Re: [WSG] Float-less layouts

2008-01-07 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Thierry Koblentz wrote: Does your approach deal with any column any order? Is this a possibility? As it says on this page [1]: The sequence of the columns depends on the source order... As far as I know, display:table doesn't let us play with columns the same way we can do with floats. We

Re: [WSG] strange cropping of divs in ie

2007-12-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
kevin mcmonagle wrote: So do you separate your styles into quirks mode styles and strict styles in different css documents? No, I make only one set of styles - not necessarily in one stylesheet, making sure mode doesn't matter. Controlling where those margins/paddings go is usually all that's

Re: [WSG] strange cropping of divs in ie

2007-12-21 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
kevin mcmonagle wrote: If i can ask an old question, whats the best way to get margins and padding to be set the same across all browsers. In standard mode with all other variables equal, margins and paddings _are_ the same, so I guess that's not what your question is about. Standard mode vs.

Re: [WSG] BBC in Beta

2007-12-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Mike Brown wrote: Thoughts/praise/comments :) Overall, better, but, worse than good. Oh come on, let's not be so blinkered that we can't appreciate really good work in most areas! Since the example comes out like this...

Re: [WSG] IE6 issue with a ul

2007-12-15 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Lyn Patterson wrote: stacking bugs ? something for me to research. You'll find few references to that bug under that name. It's rather a description of how the bug works - individual layers of an element get wrongly stacked relative to individual layers of other elements _visually_ in the

Re: [WSG] Opera files antitrust against MS: standards one part

2007-12-15 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Al Sparber wrote: [...] Reducing the disparities is not the same as eliminating disparities. It is human nature to make mistakes. It's often the best way to learn. Yes, it is. However, it is not human nature to make use of what they have, or should have learned, if they can get away with

Re: [WSG] Opera files antitrust against MS: standards one part

2007-12-14 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Al Sparber wrote: From: Michael Horowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] Personally I'm looking forward to buying computers with virtually nothing pre installed. I always end up deleting most of it anyway. Alot of people start off by reinstalling the OS to get rid of all the junk the PC manufacturers put

Re: [WSG] IE6 issue with a ul

2007-12-14 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Lyn Patterson wrote: It is fine in Fx, IE7 and Opera. In IE6, ul#img li is not displaying. This is the bit that supplies the background and room for a large caption. Can anyone tell me why this is so? IE6 has stacking bugs,

Re: [WSG] Opera files antitrust against MS: standards one part

2007-12-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
John Faulds wrote: Delivering their OSes with half a dozen pre-installed standard-compliant alternatives to IE/win isn't a technical problem, so why not? I'm no lawyer and I'm also no MS fanboy, but I think 'why?' is as equally a valid question as 'why not?'. Indeed. Which would make any

Re: [WSG] Page shift in IE6

2007-11-21 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
John Faulds wrote: I had that there because the top link in the sidebar seems to get partially obscured by the transparent PNG of the ball. I'm sure it was working at some point, but doesn't seem to be now. :/ You can keep the... #sidebar { position: relative; z-index: 200; } ..._if_ it

Re: [WSG] SIte Maps?

2007-11-21 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Chris Taylor wrote: But even for a relatively small site having a sitemap will help some users find what they want quickly. Those people are the same ones who will scan the index of a book before flicking through the pages. I've done that on this site: despite it only

Re: [WSG] question about max-width's behaviour

2007-11-21 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: I thought max-width tells the browser: This is the limit of the width you can expand, regardless how big the screen is. But my testing shows that, with a max-width of 60em, a 1680px wide monitor, when a browser is opened in full screen, with fontsize increases, the page

Re: [WSG] Page shift in IE6

2007-11-21 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
John Faulds wrote: I appreciate all your efforst so far Georg, but could I impose a little bit more and ask you to put a version of the page you've made online so I can compare because I'm still getting a noticeable shift at my end? Sure...

Re: [WSG] Page shift in IE6

2007-11-20 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
John Faulds wrote: I've got a page shift happening when you hover over certain elements in the right column on this page: Can you provide a link directly to your IE stylesheet? It's a bit difficult to track down from the outside. Looks like

Re: [WSG] Page shift in IE6

2007-11-20 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
John Faulds wrote: 1: the large shifting is easiest solved by deleting all R:P styles on sidebar... #sidebar { position: relative; -- delete z-index: 200; -- delete } ...which leaves a very small shift that

Re: [WSG] SIte Maps?

2007-11-19 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: Any links or pointers to creating such an index/map would be most welcome. Needless to say, standards and accessibility are important . . . I split them up in section-maps - table of contents - and produce them manually. An automated process is probably the only practical

Re: [WSG] Weird feature in Opera

2007-11-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rob Mason wrote: ( ) Opera displays the image as intended, but also repeats 50px or so of the same image again, about half way up the page. I have no idea what's going on. On a local copy I gave the image a roundtrip through photoshop without making /any/ changes to

Re: [WSG] Idiot's guide to JavaScript

2007-11-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rob Mason wrote: I am looking for a really basic, plain English guide to JavaScript. Either on or offline will do. A little of both... regards Georg --

Re: [WSG] Help IE

2007-11-11 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Bob Schwartz wrote: I have a windows box for testing IE6, what I don't have is a good memory for IE6 bugs, especially since they only show up when I'm doing a tight pixel perfect design. Don't memorize ... use online resources...

Re: [WSG] Colour Blindness Statistics

2007-11-11 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rahul Gonsalves wrote: However, the statistics given there seem misleading -- as according to this linked page [1], there are 10 million men in the US alone who are colour blind, while this page [2] suggests that in the US, there

Re: [WSG] Colour Blindness Statistics

2007-11-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rahul Gonsalves wrote: I'm searching for first-hand, authoritative statistics on colour blindness, for use in a formal, academic document. Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction? Maybe this will help in the search...

Re: [WSG] Help IE

2007-11-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Bob Schwartz wrote: I have a site in progress that is currently pixel perfect in all real browsers, it's all over the screen in IE 6 (don't yet know about IE7). IE7 is doing fine :-) IE6' margin-doubling on floats bug is causing most damage.

Re: [WSG] Help IE

2007-11-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Bob Schwartz wrote: The other problems in IE6 are related to the white-space bug and IE's need for 'Layout'. #outerWrapper, #innerWrapper {height: 1%;} ...will act as 'hasLayout' triggers where necessary. The white-space bug is caused by empty

Re: [WSG] Help IE

2007-11-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Bob Schwartz wrote: I'm still getting a problem with the area under the tabs, IE is showing about 25px of the content background (con-cen) above the top content curve (con-top) I can't see that in IE6 for my (original) test case...

Re: [WSG] Request possible?

2007-11-06 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Michael Vogt wrote: html: I have 2 questions: - is there a better way to do the html structure for this? You'll have to make some structural/sequential changes to get the visual effect you're after, since CSS alone can't handle such effects with any

Re: [WSG] Request possible?

2007-11-06 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Philippe Wittenbergh wrote: On Nov 6, 2007, at 7:48 PM, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote: ... Otherwise: no problem. No problems ? With Fx Mac and Safari 2.04, 3.03beta and the latest WebKit builds, the is a slight overlap: the top part

Re: [WSG] CSS help

2007-11-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rob Enslin wrote: Is there a way, a logical procedure or rule which I should adopt to prevent me from going forwards and backwards and constantly patching it up? A few: regards Georg --

Re: [WSG] Site check requested :: Lecoat

2007-10-31 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rick Lecoat wrote: [...] I'm not sure how to specify media types when most of my stylesheets are referenced by @import rules from inside a single stylesheet called import.css. You can leave the @import without a media type, and use @media wrappers around the entire set of relevant styles in

Re: [WSG] skip to content: care of accessibility causing usability

2007-10-27 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: Been working on this site in the last 2 days, I find that I am getting so annoyed by the surprise' everytime the hover pops up. If I, the site builder, find it annoying, what will the users find ? As a user I find that kind of visual flicker highly

Re: [WSG] Priority 2 error - Clearly identify the target of each link.

2007-10-20 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: [...] In the same page more than one article is listed, that means more than one title attribute with 'continue reading', as a result I am unable to pass the Priority 2: 13.1 Clearly identify the target of each link.

Re: [WSG] Priority 2 error - Clearly identify the target of each link.

2007-10-20 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Is it an Idiotic error? Imagine you're blind... And my blind tester says: it's an idiotic error - must have been implemented by non-blind people for the sole purpose of satisfying non-blind people's imagination of what it's like to be blind. My blind tester can't even read such a title

Re: [WSG] source order

2007-10-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rick Lecoat wrote: Is there a prevailing wisdom in this matter? Content first? Or navigation first? Point 4 in this article... ...seems to indicate content first as best, with the navigation first with skip link to content

Re: [WSG] Cost of Accessibility

2007-10-08 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Gary Barber wrote: You ask do you want a good quality web site. The clients replies, quality means expensive. As long as it looks good I don't care. Here in lies the problem. That shouldn't be seen as a problem. For me at least it takes longer, and cost more, to create a site consisting of

Re: [WSG] Cost of Accessibility

2007-10-08 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Steve Green wrote: The complexity and cost of accessible design increase significantly when the content is more complex, such as very large forms (we have discussed a few real examples in this list), multimedia and interactive e-learning (especially when it is discovery-based rather than

Re: [WSG] Cost of Accessibility

2007-10-08 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: I want to build accessible sites because that is the right thing to do and I have pride in what I do. Pride may be a costly commodity in more than one way. It sure beats money as driving-force for real growth though. Sometimes I do wonder, are some people (including me) in

Re: [WSG] Positioning a background image

2007-09-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Mike Brown wrote: So, I want to position a background-image. It's a single px image. I want it to start on the left-hand-side of its containing div, and 120px from the top. I want it to repeat downwards. Setting 'repeat-y' means: repeat vertically - both up and down - from a starting-point.

Re: [WSG] opera bug on hover, and the use of margins and left/right on absolute position

2007-09-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: Opera 9.02 has a problem with :hover span, part of the popup box overlapping the link element's background on hover. When link is clicked, the popup box shows up fine. In my experience: Opera only reliably reveals a pop-up element from inside a link, if the link itself is

Re: [WSG] opera bug on hover, and the use of margins and left/right on absolute position

2007-09-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: I have a concern regarding accessibility on this technique, if show/hide result isn't so much of a concern,would 'title' attribute a better choice? Because, if style sheet is disable or pag viewed in Lynx Viewer, content in the span class is revealed. But we don't always

Re: [WSG] Equal Height Columns/OTL background images

2007-09-20 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Joshua Street wrote: Hi all, I've got this design that requires equal height columns *and* background images positioned at the bottom of each column. The heights are fluid, the widths is fixed. The Companion column method... ...allows for

Re: [WSG] width calculation linux / windows

2007-09-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
ben van 't ende [netcreators] wrote: Ik looks like both M$ browsers have the same problem. Only IE6 crashes on it. IE7 acts weird with the left column. I will try to focus on the ie specific stylesheet with the width:expression . thingies. to solve it. More case-specific information,

Re: [WSG] width calculation linux / windows

2007-09-14 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
ben van 't ende [netcreators] wrote: The only thing is ie6 crashes on resizing. That is a weird phenomenon. Not much you can do about that i guess. Probably a whole lot if I could isolate the IE6/OS/service-pack combination - with settings - the crash

Re: [WSG] width calculation linux / windows

2007-09-12 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
ben van 't ende [netcreators] wrote: Hey List, [...] When I drop the borders all is well AFAICS in all browsers. I can see that in the two Linux browsers mentioned before the width of the center column is 2px more than in other browsers. This means to me the width is calculated differently

Re: [WSG] width calculation linux / windows

2007-09-12 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
ben van 't ende [netcreators] wrote: Wow! Gunlaug. Amazing I knew there had to be a solution. I am still wondering why this works. Isn't CSS wonderous? Yes, CSS can be wondrous at times. A block-element occupy space to the outside of its margins. Floats are no exception, but negative

Re: [WSG] Investigating the proposed alt attribute recommendations in HTML 5

2007-09-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: I think we are just splitting hairs now. I agree (to a degree), but I wanted to paint it out with a smaller brush :-) a) I personally do use alt tags, every time : (In other words, I agree with you in principle) Principles are good when aiming for best practices, but are

Re: [WSG] Investigating the proposed alt attribute recommendations in HTML 5

2007-09-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Michael Yeaney wrote: I find it interesting that everyone responding to this thread has failed to mention one very important aspect of any design-for-accessibility debate: Until you actually test it with a target audience/persona (i.e., someone who actually **is** blind), we're all just

Re: [WSG] Investigating the proposed alt attribute recommendations in HTML 5

2007-09-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: I notice that no-one has taken up the challenge of providing an emotional alt tag . . . :-) We have emoticons already, but I think they are optional... ;-) Georg -- *** List

Re: [WSG] Investigating the proposed alt attribute recommendations in HTML 5

2007-09-08 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: Using this arbitrary example, I still maintain that a site of images such as any of these will be of no more value to a blind user for having alt tags, other than to point out that 'there is a picture there'. Of what, the

Re: [WSG] Font sizing: top down or bottom up

2007-09-06 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Jixor - Stephen I wrote: Sorry, the point I'm making is why use 100 and 102, is there any visible difference? Normally not, and 100% is the intended size. The reason for the slightly more than 100% for h5 is that whatever the size 102% is calculated from the h5 should end up _as large as or

Re: [WSG] Font sizing: top down or bottom up

2007-09-06 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tony Crockford wrote: I'm still looking for a best practice solution to reducing font size to the *norm* and not causing problems when I do so. The most cross-browser reliable method is to declare 'font-size: 100%' as base, and size *down* _only_ on the text-carrying elements. This approach

Re: [WSG] Font sizing: top down or bottom up

2007-09-05 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rick Lecoat wrote: This bring into question the advice of the W3C tips page http:// where it states: 1em (or 100%) is equivalent to setting the font size to the user's preference. The above statement makes the implicit assumption that 'Browser Default'

Re: [WSG] Font sizing: top down or bottom up

2007-09-05 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Jixor - Stephen I wrote: Wouldn't all those heading sizes would look fairly similar, especially 102%? Indeed, but those are the sizes I found suitable for my own site, and I have only *suggested* (over at css-d) those values for use on other sites - as part of a method for inheriting

Re: [WSG] Investigating the proposed alt attribute recommendations in HTML 5

2007-08-31 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: [...] there is such a thing as a site whose prime function is visual. The only 'information' in the site I mentioned is what something 'looks like'. If you can't see it, there is nothing you can do to help that. Sure you can. Being unable to see something doesn't mean

Re: [WSG] When is invalid CSS okay?

2007-08-23 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rob Crowther wrote: Gunlaug Sørtun wrote: The hiding effect gained by 'CC' is used by many to justify hacking and to declare their solutions valid - because the validator doesn't complain. It is ultimately laziness, but I don't want to have to expend the mental effort to distinguish between

Re: [WSG] When is invalid CSS okay?

2007-08-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rick Lecoat wrote: So, is it considered 'okay', in a web standards sense, to have a non- valid bug-fixes stylesheet working alongside your perfect, pristine, uiber-valid main stylesheet? It is considered bad, but necessary and therefore acceptable by most web designers/developers. To give

Re: [WSG] When is invalid CSS okay?

2007-08-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Rick Lecoat wrote: [..] However, I'm curious about why your personal preference is for NOT using Conditional Comments; you seem to equate them with trying to hide embarrassing non-valid code, and I'm sure that some designers might use them for that. The hiding effect gained by 'CC' is used

Re: [WSG] Usability Accessibility Over Design?

2007-08-15 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
James Jeffery wrote: When i said design, i was referring to the hi-end graphical content. The sites that are there to amaze people and go 'how did they do that' which is they way alot of people seem to be heading due to convention. That's the visual design part of a visual design. Much like

Re: [WSG] display:table equal height and print style problem for Firefox

2007-08-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: [...] Checked your perfect equal height page in IE6, there is a big gab between the first and second column. I don't see you have a print style sheet but the equal height column declaration doesn't get in the way. How come? I use '@media screen' wrappers for existing

Re: [WSG] display:table equal height and print style problem for Firefox

2007-08-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: A 3 column layout used the display table equal height technique I am not going to worry the IE at this moment yet ( I understand I can use Conditional comment for print style sheet too?), but want to know if there is a way I can make the logo and the middle/right

Re: [WSG] CSS Problem in Mozilla and IE6

2007-08-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Joyce Evans wrote: So far, It looks proper in IE7, but in Mozilla, the horizontal navigation links do not center but rather move to the right so that I don't see the full Contact link. Add... ul {padding: 0;} zero out Gecko's

Re: [WSG] setting fontsize in body

2007-08-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tony Crockford wrote: However, I do agree we shouldn't be preventing users adjusting font sizes. Such a prevention is only relevant for IE-users who don't know how to use their browsers to prevent such prevention from taking effect. Actually, most pages break in IE because the designer think

Re: [WSG] setting fontsize in body

2007-08-04 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: On Aug 3, 2007, at 8:19 PM, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote: Unless my copy is sick, the default is 9px Mine is 12px. I don't remember I ever altered the fontsize in Opera (9.22), as I only use this browser for testing. Monitor Screen resolution: 1680 x 1050. According to

Re: [WSG] setting fontsize in body

2007-08-04 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Nick Fitzsimons wrote: 2. I trashed my Opera preferences and installed the latest version, and it has a minimum font size of 13px, which ties in with what I remember seeing previously. On a brand-new, never-run Windows XP SP 2 install (gotta love Parallels): download and run Opera, minimum

Re: [WSG] setting fontsize in body

2007-08-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: I got an impression that setting 100.1% fontsize in body tag is a better approach and have been doing so for many sites. Also, with the 100.1% in the body, I usually declare .85em (.95 for my site as I love big fontsize :) ) for paragraph and lists. I also find that I get a

Re: [WSG] setting fontsize in body

2007-08-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Patrick H. Lauke wrote: Ah, a misunderstanding of terminology. I thought minimum font-size settings referred to things like Firefox's preference setting for disallowing fonts, even when resized by the user, to fall below a certain fixed size...while in this case y'all seem to mean the default

Re: [WSG] Absolute positioning in the flow of the document?

2007-08-02 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Paul Collins wrote: ... The problem is that semantically this is not correct, the second level here is relating to the home link and therefore should be a sub-list contained in the LI of the home link. If you look at my example link, this is how the code

Re: [WSG] Site check Please - new thread

2007-05-16 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Taco Fleur wrote: Could do with suitable 'min-width' and 'max-width'. Not well prepared for regular 'minimum font size', or even for 'font resizing' in IE/win. Also, I get the off-screen text for the click here to start selling in at the left side on really

Re: [WSG] Disappearing element in IE

2007-05-14 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Cole Kuryakin wrote: ANYWAY ... I really don't know what's causing the problem ... pretty straight forward stuff that I recall accomplishing in other designs. Nothing is straight forward in IE/win when 'position: absolute' is used - especially next to floats. I suggest you change to...

Re: [WSG] 100% height

2007-05-11 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Jermayn Parker wrote: let us know how you go I myself are in the middle of a website were I need something similar and it works fine in ie7 and firefox but breaks and looks horrible in ie6 Maybe this is the way to go...

Re: [WSG] breaking in ie6-need help

2007-05-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
kevin mcmonagle wrote: I noticed on browser cam this page is breaking in ie6. Basically: the 'xml declaration' on top makes IE6 run in quirks mode. You have not compensated for box-model differences, so the #wrapper becomes too

Re: [WSG] equal height columns

2007-04-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Quintin Stoltz wrote: I would assume that the reason it doesn't work, is because you are using a method called parseint. JavaScript is case-sensitive... The method is actually parseInt. But changing that makes IE hang, as someone pointed out earlier... This I think is caused by the fact

Re: [WSG] equal height columns

2007-04-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Stuart Foulstone wrote: I've not used these expressions much, but is the use parseInt necessary? I had the impression that offsetHeight returns an integer value of px. Am I missing something? The method has the purpose of keeping the calculations alive in IE/win. Compare this _with_

Re: [WSG] equal height columns]

2007-04-16 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: The basics... ...but far from finished. Now you have to ask IE/win how tall an em is - regardless of font-size and resizing, and subtract the padding-top/-bottom on

Re: [WSG] equal height columns]

2007-04-16 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun Correction: The em to px part of the calculation - needed for correct subtraction of that padding, can be extracted here... ...where I use it to simulate 'em-based min/max-width' in IE6. IE7

Re: [WSG] em-based layout test request

2007-04-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun Thanks for taking a look at this. I think I still have 100% widths on those items Yes, but when the page becomes wider than the window, and you scroll out to the right... :-) I'm not sure how to deal with IE/Mac. I may opt to hide all

Re: [WSG] em-based layout test request

2007-04-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Thierry Koblentz wrote: FWIW, I'm not for limiting the width of an em-based layout to the window's width. I'd keep this behavior and may be implement a zoom layout to make everybody happy. Is this where I turn on my browser's 'Fit to width' option? :-) Georg --

Re: [WSG] Trouble with H3 float

2007-03-28 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote: When I resize to 800x600 the H3 heading *Featured Advertisers* (third heading on page content) floats right. If you don't want to run into more serious problems, the addition of... h3 {clear: both; } a must. All differences that may occur

Re: [WSG] centring and viewport size

2007-03-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: to see the action. It all validates. I've used standard code to include display : table and display : table cell for compliant browsers, and the conditional comment for IE. Works in FF, Opera 9, IE6 and IE7. Safari is

Re: [WSG] centring and viewport size

2007-03-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Gunlaug Sørtun wrote: Designer wrote: The window being too small to display the top of the page is not a problem using this approach, as there isn't any absolute positioning.. Yes, it is. Check again. You get a negative margin-top half

Re: [WSG] centring and viewport size

2007-03-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: Aw, flip! I look forward to seeing what you come up with! :-) These two: #3: mode-independent conditional IE-expression for container sized in 'em'... #4: mode-independent conditional IE-expression for container sized in

Re: [WSG] centring and viewport size

2007-03-21 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: However, in this exercise ( a learning one!) I want the CSS to validate - and it won't if you use a MS expression to make IE conform. Whilst this is a learning thing, I do want: a) everything to validate b) it to work in all (OK, most :-) ) browsers. (Not asking much! :-))

Re: [WSG] centring and viewport size (OT?)

2007-03-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: Most of the methods (non-tables) for centering a div vertically (and horizontally) suffer from the same problem: they use the div height to attach a top margin and use percentages. The result is that, when the window size gets to be smaller than the div size, the top of the

Re: [WSG] doing things right

2007-03-12 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Bob Schwartz wrote: In light of that bit of news, would tdnbsp;/td still be considered the wrong answer? pony warning Of course! You should _always_ follow standard, even when it doesn't work... ...but, if reality kicks in, then you _can_ use td!--[if IE]nbsp;![endif]--/td and apply the

Re: [WSG] Table Properties Cross-Browser compatible???

2007-03-11 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Cole Kuryakin wrote: Question is, however, are all -- or just a few -- of these properties currently supported by standards-compliant browsers ... as well as ie6? CSS table support is missing in all IE/win versions. If only a few are supported by all browser types, can someone provide a

Re: [WSG] Proper way to give height a horzontal UL Nav Bar

2007-03-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Cole Kuryakin wrote: I'm just not comfortable with the way I've achieved this (same padding on both ULs and LI's) I can't imagine this is the ***correct*** way to accomplish this and would really appreciate anyone's guidance. I don't know much about

Re: [WSG] target and accessibility

2007-03-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: So I repeat : 20 items for sale would have to be: Buy now, Buy it now, Buy this now, Now buy it, . No, it doesn't. It should rather be: Buy product A now, Buy product B now, Buy product C now, Buy product D now, . Your own page should then probably have something

Re: [WSG] Proper way to give height a horzontal UL Nav Bar

2007-03-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Cole Kuryakin wrote: Georg - Wow, that's great! There's a number of things I'm going to have to study on this (particularly the li+li - I've never seen that before). I used that '+' selector to add a top border to a li only when the li is preceded by a li. Prevents adding border to the first

Re: [WSG] web accessibility-some thoughts

2007-03-08 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Bob Schwartz wrote: How and why did the web get singled out from among all of the other publishing mediums to be by law accessible? It's a relatively new medium, and they may have a (very) slight chance to get it right. Isn't saying one can't (shouldn't) use, for example, a popup window on

Re: [WSG] Talking about tabular data...

2007-03-07 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Thierry Koblentz wrote: President..John Smith Vice-president.Janet Jones I see this as something that could be, or even should be, presented (styled) in a table-like manner, but I would normally not mark something like this up in a

Re: [WSG] tabular data

2007-03-06 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Bob Schwartz wrote: I'm reworking a site to get it up to web standards. Tables should be used only to contain tabular data The simplest expansion of this is: - do *not* use tables to lay out a page. - use tables _within_ a page when dealing with tabular data. Would this be acceptable for

Re: [WSG] MSIE causing trouble

2007-03-04 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Michael Cordover wrote: I've got a page at which comes up with a 4em space above the div.content despite me doing everything imaginable to get rid of it. Not sure since I didn't bother to deconstruct everything, but a copy shows that the margin on h1#banner is

Re: [WSG] MSIE causing trouble

2007-03-04 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Michael Cordover wrote: There is a file:, linked from an IE conditional comment and contains exactly that rule already. Well, I didn't use that - or any other - conditionally commented stylesheet, and it all lined up just fine in IE/win. _If_ I use, then the

Re: [WSG] link problem with absolute position

2007-03-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: Two elements are set to absolute position, one is 'skip to content' which uses background image with text link, another one is 'top' button that uses inline image . In Safari and PC IE 7 (standalone), both links are working. 'Top' is not

Re: [WSG] link problem with absolute position

2007-03-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Tee G. Peng wrote: Without a name=top/a Safari and IE 7 still works...hummm... these two browsers are more lenient? I always check Safari first, so when eveything works as expected, I forgot to check the markup for clue. Got to get rid of this habit. Don't trust a browser - any browser :-)

Re: [WSG] alternative to target=_blank in xhtml 1.1

2007-02-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Ricky Onsman wrote: When it comes down to it, I think most people (and yes, that means people using IE) will just left-click on a link. If you want something particular to happen, you'd better code it in. I think we're going in circles here, and it doesn't look like they are entirely within

Re: [WSG] playing with layouts, pt2

2007-02-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: My Safari 2.0.4 does support CSS tables, but it doesn't signal that it is capable of showing xhtml properly (which it is). Thus, it is served 4.01 Strict with float CSS. Georg --

Re: [WSG] playing with layouts, pt2

2007-02-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: I don't understand that. If Safari is capable of handing the correct mime type, how can (why would) it serve 4.01 strict? Probably because Safari is cheating :-) I don't know much about Safari - only use it for basic testing, but the following turned up in my archives from

Re: [WSG] Forward-slash suppresses word wrap in Windows IE

2006-03-20 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Better yet, use the character U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE (though, you'd need to check browser support) Something along those lines... HTML: i class=wbrv#8203;/i CSS: * html .wbrv {font-family: Arial Unicode MS; visibility: hidden;} what I use when everything else fails. Georg --

Re: [WSG] tabindex

2006-03-18 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Designer wrote: In an endeavor to 'be good', I've been putting tabindex on links just lately. Certainly the WAI validator gives me a warning if I don't. However, it looks to me as though 'modern' browsers tab through the links even without the tabindex (certainly Firefox, Opera and even

Re: [WSG] CAPS in stylesheets

2006-03-12 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Jay Gilmore wrote: I think many standards oriented people have moved or stayed with HTML 4.0X and those who are using XHTML are either using it incorrectly and unknowing of its proper application or the minute few who are actually serving it as application/xhtml+xml. Don't forget those of

Re: [WSG] Announcing GrayBit v0.5 Beta

2006-03-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Mike at wrote: I didn't understand the cut-off thing you mentioned. I'm not seeing anything cut off. Could you elaborate, please. It's that 'AD: Contact Us...' image. Not much you can do about it, I guess. Georg --

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