Re: [Vo]:Key to Extraterrestrial Messages

2012-05-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
My two-cents: Anthropologically speaking it is best to not contaminate the indigenous life forms one is trying to study such as by making too much of an overt presence. To announce one's presence would immediately cause the subjects one is observing to behave unnaturally. Data would immediately

Re: [Vo]:Key to Extraterrestrial Messages

2012-05-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: ”O freddled gruntbuggly thy micturations are to me ... I hear Shakespear translated into Klingon is quite good. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Key to Extraterrestrial Messages

2012-05-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Beautiful Alien Verses (yes, that; also known as BAW). Freddled is Vogon for star, by the way. I've modestly attempted a translation, years ago, but it got lost somehow. I specially like when the Improbability Drive turns everything as made of wool (which is Vogon for 'wool', by the way)

Re: [Vo]:Correspondence about the rejected paper

2012-05-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
That was a juicy read, Jed. FWIW, I know someone who's employed at the National Science Foundation. He's an old Science Fiction fan/friend we've known for decades. He reviews funding grant proposals for promising new science projects. It's a position that wields a lot of responsibility and power.

Re: [Vo]:Last Day of April ... where are the Defkalion test reports?

2012-04-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: Tests have been performed. The people doing them would prefer to keep everything quiet for a while longer, for good reasons. I suppose if I were in their shoes I'd want to keep a lid on a lot of of this stuff as well. Considering how much bad press combined with rampant speculation,

Re: [Vo]:Can a Box Fly?

2012-04-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed asks: We see that a box can fly. But can a fly box? Well, my cat Zoey sez: Can I has a fly box? I suspect a human is required to assist in the lift Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:International Conference The Atom Unexplored - May 4th, 2012

2012-04-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Akira, I forgot to add that all this information came from 22passi: Jones sez: Fabulous cover-art image - reminiscent of a Serpinski fractal - Menger sponge. etc. Metaphorical to the Casimir-instigated

Re: [Vo]:International Conference The Atom Unexplored - May 4th, 2012

2012-04-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Akira, I forgot to add that all this information came from 22passi: ... The link is blocked where I work. I screwed it up. It should be Both sites are blocked as well. Drat. Regards

Re: [Vo]:International Conference The Atom Unexplored - May 4th, 2012

2012-04-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Akira, ... Try this: Cover Image came through. Thanx. Some of the imagery is in the style of the famous artist: M. C. Escher's work. Vaguely, that is. Escher was way ahead of his time. He created meticulous

Re: [Vo]:Toyota demos 60 km/l hybrid prototype

2012-04-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: I don't know if everyone keeps up with the market; but, are you aware that there are four models of Prius available?  The latest I have seen is the Prius C, a smaller version of the Prius 3G with a 53 mpg city rating.  It's available in four trim levels starting at $18,900.

Re: [Vo]:Toyota demos 60 km/l hybrid prototype

2012-04-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed, ... The plug-in version is sold in the U.S. with very limited availability this year: I think it is more widely available in Japan. I think there will be a real problem with gas going stale. For urban use, I would

Re: [Vo]:North Korea tells its people about the failure, for the first time

2012-04-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: See: QUOTE: [T]his time, unlike after previous failures, North Korea didn’t manufacture a tale about a technological triumph and a satellite

Re: [Vo]:It's only chemistry

2012-04-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones: The most interesting distinction in all of physics comes into focus with Ni-H, assuming that it is NOT a nuclear reaction (as normally understood). There is no proof that Ni-H is primarily nuclear, and many indications that it is not, and there are also indications that there is

Re: [Vo]:Should there be a prediction market for LENR?

2012-03-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From pagnucco: ... People who buy low and sell high are rewarded for improving the market prediction, while those who buy high and sell low are punished for degrading the market prediction. Evidence so far suggests that prediction markets are at least as accurate as other institutions

[Vo]:Brillouin Energy making waves

2012-03-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Next Big Future: (This may have already been reported here.) * * * * Brillouin Energy has been able to develop a control system that allows a reaction to start and stop, and run in a steady state mode. In April, they will

Re: [Vo]:I Will Get Puppets, Snakes (and Clowns)

2012-03-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Recently from: Andrea Rossi March 27th, 2012 at 8:13 AM Dear Antonella: We know perfectly who some puppeteers are: our intelligence system is working together with the Law Firm we have engaged for this issue. We are collecting and analyzing every single phrase the Puppets, Snakes (and

Re: [Vo]:I Will Get Puppets, Snakes (and Clowns)

2012-03-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Andre: ... darn, I get confused. who are the puppets? and who could be the puppeteers? That's a question best answered by the master himself, Heinlein. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:I Will Get Puppets, Snakes (and Clowns)

2012-03-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Like many here, Rossi assumes (or knows) Krivit is actually controlled by some group or people / institution / organization, called his puppeteers. It must me them, then, that he wants to target eventually. This is just my take, but I seriously, SERIOUSLY, doubt Mr. Krivit is being controlled

Re: [Vo]:I Will Get Puppets, Snakes (and Clowns)

2012-03-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Abd: The man is insane. If it happens that he's rich (i.e., he's got that plant open and is selling to the public, which implies that the device is working and is reliable), he'll be a bit dangerous, but that's life. He will then be an attractive target for countersuits. He set up

Re: [Vo]:E-Cat Horror

2012-03-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Hi Peter, In regards to who is Nancy Grace, all that is really relevant to the discussion in hand is that she is considered a highly controversial legal commentator within the United States. Grace's legal commentary show is currently broadcasted and hosted on locations like CNN.COM. Proponents

Re: [Vo]:OT (sort of): Woz one of the first to pick up a new IPAD Hi def

2012-03-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: I fully expect that in the near future we are likely to see bigger versions of the iPad, one that will also contain the same level of high resolution. Actually, the next one is smaller:

Re: [Vo]:E-Cat Horror

2012-03-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: Really?  I thought she [Nancy grace] was a dancer who suffered a wardrobe malfunction. Wardrobe malfunction? Ahh, no... I think that would be more in reference to Janet Jackson's Super Bowl half-time presentation. Alas, we now have a generation of traumatized viewers that will need

Re: [Vo]:March 22, 23

2012-03-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed, ... Conferences are fine. They serve their purpose, which is to inform scientists. But the only way cold fusion will ever be pushed into the mainstream will be with commercial production of cold fusion devices. I hope that Defkalion or someone else brings that about. I infer from

Re: [Vo]:E-Cat Horror

2012-03-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Peter: ... I am sorry but Nancy Grace was completely unknown to me. Then you are most fortunate. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan drops his support of Rossi

2012-03-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Robert, ... It doesn't make any sense to switch to supporting DGT. The company was formed as part of the Rossi venture. Either they're both scams, or neither are. As a cautionary tale, I am

Re: [Vo]:Size Matters

2012-03-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: From the Planck Length to the Universe with interactive zoom: Great road trip. Thanks, Terry. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Krivit- Florida and Rossi-- Hmmmmmm

2012-03-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Greetings Vortex, I think that this hasn t  been posted yet: Also posted here:

Re: [Vo]:Krivit- Florida and Rossi-- Hmmmmmm

2012-03-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I think that this hasn t  been posted yet: Also posted here:

Re: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools animation generation packages

2012-03-12 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Hi Jed, and Mark, I should have prefaced the original subject line with OT Off Topic. I think that would have resolved the issue - except perhaps for a few Vort purists. ;-). My apologies for not having doing so in the first place. Again, I want to thank several Vorts for the plethora of advice

Re: [Vo]:Florida Investigates Rossi

2012-03-12 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: 0.511 MeV photons are not dangerous.  I use them to heat my pasta for lunch. Meaning, you nuke your lunch in a microwave oven? Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools animation generation packages

2012-03-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Robin: I have never used WordPress, but any browser can also access files on your local PC without needing to install an http server. Just click on File on the menu and choose the Open (File?) option. I would guess that WordPress can access local files as file:// rather than

Re: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools animation generation packages

2012-03-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed, A follow-up question: Since you were forced to roll up your sleeves and get dirty wrestling with the unwieldiness of using WORD PRESS to manage the content of the huge LENR database, this begs the question: At what point, in your opinion, does the size of the content one manages become a

Re: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools animation generation packages

2012-03-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: ... Doing web pages in plain HTML is not a walk in the park. I am used to it so it seems easy, but my wife cannot begin to maintain her site. Getting my wife to use html, let alone an actual 3D keyboard (she's getting pretty good at typing out messages on her iPAD) would be grounds

Re: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools animation generation packages

2012-03-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: ... I used to know a guy who developed Intel CPU chips. This was before the Internet exploded. He said: We are in a race with Microsoft. We make the CPUs faster and faster so that Microsoft can bog them down with more and more useless code. Nowadays we make the Internet ever

Re: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools animation generation packages

2012-03-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
A WORD PRESS question for Jed, I'm still reviewing the pros cons of using WORD PRESS. I'm seriously leaning towards using it. It looks like my web host provider supports it. Just about every provider does! WORD PRESS is very popular. I'm still a little puzzled over what options are available as

Re: [Vo]:Nature Editorial: If you want reproducible science, the software needs to be open source

2012-03-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I have another update concerning my on-going theoretical research into characteristics of celestial mechanic algorithms. Last Wednesday I mentioned the fact that another way to graph an elliptical orbit (an orbit that obeys Kepler's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laws) would be to plot the satellite's

[Vo]:Next Big Future interviews Steven Krivit

2012-03-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Next Big Future: March 02, 2012 Steven Krivit and the troubling case of Andrea Rossi As one might expect, Krivit's assessment of Rossi is fairly damning. OTOH, read the following concluding QA: NBF - Question 12:

[Vo]:IBM: We're on the cusp of the Quantum Computing revolution (video)

2012-02-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Might be of interest to some here: Sounds like it would certainly speed up some of my own computer simulation work. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Nature Editorial: If you want reproducible science, the software needs to be open source

2012-02-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Harry: From OrionWorks: What I can say is that the new system involves an alternative way of graphing out a periodic orbit - where you plot an elliptical orbit on a TIME-LINE chart. The orbital distance is the Y vertical value and the horizontal X value is the time value. That

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion shutting down their forum .. again

2012-02-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From DGT: The situation now is different in that our openness creates problems that can damage the success of this project. ... Some may agree, and some may disagree with DGT's stated reasons for closing their forum. Personally, I'm surprised that DGT actually had a controversial forum of

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion shutting down their forum .. again

2012-02-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Personally, I'm surprised that DGT actually had a controversial forum of this nature up and running for as long as they had. The odd thing is:  it's not closed yet.  I just posted a message.  WTF? They must like you, Terry. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Wired Magazine- Cold Fusion, NASA, CERN, DARPA....

2012-02-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Kita: Oops! I see you already posted this info! Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Speculation: Where is Rossi allegedly manufacturing his eCats?

2012-02-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Susan, I can't believe how so many people are still after Rossi's tales, puzzling about customers, factories, partners, certifications, patents and so on. Here a hint about Rossi's ecat factory location. Enjoy :) I enjoyed the Santa tour.

Re: [Vo]:Test day in Greece time

2012-02-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed, noone noone wrote: Possibility #2 -- A copy cat of Rossi's technology, using his intellectual property without permission. (This would be a horrible tragedy.) Nonsense. I agree, What well-known company has not filed suit against a potential competitor for daring to kick the

Re: [Vo]:Test day in Greece time

2012-02-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
noone noone sez: If I invented a billion dollar technology and someone copied it without my permission, I would not accept a trillion dollars from a lawsuit. The only thing I would accept is for the other company to be forced to re-call all their products. Then I would make money by

Re: [Vo]:Test day in Greece time

2012-02-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
It's been a slow-news Friday afternoon, so please accept my apologies for continuing this protracted discussion with noone noone: The world according to noone noone: If I invented a billion dollar technology and someone copied it without my permission, I would not accept a trillion dollars

Re: [Vo]:South Africa Fuel-Free Generator Report

2012-02-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Do you also disagree on how I describe the demonstration setup as being ridiculous, and not worth of drawing any positive conclusions from in the way Stirling Allen does? Andre, As I have previous stated, I am not an electrical engineer. As such it is not my place to pass judgment on your

Re: [Vo]:SK and Widom Larsen Theory -- What do we know?

2012-02-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Blum This is what Rossi said today about Krivit: The snake is not a skeptic, is a puppet paid by puppeteers who would compete with us but are not able to. He is strongly connected with their company. He gets money to make libelling against us also from other 2 well identified entities.

Re: [Vo]:NanoSpire Inc.

2012-02-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Francis: If this experiment occurred in 2009 and resulted in radiation sickness and transmuted elements at only 840 watts in I have to ask why it is only becoming news now and why the news isn’t all over the front page.. what I am missing that makes this less than earth shattering news?

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Responds to Dick

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: (third message on page) excerpt: We requested for a Skype conference call with Mr Smith, similar to what he had requested from Mr Rossi. Mr Smith declined our offer. Strangely, when Mr Rossi declined Mr Smith, Mr Smith called Mr Rossi a scam. Should we consider the same of Mr

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez: This is a bit off topic to the thread (ok, way off)... ... and as you well know that has never stopped the Vort Collective from engaging in a good debate! ;-) The following might be of interest to some here: Michael Cremo Forbidden Archeology

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Here's some additional photos to wet the imagination! Excerpt: A metallic sphere from South Africa with three parallel grooves around its equator (photo courtesy of Roelf Marx). The sphere was found in a Precambrian mineral deposit, said to be 2.8 billion

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Orionworks sez: Here's some additional photos to wet the imagination! Excerpt: A metallic sphere from South Africa with three parallel grooves around its equator (photo courtesy of Roelf Marx). The sphere was found in a Precambrian mineral deposit,

Re: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: Here's Wikipedia's entry on the spheres: OOPAs! from Oompa Loompa! Oompartifacts ... or perhaps Loompartifacts. Actually, the latter sounds like the name of an Italian

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Information regarding Leonardo Corporation’s Commercial License Policy

2012-02-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Regarding: Andrea Rossi February 16th, 2012 at 7:21 AM IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Information regarding Leonardo Corporation’s Commercial License Policy: Since some clown ( probably a “millionaire” clown, who

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion GT willing to accept Dick Smith's offer + Official tests info

2012-02-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Hot Damn! I luv it! The following personal speculation of mine assumes DGT's acceptance wasn't a rumor: The offer puts skeptic, Dick Smith, in the hot seat. We need to watch very carefully how Smith responds. If he had been banking (no pun intended) on the premise that Rossi or DGT would ever

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Information regarding Leonardo Corporation’s Commercial License Policy

2012-02-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
So Rossi doesn't take money from investors, but he does take money from the sale of licenses for an unreliable product. Is this a responsible way to run a business? Harry, what's your point? Surely you realize the fact that many within the Vort Collective question Rossi's business practices.

Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: Stirling Allen wrote: . . . I walked by a group of younger people milling about outside an establishment (some kind of party). I pulled up a chair, stood on it, and started saying, May I have your attention, please. I would like to tell you about some hope that you have for

Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jarold: There is absolutely no excuse why Rossi wouldn't accept this offer. I was sitting on the fence with Rossi, but now I'm leaning more towards him being a fraud. ... Many here (including myself) wish that Rossi would accept the challenge. However, Rossi is under no obligation to

Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jarold, You seem to have issues with Rossi's quirky unpredictable behavior. Many do. You are in good company. If you are leaning towards the opinion that Rossi is a fraud you can at least feel assured of the fact that your opinion is shared by many. I'm sure Krivit would approve. Why don't you

Re: [Vo]:Dust Fusion claim by George Egely

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I gather Mr. Egely is claiming he is actually transmuting graphite (carbon) into iron with the use of a microwave oven.. And lets just forget about how much radiation that must generate as carbon nucleus are fused into iron nucleus. To prove his conjecture he uses a magnet to show that his newly

[Vo]:OT: Apps for iPad 3: What Apple should demo at the grand unveiling

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson Display is likely to increase to: 2048 x 1536 Most likely the same display size. I wanna an iPad (jumbo), one that's picture book size! Approximately 8 x 12. IMO, there's a definite need for a bigger

Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Harry: Rest assured. Rossi's true colors, whether they be pro or con, will eventually be revealed. You don't think they have already been revealed? No. All I've seen is endless speculation on Rossi's business ventures. While there has been plenty of armchair criticism, (some of which

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Testing

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jarold ... ... I want real answers for his refusal instead of snakes and clowns. Patience grasshopper. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Tesla Murdered by Nazis

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: excerpt: According to Skorzeny, he and Gehlen had tricked Tesla the previous day into revealing the full details of his most important discoveries. After the murder, they stole the contents of

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Testing

2012-02-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jarold sez: It's my deadline based on the things both Rossi and Defkalion said. If nothing happens by that time, I will stop paying attention to this drama and consider that it is most likely a fraud. Well shoot! So Rossi has finally violated your deadline, and now you're miffed. You've lost

Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

2012-02-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I love it! I hope Rossi accepts the challenge. The pessimist within me however thinks he won't. I'm inclined to think Rossi might be inclined to reply with something to the effect that he's too busy to spend time on what he will try to describe as nothing more than unimportant parlor

Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Daniel Damn! HE  IS TOTALLY  INSANE  I CANNOT  STOP  LAUGHING HAHAHAHAHA! :D Sterling is simply behaving like an evangelist of a different cloth. All evangelists want to spread the good news. Some more obnoxiously that others. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Do you think Rossi will still be too busy?

2012-02-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: Outstanding! Constant Growth = Doom  ?!? From the looks of it constant growth will equal BOOM! With special emphasis on the vowels in BOOM... or DOOM depending on the interpretation. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
On the surface it certainly sounds promising. I'm glad Sterling secured sufficient funds that allowed him to go evaluate Sam's device. I'm also glad Sterling is going to stop off and visit Defkalion as well. I'm still going on the assumption that Sam's device will eventually fail to pass the

Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Guenter, ... As has been mentioned by some before , it is about a careful balance between (pathological) skepticism and weakminded wishful thinking. Agreed. I would however replace the term weakminded with indiscriminate. Sounds more descriptive to me. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent

Re: [Vo]:100000 e-cats preordered

2012-02-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Peter, What, exactly, do mean 100,000 orders for a product that is not still on the market? ... Good question. One way I can look at this conundrum is to do some simple napkin math. 100,000 orders x $500 to $1000 (retail price per eCat) comes to gross sales of approximately 50 to 100

Re: [Vo]:100000 e-cats preordered

2012-02-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Peter: ... As one of the sillier examples of his preorder method, let's take Wladimir as an example: Wladimir Guglinski February 8th, 2012 at 2:59 AM Dear Mr. Andrea Rossi May I pre-order 1000 eCats? Firstly I will ask to send me 5 eCats. After selling them, I will ask more 10, and

Re: [Vo]:100000 e-cats preordered

2012-02-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Peter: ... See please my old paper: No real dialogue possible with Rossi, sorry for him. Peter Personally, I think it's a tad premature for us to feel sorry for Rossi. He strikes me as an extraordinarily intuitive

Re: [Vo]:Including nuclear degrees of freedom in a lattice Hamiltonian, PL Hagelstein, IU Chaudhary 2012.01.20: Rich Murray 2012.02.09

2012-02-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Rich: I meant cf has jumped to be successful science, finally... I think I was a little snippier than usual this morning because I had not yet had my cop'o'java. In any case, I certainly agree. Let us both hope the trend continues. Where it will eventually leads us, nobody knows!

Re: [Vo]:World's best H2 catalyst?

2012-02-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
More info: The information below described a new catalyst, CC, that requires zero energy input once the reaction is started and heated to 180F.  After that, hydrogen is produced for as long as fuel (water and aluminum) are provided. Zero

Re: [Vo]:World's best H2 catalyst?

2012-02-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From David: I would also take a second look at the net process energy balance.   If aluminum is required as fuel, you would be in big trouble as it takes a lot of energy to obtain the fuel.  Years ago I made H gas by putting lye and water into a jar with aluminum foil.  My friends and I used

Re: [Vo]:Re: FYI: CERN Recognizes LENRs, Widom-Larsen Theory

2012-02-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alain: Note that the last paragraph states the following: A plethora of theoretical models have been proposed to explain several experimental anomalies in LENR. A brief description of a weak interaction model shall be presented

[Vo]:Google insights seem to show waning interest for NET and W-L

2012-02-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
For an interesting change of pace, try entering in a few other key words, like New Energy Times and Widom Larsen It would seem NET's 20 minutes of fame may be coming to a close. This suggests to me that Mr.Krivit will need

[Vo]:Concerning Rossi's attempts to achieve adequate Patent Protection

2012-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
PESN had the following to say concerning the latest info on Rossi's attempt to get adequate patent protection: * * Patents - On January 17, 2012, T.O. wrote: I have a very

Re: [Vo]:Concerning Rossi's attempts to achieve adequate Patent Protection

2012-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: INAL = me no lawyer.  I meant IANAL but, geeze, I'm not anally retentive either. When I first saw INAL I immediately went to an online acronym finder to decipher what Terry was saying cuz I really didn't have a clue. See: INAL stands for I'm

Re: [Vo]:Concerning Rossi's attempts to achieve adequate Patent Protection

2012-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
PS: INAL could also stand for I need a life. Try substituting that for interpreting what Terry really meant to say Just trying to give Terry a hard time. ;-b Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Concerning Rossi's attempts to achieve adequate Patent Protection

2012-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From James, An executive has fiduciary responsibility to his stockholders. This means he must pursue due diligence regarding the protection of the assets of the company.  Since the USPTO has made the patentability status of cold fusion claims unclear, for Rossi to expose his trade secret in a

Re: [Vo]:ET - Call home

2012-02-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones, Interesting SA article. I seem to recall scholar/archeologist Zecharia Sitchin speculating on the premise that the Sumerian civilization was influenced by an amphibian race of beings. Sitchin was a prolific author. He rote numerous scholarly books on his ET hypothesis. I haven't read any

Re: [Vo]:ET - Call home

2012-02-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Daniel sez: Well, he [Sitchi] was busted when dictionaries of sumerian were made widely available, including online. It seems he overused creative translation. But, who knows... It's all a matter of interpretation, isn't it! ;-) You say to-may-toe, I say to-mau-toe. Too bad we can't ask the

Re: [Vo]:ET - Call home

2012-02-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones, As a recovering dyslexic, it can be a challenge unpacking your memes, especially when you're transmitting at IPv6 and I'm still chugging along at IPv4. I seem to recall that we have had similar discussions on the so-called merits of aliens physically visiting our planet, versus a

Re: [Vo]:Rossi Daily News

2012-02-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Rossi watching can be fun. Ya just don't know what he is going to say next. Thanks for indulging us, Alan! Much appreciated. :-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rama Found?

2012-02-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: I've been more-or-less following this event when it first came out. I hope they get the funding they need in order to take a closer look. Obviously, it's fun to speculate on what this very odd shape

Re: [Vo]:Rama Found?

2012-02-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry, Probably not the MF; but, this one: Using side-scan sonar, the team found a 60-meter diameter cylinder-shaped object, with a rigid tail 400 meters long. We have not seen the image.  A cylinder 18 stories high by four football fields long?  I know it's not Rama; but, that's one

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Krivit continues to advocate for the W-L camp

2012-02-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alan: McKubre's response at ... McKubre states: People sometimes question the value a traditional scientific education but this case highlights one of its clear benefits. Poor Steve simply does not know what he

Re: [Vo]:Small Earthquakes in Northern Italy

2012-01-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: OMG!  The quantum coupled coherence is propagating in the Force and threatens to shred the very fabric of space!  If it reaches the large hadron collider . . . . . . overhead, without any fuss, the stars were going out. Atheist, ACC, is probably chuckling over that one, wherever

Re: [Vo]:LEAD shielding - a dual purpose?

2012-01-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Good comments from everyone. From Axel: In the context of the new high temperature NiH reactor designs, lead will melt at a lower temperature (327C) as compared to the temperature of the high temperature coolant (349C), therefore the theory of heat production in lead is untenable. I agree.

Re: [Vo]:LEAD shielding - a dual purpose?

2012-01-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alian: note that for defkalion, gamma measures is not a secret I read the thread. The only commentary from DGT is: No, there is not any such limitation Thank you ??? Ooooh-Kay... What does that mean?

Re: [Vo]:The Garbage Collection of a Fool's Imagination

2012-01-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Rick, Thanks for your commentary. BTW, you recently stated: ... I have been repeatedly denigrated as a pathological skeptic -- despite a proven track record of submitting detailed, evidence and reason based, critiques of CF claims since December, 1996, when I evolved from being a naive

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion is open for testing as from now

2012-01-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Has anyone stepped up yet, and is preparing to perform independent testing? I assume there HAS to be interest in this subject. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jones: There are some that still believe Ni-H is thermonuclear and in fact, Pd-D could be. In fact W-L theory tries hard not to be forced into making that decision, and has QM features - but if the defining detail of that theory involves neutrons, neutron capture - and subsequent

Re: [Vo]:New here-- some general statements

2012-01-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Very few of us are destined to make a colossal financial killing in the world, particularly on the order of raking in billions of Dollars/Euros. It remains to be seen whether Rossi's name will be added to that rarified list. If Rossi does eventually succeed I would speculate that the history

Re: [Vo]

2012-01-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Andre: ... They just reacted on We are in a very early stage don’t get too optimistic. Please don’t bother the domain owner, we will publish proper contact info on the site when we make progress with our experiments. Not much to be expected soon, then. Indeed. Don't

Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From AG: Jed, This is more than chaos. He has buried himself. How can anybody believe a word of what he says anymore? He did not ship the plant. The plant is not in test by anybody. There is no NI control system hooked to that plant. The plant is not operational. There is no

Re: [Vo]:Rossi often says things he does not mean

2012-01-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From John Milstone How fortunate that you [Jed] appear to be the only person who isn't being bamboozled by Rossi. Just out of curiosity, have you had any correspondence with Mr. Rossi going back for for several years, as Mr. Rothwell presumably has had? What do you base your conclusion on?

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