Jeremy Thomerson
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 7:26 AM, Николай Кучумов  > >wrote:
> >
> > > Hello.
> > > I have a "Person" class, describing a person, which has a member
> > > "credentials" of type "Credentials" (username/password).
> > > I tried to make a registration page in this way:
> > >
> > > Page
> > > {
> > >super();
> > >
> > >Person person = [create a person with empty credentials];
> > >
> > >Form form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(person));
> > >
> > >add(form);
> > >
> > >form.add(new TextField("familyName"));
> > >form.add(new TextField("givenName"));
> > >
> > >form.add(new TextField("credentials.userName"));
> > >form.add(new TextField("credentials.passWord"));
> > >
> > >// also add a submit button
> > > }
> > >
> > > And now when I push the "Submit" button, it outputs this error:
> > >
> > > org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.PageExpiredException: Cannot find the
> > > rendered page in session [pagemap=null,componentPath=0,versionNumber=0]
> > >
> > > I like the idea of compound object model, and I wouldn't like to
> deprive
> > > myself from using it just because of this strange error...
> > > Can you give me a hint on what have I done wrong in the code above?
> > >
> >

RE: Updating a Dynamic Image with AJAX (and JFreeChart)

2009-11-14 Thread Swarnim Ranjitkar

I would be nice for this work as we have a JFreeChart written which is called 
by other apps too.

> Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 10:23:38 +0100
> From:
> To: user
> Subject: Re: Updating a Dynamic Image with AJAX (and JFreeChart)
> Hi there,
> is JFreeChart your only possible approach? Check out flot integration 
> from wicketstuff-core.
> It draws nicer charts and you can update datasets sending json object 
> and redraw it by js.
> Regards,
> Wojtek
> Swarnim Ranjitkar pisze:
> > I couldn't override getResourceState of DynamicImageResource as it new 
> > Resource state uses variable from DynamicImageResource eg format. Instead i 
> > copied DynamicImageResource class and made my own version of it and 
> > modified the getResourceState() get method. When I changed the drop down I 
> > was expecting it to call the geImageData but it wasn't calling it. Could 
> > you please advice.
> > Here is the modified method.
> > protected synchronized ResourceState getResourceState()
> > {
> > return new ResourceState()
> > {
> > private byte[] imageData;
> > private final String contentType = "image/" + format;
> >
> > @Override
> > public Time lastModifiedTime()
> > {
> > if (lastModifiedTime == null)
> > {
> > lastModifiedTime = 
> > DynamicImageResource.this.lastModifiedTime;
> > if (lastModifiedTime == null)
> > {
> > lastModifiedTime =;
> > }
> > }
> > return lastModifiedTime;
> > }
> >
> > @Override
> > public byte[] getData()
> > {
> > // here is what I made the change.
> > imageData = getImageData();
> > return imageData;
> > }
> >
> > @Override
> > public String getContentType()
> > {
> > return contentType;
> > }
> > };
> > }
> >
> > From my  Image Class I called the copied version of   in getImageResource() 
> > {
> >
> > return new DynamicImageResource(){
> >
> >
> > public class TugboatChartImage extends NonCachingImage  {
> >
> > private int width;
> > private int height;
> >
> > public TugboatChartImage(String id, JFreeChart chart, int width, int 
> > height){
> > super(id, new Model(chart));
> > this.width = width;
> > this.height = height;
> > }
> >
> > @Override
> > protected Resource getImageResource() {
> > return new DynamicImageResource(){//my copied version of 
> > DynamicResouce
> > @Override
> > protected byte[] getImageData() {
> > JFreeChart chart = (JFreeChart)getDefaultModelObject();
> > return toImageData(chart.createBufferedImage(width, 
> > height));
> > }
> > 
> >
> > };
> > }
> >
> > }
> >
> >
> >   
> >> To:
> >> From:
> >> Subject: Re: Updating a Dynamic Image with AJAX (and JFreeChart)
> >> Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 23:31:39 -0500
> >>
> >> Look at the source of the DynamicImageResource class.  The 
> >> getResourceState method does something like (sorry for the lame 
> >> pseudocode) 'if image data is null then save and return value of 
> >> getImageData else return the previous image data'.  So its gonna call your 
> >> getImageData() method once and save the value.  This falls in line with 
> >> the super class's (DynamicWebResource) javadoc that says:
> >>
> >> very useful for things you   generate dynamically, but reuse for a while 
> >> after that. If you need resources that stream   directly and are not 
> >> cached, extend WebResource directly and implement 
> >> Resouce.getResourceStream() yourself.
> >>
> >> It has nothing to do with HTTP caching, which it looks like you're trying 
> >> to solve with your headers, but server-side caching.  Anyways... in this 
> >> case, getResourceStream of WebResource ends up calling getResourceState of 
> >> DynamicImageResource.  All you need to do is is override getResourceState 
> >> (and therefore kind of overrides the behavior of getResourceStream) of 
> >> your DynamicImageResource and ensure that it doesn't cache the result of 
> >> getImageData() and you should be set.
> >>
> >> Craig
> >>   _  
> >>
> >> From: wicketnewuser []
> >> To:
> >> Sent: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 20:32:05 -0500
> >> Subject: Re: Updating a Dynamic Image with AJAX (and JFreeChart)
> >>
> >>
> >>   I have same situation. I'm not able to refresh my image. But if i view 
> >> the
> >>   image i do get refreshed image
> >>   Here is my code. Based on my dropdownchoice it should make new Jfreechart
> >>   and the image should re

RE: CompoundPropertyModel

2009-11-14 Thread Alex Rass

2 things:
1) If you still have the old setup:
  Try stopping server, deploying your stuff to it, starting server.
  I've had issues with redeploying at runtime (hot deploy) with Tomcat
(which is what Glassfish is based on).  This is where Jeremy's advice to run
Jetty is a good idea.

2) Make sure that you refresh the form in your web browser before you try to
enter data and submit.  Wicket needs to do stuff to that form before you can
submit it and if you keep same browser open between deployments, you are
sending data back to wicket that it knows nothing about, so it blows up with

The fact that you don't get serialization errors in the log (if it wasn't
serialized) is b/c it didn't get that far yet, so problems are elsewhere.

Hope this helps,
- Alex. 

-Original Message-
From: Николай Кучумов [] 
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: CompoundPropertyModel

Hi, Jeremy.
No, the log contained only this error...
But to be honest, although it didn't fix the error, your advice is still
valuable, because not all of the classes were Serializable.
And you know what?
I think I'll reinstall my application server.
I used Glassfish 2 before, and this time I tried Glassfish 3, but it
appeared to be a bitch...
It hangs oftenly and operates strangely...
So maybe it somehow messes with the sessions...
I'll install Glassfish 2 back then, when I have more time for this (maybe
tomorrow), and then I'll post the results here.
Thanks for your reply.

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Jeremy Thomerson  wrote:

> Do both Person and Credentials (and everything else Person holds on to)
> implement Serializable?
> Watch the logs to see if there are serialization errors.  It's a problem
> the page not being in the session - which means it either didn't make it
> there or the session is somehow gone.
> --
> Jeremy Thomerson
> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 7:26 AM, Николай Кучумов  >wrote:
> > Hello.
> > I have a "Person" class, describing a person, which has a member
> > "credentials" of type "Credentials" (username/password).
> > I tried to make a registration page in this way:
> >
> > Page
> > {
> >super();
> >
> >Person person = [create a person with empty credentials];
> >
> >Form form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(person));
> >
> >add(form);
> >
> >form.add(new TextField("familyName"));
> >form.add(new TextField("givenName"));
> >
> >form.add(new TextField("credentials.userName"));
> >form.add(new TextField("credentials.passWord"));
> >
> >// also add a submit button
> > }
> >
> > And now when I push the "Submit" button, it outputs this error:
> >
> > org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.PageExpiredException: Cannot find the
> > rendered page in session [pagemap=null,componentPath=0,versionNumber=0]
> >
> > I like the idea of compound object model, and I wouldn't like to deprive
> > myself from using it just because of this strange error...
> > Can you give me a hint on what have I done wrong in the code above?
> >

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Intellij9 integration

2009-11-14 Thread Alex Rass
If any of you guys are using Intellij Idea, I HIGHLY suggest you go to the 
EAP Forum 
and post that you want Wicket support in 9.

They have opened up EAP for version 9 and it's now or "god knows when".

They are starting an Open Source version this time. And their product is
100x better than Eclipse.

Lets get them to integrate wicket in, so it gets popularity and recognition
it deserves.

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Re: Intellij9 integration

2009-11-14 Thread Andreas Petersson
i think getting official support for wicket in idea is too late. the 
roadmap was published about 6 months ago, for example at
and there is already a beta version available at

but maybe it is the right time to give wicketforge some polish. my 
suggestions for enhancements, since it should be possible to better 
develop plugins since it is open source now.
*) validation of propertymodels/CPM like idea does for expression 
Language for jsp. ability to ctrl-click to the corresponding getter and 
"find usages" of those getters

*) support for "find usages" for wicket:ids
*) central facet for wicket, to control its settings.
*) ability to turn off the "non-serializable field in serializable 
class" warning in components for fields that are injected.


If any of you guys are using Intellij Idea, I HIGHLY suggest you go to the 
EAP Forum 
and post that you want Wicket support in 9.

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RE: Intellij9 integration

2009-11-14 Thread Alex Rass
You have a point, but I've been using Idea for... 6+ years now.
These guys are very sales oriented.
They added GWT support as a point release, like it was a no big deal.
When they see there's a demand - they move on it. 
And if they can add a new popular framework for the launch - they just may,
to make it sell better. They are in a war with Eclipse and "we got that and
it's better" has been their selling angle.

But if someone wants to make the wicketidea plugin actually work - that'd be
cool too :)  Current one barely shows up and is VERY sensitive.

-Original Message-
From: Andreas Petersson [] 
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: Intellij9 integration

i think getting official support for wicket in idea is too late. the 
roadmap was published about 6 months ago, for example at
 and there is already a beta version available at

but maybe it is the right time to give wicketforge some polish. my 
suggestions for enhancements, since it should be possible to better 
develop plugins since it is open source now.
*) validation of propertymodels/CPM like idea does for expression 
Language for jsp. ability to ctrl-click to the corresponding getter and 
"find usages" of those getters
*) support for "find usages" for wicket:ids
*) central facet for wicket, to control its settings.
*) ability to turn off the "non-serializable field in serializable 
class" warning in components for fields that are injected.


> If any of you guys are using Intellij Idea, I HIGHLY suggest you go to the

> EAP Forum 
> and post that you want Wicket support in 9.

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Listview in a listview refresh with AjaxLink don't work

2009-11-14 Thread pieter claassen
I am trying to follow wicket in action advice P263 but

I have a ListView in a ListView with a panel added to my inner
listview. On that panel, I have  an AjaxLink and I want to move items
in the order of the listview around. But to display them, I need to
refresh my "matrix". Nothing seems to work. Any tips or references.



final WebMarkupContainer parent=new WebMarkupContainer("parent");
List> rows =
ListView rowslistview = new ListView("rows", rows) {

protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
List row = (List)
ListView rowlistview = new ListView("row", row) {

protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
final QuestionBase question = (QuestionBase)
item.setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(question));
EditableQuestionPanel questionpanel=new
EditableQuestionPanel("question", new

and then on my I have :

AjaxLink up = new AjaxLink("up") {

public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
Template template = templatemodel.getEntity();
Pieter Claassen

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Re: Listview in a listview refresh with AjaxLink don't work

2009-11-14 Thread Pedro Santos
Can you send the moveQuestionUp implementation?

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 9:03 PM, pieter claassen

> I am trying to follow wicket in action advice P263 but
> I have a ListView in a ListView with a panel added to my inner
> listview. On that panel, I have  an AjaxLink and I want to move items
> in the order of the listview around. But to display them, I need to
> refresh my "matrix". Nothing seems to work. Any tips or references.
> QuestionEditPanel.html
> =
> ==
>final WebMarkupContainer parent=new WebMarkupContainer("parent");
>List> rows =
> QuestionProcessor.getQuestionMatrix(templateWebModel.getEntity().getQuestions(),true);
>ListView rowslistview = new ListView("rows", rows) {
>protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
>List row = (List)
> item.getModelObject();
>ListView rowlistview = new ListView("row", row) {
>protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
>final QuestionBase question = (QuestionBase)
> item.getModelObject();
>item.setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(question));
>EditableQuestionPanel questionpanel=new
> EditableQuestionPanel("question", new
> QuestionBaseWebModel(question),templateWebModel,parent);
> and then on my I have :
> AjaxLink up = new AjaxLink("up") {
>public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>Template template = templatemodel.getEntity();
> --
> Pieter Claassen
> -
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Pedro Henrique Oliveira dos Santos

Modal window (1.4.1) and IE - Slow load times

2009-11-14 Thread Ed _


I am using version 1.4.1 of wickets. P

Contents of a Modal Window take extremely long time upto 10-20 sec to load on 
Internet Explorer 8. 

 FireFox or Chrome on the same machine are really fast. with load times of 2-3 
sec on a slow connection.

Any one else seen this issue or has suggestion around fixing it.


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Re: Intellij9 integration

2009-11-14 Thread Nick Heudecker
What do you mean that the current one shows up?  I haven't updated
WicketForge to work with IDEA 9 because I'm not on IDEA 9.

Feel free to submit patches.  Right now WicketForge does everything I need
it to do, so unless I start using Wicket more often or it doesn't meet my
needs, I'm not really inclined to spend my limited free time on it.

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Alex Rass  wrote:

> You have a point, but I've been using Idea for... 6+ years now.
> These guys are very sales oriented.
> They added GWT support as a point release, like it was a no big deal.
> When they see there's a demand - they move on it.
> And if they can add a new popular framework for the launch - they just may,
> to make it sell better. They are in a war with Eclipse and "we got that and
> it's better" has been their selling angle.
> But if someone wants to make the wicketidea plugin actually work - that'd
> be
> cool too :)  Current one barely shows up and is VERY sensitive.
> -Original Message-
> From: Andreas Petersson []
> Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 5:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Intellij9 integration
> i think getting official support for wicket in idea is too late. the
> roadmap was published about 6 months ago, for example at
>  and there is already a beta version available at
> but maybe it is the right time to give wicketforge some polish. my
> suggestions for enhancements, since it should be possible to better
> develop plugins since it is open source now.
> *) validation of propertymodels/CPM like idea does for expression
> Language for jsp. ability to ctrl-click to the corresponding getter and
> "find usages" of those getters
> *) support for "find usages" for wicket:ids
> *) central facet for wicket, to control its settings.
> *) ability to turn off the "non-serializable field in serializable
> class" warning in components for fields that are injected.
> br
> andreas

Re: AutoCompleteTextField in 1.4-SNAPSHOT

2009-11-14 Thread m_salman


This was a big help for me in getting what I wanted to do.  It works really
good except for one problem.  When the form shows up with a non null empty
object, the autocomplete field has the class name for the object in it,
i.e., "".  Once I load an object in the
form works fine.

Here is my code:

form = new Form(
"form", new 

IAutoCompleteRenderer urlLinkRenderer 
= new AbstractAutoCompleteTextRenderer() 
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

 protected String getTextValue(UrlLink urlLink) 
 return urlLink.getUrl(); 

autoCompleteUrl = new AutoCompleteTextField(

CompoundPropertyModel(new UrlLink()), 

private static final long serialVersionUID = 

protected Iterator getChoices(
String valueLike)
List urlLink = dao...
return urlLink.iterator();
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);


In the code I have made sure that the UrlLink in GUIBeanInventoryItem is not
null and that urlLink.getUrl() returns "".

I have solved this problem with other items before but for some reason can't
seem to solve it now.

Appreciate any help.

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Re: Modal window (1.4.1) and IE - Slow load times

2009-11-14 Thread James Carman
Does your page have a lot of links on it?

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 6:36 PM, Ed _  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using version 1.4.1 of wickets. P
> Contents of a Modal Window take extremely long time upto 10-20 sec to load on 
> Internet Explorer 8.
>  FireFox or Chrome on the same machine are really fast. with load times of 
> 2-3 sec on a slow connection.
> Any one else seen this issue or has suggestion around fixing it.
> thanks,
> Ed
> _
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