Re: 'fileencodings': Why use ucs-2le for cp936 file?

2007-06-05 Thread panshizhu
"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-06-06 10:30:54:
> > 1. will vim write BOM when writing to unicode files? or is there any
> > options for that?
>:setlocal bomb
> When opening a Unicode file, Vim will set or clear the buffer-local
> option according to the presence or absence of a BOM. That option is
> irrelevant for non-Unicode files. You can also set or clear it manually.
> creating a new Unicode file from scratch, a BOM will be set, or
> on the corresponding global setting, so if you want your new Unicode
files to
> be created with a BOM, you may add
>:setglobal bomb
> to your vimrc.

Thanks, it seems that BOM is not written by default and can be set only
globally for all unicode encoding.

But the problem is: my gcc 4.0 will complain about BOM for utf-8 source
file, while ucs-2le must have a BOM so that vim can recognize it without
adding the ucs-2le in fencs (ucs-2le should never be added into fencs
though, since most characters in cpxxx are valid and it is likely to mess
things up).

Is there anyway to do BOM setting only for particular unicode encoding like
the following?
when write utf-8 files, do not write the BOM.
when write ucs-2 files, write the BOM. (it should happen even if the file
opend as utf-8 then :set fenc=ucs-2le and then :write)

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: 'fileencodings': Why use ucs-2le for cp936 file?

2007-06-05 Thread panshizhu
"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-06-06 09:51:51:
> Unicode files may or may not have a BOM, depending on who (or which
> created them and where they come from. If you remove "ucs-2le" from your
> 'fileencodings', but leave "ucs-bom" at the start, any Unicode
fileshaving a
> BOM will still be recognised and the proper encoding set.
> Best regards,
> Tony.

It seems that ucs-2le files with BOM will get recongized now.
But I've got some other question:

1. will vim write BOM when writing to unicode files? or is there any
options for that?

2. what is the correct way of converting a file encoding inside vim?

I opened a file with cp936 encoding, then :set fenc=ucs-2le, then :w
newfile.txt, close the vim and open the newfile.txt with a new vim, then I
found everything in a mess. (gvim 7.1 winxp)

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

'fileencodings': Why use ucs-2le for cp936 file?

2007-06-05 Thread panshizhu


Recently I want to do some research about 'fileencodings', what I want is
to recognize utf-8, ucs-2le, euc-cn and cp936 encodings.

So I set the 'fencs' in my .vimrc:
set fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,ucs-2le,euc-cn,cp936

However, cp936 files are always recognized as ucs-2le and I got everything
in a mess...
If I remove the ucs-2le:
set fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,euc-cn,cp936

That would work, but ucs-2le files cannot get recognized at all.

It is said that unicode files all have BOM, and obviously cp936 files do
not have BOM, so I wonder why cp936 files get recognized as ucs-2le file
without any BOM.

I tried to change my 'encoding' setting, but it doesn't affect anything.

Any hints?
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

RE: how to ..... compiler

2007-06-04 Thread panshizhu
"Jagpreet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-06-04 15:46:54:
> But again not much details mentioned in the doc file(csupport.txt) about
> external make.
To use the external make, just
  :set makeprg=make
then you can use
to call external make.

> How can I run my makefile(external) within vim. Further How to check and
> ,if missing, compiler support in vim( say HP-UX xompiler aCC).
if you want to open the error list, use

please see
  :help makeprg
for more details

> I'm using Console version of vim via putty.
IMO console version works better than gui version, HTH.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: running vim on cygwin

2007-06-03 Thread panshizhu
Gary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-06-04 13:32:36:
> If that's really the problem, all you have to do is install the
> libncurses-devel package before running 'configure'.  You certainly
> can use the Cygwin source package, but it's not necessary.
> HTH,
> Gary

Probably you are right, installing cygwin source package or binary package
will automatically install the required dependencies... and the
dependencies might be a reason.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: running vim on cygwin

2007-06-03 Thread panshizhu
Kamaraju Kusumanchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-06-04 11:56:39:
> Hi
> I installed vim 7.1 via cygwin on Windows XP machine. However,
> when I run vim on the bash shell of cygwin, I am getting the following
> E558: Terminal entry not found in terminfo
> 'cygwin' not known. Available builtin terminals are:

Generally, this will occur if you download vim source from vim "official"
site and compile under cygwin by yourself.

Use the version comes from cygwin will solve the problem. you can use the
pre-compiled binary included in cygwin, or use the source package in

If you want to do it manually, just compare the cygwin vim-source to the
official version. you will see the difference.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: OT: Vi in a browser...

2007-06-03 Thread panshizhu
"Edward L. Fox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-06-04 10:38:30:
> Hi Pan,
> > [...]
> > When this is just a pain, why not just map ^A to your 1GVG ?
> >
> Well, personally I think the thing you should do is getting familiar
> with Vi-like editing styles, not mapping Vim to adapter your existing
> editing styles.
This is just an example, since the "Gene Kwiecinski" feels selete all a
pain. You may say he should not use "select-all", but it is very likely
that the similar senaro occurs for other keystrokes. I had many other
examples for that.

> but to me, combination keys with Ctrl is much more
> difficult to press than combination keys with Shift only.
Your mind may vary, but I feel no difference between press Shift, Alt and
Ctrl. I feel better only when I don't have to press any "chord" keys like
"ctrl,alt,shift" at all.

So what I had do is:
nnoremap ; :

With this map, I will not have to press the "Shift+:" to enter
command-mode, just the ";", and this saves me "thousands of keystrokes" and
I can use vim at least 30% faster.

You may say: "you should not use semicolon for entering command-mode, you
should follow the vi-way to entering command-mode by shift-colon."  But
frankly speaking I don't think there's any sensible reason not using
semicolon as the shortcut of entering command-mode.  In this case,
following the vi rule has no advantage and use shift-colon is solely

Everyone may have a completely different set of preferences on using vim,
since vim is designed to be a fullly-cumstomizable editor, if the
user-preferences such as .vimrc and plugins and color-schemes are not
loaded, chances are that the re-invented vi-clone inside browser has few

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

RE: OT: Vi in a browser...

2007-06-03 Thread panshizhu
"Gene Kwiecinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-06-02 00:01:21:
> >Personally, I don't agree with you. When editing short text
> >items on web pages, I feel that the overhead of copying/pasting
> >back and forth from vim is too much. I am currently using the
> Speaking of which, is there any quicker way to visually select the
> entire file, analogous to ^A in other systems?  I have to essentially do
> to stick everything into the scratchpad/clipboard/whatever to dump it
> back into the item from whence it originally came, and that's just a
> pain.  Well, not so much a pain as an annoying itch I can't quite reach.

When this is just a pain, why not just map ^A to your 1GVG ?

So this come back to the topic:

If anyone approaching to emulate vim in a browser without actually calling
vim, will it reads your .vimrc and to know you had mapped ^A to
1GVG ? unlikely.

Then I don't think it makes too much sense reinventing a vi-like inside

―― After all, javascript *is* slow and I cannot afford to pay the overhead
in any serious application. In most web-sites, disabling javascript is just
something like upgrade my CPU from P4 to Core 2 Duo.
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: plugins in vim 7.1

2007-05-30 Thread panshizhu
"Tushar Desai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-31 13:51:28:
> I recently upgraded from vim 7.0 to vim 7.1 (on ubuntu feisty) by
> compiling the vim7.1 tarball.
Did you "make install" from the tarball?
If compiled from tarball, the prefix defaults to /usr/local, while the
ubuntu official version will be in /usr

> The plugins are located at /usr/local/share/vim/vim71/plugins.
This is not the right place to place your plugins, a better approach is to
put it into your ~/.vim/plugins

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Is there a "xml formatter"?

2007-05-30 Thread panshizhu
wangxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-31 01:17:41:
> I want to have this function:
> formatting my xml file automatically.
> or,indent xml element and attributes.
> is there any plugin like this?
> thanks!

did you set autoindent ?

provide that there's $VIMRUNTIME/indent/xml.vim it should do automatic
indent well.

Or just try gg=G after you had opened your xml file.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Why bottom-posting is prefered on Vim Mainling List?

2007-05-29 Thread panshizhu
Friedrich Strohmaier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-30 07:00:11:
> btw. I join the voices that price the nice way people are discussing
> even that (off-)topic on this list. Vimmers seem to be a special kind of
> civilized people. :o))

I think I could got some idea now:

A mailing list is a list, where everyone could see all posts. So it is a
good practise for trim, because those who want to see the original could go
to the original message to check. That said, bottom-post messages has to be
trimmed to retain a good view, so one often need to close the current
message and find the orignal message in order to see what the thread is
about. This is okay for a mailling list since everyone could see all posts,
and bottom-post saves band-width.

Office e-mail is very different: consider the e-mail may be replied several
times and the fourth person decides to forward the e-mail to executive, he
should include everything in it since the executive had not received the
original message at all. This is the rule inside my company: e-mail should
NEVER be trimmed unless we have a very good reason to omit or hide the
trimmed part, interlined reply is not recommended in my office. So the
quoted message might be very long, and top-posting is best for this case.
Please do not blame Microsoft about the default-top-posting, Microsoft
design software for money and for commercial use, the commercial may think
top-posting easier to read and band-width is usually not a concern inside a
company intranet.

Okay, now I think its time to let new subscribers know that
bottom posting is prefered on Vim Mailing List. Will every new subscribers
receive an e-mail when subscribe to vim list? is it possible to indicate
the bottom-posting preference inside the welcoming e-mail?

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Why bottom-posting is prefered on Vim Mainling List?

2007-05-29 Thread panshizhu
Matthew Winn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-29 16:10:57:
> > Write top-post or bottom-post makes no difference for me, the problem
> > that I found bottom-post is harder to read since I will have to skim
> > "original messages" before I could read the actual reply.
> If you have to skim a lot of text then you should be complaining about
> people not trimming. If someone bottom-posts, leaves pages of lines
> before their own message, and those lines are not necessary in order
> to establish the context of their reply, then they're not trimming
> properly.

This get to my point: is it possible to ask EVERYONE to trim correctly?

See, though I always do trim, I still suffered from those who do not trim
and use bottom-posting. If those who do not trim use top-posting, I'll not
suffered from the poor trim, and I can do trim myself when I reply the

> > Well, since no one could convice another, I'll stick to the "community
> > rule".
> That's the wrong attitude. This is the Internet. You're supposed to
> insist that you know better than everyone else even if they've been
> using the Internet for decades, and you have loads of lurkers who
> support your point of view but they're all too scared of The Clique
> to speak up, and when you're in charge you'll Show Us All.

I feel you're talking friendly and for good. But due to my poor English
proficiency I don't seem to catch what you said.  The "community rule" in
vim ML is to do bottom-posting, so I stick to the rule even if I don't
accept it. What do you meant by "wrong attitude"? Do you mean I should
insist my top-posting when I think it is right?

PS: This Off-topic thread has been talked long and I'm sorry to bring
excess load to vim mailing list, please mail directly to me if any vimmer
friends wants to talk futher about it. Thanks.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Why bottom-posting is prefered on Vim Mainling List?

2007-05-28 Thread panshizhu
Steve Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-29 12:19:43:
> You could say that top posting is easier to write, but bottom posting
> is easier to read. The extra effort of one poster saves all the
> readers the same amount of effort. For a group, bottom posting keeps
> everyone on track. And if done well, individual posts can stand alone
> in an archive without a peruser having to go paging through a whole
> thread.


It seems that top-posters and bottom-posters belongs to different party and
no one can convice another.

An explaination why top-post is easier to read:
When I am viewing an e-mail, the reply is the main part of the message and
I usually quite aware of what the original post is. So I should be able to
see the reply when I open the message.

If the message is bottom post, I will have to scroll down and down to find
where the author really start to say something. If the reply starts on line
1000 while the messages ends on line 2000 it will be quite difficult to
know line 1000 is the start of reply and I should read from that line.

While for the top-post, I know the first line is the start of reply and I
can read the reply without any difficulty. In an active forum, threads
grown long quickly, with top-post, we focus on what the message saids and
waste no time.

Write top-post or bottom-post makes no difference for me, the problem is
that I found bottom-post is harder to read since I will have to skim all
"original messages" before I could read the actual reply.

Well, since no one could convice another, I'll stick to the "community
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Why bottom-posting is prefered on Vim Mainling List?

2007-05-28 Thread panshizhu

Hi vimmers:

Slightly Off-topic, but I'm still wondering why bottom-posting is prefered
on Vim Mainling List.

As far as I know, most e-mail clients defaults to top-posting (i.e. replied
message shows before the original message), and I personally feel
top-posting much much easier to read than bottom-posting.

Is there any point (or historic reason) choosing bottom-post ?
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: A performance question

2007-05-23 Thread panshizhu
"Yongwei Wu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-24 11:28:06:
> Who really want to edit TEXT files as large as that? I cannot think of
> scenarios other than log files. Maybe Vim does not fit in this role.
> Best regards,
> Yongwei
> --

Yes it fits in this role, and frankly speaking this was the reason I first
choose Vim. (tail -h might be better for that, but if we want to do search,
we may have to use vi.)

Six years ago I often need to check the logs in the servers of my company
(those are generally HP, DEC and IBM minicomputers with different Unixes
without vim installed), we got more than 30 servers like that and the file
is usually 2GB to 11GB. I open the log file in plain vi and it takes way
too long to open.

One day I happened to compile and installed Vim (it was 5.x or 6.x) on one
of the servers, and found that the Vim opens those file about 10 to 20
times faster than the plain Vi, then I installed Vim on all of our servers
and feel that Vim greatly speeds my work. After that I begin to learn Vim.

So you see, if Vim could not handle Big text files, I would not have know
and using vim now. Vim5 and Vim6 opens big file fast, if anyone opens 3GB
text file for more than 60 seconds, I'll doubt if this is an issue of Vim7
or something wrong with his own configuration.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: A performance question

2007-05-23 Thread panshizhu
Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-23 21:38:27:
> Sounds like the filesize is getting stored in a 32bit signed number, and
> overflowing.
> Is the negative number -1 (that would mean "file can't be found")?  If
> not, then perhaps
> that fact could be used to "extend" the LargeFile's ability to catch
> large files: trigger
> when getfsize() returns a number < -1.  Please let me know what
> getfsize() is actually
> returning when applied to that 3GB file.
> Regards,
> Chip Campbell

Yes the getfsize() does return <-1 when filesize between 2G and 4G. But if
the filesize is 4G to 6G, this may not work.

Anyway, trigger when getfsize returns a number < -1 does help in 50% cases.
It can't be wrong, so please just do it.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: A performance question

2007-05-23 Thread panshizhu
"John Beckett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-23 19:32:25:
> On many systems, the calculation could use 64-bit integers.
> John

Yes, but on all systems, vim script could not take 64-bit integers:

see eval.txt line 38:

1.1 Variable types ~
There are five types of variables:

NumberA 32 bit signed number.
Examples:  -123  0x10  0177

The only integer which supported by vim script is 32-bit signed. So even if
you can get 64-bit file size, you cannot save it in any variables in vim

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: A performance question

2007-05-23 Thread panshizhu
"John Beckett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-23 18:39:22:
> The result was really ugly. The script failed to notice that 3GB
> was large because the Vim function getfsize(f) returned a
> negative number.
> I haven't checked getfsize() on 32-bit Linux yet, nor am I
> sufficiently patient to try opening the 3GB file with Vim 7.1.
> John

As far as I know, Windows does not support files larger than 4GB. So its
okay to use unsigned 32-bit for filesize in windows. It is not that 32bit
isn't enough, but the fsize should be *unsigned*.

The problem is that vim script can use only *signed* 32-bit int as internel
type, so there might be improvement of vim script engine ―― instead of get
the 64-bit file size.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Vim to Vi (Was: weird defaults in Feisty)

2007-05-23 Thread panshizhu
Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-23 09:11:54:
> > All you need to do is to: sudo apt-get install vim-gtk, which installs
> > Big version of vim, and the vim will be replaced with that version.
> Well... not replaced. They will both be installed. You'll probably need
> to run update-alternatives to ensure that /usr/bin/vim points at the one
> you want.
> --

It doesn't really matter if it is replaced or both be installed.

What I care is: when I installed a fresh version of Ubuntu Feisty, type vi,
I got the Tiny version.

After I apt-get installed the vim-gtk, then I type vi, I got the Big

So, you see, vi is "replaced" from Tiny version to Big version, that's what
I had observed.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: A performance question

2007-05-22 Thread panshizhu
AFAIK Vim 7 has a different way of handling undo levels.

Have you tried with Vim 6 instead? I had used Vim 6 to edit a text file
(3Gbytes) and do things within seconds.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Robert Maxwell Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-23 05:59:20:

> ":set undolevels=-1" caused my test to run in less than 15 sec, with no
> other options fiddled with.  Thanks Tim, now I have a work-around!
> Now, does having the undo facility available _necessarily_ mean deleting
> large chunk of a file takes so long, or can that be added to the list of
> desired performance enhancements?
> Max
> On Tue, 22 May 2007, Tim Chase wrote:
> > The issue of editing large files comes up occasionally.  A few settings
> > be tweaked to vastly improve performance.  Notably, the 'undolevels'
> > setting can be reduced to -1 or 0 for improved performance.  If your
> > are long, it can also help to disable syntax highlighting as well. You
> > drop in on one such thread here:
> >

Re: Vim to Vi (Was: weird defaults in Feisty)

2007-05-22 Thread panshizhu
fREW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-23 08:15:55:
> Yeah, the really big problem is that the guy I am working with who I
> am helping admin a few servers is at exactly step 1.  In fact, it
> wasn't until recently that he figured out (I told him) that Ctrl-Z is
> not the same as :q!.  And like you said, we upgraded and he was just
> like, "vi got totally weird and now I use nano!"  But after having
> explained to him a couple things that might help him out (r for
> replacing single characters and whatnot) I think he might start the
> path to enlightenment ;-)
> -fREW

It seems nature to have vim behave like vi, if the Linux distribution
choose to do so. The distribution decides everything and it is non-related
to vim developers themselves.

All you need to do is to: sudo apt-get install vim-gtk, which installs a
Big version of vim, and the vim will be replaced with that version.

I don't see any problem now, in Feisty, I just run "vi" and everything is
okay, I do *never* use command "vim" to run vim, runing vim with the
command "vi" feels much better for me.

Anyway, I don't think any experienced vim users will still think he need a
plain "vi" after he had get used to "vim". So it is wield for me to have
two different versions of vim on my single computer.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: C-X C-F completion and paths with spaces

2007-05-20 Thread panshizhu
"Yakov Lerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-21 05:50:03:
> On 5/20/07, Matthew Winn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I can't begin to imagine why Microsoft thought it would be
> > a good idea to put spaces in the names of system directories
> I have two theories about this.
> 1) MS lifted the idea from Macintosh
> 2) MS, long humiliated by inferiority complex of the 8+3 FAT16 filenames,
> did it to subvert the idea of unix shell scripting powers. To create,
> that is, the
> files that break unix shell scripts  (remember samba ? ).
> Yakov

Interesting, it is said that MS uses '\' in paths (such as c:\foo\bar\)
just to conteract the unix '/'.

However, '\' in paths is very inconvenient in C programming so they use '/'
in Windows internels.

It is very likely that M$ set this just to "baffle" users. So my choice is
just "never use filenames with spaces", Since I never put anything
important into "Document and Settings"

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Vim71: undocumented change for netrw plugin.

2007-05-20 Thread panshizhu
Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-18 23:23:23:
> That's an awful lot of text just to mention that there's an omission
> from the help!
> Regards,
> Chip Campbell

Sorry I think I'm a bit nervous recently and it often takes several
paragraphs to express my single idea, I'm going to see a doctor about this.
(really, I mean it, it's my problem since ten years before)


Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: repeating up/down/delete commands

2007-05-20 Thread panshizhu
"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-19 15:42:15:
> This is true, but rather than an empty vimrc I suggest the following:
> runtime vimrc_example.vim
> " if and when we want to further customize Vim, we'll add more lines
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --

I always recommend include the contents of vimrc_example.vim instead of
just source the file by :runtime.

By including the contents of vimrc_example.vim we know all it has done and
we can change it anyway. i.e. chang the .vimrc is a good way, changing the
$VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim is NOT a good pratice. (vimrc_example fits
the need of the author but it definetely do not fit everyone, so I suggest
most users to change it and create their own .vimrc.)

The second reason: vimrc_example.vim comes from the distribution and it may
change, when it change it may silently break our existing scripts or
configurations. include the contents into our .vimrc minimize the
incompatible changes.

So the better practise to create a new .vimrc may be: just copy the
vimrc_example.vim to ~/.vimrc
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Vim71: undocumented change for netrw plugin.

2007-05-17 Thread panshizhu

Hello vimmers:

I am one of the users who want the default file explorer to be explorer.vim
in Vim 6.x rather than netrw.
And from line 78 of pi_netrw.txt I got the following:

> You can avoid loading this plugin by setting the "loaded_netrw" variable
> in your <.vimrc> file: >
> :let loaded_netrw = 1

In Vim 7.0, this works, I add the above into .vimrc and put the
explorer.vim of Vim 6.4 into ~/.vim/plugin and then :Explore launchs the
old explorer instead.

However, in Vim 7.1 this does not work, when I run :Explore it reports
netrw#Explore not found. My explorer.vim does not launch.
Done some research and I found that the $VIMRUNTIME/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
now use the loaded_netrwPlugin variable.

So I should use the following in my .vimrc to effectively disable the netrw
:let loaded_netrw = 1
:let loaded_netrwPlugin = 1

I don't want to argue now that netrw should be a new plugin instead of
replace the existing explorer.vim. But if the new version of netrwPlugin in
Vim 7.1 silently breaks the explorer.vim, should it be documented?

My point is :
The following should be added to line 81 of pi_netrw.txt version 2007 May
:let loaded_netrwPlugin = 1

If DrChip thinks the document should not change, then the netrwPlugin might
have to be changed to still recognize the "loaded_netrw" variable.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Identify this Vim font for me, please

2007-05-16 Thread panshizhu
"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-17 09:19:03:
> I don't think that font is available on Motorola Macs (including Power
> It may or may not be available in Intel Macs but I don't know how to get
> it. Maybe the same way on OS X as on Linux above, I'm not sure.
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --

I can confirm that intel-based Macs had this in full-screen text console. I
can do this by boot MS-DOS or most flavors of Linux LiveCD on an
intel-based Mac.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Vim71: breaking change not mentioned in the document.

2007-05-16 Thread panshizhu
Gary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-17 00:35:42:
> On 2007-05-16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Gary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  2007-05-16 16:41:22:
> > > On 2007-05-16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > Hi, vimmers:
> > > >
> > > > The line 1230 of editing.txt said:
> > > >
> > > > To change to the directory of the current file:
> > > > :cd %:h
> > > >
> I don't think disabling E500 would help.  The text of E500 is,
> "E500: Evaluates to an empty string".  That's warning you that there
> is no head component of the file name.  If you disabled the error,
> and presumably allowed %:h to return an empty string, then your ":cd
> %:h" command would be executing just ":cd", which on a Unix system
> changes to the home directory--not what you want.
> Another way to fix your mapping would be to use
>:silent! cd %:h
> which allows the cd to fail silently.
> Regards,
> Gary
> --

You certainly are right, disabling E500 would not help. However:

> The line 1230 of editing.txt said:
> To change to the directory of the current file:
> :cd %:h

If I was tell that a script could change to the directory of the current
file, I would think that it will always change to the directory of the
current file, and it is absurd to see it will give an error when the pwd is
already the directory of the current file.

I'm sure most average users will take it for granted if the document says
this. and they will not think the E500 is reasonable here. The document is
aprently misleading.

So, if :cd %:h must give E500 here, I think the document should change it
to :cd %:p:h

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Vim71: breaking change not mentioned in the document.

2007-05-16 Thread panshizhu
Gary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-16 16:41:22:
> On 2007-05-16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi, vimmers:
> >
> > The line 1230 of editing.txt said:
> >
> > To change to the directory of the current file:
> > :cd %:h
> >
> > This works for Vim 7.0 and before, but not for Vim 7.1. In Vim 7.1 when
> > pwd is the same as the directory of current file, the command will fail
> > with E500. The failure will break the execution of a mapping, if one
have a
> > mapping to do :cd %:h and then continue to do something else.
> >
> > To reproduce the error, just at anytime, run :cd %:h twice. (I've got
> > Windows gvim7.1.1, cygwin console vim 7.1.1)
> I would expect ":cd %:h" to give an error the second time it is
> executed.  Just to be sure, I repeated your experiment on 7.1, 7.0
> and 6.4 on Unix and 7.0 on Windows.  I always got E500.  Are you
> sure that it "works" for you for Vim 7.0?

Positive, I've got a mapping which do :cd %:h then :grep, this mapping
works since Vim 6.3, 6.4 and 7.0, this is the mapping I used "Everyday" and
I cannot use Vim without it, then suddenly it breaks after I installed Vim
7.1.  Now I changed :cd %:h to :cd %:p:h and everything works.

Anyway, I think there should be an option to disable E500, or "catch and
throw". This is the Unix trend: if the caller feel necessary, a program
should fail silently in order not to break a script.

Vim71: breaking change not mentioned in the document.

2007-05-16 Thread panshizhu

Hi, vimmers:

The line 1230 of editing.txt said:

To change to the directory of the current file:
:cd %:h

This works for Vim 7.0 and before, but not for Vim 7.1. In Vim 7.1 when the
pwd is the same as the directory of current file, the command will fail
with E500. The failure will break the execution of a mapping, if one have a
mapping to do :cd %:h and then continue to do something else.

To reproduce the error, just at anytime, run :cd %:h twice. (I've got
Windows gvim7.1.1, cygwin console vim 7.1.1)

So there's at least two issues IMHO:
1. the line 1230 of editing.txt should be changed to :cd %:p:h
2. somewhere in the document should mention: if we had used :cd %:h in our
mappings or scripts, we should change them into %:p:h after upgraded to vim

Or did I missed anything?
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: compiling vim7.1 (huge version) gets build with normal version

2007-05-14 Thread panshizhu
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 写于 2007-05-15 14:51:43:
> Thanks Pan. Now it does say "Huge Version". But I'm seeing couple of
> problems ...
> 1. It still doesn't show the menu's and toolbars.
> 2. It tries to use my $HOME/.gvimrc (which works fine with the ubuntu
> installed vim7.0) and complains that it can't find
> /usr/local/share/vim/syntax/syntax.vim (It also can't find the
> colorscheme that I've defined in my .gvimrc). On my system there is a
> syntax.vim at /usr/share/vim/vim70/syntax/syntax.vim.
> The src/Makefile has make variables for defining locations; but I'm
> not sure how to set them, if I want them to refer to the tar-ball
> based dir tree.
> BTW, if I try to compile vim7.0 from the tar-ball, I get the same
> I'd like vim7.1 to first use the syntax.vim that came packaged with
> the tar-ball (and is at $HOME/vim/vim71/runtime/syntax/syntax.vim. If
> it works fine, I'd only then want to install it on my system.
> regards,
> -tushar.

1. try see :version and can you find +menu?
use :set go+=m to show the menu bar is its not present.

2. edit your Makefile and find the similar:

#CONF_ARGS = --exec-prefix=/usr

uncomment the line which set the prefix, then you got the prefix set to
/usr instead of /usr/local.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: compiling vim7.1 (huge version) gets build with normal version

2007-05-14 Thread panshizhu
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 写于 2007-05-15 13:30:28:
> I recently did a clean install of Ubuntu 7.04 and also installed all
> vim related packages. That got me a gui version of vim (7.0.164/Big
> compiled on 2007/03/11).
> I now want to compile and install the gui version of vim 7.1. So, I
> downloaded the tar-ball for the 7.1 sources to my home dir
> ($HOME/vim), untarred at ($HOME)/vim/vim71, enabled "CONF_OPT_FEAT =
> --with-features=huge" in the src/Makefile. I also did "apt-get
> build-dep vim" and finally ./configure followed by make (in
> $HOME/vim/vim71).
> However, I'm ending up with the "Normal version" of vim and although
> "vim -g" pops up a window, it doesn't show the menu and the toolbar.
> I tried the same on Fedora Core 6 and got the same results. I tried
> vim7.0 on ubuntu and have the same situation. Strangely enough, I was
> previously able to compile vim7.0 on my Fedora Core 6 box and it gave
> the menu and toolbar. (I don't know what I did right in that case.).
> Any idea what I could be happening here?
> Thanks,
> Tushar.

AFAIK, Compiling vim is something different from other GNU sources.

If you had manually edited the Makefile, you should not run ./configure.

get a clean source and skip the ./configure step, try again, you will get
the result.
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: taglist plugin launch ctags fail in gvim windows.

2007-05-14 Thread panshizhu
"Yegappan Lakshmanan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-14 22:52:58:
> Hi,
> On 5/13/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > "A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-14
> > 13:21:47:
> > > >> If your shell is cmd.exe, "/usr/bin/ctags" will give "Unknown
> > or
> > > > file
> > > >> name". If you want to mix Dos shells and cygwin utilities, you
> > have
> > > > to
> > > >> juggle with the path formats: see "man cygpath" from within
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >> Best regards,
> > > >> Tony.
> > > >> --
> > > >
> > > > My shell is c:/cygwin/bin/bash, since I do not want to mix dos
> > with
> > > > cygwin utilities. (I don't use any DOS utilities at all.)
> > > >
> > > > I had tried to replace the content of /usr/bin/ctags with something
> > else,
> > > > which proves that the ctags does get executed. Cygpath is not the
> > > > here.
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > If your shell is bash and your ctags a cygwin version, you shouldn't
> >
> > > \"D:/panshizhu/blabla.cpp\" to the latter nor >D:/temp/VIo74.tmp to
> > > former. You may pass either /cygdrive/d/panshizu/blabla.cpp
> > >  >/cygdrive/d/temp/VIo74.tmp, or (IIUC) `cygpath -u
> > D:\\panshizu\\blabla.cpp`
> > >  >`cygpath -u D:\\temp\\VI074.tmp`
> > >
> > >
> > > Best regards,
> > > Tony.
> > > --
> >
> > It does not matter, cygwin handles both POSIX path and windows paths
> > '/'s.
> >
> > In cygwin bash shell, paths like d:/foo/bar can be used instead of
> > -u d:\\foo\\bar` and it works better IMO.   What is more, this kind of
> > usage are generated by taglist.vim, the taglist script author has test
> > usage under cygwin and it works that way.
> >
> > That said, I had configured them right last year, but during the last
> > I upgraded my windows, cygwin, vim and taglist plugin, I now do not
> > where the problem is. (I use OSX and Linux at the same time, so it is
> > normal that I had not use my WindowsXP for a long time)
> >
> > Note: my notebook uses the same configuration as my desktop, my
notebook is
> > still working that way (cygwin bash + ctags + windows gvim + windows
> > with '/' instead of '\\'), only my desktop has the issue.
> >
> The exuberant ctags utility invokes the sort utility to sort the
> output. Do you have cygwin version of sort installed on your system?
> Can you check whether your notebook has cygwin sort installed?
> Exuberant ctags can use either external or internal sort depending on
> the build time configuration.
> - Yegappan

Great, the problem comes from WindowsXP itself, it has
c:\windows\system32\sort.exe, which shows in the path before
c:\cygwin\bin\sort.exe, I think I would change the PATH setting to make
c:\cywin\bin apperas before c:\windows\system32, Or I should rebuild my
ctags to do internal sort.

It may be good to indicate this in the document of taglist.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Project specific settings

2007-05-14 Thread panshizhu
"Marius Roets" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-14 16:05:14:
> Hi All,
> I know this has been covered before, but I can't seem to find it by
> searching Vim tips, so please excuse me if this has been ask many times
> before.
> I always uses spaces to indent my code, but a current project requires
> me to use tabs. How could I make this setting only be in effect for this
> one project, assuming that the project will always be a in a specific
> directory.
> Thanks
> Marius

You can define autocommands to *, and check the full path of file name,
then set or unset the expandtab option. If you want to edit with spaces
while save file with tabs, then just create an event to do retab before
saving the file (check the full path first).

:h autocmd-define
:h autocmd-events

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: taglist plugin launch ctags fail in gvim windows.

2007-05-13 Thread panshizhu
"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-14 13:45:24:
> > "A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-14
> >> If your shell is cmd.exe, "/usr/bin/ctags" will give "Unknown command
> > file
> >> name". If you want to mix Dos shells and cygwin utilities, you will
> > to
> >> juggle with the path formats: see "man cygpath" from within cygwin.
> >>
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Tony.
> >> --
> >
> > My shell is c:/cygwin/bin/bash, since I do not want to mix dos shells
> > cygwin utilities. (I don't use any DOS utilities at all.)
> >
> > I had tried to replace the content of /usr/bin/ctags with something
> > which proves that the ctags does get executed. Cygpath is not the issue
> > here.
> >
> > --
> > Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606
> >
> >
> If your shell is bash and your ctags a cygwin version, you shouldn't pass

> \"D:/panshizhu/blabla.cpp\" to the latter nor >D:/temp/VIo74.tmp to the
> former. You may pass either /cygdrive/d/panshizu/blabla.cpp
>  >/cygdrive/d/temp/VIo74.tmp, or (IIUC) `cygpath -u
>  >`cygpath -u D:\\temp\\VI074.tmp`
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --

It does not matter, cygwin handles both POSIX path and windows paths with

In cygwin bash shell, paths like d:/foo/bar can be used instead of `cygpath
-u d:\\foo\\bar` and it works better IMO.   What is more, this kind of
usage are generated by taglist.vim, the taglist script author has test that
usage under cygwin and it works that way.

That said, I had configured them right last year, but during the last year
I upgraded my windows, cygwin, vim and taglist plugin, I now do not know
where the problem is. (I use OSX and Linux at the same time, so it is
normal that I had not use my WindowsXP for a long time)

Note: my notebook uses the same configuration as my desktop, my notebook is
still working that way (cygwin bash + ctags + windows gvim + windows path
with '/' instead of '\\'), only my desktop has the issue.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Always 1 instance-only mode for gvim?

2007-05-13 Thread panshizhu

Hi, vimmers,

For some reason I'd like to have only one instances of gvim in my machine
at most. launch gvim anyway when gvim has existing instance will switch to
the existing one. (evenif no files are specified)

But the --remote-silent do not fully meet my requirement since it requires
an argument. It requires one file to be open.

If I want to: start gvim without opening any file will switch focus to
existing gvim if available, and start a new one if no gvim exists. possible
to do that?

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: taglist plugin launch ctags fail in gvim windows.

2007-05-13 Thread panshizhu
"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-14 13:21:47:
> >
> If your shell is cmd.exe, "/usr/bin/ctags" will give "Unknown command or
> name". If you want to mix Dos shells and cygwin utilities, you will have
> juggle with the path formats: see "man cygpath" from within cygwin.
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --

My shell is c:/cygwin/bin/bash, since I do not want to mix dos shells with
cygwin utilities. (I don't use any DOS utilities at all.)

I had tried to replace the content of /usr/bin/ctags with something else,
which proves that the ctags does get executed. Cygpath is not the issue

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

taglist plugin launch ctags fail in gvim windows.

2007-05-13 Thread panshizhu

Hi vimmers,

I have WinXPSP2 and installed gvim 7.1, taglist plugin 4.2, cygwin with the
most up-to-date version DLL.

The issue is: run gvim from windows will fail the taglist plugin, taglist
plugin only works when I launch gvim from within cygwin bash, (Yes I am
running the windows native gvim.exe from within cygwin bash shell) it has
been a long time and I still cannot spot where the problem is.

I set 'c:\cygwin\bin\bash' as my shell, the cygwin has /bin/ctags, which is
Exuberant Ctags 5.6. Taglist plugin from within cygwin console vim works

When I start gvim7 from start menu (or by any windows-way such as
right-click or launch in explorer), and launch taglist with :Tlist, error
reported such as:
Taglist: Failed to generate tags for D:/panshizhu/blabla.cpp
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ctags: cannot sort tag file : No such file or

where “输入文件指定了两次。” in the above message means: "The input file is
specified twice.".

I then wonder if there's any difference running from within cygwin shell
and startmenu shortcut. I found the following:

near the error line: the verbose information is:
line xx: let cmd_output = system(ctags_cmd)
Calling shell to execute: "/usr/bin/ctags -f - --format=2 --excmd=pattern
--fields=nks --sort=yes --language-force=vim --vim-types=avf
\"D:/panshizhu/blabla.cpp\" >D:/temp/VIo74.tmp 2>&1"

The ctags_cmd proves to be the same, either run gvim from cygwin shell or
from startmenu shortcut.

Then I think the system() function taking different options,
but I checked that 'shell' 'shellcmdflag' 'shellxquote' 'shellredir' all
are the same.

At last, I think there may be multiple versions of ctags in my computer,
but that's wrong, the only ctags is in my c:/cygwin/bin/ctags, which is
equivalent to /bin/ctags inside cygwin bash shell.

Then may be the environment variable are different? check my env by :!set
inside gvim: Most things are the same except some settings in my .bashrc,
the PATH, HOME and LS_COLORS, I don't think it can cause system() report an

My question is:
1. where does the error
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ctags: cannot sort tag file : No such file or
come from? the system() function, or the bash shell, or the ctags program?
It seems that the ctags are launched, so may be the arguments are passed
wrong? or I may have missed something?

2. if the problem cannot be identified, anybody has a solution to keep
using cygwin bash as gvim shell and use cygwin ctags inside taglist for
windows gvim? ―― I did make them work the last year, but when I reinstalled
my WindowsXP I cannot remember how to get them work that way.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: what "feature" is required to return to last editing position?

2007-05-09 Thread panshizhu
Vincent BEFFARA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-09 23:54:27:
> Hi,
> > >Recently I installed Ubuntu Feisty and the "feature" seems to have
gone (I
> > >installed vim-gnome version 7.0.135). Since I use the same .vimrc in
> > >platform, it is unlikely to be the fault of my .vimrc script, the
> > >is I do not know how to debug vim script, and I don't know why that
> > >autocommand does not work.
> Just in case - might it be that you don't have right permissions to your
> own ~/.viminfo ? I had a similar problem : on a new install, typically
> you might go and edit some files using "sudo vim /etc/whatever", this
> creates .viminfo belonging to root, and then vim as a normal user cannot
> use it, and fails silently.
> Only happens if there is no .viminfo to start with, vim does the sane
> thing and does not overwrite, but still might be considered a bug ...
> hth,
>   /vincent
> --
> Vincent Beffara

Wonderful, the problem really is about permission of .viminfo!

I noticed that you considered this to be a bug, but is this bug belongs to
"sudo" or "vim"?

i.e. for non-interactive "su" of "root", vim will save at user $HOME with
root permission.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

what "feature" is required to return to last editing position?

2007-05-09 Thread panshizhu

When opening a file in vim, the cursor will move to the last position when
the file was saved.

The "feature" is enabled by some autocommands in vimrc_example.vim, I
copied the code into my .vimrc and use it in all platform.

It really does work in my WindowsXP gvim, cygwin vim, MacOSX vim, and
Ubuntu Dapper vim.

Recently I installed Ubuntu Feisty and the "feature" seems to have gone (I
installed vim-gnome version 7.0.135). Since I use the same .vimrc in all
platform, it is unlikely to be the fault of my .vimrc script, the problem
is I do not know how to debug vim script, and I don't know why that
autocommand does not work.

Any idea where is the problem, or any hint on how to find where the problem

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: VimWin

2007-04-22 Thread panshizhu
"Zhichao Hong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-22 22:55:47:
> If the topic is about fonts, I would like to make some comment.  The
> Bitstream Vera Sans Mono looks ugly with subpixel hints.  You can say
> the same thing about Consolas.  But if the hinting are turned on and
> compared on the Windows, Consolas beats the BVSM easily.  Just try to
> compare the zero character.  There is only one size in BVSM looks sort
> of O.K..  It might be my personal taste again.  But I think one thing
> Microsoft did well in the Vista is about fonts.  I use YaHei for
> Chinese and Segoe UI or calibri for English.  I don't read Chinese a
> lot (only some websites).  So Chinese fonts poor rendering in Linux
> don't bother me a lot.
> In Linux, I use blackblox or windowsmaker.  The KDE or GNOME don't
> attract me in general.  I know about tuning the fonts in Ubuntu and
> RedHat.  I still think in Linux the Terminus bitmap font beats every
> true type fonts.

First I must say your work is welcome and your work might be useful for
many people.

However, the font-rendering engine has nothing to do with the fonts-itself.
I agree that Microsoft's ClearType is better but Linux is now closing the

If you like Microsoft's "ClearType" to do the sub-pixel hinting, then just
install the "ClearType", there're plenty of topics discussing this on
ubuntu china forum, or, or something else.

You can get exactly the same look in Linux and Windows, since every Windows
font can be used as a Linux font, including the Microsft's rendering
engine. Then the font issure is nothing to argue about...

Okay now lets saying the Visual C++ compiler. (Call it VC for the

I agree that VC dominates (especially in china) and I am one of the
"professionals" using VC at my work.

But I personally had done comparations for vc vesus gcc. The comparision is
easy to do, just get the latest version of lame (the
"almost-industry-standard" mp3 encoder), which compiles fluently under VC
or under GCC, use maximum optimization and see the results. which lame.exe
is faster?

To be fair with the OS, I compared using cygwin version of gcc and the
latest VC and run both programs within Windows XP, gcc unexpectedly wins.

I'm not saying VC is inferior since I use VC everyday, just saying that VC
does not necessarily faster than gcc in all aspects, there may be somewhere
that VC does better, but for compiling C programs gcc might be better.

VC has good ANSI C++98 support, however, VC does not have full ANSI C99
support, the standard C support of VC is not quite up-to-date, so that C
sources that requires ANSI C99 cannot compile under VC. This bothers me a
lot, since many C99 source must be amended before it can be compiled with
VC. And I don't want to come back to the obsoleted C89 standard any more...
GCC, however, has the best support for C99 and some exclusively useful
extension for C.

Let's assume VC is good in C++, but will it be that good for C? My painful
experiences tells me, it is better not use VC for pure-C programs, since
many shortcomings of C are overcomed in C99 and I cannot live without C99
if some application must use C.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Two different versions of Vim...

2007-04-22 Thread panshizhu
"Marv Boyes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-20 23:09:11:
> I removed all Vim-related Ubuntu packages and re-ran the AAP install
> with "--enable-gui=gtk2" in my config.arg file. That's evidently not
> the correct syntax, since I ended up with no GUI available.

This is the correct syntax, but you may not have X-related dev packages

try the following:
 sudo apt-get build-dep vim

The above will install all related development packages into your system so
that vim can be compiled into gui version.

And install the packages, configure and make vim again, this may give you
the gui version.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: RAM issues

2007-04-18 Thread panshizhu
fREW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-19 09:07:42:
> Are there any general tools that will do this?  I don't use KDE or Gnome.
> -fREW

use the command-line tool: top

it should be available on most Unix platforms.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: how to avoid deleting the auto-indent in a new empty line when i press

2007-04-16 Thread panshizhu
sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 2007-04-16 15:57:21:
> What I need is to always keep the auto-indented spaces.  So next time
> I can start to insert from the spaced cursor.
> The typing S is a reasonable way although I really want to know how to
> change indent-deleting behavior for a empty line in vim.
> Best Regards,
> sun

Few people need that "feature", so it is not there, I believe more than 99%
of vim users think it is better to just delete the trailing blanks.

If you still insist that the indent-deleting should be changed, then you
can do-it-yourself. The indent script and vim source are all open to you
and please feel free to change them (for your own custimized version, of

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: gvim: menu disappeared

2007-04-15 Thread panshizhu
Guido Milanese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-16 05:08:14:
> I am sorry to ask such a stupid question, but I'm really puzzled.
> I have been using vim for ages now, and for some tasks, not always,
> I prefer a
> GUI. I use a Mandriva Linux distribution and it's all right.
> Suddendly the menu bar (not the toolbar with icons, the menu bar with
> File, Edit, and so on) disappeared. I tried several options of the "set
> guioptions" command, but to no success. I also deleted the .vimrc file,
> again no change. Then, installed vim-X11 again, but nothing happened.
> May I ask your kind help?
> Thank you!
> guido, from Italy

Will the :se go+=g
show your menu?

If not, then your menu may have some error and vim delete it while loading.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: how to avoid deleting the auto-indent in a new empty line when i press

2007-04-15 Thread panshizhu
sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-15 17:27:28:
> Dear all,
> The question is:
> When I insert a line then  to edit other place, vim of C filetype
> delete the auto-indented space. But i want to keep the indent there
> for the future editing? Then how to make the auto-indent always insert
> the indent-space regardless whether the line is empty or not?
> I read the help file about the 'cpoption' option, it says 'set
> cpoption+=I' can avoid the indent deleting when move the cursor
> updown, but I can't let that work.
> Best Regards,
> sun

If you insert a line, and then go somewhere else, and then come back, you
can just type dd to delte the newly inserted line and type o to insert a
new line again. This is only 3 keystrokes and it solves all problem, your
indent come back.

Anyway, this behavior is good for avoid trailing blanks.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Vimrc blues.

2007-04-15 Thread panshizhu
"Ananya M (RBIN/ECM1)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-13
> Hi,
> I m very new to Vim. But I'm smitten by it nevertheless.
> I use Gvim 7.0. I also have cygwin installed in my winnt system.
> Cygwin defines $HOME to a network drive and places its own .vimrc file in
> I don’t want gvim to use this rc file since it sits on a server.
> How do I force gvim to always consider the _vimrc file in $VIM?
> Is there a command line or registry option?
> -
> The gvim docs say that gvim looks for $HOME/_vimrc file first(in
> Windows environment).
> However why is my gvim even considering a .vimrc file within $HOME?
> Shouldn’t it have failed its search for _vimrc in $HOME, and moved
> on to $VIM to look for the _vimrc file?
> --
> I tried setting $MYVIMRC to $VIM/_vimrc . But this failed, since
> gvim always overwrites it to $HOME/.vimrc .
> --
> Thanks for all your answers.
> Best regards,
> Ananya M
> //I'm sorry to have sent this mail directly to you.
> //My mailer daemon failed to deliver the mail to .

Hi, I don't think it's possible to use directories other than $HOME while
HOME is defined. But you can redefine the $HOME in your Windows.
(System|Properties|Advanced|Environment Variables|User variables) so that
the HOME environment variable has a different value, this is the best way

Or you can specify the init file manually. try launch vim by vim --help,
you'll see that vim -u can override any .vimrc file.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Wish: need a way to reverse 'cterm=inverse' highlight command

2007-04-13 Thread panshizhu
Spencer Collyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-13 15:55:48:
> Typically, just after I sent my message I realised how to do it - just
> use 'cterm=NONE'.
> Spencer

This is not perfect, since it removes ALL properties.

Suppose something is highlighted as cterm=reverse,underline,bold

The cterm=NONE, removes all.

And, there seems to have to word around to remove the "reverse" properties

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-12 Thread panshizhu
OnionKnight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-13 10:05:10:
> Couldn't find anything about command-mode. How is it different from
> mode? Is each line treated as one command? Like g0w is treated as "g0w"
> instead of "g0" and "w"?

Vim is a multi-mode editor, in different mode, it accepts completely
different set of commands.

So, commands accept in insert-mode may have completely different meaning in
When you use normal-mode commands inside command-mode, vim will be crazy,
since the meaning of the command is completely different in command-mode
and normal-mode.

Inside vim, you can see :help index
then you'll got the idea what is the commands available in different mode.
(use Ctrl-] to follow a link in help, use Ctrl-O to jump back)

> elseif expand("%:p:h") == "C:\\Program Files\\Apache\\htdocs"
> It looks sorta like that right now. I want to check if the left side of
> == operator begins with the right side. In Perl or Ruby it would be done
> elseif expand("%:p:h") =~ /^C:\\Program Files\\Apache\\htdocs/
What you need to see may be :help eval
if you want to do regexp matching, you could use =~ instead of ==
see :help expression-syntax

|expr4| expr5 == expr5  equal
expr5 != expr5  not equal
expr5 >  expr5  greater than
expr5 >= expr5  greater than or equal
expr5 <  expr5  smaller than
expr5 <= expr5  smaller than or equal
expr5 =~ expr5  regexp matches
expr5 !~ expr5  regexp doesn't match

expr5 ==? expr5 equal, ignoring case
expr5 ==# expr5 equal, match case
etc.As above, append ? for ignoring case, # for
matching case

you can use regexp match to do your match.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

OT: [Help]How can I add some char before a block?

2007-04-12 Thread panshizhu
陈方荣 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-13 09:08:49:
> Hi all,
>     How can I add some char before a block?
>     Just like C++ comment.
>     Before:
>     Comment line1
>     After:
>     //Comment line1
> Thanks.


Generally, use comment character to comment out real code is not considered
a good programming style.
because "comment should be comments", and there should be only real
"comments" inside the comments.

use #if 0 and #endif to comment out your code is a prefered way.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-12 Thread panshizhu
OnionKnight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-13 08:22:06:
> I've been thinking of migrating to using vim (gvim) but I'm running into
> of difficulties on the road I just can't solve, and the documentation
> well, strange at best.
It seems that Vim had a longer learning curve than other editors (the only
exception is emacs, which has takes more than a life time to learn...).

So, when you've got used to it, you'll no longer found it strange, and it
will be powerful for you.

> * At the beginning of an indented line, why does normal mode put the
> at the end of the first tab whereas insert mode is position at the
> of the line like I think it should? It's annoying to move around in code
> like that.
The answer is probably: "VI" do it in that way, and vim need to be
compatible with VI.

> * Is it possible to enter insert mode for files that aren't modifiable?
> Obviously any changes can't be saved but the buffer shouldn't be any
> problems to modify.
Sure, this is the default behavior. If yours are not, maybe you've been
affected by system-wide startup scripts. try :set modifiable

> * I wanted the Home-button to act so that it first jumps to the first
> non-whitespace character of the current line (i.e. skip the indentation)
> the beginning of the horizontal scroll. A problem, but it doesn't explain
> why the code is acting crazy.
inside a script you're in "command-mode", and the command "w" you've meant
to should be in "normal-mode", the correct way might be :normal w, :normal
g0w, etc...

> * In gvim, is it possible to have a drag-and-drop action open the dragged
> file into a new tab instead of a new buffer? Using the menu is just
> and you can't select multiple files either.
I don't use the mouse too often. I can use the vim buit-in file explorer
and open files inside vim, which have no interaction with the menu at all.
Remember: most vim features are invoked by command, not the menu.

> * I want to check a string if it begins with something but I have no clue
> why. I was thinking of a regexp but the only way to use matching regexps
> for highlights and substition regexps seems to operate on the whole file
> a selection and no way to use them on strings.
What do you meant by "string"?, if you think a string should begin with
quotation mark, then begin your search regexp with the quotation mark.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: how to replace ESC to some other key?

2007-04-10 Thread panshizhu
map something to , and it will insert a real tab character for
for example:
will map F6 for you, replace it with anything you want.

I always need such a map, since I've set 'expandtab' all the time.
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

wangxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-11 23:16:08:

> That's a very good tip: )
> I also wanna know how to insert a "Tab" when I editing files like
> /etc/hosts?
> Can I?
> > wangxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-05 21:08:43:
> >
> >> but in this situation,is there any way to auto-indent *.py?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >  << is "decrease indent" (hold on Shift, then '<' twice)
> >  >> is "increase indent"
> > You can use << or >> command in Normal mode and Visual mode. which is
> > good as, if no better than, the  key.
> >
> > --
> > Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

***SPAM*** Re: Vim70's highlighting

2007-04-09 Thread panshizhu

"李长青" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-10 10:14:07:
> hi,all:
>   thank you.
>   I install vim70 as a new software ,not update from other version.
>   And there is not a file named vimrc_example.vim at the path
> /usr/share/vim/vim70,just a file named debian.vim.And when I install
> vim70 completely,Thers is only one file like *.vim,and only one file
> named "vimrc" "vimrc.tiny".

How do you installed vim70? By make install from source or by apt-get
install or something else?

What's the version? type :version inside vim will tell you the exact
version, maybe you had a tiny version of vim which has no highlighting

If you compiled from source, then the default will be installed into
/usr/local instead of /usr.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: how to replace ESC to some other key?

2007-04-05 Thread panshizhu
wangxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-05 21:08:43:
> but in this situation,is there any way to auto-indent *.py?

 << is "decrease indent" (hold on Shift, then '<' twice)
 >> is "increase indent"
You can use << or >> command in Normal mode and Visual mode. which is as
good as, if no better than, the  key.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: how to replace ESC to some other key?

2007-04-04 Thread panshizhu
"Yakov Lerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-04 22:22:43:
> On 4/4/07, wangxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ESC is so far from the center of the keyboard.
> > Can I replace this key to Caps Lock,for example?
> I heard some people use Tab as a substitute for Esc. Weird.
> But it's easier to do in platform-independent way.
> Yakov

It's not weird IMO, Tab key is rarely required inside Vim, thanks to the
powerful auto-indent feature of Vim (you don't need the tab key even when
editing Makefile!), I never feel a need to use  key in vim during the
last 3 years.

Personaly, I think it is easier to train my fingers to reach the
so-called-far-away-ESC-key. (Imagine that the piano players often need to
reach keys in the piano much farther than ESC, and they do that precisely.)

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: how to replace ESC to some other key?

2007-04-03 Thread panshizhu
wangxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-04 23:55:55:
> ESC is so far from the center of the keyboard.
> Can I replace this key to Caps Lock,for example?
> Thanks.

This was well discussed on vim online.

Search for tips in You'll got all things you need to assign
CapsLock to ESC.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: completion menu colors

2007-04-02 Thread panshizhu
fREW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-03 10:56:11:
> Are these things that should be set in the colorschemes, but just
> aren't yet because the names are new, or what?
> -fREW

This should be set in colorscheme, however, if you're using the default
colorschme it is buit-in with Vim and you cannot change the source code of

If you are not using the default colorscheme, then you can just edit the
colorscheme and set those settings.

Note: a colorscheme does not have to set all the highlight settings, the
settings which are not set inside a colorscheme will use the default.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Customizing vim: How to change the char before commands

2007-03-22 Thread panshizhu

Some user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-03-22 05:14:30:
> I'm new to Vim. I want to change the character before commands. For
> saving is done by:
> :w 
> Can it be made slightly easier by just pressing 'g' or some other key
> not taken? I don't know why every command has to be pre-pended by a
> difficult to reach character like colon.

Sure, I think many Vim users may found this useful:

noremap ; :

then you could use ;w  instead of :w 

I'm in the same boat, I don't want to press any "chord-combination-keys"
since I can type much faster if there're no s or s or s

If you want to change the character into 'g', it may not be a good idea
IMO, since the left hand need to move a bit to reach the 'g' key, while the
';' key is right at the right hand.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Consistently exit "message display" with 'q'?

2007-03-21 Thread panshizhu
John Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-03-22 12:43:51:
> Thanks for the clarification Brett.  At least if you have external
> commands you use regularly though, you could wrap them in a vim
> function, thereby making them effectively internal, making g< useful.
> Just an update - I promised I'd investigate extending my "patch" to
> help those people who complained about losing their commands if they
> pressed one too many keys.
> I tried the most obvious approach, and whilst it sort of worked,
> there was some unhandled complexity to do with reverting to "more-
> prompt" mode which I couldn't easily work out.
> I think it was because vim thought we had alreday exited "more-
> prompt" mode, when in fact we shouldn't have (so you couldn't scroll
> back up when you reached the end).
> Since this g< command works somewhat (or can be made to work by
> using a wrapper function for external commands), I think I might
> give up on this and just be satisfied with the simpler "q exits the
> Press Enter prompt" change.
> Cheers,
> John

Just done some experiment, if I use j/k or / to scroll within the
"more-prompt" the message will never quit. Seems good but not quite useful
to me since I always use "f"/"b" or / to view the message.

So the only issue is the lack of "f"/"b" or  support for the
"more-prompt" and "hit-enter-prompt". key "f" and "b" is the standard
page-scrolling key for less and more, it seems strange that the
"more-prompt" and "hit-enter-prompt" do not have support the "f" and "b"

Let's hope it will be available in future versions.

Pan, Shi Zhu

Re: Consistently exit "message display" with 'q'?

2007-03-19 Thread panshizhu
"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-03-20 11:58:26:
> After hitting  once at the Hit-Enter prompt you're back to the
> More-prompt
> so _then_ you can use  again.
> IMHO it is advantageous to have a different prompt at the end of the
> because it tells you that there's nothing to scroll _forward_ to.
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --

It is not hurt to have a different prompt, but in the Hit-Enter prompt, hit
*any-key* will close the message display.

This is different from the Vim "state", we know that press the ESC twice
will go into normal mode. If I pressed the ESC 3 times (by mistake) it does
not hurt.

Press  will scroll down in 'more-prompt', and the prompt may silent
change into 'hit-enter-prompt', if I then pressed the  for one more
time, the messages may lost forever and I may not have chance to see the
message at all. Such kind of unrecoverable "destructive" command like
"close the message" should be explicitly defined like 'q' and should not be

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Consistently exit "message display" with 'q'?

2007-03-19 Thread panshizhu
"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-03-20 11:18:06:
> To go back in the scrolling display, in Vim 7 (but not in Vim 6 or
> you can use  or  depending on how far you want to go back.
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --

Hi Tony,

Anyway to prevent 'more-prompt' from changing into 'hit-enter-prompt' at
the last line?

When you scroll down and see the 'hit-enter-prompt', anykey will close the
message display, and the  does not work under that circumstance.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Consistently exit "message display" with 'q'?

2007-03-19 Thread panshizhu
John Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-03-19 21:23:59:
> Hi all,
> I'm a bit frustrated by a particular behaviour of vim, and today I
> modified the source code to 'fix' it.  I'd be very grateful for some
> opinions if you
> a) agree with my thoughts, or
> b) have a better solution.
> The problem - is when you run a command that outputs "messages" to
> vim - over multiple lines.  For example,
> :!ls
> or
> :set
> They scroll messages up the screen, and a kind of Unix 'less'
> function is effectively invoked (since it steals it's scrolling
> commands from vi(m)).
> In Unix "less" (and also Unix "more"), a simple, close-to-the-
> fingers way to exit is to type the letter 'q'.  This works no matter
> whether you're at the start, middle or end of the file.
> In vim, if only a part of the messages would fit on the screen, you
> get the prompt '-- More --' - and if you press 'q', it will exit
> message display.  If you press Enter, it will just scroll one line.
> However, if all the messages would fit on the screen, you get the
> prompt 'Press ENTER or type command to continue'.  Now the 'q' and
> 'Enter' keys do totally different things - q heads you towards macro
> recording, and Enter exits message display.
> Often, the line I want to see is at the top of the message output -
> and I don't care whether all the messages fitted on the screen, or
> whether there are more - I just want to exit message display.
> To me, it makes perfect sense that, just as with the unix 'less'
> program, pressing 'q' should exit message display - regardless of
> whether there are more lines to display or not.
> Sure, I can press Escape, but it's much harder to press than 'q'.
> Yes, I can press Ctrl-[ - but that's also much harder than 'q'.
> (Both of these options will also trigger the 'error bell' (audible
> or visual) - which seems rather unnecessary to me in this situation.)
> Otherwise - I have to look to the bottom of the screen to see
> whether vim wants 'q' or Enter to exit message display.
> Is it just me that finds this open for improvement?
> I've tried finding good mappings to solve this problem, but it's not
> at all easy.
> The source code change I made today was to change line 1004 of message.c
> if (vim_strchr((char_u *)"\r\n ", c) == NULL && c != Ctrl_C)
> to
> if (vim_strchr((char_u *)"\r\n ", c) == NULL && c != Ctrl_C && c != 'q')
> It seems to work fine I think.
> If I'm the only one who finds this a problem, how do all of you exit
> from message display?  Do you do different things depending on the
> message at the bottom? Use Escape?
> Otherwise, would anyone else like to see this tiny change accepted into
> Thanks for your thoughts,
> John


I don't know how other people quits the message display but I do feel
unhappy since the first day I use vim and have no good work around unless
having a big screen (so that most messages could fit in my screen)...

The more frustrating thing is: if I continuously scroll down in the
'more-prompt' mode, the 'more-prompt' will eventually quits the display and
the message are disappeared forever, so I must be careful NOT to press any
key when the last line of message are shown. What I expect is: press
"Enter" or "space" will always do scroll ONLY, and do never quit the
message display, this is consistent with the Unix "less" command.

If you just eat the 'q' after the message display, it will work if you want
to just quit all message, but when you want to view the last lines of the
message, the 'more-prompt' is still inconsistent since it will change into
"Press Enter or type command to continue" on the last line.

So I think a better way is to change the code for the 'less' mode, (in Vim
document, it is called 'more-prompt'), the 'more-prompt' should always
require 'q' 'ESC' to exit, even if the last line of text are shown. And
there should be an option to turn the 'more-prompt' always on. i.e. All
message will show 'more-prompt' regardless of the message 'lines'.

To conclude:
1. an option to "always show" the 'more-prompt'
2. 'more-prompt' will never fall into "Press Enter or type command to
continue" state even if on the last line, so we always require 'q' or ESC
to quit the 'more-prompt'. this is consistent with the Unix 'less' command.
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: replace upper-case with lower-case

2007-03-08 Thread panshizhu
"Theerasak Photha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-03-09 11:39:13:
> > Suppose I want to replace "start" to "stop" without changing the
> > capitalization, this will be:
> >
> > start -> stop
> >
> > My prior question is wrong, sorry.
> Oh, well in that case:
> :%s/START/STOP/g
> :%/start/stop/g

This does not seem to be a good way, consider if we want to change:
Start -> Stop
start -> stop
STart -> STop
then we may need to have too many lines...

Or imagine if we need to change ABCDEFG into HIJKLMN:
abcDEFG -> hijKLMN
... how many lines should you write?

write a function and change each character seem to be a more sensible

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: GVim colours

2007-02-05 Thread panshizhu
I've written a script to remove all the gui=bold properties, please be ware
that it isn't easy, since you cannot just set all the highlighting to
gui=NONE. For those who had a default value of gui=reverse, you should NOT
set it to gui=NONE, for those who had gui=reverse,bold, you should first
set gui=NONE and then set gui=reverse again.

Well, I really HATE the way to do that since it seems to be a "dirty" and
"hacked" way, but unfortuanately it is the only way for gvim now, I
strongly hope the next Vim version will have a much "clean" way to disable
all the bold font.

An alternative solution, is to use a bold font for the default font of
gVim. And then all text will be highlight as the same thickness. Again,
this is not a very satisfying approach but it might work for some people.
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 2007-02-04 20:00:18:

> I've been using Vim with colorscheme evening, run in gnome-terminal set
> to disallow bold text and to use the Rxvt colour palette, and it's been
> working great for me.
> So great, in fact, that now, when I want to give GVim a chance,
> I can't stand its default interpretation of the evening colorscheme,
> but I have no idea how to make it drop the bold text and use the Rxvt
> colour palette. Is it at all doable? If so, how?
> Or, to rephrase my question, how to make GVim (below) look the same as
> Vim (above) in the following screenshot?
> -- Shot
> --
> It is not yet possible to change operating system by writing
> to /proc/sys/kernel/ostype.  -- man 2 sysctl

Re: How to maximize my vim window when I start it?

2007-02-04 Thread panshizhu

The :set lines=9 columns=9 does not really maxmize the Vim window.
Since there's still borders for the window, a maximized window have no
borders (AFAIK this is true for WinXP and KDE).

Since you are highly unlikely to use a Windows version other than English
and Chinese. The following method works:

if has("gui_win32")   " NT Windows
autocmd GUIEnter * :simalt ~x

Tony think the method is non-portable, that is true, if there's a portable
way to do the job, I will prefer the portable way. However, the :set
lines=9 columns=9 cannot do the same job as the :simalt can do, so
their must be a compromize. I would recommend the ":simalt" way until there
is a nature way for vim to cope with that.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 2007-02-05 07:26:38:

> Hi, everyone:
> I am now using gvim7.0 on WIN XP; I have several questions:
> 1. How to setup my gvim to open to the maximal size when I start it?

Re: Administrator never hears the beep

2007-01-17 Thread panshizhu
Spencer Lu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-01-18 13:45:29:
> I'm running Vim 6.4 on Windows 2000.  When I'm using GVim as a normal
> user, I can hear the beeping noises (for example, if I'm on the last
> line and then press 'j').  However, when I'm logged in as Administrator,
> I never hear any beeping noises.
> I made a few changes to my _vimrc file, but the file is shared by all
> users, and none of the changes have to do with the beep, so I don't know
> why Administrator can't hear the beep.
> Anyone know what's going on?  Thanks.

Beeps are controled by t_ settings, those settings may be reset *after*

So you should set those in .gvimrc again.

Check if there's a .gvimrc for Administrator?

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: change syntax highlighting

2007-01-10 Thread panshizhu
"Geue, Stephan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-01-10 17:34:03:
> Hello, I would like to change the VIM colors, i.e. the C/C++ mapping of
> VIM colors to Xterm colors. First, I changed a few lines within


A better approach is to use the GUI version of Vim, and you could set the
color scheme, see :help :colo or just find the colors in the menu.

If you want to use the terminal version of VIM, the possibility is
generally quite limited. For 8-color or 16-color terminals, chances are
that you have to change term color in order to obtain an elegant color of
syntax highlight. Things would be better for a 256-color terminal, however,
few color schemes are designed for 256-color terminal.

Anyway, the $VIMRUNTIME/colors/*.vim is the files you should look first, it
may have what you want most.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Questions about syntax highlight script.

2007-01-04 Thread panshizhu
"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 2007-01-04
> > Hi vimmers, I've got some question when writing my syntax highlight
> >
> > Q1.
> > The language requires a ^M character as a keyword. The ^M character is
> > default highlighted but I want to highlight it to some other color, at
> > least it should be different from ^L and ^N...
> >
> > It seems impossible to match the ^M by
> > :syn match Testgroup "^M"
> > (Note the ^M is obtained by press C-K, release, then press C-M,
> > then press )
> When using double quotes, you can match "\r" instead, but beware: ^M is
> carriage-return character, which has special meaning on Mac (where is is
> end-of-line character) and on Dos/Windows (where it, plus ^J [line feed]
> together make an and-of-line). In general, using any character below0x20
as a
> "text" character is a bad choice.

The fact is that the script language requires the source be in Unix format
on all platforms, so there should not be problem using ^M. (AFAIK Mac is
using FreeBSD kernel, isn't FreeBSD using Unix format?)

However, your solution does not seem to work. Changing "^M" to "\r" does
not get it highlighted correctly.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Questions about syntax highlight script.

2007-01-03 Thread panshizhu

Hi vimmers, I've got some question when writing my syntax highlight script.

The language requires a ^M character as a keyword. The ^M character is by
default highlighted but I want to highlight it to some other color, at
least it should be different from ^L and ^N...

It seems impossible to match the ^M by
:syn match Testgroup "^M"
(Note the ^M is obtained by press C-K, release, then press C-M, release,
then press )
:hi def link Testgroup Number
does not highlight it as desired. It seems always highlighted to some other

The string for the script language can be as long as 50-100 lines, when I
write a ":syn region" for string, it works but sometimes when I go page
down and page up, the lines of the string are highlighted as "Normal"
instead of "String", seems that the context are not concerned. Any work

The first occurence of colon and the following occurences in a line have
different meanings.
So, if there are text: :::;
I want to highlight the first colon as GroupA, and highlight all following
occurences of colon in the same line as GroupB. Is that possible?

Thanks in advance.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: i_CTRL-Y on Windows

2006-12-28 Thread panshizhu

Try to see if you sourced mswin.vim somewhere. (it may be in your .vimrc,
or $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim, or anywhere in the $VIM.) An easy way may
be: delete the mswin.vim file, restart vim and the script souceing that
file will report an error, then you'll know where you had sourced it.

If you runs vim on both Windows and *nix platform, it is highly recommended
that you remove the call of the mswin.vim. It might be helpful for those
who had never used VI before and knows only Windows platform. But for *nix
users, it create many incompatibilities.

Hope that helps.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

striker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-12-27 19:52:01:

> I frequently use i_CTRL-Y on my *nix box to insert the character
> above.  How can I make i_CTRL-Y work on Windows?
> i_CTRL-E does however work.
> TIA,
> Kevin

Re: on *nix vim

2006-12-28 Thread panshizhu
C-S is used for terminal flow control in Unix.

So, try  s instead  of , i.e. release the  after 
and press a single "S".
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

"Manu Hack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-12-29 02:15:16:

> It works in Vim7 on WinXP but not on *nix (I tried solaris and linux).
>  On *nix, it just stopped until I press .  Why was it happened?
> Thanks.

Re: Upgrading From Vim 6.4 to Vim 7.0

2006-12-15 Thread panshizhu
"Roy Fulbright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 2006.12.16 10:42:02:
> I am preparing to upgrade from Vim 6.4 to Vim 7.0 on Windows XP. I
> downloaded 'gvim70.exe' from the Vim site, but also noticed a reference
> the latest binary with all the most recent patches, which currently is
> 'gvim-7-0-178.exe', which I also downloaded. My question is, must I first

> install 'gvim70.exe' before installing 'gvim-7-0-178.exe'?
> Thanks,
> Roy Fulbright
> _
> All-in-one security and maintenance for your PC.?Get a free 90-day trial!

> href=
> href=


if you mean here:

It seems to have included everything, so you don't need to install
gvim70.exe prior to that.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: vim-display problem?!

2006-12-11 Thread panshizhu
"dong wang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-12-11 18:10:03:
> I found a problem ( sorry , here i just call it problem ) when i edit
> a csv file.
> That is the vim don't display the last line as a seperate line when i
> do " set nu"
> For exmaple ,
> use Notepad.exe (or some other Editor) to create a file  , and do input :
> abc
> abc
> save the  file.
> After that , use vim to open the file and "set nu"
> Well , i found that , the vim just displays the line number as this
>  1 abc
>  2 abc
> which i thought it should be :
>  1 abc
>  2 abc
>  3
> Does this a problem ?
> Or i can use some option to control this?
>  Why did vim not display the last line number ?
>  in my option i thought the fine should have three line
>  but not just TWO line , Right ?

No, this is not a "problem". This is a "feature"... ;-)

Vi treat text files in "Unix" way. i.e. all lines should have a line break.

So if you want :

1 abc
2 abc

then the stream on disk should be something like:

If you have 3 lines you should have 3 s, if you had 2 s you will
got 2 lines. That's it.

Hope that helps.
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: finding extra { braces

2006-11-30 Thread panshizhu
"Yakov Lerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-12-01 07:45:02:
> It is easy to identify extra '}' in the .c source, compiler
> points us to the exact line. Rarely, I have the opposite error,
> the extra '{' somewhere in the source. For example
>  int foo() {
>  {
>   }
> In this case, gcc points me to the end of file. This is not helpful.
> Can anyone suggest quick method of finding the function
> that contains extra '{' brace ?

At the last line:
press o, insert }, press , press %

this may not found exact the place, but it will go to the function which
has the extra '{'
if the '{' is inside the function, you may then find it within the

goto the end of the function and press % at the last '}' of the function to
find where the extra '{' lies..

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

possible bug for syntax/vim.vim?

2006-11-30 Thread panshizhu

if I had the following in a vim script:

call FooBar('xxx'
  \ 'yyy')

then the last character ')' will be highlight as Error.

It seems that the '\' continued line are not recognized well.

My :version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Sep 15 2006 16:06:30)
Included patches: 1-76
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Anyway to reduce the spaces in TagList Window for Taglist plugin?

2006-11-30 Thread panshizhu


I'd been used the taglist plugin for times but found it useful.

The issue is it is too agressive on screen space. There are 4 spaces before
all identifiers and 2 spaces before each group name.

Normally I'll set the font size so that the screen can take up 80 to 100
columns and leave the Taglist as 20-columns in width, I don't think the 4
spaces before the identifiers are useful anyway, and it wastes 1/5 of the
window space. Also, the 2 spaces before groupname are not as desired.

Anyway to disable the preceding spaces on all lines?
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: How to avoid highlighting identifiers as misspelt words?

2006-11-28 Thread panshizhu
news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-28 21:18:55:
>  I'd like to know if there is a way to tell Vim to recognize identifiers
> occurring inside the comments/strings in source code as being valid
> E.g. if I have
> // function foo() does whatever it does
> ~~~
> void foo() { ... }
> and "spell" option is on, the first "foo" is highlighted as a misspelt
> as indicated above (the second one isn't as spell checking is done only
> comments and strings (which is good, but not quite enough)). Is there any
> to ignore all identifiers for spell checking? E.g. ignore all words
> outside of comments/strings in the same buffer or maybe all identifiers
> the tags file or maybe something even better which I didn't think of?
>  Thanks in advance for any ideas,

Generally, it is not a good practice to use // or /* */ to comment out
codes. (a better approach might be "#if 0" and "#endif"), so if you use #if
0 there would not be problem.

If you just want all identifiers to be valid word, there has been somewhere
a method to permenantly add all identifiers in a tags file to your
dictionary. But it is inconvinient, since tags file will change frequently,
and you may want to use different tags file with different project.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: an uncomfortable thing

2006-11-28 Thread panshizhu
Ronald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-28 13:30:27:
> I am new.
> Usually when I am in command mode (I mean when I pressed ESC), the
> cursor shape becomes a block, it is well that when I press `i' or `a'
> the cursor will become a bar at the left or right side of the block.
> But here is a problem, when I want to enter something like:
> (test)
> I will enter the parentheses first, then I need simple key stokes to
> back one letter like:
> control oh or control oi

Just press the  key will to the trick.

So you may want to map () to ()

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: compile code from within vim

2006-11-26 Thread panshizhu
"atstake atstake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-27 09:37:40:
> I'm using vim 6.4.7 on Fedora Core 5. I would like to compile C,
> Perl, ruby & bash script from within vim. I want vim to recognize a file
> by extenstion and if I map it to, say,  vim would be able to compile
> the code based on the extension; eg. if it's a .pl file it would do
> "perl filename", show the result and if there's any error it would take
> me to the line where the error is.
> Is there any easy way to do this with functions? Any example would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.

The feature is already supported by Vim, and I bet that's the Vim native
way to do that.

:h :make_makeprg

If you would like to know how this works,

See also:
For example: $VIMRUNTIME/compiler/perl.vim

In gerneral, each language has a "compiler script" describing which
external compiler to use to compile the file and has the regexp patterns to
parse the error message.

If a file does not has compiler script by default or if you want to
override something, you can write you own one in your ~/.vim/compiler/

After all, all you need to do is to :make, it will find the right compiler
for current language and compile, and parse the output, move to the line of
first error.

And if you want , just do the following:
:map  :w:make

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Can't change search background color

2006-11-22 Thread panshizhu
Larry Alkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-21 17:25:13:
> I'm using Vim64 in Kubuntu and cannot change the color background when
> doing a search.  The background color is a kind of darkish orange - I
> _think_ it's numbe 3.  I'd like to have LightYellow but nothing I have
> done so far changes it.
> " result of :hi search is
> " xxx term=reverse ctermbg=3 (orangy)  14 is ltyellow

Usually, it is impossible to set a ctermbg to 8 or above for terminals,
especially when you have t_Co=8, i.e. your terminal is 8-color terminal.

Sometimes, manually :set t_Co=16 does the trick, if that works for you,
then just do it.

But it may not work. If you still want a light background, there're several

1. Get a terminal emulator with fully 16-color support, or even 256-color
terminal emulator which has support for ctermbg >= 8. --- this works for

2. Do not use ctermbg >= 8 when designing color schemes. Note this is
important if you want your color scheme portable, because many terminal
emulators cannot have light background. --- this works for everyone.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: vim encryption

2006-11-22 Thread panshizhu
"Noah Spurrier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-22 04:14:52:
> I am not so concerned with strong encryption
> (although, I'd be sad if the encryption turned out to be trivial).
> At the moment my main goal is to be able to write
> VIM compatible encrypted files from a PHP or Python script.

Just :h :X and looked down for one or two pages you will found the text,
and I guess that's what you're looking for .

editing.txt line 1379:
- Pkzip uses the same encryption, and US Govt has no objection to its
  Pkzip's public file APPNOTE.TXT describes this algorithm in detail.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: question on using vim with cscope & ctags

2006-11-15 Thread panshizhu
tux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-15 12:47:07:
> Is there any way by which I can redirect the matching tag list or
> matching cscope entries to a buffer?
> If so, is it possible to open the buffer with the tags list/cscope
> similar to file explorer? That is, pressing enter when the cursor is
> under tag entry should open the source file containing the tag/cscope
> entry in another buffer.

Will that really be faster? If there're multiple matches you'll always need
to choose.

If you want the entries in a buffer, simply open the tags file (yes, the
file named 'tags'), and you've got all tag entries in the file, find the
entry you want and press Ctrl-] will get you want. It is possible if you
want to map  to that.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: vim7: why does patchmode create 0-byte files?

2006-11-15 Thread panshizhu
David Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-15 14:56:15:
> I'm using 'patchmode=.orig' in my ~/.vimrc,
> when I edit a new file such as xxx that does
> not exist, then save that file, I also get a
> 0-byte file called xxx.orig.  This 0-byte
> file seems rather pointless.
> To recreate,
> vim -u NONE xxx
> :set patchmode=.orig
> iHello World
> :wq
> then 'ls -l' and it shows,
> -rw-r--r--  1 davidt  core   12 Nov 14 22:47 xxx
> -rw-r--r--  1 davidt  core0 Nov 14 22:47 xxx.orig
> I don't understand why vim cannot avoid creation of
> the 0-byte xxx.orig upon first creation of xxx.
> IMHO, this is a bug.  Anyone agree?
> My 'vim --version' output is,
>VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Oct 24 2006 17:24:02)
>Included patches: 1-4, 6-26, 29-31, 33-44, 46-56, 58-64, 66-73, 75-91
> Regards,
> David

I can't see this to be a bug, Vim is doing exactly what it is told to and
everything is well documented.

see :help 'patchmode'
in options.txt line 4919:
If there was no file to be backed up, an empty file is

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Your best text/code formatting trick

2006-11-12 Thread panshizhu
Kim Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-13 04:29:53:
> I am currently looking into different tricks for formatting text,
> code, etc. in Vim.
> I guess most users know the format-paragraph command gqq or the
> reindent entire code 1G=G
> But are there any other neat tricks - which ones are your favorites?
> --


I use GNU indent some time, it should come with most Linux distribution (or
you could just install the 'indent' package) and act as a filter. In
Windows you could found it in Cygwin.

so the command should be :%!indent, or you could just select a paragraph
with the visual mode and !indent.

GNU indent is fully customizable (write you own rc in ~/, it
can reformat the long paragraphs and add/remove spaces between tokens.
Develop your own file and it may save huge time in the future
for you.

The only issue for GNU indent: it supports only Unix text file, so you
should :set ff=unix before calling the GNU indent from within Vim.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Running own script when editing MATLAB files

2006-11-09 Thread panshizhu
"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-09 17:17:05:
> Filetype plugins are sourced if ":filetype plugin on" has been used.
> Indent plugins are sourced if ":filetype indent on" has been used.
> Syntax scripts are run if both ":filetype on" and ":syntax on" have been
> Best regards,
> Tony.

So, it seems that the right place to override something is the
~/.vim/after/indent ? (if all he want is to set tabstop shiftwidth
expandtab ...)

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Running own script when editing MATLAB files

2006-11-09 Thread panshizhu
Luc Hermitte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-09 16:35:45:
> > Save these commands into your $VIM\vimfiles\after\syntax\matlab.vim
> > (Windows platform)
> > or ~/.vim/after/syntax/matlab.vim
> This is not the right place to do that. ftplugins are the right
> solution.
> => ~/.vim/ftplugin/matlab.vim
> And BTW, don't use :set, but :setlocal when you want filetype specific
> settings.
> --

I don't know if there's any difference between ftplugin directory and
syntax directory.

But I did know that you should use ~/.vim/after/xxx instead of ~/.vim/xxx
if you want to overwrite something existing (here the matlab exists in the
vim standard distribution).

Having a ~/.vim/ftplugin/matlab.vim is good only when the
$VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/matlab.vim does not exist. If it exists, you have risk
of lose the settings there.

The difference is: if you put into ~/.vim/ftplugin, you will overwrite the
system default, if the system default does something else than set the
options you will lose those settings. so, put into ~/.vim/after/ftplugin
(In my practise it should be ~/.vim/after/syntax) seems to be always a
better choice.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Running own script when editing MATLAB files

2006-11-08 Thread panshizhu
"Zachary Leung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-09 15:19:29:
> Hi,
> I'd like to run these commands everytime I edit a MATLAB file. How
> do I do that?
> set shiftwidth=4
> set tabstop=4
> set expandtab
> Thanks!
> Zac
> --
> Jesus said, "I am the door of the sheep. If anyone enters by me, he
> will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture."
> John 10:9

Save these commands into your $VIM\vimfiles\after\syntax\matlab.vim
(Windows platform)
or ~/.vim/after/syntax/matlab.vim

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Spurious "undefined variable" error generated for certain valid ternary expressions

2006-11-08 Thread panshizhu
"Stahlman Family" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-09 09:40:49:
> > The docs clearly state:
> >
> > You should always put a space before the ':', otherwise it can
> > be mistaken for use in a variable such as "a:1".
> Hmm. Ok. I didn't find that text with helpgrep, but I've got Vim7
> beta version still on this computer. Perhaps it was added since
> then...
> Thanks,
> Brett S.

By the way, you should also know that "you should never add a space before
[ ]".

the abc [1] works in Vim6, but in Vim 7 there should not be a space so
there must be abc[1].

I don't know why there is such a requirement in Vim 7, but it breaks one of
my script.
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Command line tab completion

2006-11-02 Thread panshizhu
Benji Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-02 22:21:36:
>  I agree with Gary.  I tried
> $ vim -u NONE
> :set nocp wildmenu wildmode=longest:list
> :help termi
> :help preser
> I was hoping for "termin" in the first case and "preserve" in the
> second, but I was stuck with "termi" and "preser".
> HTH   --Benji Fisher
> P.S.  Has there been a patch that affects this?  I am still using vim
> 7.0.000 .

No, yours are different from Gary. Your completion does not seem to be
working at all and you should check your settings, Gary's completeion works
but not as he expected.

What Gary has said is: when :help preser expands to :help :preserve,
it will fail to expand :help :preservi to :help 'preservindent'.

My suggestion to Gary: if you want a completion of 'preserveindent', type
:help 'pres and it will complete to :help 'preserveindent'
immediately. that is much easier than :help presi... Don't expect
the completion to work perfectly when you had ommited the colon or
quotation mark.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Command line tab completion

2006-11-02 Thread panshizhu
Gary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-02 15:55:34:
> This behavior might be affected by 'wildmode'.  Mine is set to
> "longest,list".  I also tried "longest,list:longest", but the
> behavior was the same.
> Regards,
> Gary

To make things clear, I had just tried:
vim -u NONE -U NONE
then :set nocp
(Must set nocompatible or the tab completion will be disabled.)

and then :help pre followed by 

It works well, so the  completion should be okay on default.

You can try that also, if that works for you, then you may need to check
your ~/.vimrc and your ~/.vim directories to see what's different from the
default. Then reset the suspected option to default.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Command line tab completion

2006-11-01 Thread panshizhu
Gary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-02 09:26:41:
> I don't think that's the issue, as I understand it.  As another
> example, if I type
> This has bothered me for some time--it just never rose above my
> posting threshold until someone else brought it up first.

What is your 'completeopt' setting?

I do never have the problem like yours. If I type :help termi followed by
, it complete things as I'd expected.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Command line tab completion

2006-11-01 Thread panshizhu
"A. S. Budden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-11-01 23:46:04:
> Is this because of the quotes (due to it being a setting) or the 'no'
> variation or is it because of something else?  Is there any way to get
> round it?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Al

Yes this is because of the quote. you should type :help 'preserv
then press TAB, and you'll get what you want.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Cygwin defaced Vim. Help.

2006-10-30 Thread panshizhu
"Ananya M (RBIN/ECM1)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-10-31
> Hi,
> I am a very new to vim, and am absolutely smitten by it.
> I installed cygwin on my comp.
> Now gVim is showing up with '$' symbols at the end of every line,
> and ugly '>-' headless arrows at the start of every line.
> Also while in INSERT mode each press of the spacebar results in a $
> sign showing up at the cursor. Even my favorite "Crisp" font is not
> being used by vim despite of having an entry in _vimrc.
> I tried to tweak _vimrc but it didn’t help.
> Attached is copy of my _vimrc file. (text version, my fwall blocks
> unknown extensions!)

How did you get your gVim? in Windows there can be several versions:

1. Compiled in Cygwin by make -f Makefile, this could run in cygwin/X
2. Compiled in Cygwin by make -f Make_cyg.mak, this is Windows native
version compiled by cygwin
3. Compiled with VC by nmake -f Make_mvc.mak, this is Windows native
version compiled by vc

If you want gVim, I recommend a Windows native version in Windows, not the
cygwin/X version.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: VIM 7.0 under Windows and Unicode fonts

2006-10-29 Thread panshizhu
"Yongwei Wu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-10-30 10:41:21:
> Alex, if you cannot display Chinese while choosing Courier New, you
> may try setting your default locale (Control Panel > Regional and
> Language Options > Advanced > Language for non-Unicode programs) to
> Chinese (PRC). It should work. And then you will be able to edit
> English, French, Greek, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic
> simultaneously.
> Best regards,
> Yongwei

A little off-topic, but AFAIK this works perfect in Windows but not
identical in Linux, since Windows do not connect the internal processing
locale to the locale of user interfaces. The UI will never change when you
change the locale. (That's a good design IMO)

When you change the locale in Linux, the messages, menu texts are all
changed to the targeting locale after reboot. So it is hard to have a
Chinese UI and retain English locale, and it might be more difficult to
have a Chinese locale while retain English UI.

Alex's case is an example, if what he want is to display chinese correctly,
set locale to chinese is an easy way, but he might be troubled if all the
messages in the UI also changed into chinese.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: tags with abc::efg?

2006-10-29 Thread panshizhu
Beware, add the colon to 'iskeyword' works but it may mess up one thing:
the switch-case statement and the label:
switch (foo) {
case bar:
here the "bar" will be recognized as "bar:", and of course the "bar:" does
not exist. It will be inconvinient to search "bar" using the "*" or the
"", pretty annoying.

Unless we could add "::" to 'iskeyword' instead of the single colon, it
seems to be difficult to cope with this.

Any hints?
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-10-28 08:59:38:

> AJ,
> Thank you very much. This is what I was looking for.
> Sincerely,
> Henry
> --- "A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Henry wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I have a bunch TCL procs defined with :: in the
> > name.
> > > ie: abc::efg.
> > >
> > > I created a tags file, inside the tag file, it has
> > > abc::efg
> > >
> > > When I try to jump to this proc "abc::efg" in vim,
> > > using CTRL-], it can't find it. If cursor is under
> > > abc, then I get an message "E426: tag not found:
> > abc"
> > > If the cursor is under efg, then I get a message
> > > "E426: tag not found: efg". So it seems that vim
> > can't
> > > trace the tag properly. It should use the entire
> > > string "abc::efg" to search for the tag.
> > >
> > > Anybody has a solution??
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> >
> > I think it has something to do with your 'iskeyword'
> > option. Try using
> >
> >:setlocal isk+=:
> >
> > (adding the colon to the 'iskeyword' option) on the
> > files which have that kind
> > of tags. Or, if it is for any TCL files, you might
> > want to add the above
> > command (without the initial colon) in a file named
> > (on Unix-like systems)
> > ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/tcl.vim or (on other systems)
> > ~/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/tcl.vim (in both cases in
> > "vim" notation).
> >
> > Create the file and any directories in its path if
> > they don't exist yet. You
> > might for instance paste the following lines as a
> > *.vim script and source it
> > (this is untested):
> >
> >if has("unix")
> >   !mkdir -p ~/.vim/after/ftplugin
> >   let s:vimdir = ".vim"
> >else
> >   silent! !mkdir $HOME/vimfiles
> >   silent! !mkdir $HOME/vimfiles/after
> >   silent! !mkdir $HOME/vimfiles/after/ftplugin
> >   let s:vimdir = "vimfiles"
> >endif
> >exe 'new ~/' . s:vimdir . '/after/ftplugin/tcl.vim'
> >$put ='setlocal isk+=:'
> >wq
> >
> > See
> >:help 'iskeyword'
> >:help after-directory
> >etc.
> >
> >
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Tony.
> >

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Re: Bold font in OS X GUI?

2006-10-25 Thread panshizhu
Peter Hodge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-10-25 14:54:16:
> I can use guifont=*, and have tried many different fonts which have bold
> italic glyphs. The problem is that no matter which font I choose, Vim
> to show text in Bold (Unless I choose a font which has only a bold
glyph).  I
> get the impression it's a shortcoming of the OS X GUI, because underlined
> doesn't work either (Vim reverses the bg/fg colors instead).

Really? Do you mean: you selected a bold font as the gui font but the gui
displayed it as the corresponding "regular" font for that bold font?

If that's true, I'd wonder how this version is compiled...Any clue for
:version?  I guess it's not the shortcoming of the OSX gui, but the vim
need to be recompiled with different settings.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Anyway to sort scripts by last update date?

2006-10-24 Thread panshizhu


The has a script search feature which can sort by Rating,
Downloads, Name and Creation date. And can be filtered by type.

If we want to see in the specified category which scripts has been updated
(or created) recently, the only way seems to choose the creation date and
decending order. However this will only show scripts recently "created" not
the scripts recently "updated".

For example, there're 374 syntax scripts and I want to see which has been
updated or created since January 1st 2006. This seems to be a reasonable
query but I've got no idea how to do it.

Any hints?

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Fighting with comments - Close the gap between vimtutor and :help

2006-10-20 Thread panshizhu
vim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-10-20 15:50:36:

> Hi everobody,
> I believe that there is room between vimtutor and :help to have some
> beginner to intermediate tutorial that will take you by the hand and
> bring you through the Vim universe in a nice and easy way.

There already is one close to your description. (Is it an official one? I
don't know.)

It's a PDF document and can be downloaded somewhere... I forget the name
but it might be Vim Tutorial...

When I've found it I'll post it again.
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Anybody can tell me how to use "auto add "

2006-10-19 Thread panshizhu
"李 俊燕" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-10-20 14:17:55:
> hi,all
> I don't know how to say that.
> I just remember that I can type [ control - a ] before a number
> to let it add 1, for example let 1 change to 2.
> But it doesn't work in gvim 7.0 for windows.
> Is there any other method to do that?
> thank you very much.
> Li

If you had sourced the vimrc_example.vim, the mswin.vim might be sourced,
then the Ctrl-A will be mapped to something else.

So, you have to choices:

1. remove the reference to the mswin.vim, you can search and find which
script call the mswin.vim and remove it.

or just:

2. unmap all the remappings to 
Add the following to the end of your .vimrc:
" CTRL-A is the default

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: What's the exact meaning of the set 'background'?

2006-10-18 Thread panshizhu
Peter Hodge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-10-19 13:44:19:
> Hello,
> If you change the background=light, Vim reloads the colorscheme so it has
> chance to give you new colors.  But if the colorscheme changes
> again, then Vim knows that the colorscheme isn't capable of picking
colors for
> a light background.  In that case, Vim will just ignore whatever the
> colorscheme says and will use default colors instead.
> regards,
> peter

This is a good choice anyway, if the colorscheme can only do bg=dark and
the user want bg=light, the defaults are loaded...

However, this "feature" seems to be buggy:

When I'm using a dark-background scheme, I want a light background and type
:set bg=light. It tries to load the color scheme and found the color scheme
set bg=dark, then it ignores the color scheme then loads the default. If
all you said is true, I expect the bg=light now and the light-background
version of the default should be loaded. however the bg=dark now, and the
dark-background version of the default color scheme is loaded.

A bug ?

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: What's the exact meaning of the set 'background'?

2006-10-18 Thread panshizhu
"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-10-19 13:42:46:
> (I "think" I read the help correctly in
> understanding that ctermbg=NONE and ctermfg=NONE are not syntactically
> settings, but I'm not 100% sure that I understood it correctly.)
> Best regards,
> Tony.

Hi Tony,

Thanks very much for your through explanation, I'll read it for some more

What I can confirm is that you have not correctly understand one thing:
ctermbg=NONE is valid and this setting is very important for most
color-scheme developers. It means the background being transparent.

i.e. when the ctermbg=NONE, the background color will be the same as the
terminal background, if your terminal can have a semi-transparent
background, then the background color of the highlight group will be
semi-transparent. Note that the ctermfg=bg and ctermbg=bg is not possible
when ctermbg=NONE. And the ctermbg=NONE is the Vim default setting for most
highlight groups! You must override all those defaults if you don't want
the background be determined by the terminal instead of your Vim

If you set the ctermbg=Black, then it will always be black, even if your
terminal has a light background by default. So generally you don't need to
worry about the default background of your terminal. What you need to do is
to set ctermbg=Black for Normal highlight group and set ctermbg=bg for all
the rest of highlight groups which you expect the same background as the
Normal highlight group.

If I had not misunderstood the Vim Help document, I should have this: when
the color scheme overrides all the default values, the 'background' option
will have no effect since it only changes the default highlight and they
are all overriden by the color scheme.

This seems to be a "frozen" way but it works better for me. Consider that
the gvim will always have the background="light" and the cterm will have
this determined by the terminal. Many 8-color terminal cannot have a bright
color as the background so it is not be very portable to design a
light-background scheme for color terminal. I forced dark background for
color terminal then nothing need to be detected.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

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