RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-10 Thread Lee Roberts
Interesting read, but seems they also propose we cease developing for IE.

Microsoft doesn't want to improve their software because they want to do it
their way.  Sure, they have representatives working with the W3C and is a
full member.  But, as was realized during Thursday's conference call they
simply don't care about meeting standards.

They claim people have a choice.  Let's examine that for a moment.

Twenty percent of the Internet population is disabled.  Approximately 80% of
those have low vision or are blind.  So, those using screen readers like
JAWS show up in stats as IE users.  So, let's take 18% from the 85% and were
now down to 67% of the world using IE.  Another 3 or 4 percent use Opera and
give the impression that they are using IE so they can get pass the garbage

Now, we're down to approximately 63%.  Dang, where did all those IE users

Don't ever think people don't use other browsers.  And don't be fooled by
Microsoft's statement that people have no choice.  We already see 18 - 22%
don't have a choice in how their browser is identified or what they can use.

Now Microsoft wants to embed IE more into their operating system.  Watch
people not upgrade.  I know I won't.  I'll be using Linux when I upgrade.  I
already use Firefox and Netscape more than anything else.

I will have to find a word processor and email client I that offers me the
features I want.

My position on standards is that all developers should follow them.  I won't
hire anyone that refuses to learn and use them.  Unfortunately, part of our
shopping cart requires Microsoft technologies which I hate but have no
current alternate option.

Lee Roberts

-Original Message-
From: Scott Barnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: Future.(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)


Good read. Hit some points I tried to hit but failed :)


Scott Barnes wrote:

> Hi All,
> Firstly thankyou for contributing in this discussion, i know most of 
> you are probably feeling "who is this clown, attacking W3C". This is 
> not infact the case, I am merely trying to get an overall 
> understanding of why and where bodies like the W3C will be in the 
> future. In doing so i have illustrated what in my mind is a flaw, in 
> that the W3C is made up of a few selected Elite, and the little guy 
> you, me and every other developer out their has no voice on the 
> subject matter of whether DOM should be refined or whether some 
> obscure CSS property is retrofitted accordingly.
> A few points have been made that Democracy in this case would be a 
> fatal blow to the overall purpose of what the W3C represents. I find 
> that a very hard thing to stomach and believe that a few would simply 
> say that a vote would be a long drawn out exhausting process. To me if 
> we can elect people within our society (in some countries) to run an 
> entire country based on information we are given? Surely its not that 
> much of a stretch in imagination to ask that we the ACTUAL development  
> community have a say in the way standards are put forward to the world 
> to follow? Its not a very large request?
> At some point the W3C have to cast some kind of vote to go forward on 
> something along those lines, and thats where I would love to see us 
> contribute. I'm not for a total abolishment of the W3C, they serve a 
> purpose well, but I feel we should either be a virtual member (ie we 
> the people collectively make one vote at least) or we ultimatley 
> decide the outcome based on what they have put forward? We aren't 
> dealing with an amount of people who cast their vote because its the 
> most popular at the time, we are a diverse amount of individuals who 
> come from every known social background with a huge array of beliefs 
> and vast amounts of life experience!
> It is a radical idea that I know, but for me as a developer to take 
> the W3C seriously, i need at least some sense of ownership, otherwise 
> its just another collection of "windbags telling me how technology 
> should be run " the "standards" way. I put it to you, a country today 
> were to sit back and say to the people "yeah, we have decided that in 
> order to best run the country, we will select a few of our so called 
> elite, they will make the choices on how we we will be governed and 
> you go about your lives, as democracy isn't as easy as it sounds and 
> you'll just drag us back". 
> I've been making websites since i think 1996 or was it 1995, I've seen 
> the HTML go from a v

Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-10 Thread Scott Barnes
Good read. Hit some points I tried to hit but failed :)
Scott Barnes wrote:
Hi All,
Firstly thankyou for contributing in this discussion, i know most of 
you are probably feeling "who is this clown, attacking W3C". This is 
not infact the case, I am merely trying to get an overall 
understanding of why and where bodies like the W3C will be in the 
future. In doing so i have illustrated what in my mind is a flaw, in 
that the W3C is made up of a few selected Elite, and the little guy 
you, me and every other developer out their has no voice on the 
subject matter of whether DOM should be refined or whether some 
obscure CSS property is retrofitted accordingly.

A few points have been made that Democracy in this case would be a 
fatal blow to the overall purpose of what the W3C represents. I find 
that a very hard thing to stomach and believe that a few would simply 
say that a vote would be a long drawn out exhausting process. To me if 
we can elect people within our society (in some countries) to run an 
entire country based on information we are given? Surely its not that 
much of a stretch in imagination to ask that we the ACTUAL 
development  community have a say in the way standards are put forward 
to the world to follow? Its not a very large request?

At some point the W3C have to cast some kind of vote to go forward on 
something along those lines, and thats where I would love to see us 
contribute. I'm not for a total abolishment of the W3C, they serve a 
purpose well, but I feel we should either be a virtual member (ie we 
the people collectively make one vote at least) or we ultimatley 
decide the outcome based on what they have put forward? We aren't 
dealing with an amount of people who cast their vote because its the 
most popular at the time, we are a diverse amount of individuals who 
come from every known social background with a huge array of beliefs 
and vast amounts of life experience!

It is a radical idea that I know, but for me as a developer to take 
the W3C seriously, i need at least some sense of ownership, otherwise 
its just another collection of "windbags telling me how technology 
should be run " the "standards" way. I put it to you, a country today 
were to sit back and say to the people "yeah, we have decided that in 
order to best run the country, we will select a few of our so called 
elite, they will make the choices on how we we will be governed and 
you go about your lives, as democracy isn't as easy as it sounds and 
you'll just drag us back". 

I've been making websites since i think 1996 or was it 1995, I've seen 
the HTML go from a very basic format into what it is now, some may 
have been around longer but the point is, i've seen it at its best, 
and I've seen it at its worst. I've seen browsers dictate the outcomes 
of many a "standard" and we are paying the price for it now. In years 
to come, i have serious doubt the W3C will in fact be a worthwile 
group? bold statement I know, but I say this as technology like FLEX 
and Microsofts AXML are trying their hardest to push the HTML browser 
out the door. Reason is its just too slow and way to many flavours out 
there, thus the standardss are required. I wonder now what impact it 
would have on the future of the Internet and products like this, if 
the concept above were to come true and we the developers did cast our 
vote? how much faster would things maybe done? How fast would 
technologies like XUL or similiar flavour evolve if their was a large 
majority shaping and moulding HTML to evolve in parrell with these 

Microsoft are one clear major player who have seen how HTML has 
mutated into this thinware deployment system, where you could write 
applications to do day to day tasks, with minimal payload and in many 
cases Operating System Independent. "Joel on Software" (google it) put 
in perspective that in many ways the browser could end up being the 
"virtual operating system" where you utilise the overall browser as 
your base framework, that runs many operations (whether they be 
applications or presentations). They appear to see this is a big 
advantage to an existing operating system, thus Longhorn products are 
born, allowing developers a standard, that be microsofts, way of 
developing thinware applications with minimal development time. HTML 
has served its purpose and it feels like it was the first prototype 
for what may in years to come be a more advanced protocol in the way 
we handle computer experiences.

For now, XHTML seems to be setup and evolved soley to bring order back 
to chaos, but its growing slowly in many ways and it's not accepting 
the fact that backward compatibility is a must. We are far too deep 
entrenched in TAG soup country. W3C have had the luxury of saying to 
the world "do it this way please" but they in now way are helping to 
enforce the standards they make? its more of a reference point and 

Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-10 Thread Rev. Bob 'Bob' Crispen
The voices are telling me that Lee Roberts said on 7/8/2004 7:45 AM:
JavaScript was created in 1994 by the Netscape Communications Corporation.  
Probably worth saying "Brendan Eich" about here.  I believe most folks 
credit him with a substantial part of the work.
Rev. Bob "Bob" Crispen
bob at crispen dot org
Ex Cathedra Weblog:

Don't ask yourself what the world needs - ask yourself what makes you
come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people
who have come alive. -- Howard Thurman
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RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Peter Firminger
Hi Scott,

The process is open. Join W3C, get on a working group and contribute to
you're heart's content. But you'll need to know a lot more than you do now.
No offence but I think you'll be out of your depth just getting out of the
elevator (as I would be).

It's very easy to criticise the process but very few (360) actually make the
huge effort to be involved, sit on a working group, attend the workshops,
contribute to the discussions and actually do something about it. I trust
the people that are there and that they are a very balanced and incredibly
clever group.

Obviously the majority of them are corporate. They have the resources to
actually pay someone to be involved and fly them around to wherever the
meetings are, and they will have a person that is an expert in the field. I
wouldn't want just anyone (me, you etc.) sitting on these committees wasting
their time.

Read some of the transcripts of the meetings and see what's involved. Like
this one from June:

A side point (from the above workshop)... I love this statement:

Bert Bos: Nearly 10 years ago, HTML was in danger. Extensions for layout
made HTML less useful, proprietary extensions, etc. so we created
stylesheets. CSS is now being taken up, but HTML is in danger again.
JavaScript is the worst invention ever.

And this:

Hakon Lie: Bert started his presenation by saying he joined W3C to save
HTML. How do you save something? How do you save a village? An endangered
species? Do we save it by freezeing it? Or by doing something totally
differetrn? Evolve it? EDo we want a revolution or an evolution?


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RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Joe.Huggins
Good point but remember we elect people who then represent us (in theory
at least because I don't know who our current fellow at the top really
represents) and vote on particular issues/bills.

In no way do we vote on each bill. And no one is suggesting that we
would be a better democracy if each and every bill went before the
people. We can and some us do get involved at varying levels.

Joe Huggins
Technology Specialist
Colorado Area Health Education Center (AHEC)
1976 Uvalda CT, Bldg 618
Aurora, CO 80010
(W) 303.724.1131
(C) 303.903.8352
-Original Message-
Behalf Of Scott Barnes
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

A few points have been made that Democracy in this case would be a fatal
blow to the overall purpose of what the W3C represents. I find that a
very hard thing to stomach and believe that a few would simply say that
a vote would be a long drawn out exhausting process. To me if we can
elect people within our society (in some countries) to run an entire
country based on information we are given? Surely its not that much of a
stretch in imagination to ask that we the ACTUAL development  community
have a say in the way standards are put forward to the world to follow? 
Its not a very large request?

The discussion list for
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Hugh Todd
Scott, you said,
for me as a developer to take the W3C seriously, i need at least some 
sense of ownership,
Ownership is important, as you say, and this is why I support web 
standards. Because it's not just one corporation deciding what to give 
us. It's a process of winnowing, from developer wishlists through 
discussions, proposals, feedback to implementation. Geoff Deering has 
explained it all in lucid terms.

There are those, like you, who are cluey enough about this stuff to get 
involved and make a serious contribution. There are others, like me, 
who will pop in a suggestion or comment from time to time if I really 
know what I'm talking about. (And this may be never!)

I'd be happy to vote on emerging standards 1) if I was sure that I 
understood them fully enough in the abstract, which ain't easy and 2) 
if I could be sure that the other voters really understood the purpose 
and philosophy of standards.

Perhaps another way of saying this is that you need to work out how to 
establish standing for voters. And perhaps the current system already 
does this adequately.

The web, with its vast range of authors and contributors, is such an 
amorphous thing that you'd be hard put to it to do more than what 
organisations like this group are doing, in encouraging implementation 
and, for some, involvement in standards creation.

-Hugh Todd
The discussion list for
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Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Scott Barnes
Hi All,
Firstly thankyou for contributing in this discussion, i know most of you 
are probably feeling "who is this clown, attacking W3C". This is not 
infact the case, I am merely trying to get an overall understanding of 
why and where bodies like the W3C will be in the future. In doing so i 
have illustrated what in my mind is a flaw, in that the W3C is made up 
of a few selected Elite, and the little guy you, me and every other 
developer out their has no voice on the subject matter of whether DOM 
should be refined or whether some obscure CSS property is retrofitted 

A few points have been made that Democracy in this case would be a fatal 
blow to the overall purpose of what the W3C represents. I find that a 
very hard thing to stomach and believe that a few would simply say that 
a vote would be a long drawn out exhausting process. To me if we can 
elect people within our society (in some countries) to run an entire 
country based on information we are given? Surely its not that much of a 
stretch in imagination to ask that we the ACTUAL development  community 
have a say in the way standards are put forward to the world to follow? 
Its not a very large request?

At some point the W3C have to cast some kind of vote to go forward on 
something along those lines, and thats where I would love to see us 
contribute. I'm not for a total abolishment of the W3C, they serve a 
purpose well, but I feel we should either be a virtual member (ie we the 
people collectively make one vote at least) or we ultimatley decide the 
outcome based on what they have put forward? We aren't dealing with an 
amount of people who cast their vote because its the most popular at the 
time, we are a diverse amount of individuals who come from every known 
social background with a huge array of beliefs and vast amounts of life 

It is a radical idea that I know, but for me as a developer to take the 
W3C seriously, i need at least some sense of ownership, otherwise its 
just another collection of "windbags telling me how technology should be 
run " the "standards" way. I put it to you, a country today were to sit 
back and say to the people "yeah, we have decided that in order to best 
run the country, we will select a few of our so called elite, they will 
make the choices on how we we will be governed and you go about your 
lives, as democracy isn't as easy as it sounds and you'll just drag us 

I've been making websites since i think 1996 or was it 1995, I've seen 
the HTML go from a very basic format into what it is now, some may have 
been around longer but the point is, i've seen it at its best, and I've 
seen it at its worst. I've seen browsers dictate the outcomes of many a 
"standard" and we are paying the price for it now. In years to come, i 
have serious doubt the W3C will in fact be a worthwile group? bold 
statement I know, but I say this as technology like FLEX and Microsofts 
AXML are trying their hardest to push the HTML browser out the door. 
Reason is its just too slow and way to many flavours out there, thus the 
standardss are required. I wonder now what impact it would have on the 
future of the Internet and products like this, if the concept above were 
to come true and we the developers did cast our vote? how much faster 
would things maybe done? How fast would technologies like XUL or 
similiar flavour evolve if their was a large majority shaping and 
moulding HTML to evolve in parrell with these languages.

Microsoft are one clear major player who have seen how HTML has mutated 
into this thinware deployment system, where you could write applications 
to do day to day tasks, with minimal payload and in many cases Operating 
System Independent. "Joel on Software" (google it) put in perspective 
that in many ways the browser could end up being the "virtual operating 
system" where you utilise the overall browser as your base framework, 
that runs many operations (whether they be applications or 
presentations). They appear to see this is a big advantage to an 
existing operating system, thus Longhorn products are born, allowing 
developers a standard, that be microsofts, way of developing thinware 
applications with minimal development time. HTML has served its purpose 
and it feels like it was the first prototype for what may in years to 
come be a more advanced protocol in the way we handle computer experiences.

For now, XHTML seems to be setup and evolved soley to bring order back 
to chaos, but its growing slowly in many ways and it's not accepting the 
fact that backward compatibility is a must. We are far too deep 
entrenched in TAG soup country. W3C have had the luxury of saying to the 
world "do it this way please" but they in now way are helping to enforce 
the standards they make? its more of a reference point and thats it, you 
hope your hard work can be used in years to come in a correct way simply 
because you adhered to XHTML validation rules, but all things

RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Barry Beattie
>> Sometimes it is good to have people with vision to lead people where
they would not go themselves.

and sometimes the world marches past 'cos they're too slow

Lets hurry up and have CSS behavious added to the spec - it's a damn
fine idea.

the "camel" committee* has bandied this about for the last 4 years and
(it seems) is still on the to do list.

That way it'll actually integrate HTML, CSS and javascript and give us
TRUE dhtml. 

my Friday 2c worth

* "camel": a horse designed by committee 

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, 8 July 2004 10:51 PM
Subject: RE: Future.(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

>Well, to answer that i dare you to walk into any web-based enterprise
that has a DHTML intranet, and say the >following words:
>"Get rid of IFRAMES, and use something else"
>Wear some padding, as the fall from the window could be high.

>Scott Barnes

I think this demonstrates why having the "Web" vote on what should be
standards falls flat.

Wallace Stegner wrote, "I don't know what I like as much as I like what
I know." Meaning, in this context, that people are likely to maintain
what they know and are comfortable with rather than to move forward into
concepts that force them to change. 

I work in a university and my guess if put to a vote we would have
outlawed any sort of CSS-P and probably any CSS at all. These folks grew
up on tables and  tags and are loathe to give them up. 

Sometimes it is good to have people with vision to lead people where
they would not go themselves.

Joe Huggins

The discussion list for
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The discussion list for
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RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Lee Roberts

JSP was release June 2, 
1999.  Anything prior to that and they misrepresent 
I hope that 

From: Robert O'Neill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 9:48 AMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] 
iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

While your giving a history lesson, do you know when Sun first introduced 
Java Server Pages. Just need to check someone in not telling fibs on their 
visit the PPA Website at:
Rob O'NeillWeb Team ManagerPrescription Pricing AuthorityBridge 
House152 Pilgrim StreetNewcastle Upon TyneNE1 6SN
tel: (0191) 203 5246ext: 5246
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/07/2004 13:45:15 
Now why did you go and do that?  Now I have to 
give someone else a historylesson this week._javascript_ was created 
in 1994 by the Netscape Communications Corporation.  CSS was 
created in 1996 and released as a specification December 17, 1996.  
DHMTL was created in 1996 when CSS was released.  There are many 
that think_javascript_ or JScript allowed the creation of DHTML.  
Regrettably, that wasnever the case.  If you visit any of those DHTML 
scripting sites you'llnotice they do not include any form of 
CSS._javascript_ cannot change HTML, only CSS can change HTML.  
Therefore, CSSmakes HTML dynamic.  DOM was created in 
1998.[quote]"Dynamic HTML" is a term used by some vendors to describe 
thecombination of HTML, style sheets and scripts that allows documents to 
beanimated. The W3C has received several submissions from members companies 
onthe way i n which the object model of HTML documents should be exposed 
toscripts. These submissions do not propose any new HTML tags or style 
sheettechnology. The W3C DOM Activity is working hard to make sure 
interoperableand scripting-language neutral solutions are agreed 
upon.[quote]So, any shop or company that uses hack-programmers claiming 
to know DHTMLand they want to give me a bunch of _javascript_, I simply tell 
them to take ahike off a short pier.There are a few things we cannot 
do with CSS that we can do with _javascript_,but certainly validating a form 
prior to submitting is not dynamic HTML.Neither is providing a clock.  
Nor _javascript_ menus.  Use CSS for menus andyou got it made in the 
dynamics of HTML.Lee Robertshttp://www.roserockdesign.comhttp://www.applepiecart.comPS:  
I'll let someone else change the subject if they like.- Original 
Message -From: Scott Barnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 
Thursday, July 08, 2004 12:50 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
Re: Future.(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)Lee Roberts 
wrote:>Scott wants to know who voted the W3C the ruling 
authority.>>That was me!  20 years on the *net gave me that 
right.>>  >Oh so you were the one? 
hehehehe>Seriously, though, who voted the ISO or IETF to be 
authoritative enough >to establish rules for people using the Internet 
and World Wide Web, oh >yes there is a difference?  Who established 
the rules for the World >Wide Web which ethical designers and developers 
attempt to follow?>>If web development is your job, don't you 
think you should be good >enough to follow the rules established?  
If you were a construction >builder wouldn't you have to f ollow 
rules?>>As for iframe, I don't like it either.  I've used it 
once, but the page >it was pulling in was a flash communications 
presentation for my radioshow.>As for frames, they were the most 
ignorant thing ever created.  >Personally, they should be allowed to 
exist today, but for some reason >we can't get rid of them by some 
developers.>>  >Well, to answer that i dare you to 
walk into any web-based enterprise thathas a DHTML intranet, and say the 
following words:"Get rid of IFRAMES, and use something else"Wear 
some padding, as the fall from the window could be 
high.heheSeriously, lets get into the whole iframe use. 508 
stuff, not up to speedon, but most DHTML based applications would be a 
luxury to get 508compatible. SOE are a saviour to the DHTML breed, and while 
i try to make asmuch as my applications close to being accessible & with 
usability it justdoesn't happe n.IFRAME = Inter nal frame, if we are 
to emulate the client-top generation ofsoftware within a browser, its the 
one little trick we have left. As forusing them on the web? well i used them 
many years ago for my personal site,simply because it was easy at the time 
(mind my site is horrible, needsbad need of update/doover). Making 
an actual public website today,seems to be one big juggling act imho, and 
i'm g

RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Geoff Deering
> -Original Message-
> From: Hugh Todd
> Scott, you said,
> > If this IS the case, what benefits are we getting as developers for
> > taking on extra headaches in making it W3C compliant (who by the way
> > aren't an international elected body - more of a group that have taken
> > liberty to makeup standards).
> Who would elect such a body? Web designers? Governments? Users? The UN?
> As it is, we have the major browser manufacturers on board, the guy who
> invented the web heading it up, and some of the clearest-thinking, most
> far-sighted people in the web community making contributions that aim
> to free the web from proprietory chains and dead-end hacks, with as
> elegant solutions as can be devised. What more could you want?
> Down with proprietory solutions, I say!
> -Hugh Todd

Agreed, and if you read the discussion on the WAI-GL (not something I would
recommend, cause it can be incredibly boring), IMHO, those people working on
the WAI standards are working very hard to be inclusive of every
possibility, and the last thing they want to do is make life difficult for
developers.  That is the intention at least.  It's a very difficult
challenge to address accessibility requirements and and provide a set of
open development standards.

Geoff Deering

The discussion list for
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Mordechai Peller
brian cummiskey wrote:
Opps-  Thunderbird handels multiple quoted messages poorly.  I blame 
it fully for that error :)  Couldn't possibly be user error   :X
That's funny. I usually find it does a better job than most.
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RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Robert O'Neill

While your giving a history lesson, do you know when Sun first introduced Java Server Pages. Just need to check someone in not telling fibs on their CV.
Please visit the PPA Website at:
Rob O'NeillWeb Team ManagerPrescription Pricing AuthorityBridge House152 Pilgrim StreetNewcastle Upon TyneNE1 6SN
tel: (0191) 203 5246ext: 5246
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/07/2004 13:45:15 >>>
Now why did you go and do that?  Now I have to give someone else a historylesson this week._javascript_ was created in 1994 by the Netscape Communications Corporation.  CSS was created in 1996 and released as a specification December 17, 1996.  DHMTL was created in 1996 when CSS was released.  There are many that think_javascript_ or JScript allowed the creation of DHTML.  Regrettably, that wasnever the case.  If you visit any of those DHTML scripting sites you'llnotice they do not include any form of CSS._javascript_ cannot change HTML, only CSS can change HTML.  Therefore, CSSmakes HTML dynamic.  DOM was created in 1998.[quote]"Dynamic HTML" is a term used by some vendors to describe thecombination of HTML, style sheets and scripts that allows documents to beanimated. The W3C has received several submissions from members companies onthe way i

n which the object model
 of HTML documents should be exposed toscripts. These submissions do not propose any new HTML tags or style sheettechnology. The W3C DOM Activity is working hard to make sure interoperableand scripting-language neutral solutions are agreed upon.[quote]So, any shop or company that uses hack-programmers claiming to know DHTMLand they want to give me a bunch of _javascript_, I simply tell them to take ahike off a short pier.There are a few things we cannot do with CSS that we can do with _javascript_,but certainly validating a form prior to submitting is not dynamic HTML.Neither is providing a clock.  Nor _javascript_ menus.  Use CSS for menus andyou got it made in the dynamics of HTML.Lee Robertshttp://www.roserockdesign.comhttp://www.applepiecart.comPS:  I'll let someone else change the subject if they like.-

Original Message
-From: Scott Barnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 12:50 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)Lee Roberts wrote:>Scott wants to know who voted the W3C the ruling authority.>>That was me!  20 years on the *net gave me that right.>>  >Oh so you were the one? hehehehe>Seriously, though, who voted the ISO or IETF to be authoritative enough >to establish rules for people using the Internet and World Wide Web, oh >yes there is a difference?  Who established the rules for the World >Wide Web which ethical designers and developers attempt to follow?>>If web development is your job, don't you think you should be good >enough to follow the rules established?  If you were a construction >builder wouldn't you have to f

ollow rules?>
>As for iframe, I don't like it either.  I've used it once, but the page >it was pulling in was a flash communications presentation for my radioshow.>As for frames, they were the most ignorant thing ever created.  >Personally, they should be allowed to exist today, but for some reason >we can't get rid of them by some developers.>>  >Well, to answer that i dare you to walk into any web-based enterprise thathas a DHTML intranet, and say the following words:"Get rid of IFRAMES, and use something else"Wear some padding, as the fall from the window could be high.heheSeriously, lets get into the whole iframe use. 508 stuff, not up to speedon, but most DHTML based applications would be a luxury to get 508compatible. SOE are a saviour to the DHTML breed, and while i try to make asmuch as my applications close to being accessible & with usability it justdoesn't happe

n.IFRAME = Inter
nal frame, if we are to emulate the client-top generation ofsoftware within a browser, its the one little trick we have left. As forusing them on the web? well i used them many years ago for my personal site,simply because it was easy at the time (mind my site is horrible, needsbad need of update/doover). Making an actual public website today,seems to be one big juggling act imho, and i'm glad i'm not really requiredto be a public facade developer and more a SOE.You have to keep in mind, there are two main clusters using the web browser/ html language. Internal Corporations and Public Users, while one thingworks for one, ther other percentage works for another etc.>The real problem with frames is people don't know how to use them in >the first place.  Second, they lack any real features

Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread brian cummiskey
Hugh Todd wrote:
Just to deny that I wrote this. The attribution belongs to Scott 
Barnes, I think. My belief is that the W3C is much more accountable 
than Scott seems to imagine.

Opps-  Thunderbird handels multiple quoted messages poorly.  I blame it 
fully for that error :)  Couldn't possibly be user error   :X
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Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Mike Pepper
Lee: - If we examine the two statements as a computer would, we find a
Your statement clearly indicates that the book and chapter titles are on
EACH page, meaning both elements.  My statement clearly says the book title
is on the left page and the chapter title is on the right page; both are not
on each page.  With boolean algebra your statement requires both to be true;
mine requires only one to be true.

Lee, did you see Bicentennial Man? :o)

Mike Pepper
(cheerful) Accessible Web Developer


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Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Hugh Todd
Just to deny that I wrote this. The attribution belongs to Scott 
Barnes, I think. My belief is that the W3C is much more accountable 
than Scott seems to imagine.

(Brian Cummiskey wrote:
Hugh Todd wrote:
I mean, I'm sure the people in the w3c gang are really smart monkeys, 
but like all clusters of people, politics could end up driving it 
(whether it be some small hidden demon within who voted No on 
something purely because the guy who thought it up made a bad XMAS 
party joke about him)? its why we as a society just fail at coming to 
a collective decision on topics unless a majority ruling is in fact 
in place (look to local governments).
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Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Mordechai Peller
Hugh Todd wrote:
Who would elect such a body? Web designers? Governments? Users? The UN?
As it is, we have the major browser manufacturers on board, the guy 
who invented the web heading it up, and some of the clearest-thinking, 
most far-sighted people in the web community making contributions that 
aim to free the web from proprietory chains and dead-end hacks, with 
as elegant solutions as can be devised. What more could you want?
I was going to say somethig similar, but since you said it already, I'll 
just ad a quote from Benjamin Franklin: "Democracy is two wolves and 
lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb 
contesting the vote."
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Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread brian cummiskey
Hugh Todd wrote:

I mean, I'm sure the people in the w3c gang are really smart monkeys, 
but like all clusters of people, politics could end up driving it 
(whether it be some small hidden demon within who voted No on 
something purely because the guy who thought it up made a bad XMAS 
party joke about him)? its why we as a society just fail at coming to 
a collective decision on topics unless a majority ruling is in fact in 
place (look to local governments).

The way i see it is, if what the W3 distributes as a DTD can effect the 
way EVERY major browser on the market renders layout, who else really is 
there to follow?

I can put:";>";>

and well, guess what- We're back in quirks mode on most browsers.
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RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Joe.Huggins
>Well, to answer that i dare you to walk into any web-based enterprise
that has a DHTML intranet, and say the >following words:
>"Get rid of IFRAMES, and use something else"
>Wear some padding, as the fall from the window could be high.

>Scott Barnes

I think this demonstrates why having the "Web" vote on what should be
standards falls flat.

Wallace Stegner wrote, "I don't know what I like as much as I like what
I know." Meaning, in this context, that people are likely to maintain
what they know and are comfortable with rather than to move forward into
concepts that force them to change. 

I work in a university and my guess if put to a vote we would have
outlawed any sort of CSS-P and probably any CSS at all. These folks grew
up on tables and  tags and are loathe to give them up. 

Sometimes it is good to have people with vision to lead people where
they would not go themselves.

Joe Huggins

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RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Lee Roberts
Now why did you go and do that?  Now I have to give someone else a history
lesson this week.

JavaScript was created in 1994 by the Netscape Communications Corporation.  

CSS was created in 1996 and released as a specification December 17, 1996.  

DHMTL was created in 1996 when CSS was released.  There are many that think
JavaScript or JScript allowed the creation of DHTML.  Regrettably, that was
never the case.  If you visit any of those DHTML scripting sites you'll
notice they do not include any form of CSS.

JavaScript cannot change HTML, only CSS can change HTML.  Therefore, CSS
makes HTML dynamic.  

DOM was created in 1998.

[quote]"Dynamic HTML" is a term used by some vendors to describe the
combination of HTML, style sheets and scripts that allows documents to be
animated. The W3C has received several submissions from members companies on
the way in which the object model of HTML documents should be exposed to
scripts. These submissions do not propose any new HTML tags or style sheet
technology. The W3C DOM Activity is working hard to make sure interoperable
and scripting-language neutral solutions are agreed upon.[quote]

So, any shop or company that uses hack-programmers claiming to know DHTML
and they want to give me a bunch of JavaScript, I simply tell them to take a
hike off a short pier.

There are a few things we cannot do with CSS that we can do with JavaScript,
but certainly validating a form prior to submitting is not dynamic HTML.
Neither is providing a clock.  Nor JavaScript menus.  Use CSS for menus and
you got it made in the dynamics of HTML.

Lee Roberts

PS:  I'll let someone else change the subject if they like.

-Original Message-
From: Scott Barnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: Future.(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

Lee Roberts wrote:

>Scott wants to know who voted the W3C the ruling authority.
>That was me!  20 years on the *net gave me that right.
Oh so you were the one? hehehehe

>Seriously, though, who voted the ISO or IETF to be authoritative enough 
>to establish rules for people using the Internet and World Wide Web, oh 
>yes there is a difference?  Who established the rules for the World 
>Wide Web which ethical designers and developers attempt to follow?
>If web development is your job, don't you think you should be good 
>enough to follow the rules established?  If you were a construction 
>builder wouldn't you have to follow rules?
>As for iframe, I don't like it either.  I've used it once, but the page 
>it was pulling in was a flash communications presentation for my radio
>As for frames, they were the most ignorant thing ever created.  
>Personally, they should be allowed to exist today, but for some reason 
>we can't get rid of them by some developers.
Well, to answer that i dare you to walk into any web-based enterprise that
has a DHTML intranet, and say the following words:
"Get rid of IFRAMES, and use something else"

Wear some padding, as the fall from the window could be high.


Seriously, lets get into the whole iframe use. 508 stuff, not up to speed
on, but most DHTML based applications would be a luxury to get 508
compatible. SOE are a saviour to the DHTML breed, and while i try to make as
much as my applications close to being accessible & with usability it just
doesn't happen.

IFRAME = Internal frame, if we are to emulate the client-top generation of
software within a browser, its the one little trick we have left. As for
using them on the web? well i used them many years ago for my personal site,
simply because it was easy at the time (mind my site is horrible, needs
bad need of update/doover). Making an actual public website today,
seems to be one big juggling act imho, and i'm glad i'm not really required
to be a public facade developer and more a SOE.

You have to keep in mind, there are two main clusters using the web browser
/ html language. Internal Corporations and Public Users, while one thing
works for one, ther other percentage works for another etc.

>The real problem with frames is people don't know how to use them in 
>the first place.  Second, they lack any real features for 
>accessibility.  For SEO purposes they are really bad.
>Frames were allowed in the beginning because browsers didn't have very 
>good caching abilities.  Now that they do, you don't need them.  They won't
That or i'd put it in another way in that they existed for the ability to
dynamically render information on screen, while keeping other parts static
reducing overall latency and downloads.

>Perhaps that will help some.
>Scrolling DIVs at least put all

Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread brian cummiskey
Scott Barnes wrote:
I will say that the user of Object tag was a new one for me.. is there 
any compatibility issues out there for using it that you know off?
I understand your thinking, and the whole "it's the cool thing to do" 
but it honestly does have its advantages if used correctly.  The SEO 
side of things, as well as more portable, easier to update, cleaner code 

As for the object tag, I'm not familiar with any of its limitations, if 
any.  To me, it sounds like there could be some issues with it.  I'm not 
too familair with it, but I remember there being a different method for 
both IE and NN browsers back in the day-  I just can't recall what it 
was.  Something about codebase vs something else-  It's early morning, 
and i'm not fully awake yet.  need mroe coffee :)

But, the problem with the object tag is that it relies a lot of the 
user's browser more than anything to actually pull of the inclusion- and 
again, to me, that's server side territory.

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RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Lee Roberts
Why don't you participate in one of the working groups?  That would lend
your experience and possibly make things better.

Lee Roberts 

-Original Message-
From: Scott Barnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 1:06 AM
Subject: Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

Lee Roberts wrote:

>Scott wrote:
>[quote]I dunno, personally i have set reservations on webstandards 
>being set and expected to be followed no questions asked. You can join 
>and "contribute" ideas to the w3c but i can't find anywhere where i can 
>participate in some way as to how end decisions get made? unless i am 
>an organization that appears to "pay" for such privilege?[/quote]
>If you want to participate please let me know in what manner or group 
>you would like to participate.  I'll get you where you need to be.
Yes, I'll forward that on in a bit, but is this a "who you need to know in
order to participate" or is it an open forum?

I mean, i'm talking things like basic polls, we login through a serious of
identification checks to validate you are one person, click "vote" 
yes/no log out?

Is this possible for individuals?


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Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Hugh Todd
Yes, I'll forward that on in a bit, but is this a "who you need to 
know in order to participate" or is it an open forum?
I have to say I think this "open forum" idea would be so completely 
unwieldy as to completely bog down progress for ever. It takes some 
time and mental application to even "get" a web standards approach, let 
alone be able to say anything intelligent about how to propel it 

What we have is a set of driving principles, which are evolving over 

The way I see it, there are two strong drivers to standards.
1)  The things web designers would like to be able to do in web pages, 
like positioning content, controlling type, or (looking to emerging 
standards) opacity, or new ways to create borders, or whatever else 
floats to the top of the general wishlist that designers express to 
each other and to the W3C.

2) Achieving these things in ways that promote accessibility, 
adaptability to various user agents, and whistle-clean HTML code.

The fact that there may be some quite limited group of people who 
actually decide how to implement these things does not worry me. I know 
that if they get it wrong there'll be hell to pay from people like me, 
so they have a strong incentive to get it right.

There's a difference, though, between giving them stick because they 
don't adhere to the principles outlined above, and criticizing them for 
recommending the deprecation of technologies that don't fit with the 
grand vision in driver 2.

If web design were a completely professional occupation like law or 
medicine, maybe we could elect our own standards body. But the present 
arrangement, with Sir Tim at the helm, the browser manufacturers 
represented and the creme de la creme of web thinkers getting involved 
by a process of recognition and sound contributions, seems to me to 
deliver a good result.

It's not too dissimilar to open source software. Proposals for 
improvements, peer discussion, and the best implementation wins.

-Hugh Todd
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RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Mike Pepper

from an accessibility perspective, I put together the other day. It
advocates the move to accessibility and standards from a humanist

Now a more pragmatic approach -

Sound like you're looking for an ROI reward-based argument. Well ... in the
UK alone, silver surfers are a 14 ?billion market. Many will take advantage
of text resizing in their browsers to make surfing a little more tolerable.
Accessibility is build upon W3C standards. Get those sorted and the rest is
easy. The point being, the more standardised your markup, the more traffic,
from search engines whose spiders can more easily index the copy, to users
who can more easily navigate, view and, if ecommerce, buy products ... and
who will more readily bookmark the site simply because it is usable. Now
throw in people with various impairments and the equation becomes more than
just viable, it is vital to capture and retain their spending power by
building sites to which they will gladly return and exercise their right to
vote accessible.

Now ... look to the future and we have a whole bunch of PDAs, WAP-enabled
cellphones, tablet PCs and emergent technology whose screen sizes will vary
but whose OS's (albeit proprietary in many instances) will accept X(HT)ML
feeds. This is the present and the future. We're talking big, accessible,
standards-compliant bucks.

Without standards (irrespective of the who, why and wherefore of the
originating bodies) web development would ramble on in the wilderness with
numerous competing technologies vying for position and developers writing
disparate browser-specific markup with a total disregard for the issues
faced by either impaired users or those who elect to use non mainstream
browsers like the Geckos, Opera or whatever.

In my view, it's a falsehood to suggest that standards-compliant markup is a
challenge to embrace. In comparison to using FrontPage or similar WYSIWYG
editors then, yes, having to develop W3C compliant code and get your hands
dirty is more time consuming and requires a greater knowledge base and
effort on the part of the developer. But Web development, professional
development, is not an easy task. Like any skill, their is a period of
apprenticeship ... and some body - our peers and dare I say betters - must
set the entrance and exit exams - the standards - to which we aspire.

I take an active part in a few of these bodies because 1., I believe in what
is happening within the industry, the move towards Time Berners-Lee's vision
of a fully accessible communications medium available to all nations and
individuals on the planet and 2., I like being paid to offer my clients a
greater return on investment than they would otherwise expect from
non-compliant development.

It's good common business sense and a courtesy to develop for as great an
audience as reasonably practicable.

Mike Pepper
Accessible Web Developer (after a good night's sleep, and a weird dream)


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Scott Barnes
Sent: 08 July 2004 05:27
Subject: Future.(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

Q. I've been on the List for a while now, and while i love the
webstandards concept, i'm finding it hard to believe that the web will
adjust itself to suite extensions like XHTML? The reason i say this is
if we were to make a concious decision to move forward, it would be
years 5+ before we would even see a shift in its coding standards alone,
not to mention implementing STRICT. If this IS the case, what benefits
are we getting as developers for taking on extra headaches in making it
W3C compliant (who by the way aren't an international elected body -
more of a group that have taken liberty to makeup standards).

To me, tags like iframe are being used and quite a lot and do do away
with them, is in many ways the kiss of death for movements like this, as
you will be faught all the way. Even though the tag is a wrapper
(defined in DTD) in many ways for the HTML Object it still leaves me
wondering why tags like iframe aren't valid? to me they seemed harmless
along with tags like B to STRONG so forth.

Not to mention the web is looking to shift away from browsers, and move
more to native XML packets to run its presentation layer on applications
(ie MXML, AXML, XFORMS etc). It just seems lately to be a futile battle,
and extensive one and yet no real gains? why would a developer go out of
his/her way to learn XHTML?

I personally use strict XHTML as its the only real DTD that fixes the
Box Model bug in both IE & Mozilla (consistencey). Its got added pain,
but i'm used to it now.. but others well they'd go "too hard pile"

Scott Barnes

Brian Cummiskey wrote:

> Scott Barnes wrote:
>> Are you absolutly positive about iframes not being available in
>> strict XHTML? because I'v

Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Scott Barnes
Lee Roberts wrote:
Scott wrote:
[quote]I dunno, personally i have set reservations on webstandards being set
and expected to be followed no questions asked. You can join and
"contribute" ideas to the w3c but i can't find anywhere where i can
participate in some way as to how end decisions get made? unless i am an
organization that appears to "pay" for such privilege?[/quote]
If you want to participate please let me know in what manner or group you
would like to participate.  I'll get you where you need to be.

Yes, I'll forward that on in a bit, but is this a "who you need to know 
in order to participate" or is it an open forum?

I mean, i'm talking things like basic polls, we login through a serious 
of identification checks to validate you are one person, click "vote" 
yes/no log out?

Is this possible for individuals?
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RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-08 Thread Barry Beattie
awww... that's a bit rough on IFRAMES (and framsets in general)...

we're building web applications, not web pages per se. We're being
influenced by various "windows" UI's (more than just MS Windows) because
that's the "standard" that people expect. We're also pushing ahead as
far as a web platform will allow (using DHTML without going too far down
the Flash UI route).

to do that with dynamic content and without iframes/framsets is just
silly. Look at your Windows Explorer. you see more than one independent
pane that interacts.

Look at (admittedly old hat) Outlook Web Access (OWA - a clunky but
workable ASP web front for Outlook). you just can't build that sort of
functionality without frames.

you *might* with JS remoting calls changing the innerHTML of divs but it
would be such a massive headache to maintain such a convoluted page
structure (logic, not layout).

I waited years for IFRAMES to be cross browser (well, a couple anyway).
Don't you dare take them away now...

just my 2c (while bored writing db connection code)

-Original Message-
From: Lee Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 8 July 2004 3:56 PM
Subject: RE: Future.(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

Scott wants to know who voted the W3C the ruling authority.

That was me!  20 years on the *net gave me that right.

Seriously, though, who voted the ISO or IETF to be authoritative enough
establish rules for people using the Internet and World Wide Web, oh yes
there is a difference?  Who established the rules for the World Wide Web
which ethical designers and developers attempt to follow?

If web development is your job, don't you think you should be good
enough to
follow the rules established?  If you were a construction builder
you have to follow rules?

As for iframe, I don't like it either.  I've used it once, but the page
was pulling in was a flash communications presentation for my radio
As for frames, they were the most ignorant thing ever created.
they should be allowed to exist today, but for some reason we can't get
of them by some developers.

The real problem with frames is people don't know how to use them in the
first place.  Second, they lack any real features for accessibility.
SEO purposes they are really bad.

Frames were allowed in the beginning because browsers didn't have very
caching abilities.  Now that they do, you don't need them.  They won't

Perhaps that will help some.

Scrolling DIVs at least put all the information on the same page, unless
plan on pulling in another page.  In my opinion the latter is a mistake.
Search engines say all content must be visible, it never says you can't
scroll a DIV to see all the information.

Lee Roberts

-Original Message-
From: Hugh Todd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: Future.(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

Scott, you said,

> If this IS the case, what benefits are we getting as developers for 
> taking on extra headaches in making it W3C compliant (who by the way 
> aren't an international elected body - more of a group that have taken

> liberty to makeup standards).

Who would elect such a body? Web designers? Governments? Users? The UN?

As it is, we have the major browser manufacturers on board, the guy who
invented the web heading it up, and some of the clearest-thinking, most
far-sighted people in the web community making contributions that aim to
free the web from proprietory chains and dead-end hacks, with as elegant
solutions as can be devised. What more could you want?

Down with proprietory solutions, I say!

-Hugh Todd

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Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-07 Thread Scott Barnes
Lee Roberts wrote:
Scott wants to know who voted the W3C the ruling authority.
That was me!  20 years on the *net gave me that right.

Oh so you were the one? hehehehe
Seriously, though, who voted the ISO or IETF to be authoritative enough to
establish rules for people using the Internet and World Wide Web, oh yes
there is a difference?  Who established the rules for the World Wide Web
which ethical designers and developers attempt to follow?
If web development is your job, don't you think you should be good enough to
follow the rules established?  If you were a construction builder wouldn't
you have to follow rules?
As for iframe, I don't like it either.  I've used it once, but the page it
was pulling in was a flash communications presentation for my radio show.
As for frames, they were the most ignorant thing ever created.  Personally,
they should be allowed to exist today, but for some reason we can't get rid
of them by some developers.

Well, to answer that i dare you to walk into any web-based enterprise 
that has a DHTML intranet, and say the following words:
"Get rid of IFRAMES, and use something else"

Wear some padding, as the fall from the window could be high.
Seriously, lets get into the whole iframe use. 508 stuff, not up to 
speed on, but most DHTML based applications would be a luxury to get 508 
compatible. SOE are a saviour to the DHTML breed, and while i try to 
make as much as my applications close to being accessible & with 
usability it just doesn't happen.

IFRAME = Internal frame, if we are to emulate the client-top generation 
of software within a browser, its the one little trick we have left. As 
for using them on the web? well i used them many years ago for my 
personal site, simply because it was easy at the time (mind my site is 
horrible, needs bad need of update/doover). Making an actual 
public website today, seems to be one big juggling act imho, and i'm 
glad i'm not really required to be a public facade developer and more a 

You have to keep in mind, there are two main clusters using the web 
browser / html language. Internal Corporations and Public Users, while 
one thing works for one, ther other percentage works for another etc.

The real problem with frames is people don't know how to use them in the
first place.  Second, they lack any real features for accessibility.  For
SEO purposes they are really bad.
Frames were allowed in the beginning because browsers didn't have very good
caching abilities.  Now that they do, you don't need them.  They won't help.

That or i'd put it in another way in that they existed for the ability 
to dynamically render information on screen, while keeping other parts 
static reducing overall latency and downloads.

Perhaps that will help some.
Scrolling DIVs at least put all the information on the same page, unless you
plan on pulling in another page.  In my opinion the latter is a mistake.
Search engines say all content must be visible, it never says you can't
scroll a DIV to see all the information.

Scrolling Divs also come with a higher penalty in that some browsers 
(namely Internet Explorer) pretty much will cain your memory if it 
contains large amounts of information, whilst an iframe for various 
unknown reasons to me, seem to keep the memory balance lower.

Good and valid points though.
Scott Barnes

Lee Roberts
-Original Message-
From: Hugh Todd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: Future.(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

Scott, you said,

If this IS the case, what benefits are we getting as developers for 
taking on extra headaches in making it W3C compliant (who by the way 
aren't an international elected body - more of a group that have taken 
liberty to makeup standards).

Who would elect such a body? Web designers? Governments? Users? The UN?
As it is, we have the major browser manufacturers on board, the guy who
invented the web heading it up, and some of the clearest-thinking, most
far-sighted people in the web community making contributions that aim to
free the web from proprietory chains and dead-end hacks, with as elegant
solutions as can be devised. What more could you want?
Down with proprietory solutions, I say!
-Hugh Todd
The discussion list for See
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The discussion list for
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RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-07 Thread Lee Roberts
Scott wrote:
[quote]I dunno, personally i have set reservations on webstandards being set
and expected to be followed no questions asked. You can join and
"contribute" ideas to the w3c but i can't find anywhere where i can
participate in some way as to how end decisions get made? unless i am an
organization that appears to "pay" for such privilege?[/quote]

If you want to participate please let me know in what manner or group you
would like to participate.  I'll get you where you need to be.

Lee Roberts 

-Original Message-
From: Scott Barnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

Hugh Todd wrote:

> Scott, you said,
>> If this IS the case, what benefits are we getting as developers for 
>> taking on extra headaches in making it W3C compliant (who by the way 
>> aren't an international elected body - more of a group that have 
>> taken liberty to makeup standards).
> Who would elect such a body? Web designers? Governments? Users? The UN?
True, its just amazing how we blindly follow a cluster of people? based on
the fact we hero-worship them in some way or form? What if they actually put
concepts to a public vote? the web itself could vote on yes (you couldn't
ask for a more diverse separated parallel society), lets abolish/implement
xyz or no lets not?  In that set a time frame, all votes are final, done.
Wonder how a concept like this, in its basic democratic form would impact on
future browser development? At the moment most browser development teams
probably could only hazard a guess on what features to make w3c compliant
and what ones not to (can't do them all in one hit in that or implement new
approved standards). To me this would give me the little a guy at least a
voice in something, while at the same time giving Browser based technologies
out there an actual statistical impact study on what actual new/old issues
are hot vs ones aren't furthermore it gives me the little guy who would like
to help shape the online language we have come to know and love.

I mean, I'm sure the people in the w3c gang are really smart monkeys, but
like all clusters of people, politics could end up driving it (whether it be
some small hidden demon within who voted No on something purely because the
guy who thought it up made a bad XMAS party joke about him)? its why we as a
society just fail at coming to a collective decision on topics unless a
majority ruling is in fact in place (look to local governments).

I dunno, personally i have set reservations on webstandards being set and
expected to be followed no questions asked. You can join and "contribute"
ideas to the w3c but i can't find anywhere where i can participate in some
way as to how end decisions get made? unless i am an organization that
appears to "pay" for such privilege?

Like all open & free good ideas, they are great on paper, but it needs money
to make them work.

So to answer your question, Who would elect such a body why my good man, The

> As it is, we have the major browser manufacturers on board, the guy 
> who invented the web heading it up, and some of the clearest-thinking, 
> most far-sighted people in the web community making contributions that 
> aim to free the web from proprietory chains and dead-end hacks, with 
> as elegant solutions as can be devised. What more could you want?
far-sighted? or near-sighted? how do you measure their progress on a daily
basis? furthermore what impact are they having on new features? 
are they simply there for profile sake, are they active? do they embrace new
technology with just as much passion as we seem to do? or are they
traditional conservative people? ... in other words just because they
"invented the web" many a year ago, is it a big ask for us to follow their
lead still? or is it a matter of retiring the old lion and make way for the
upstart cub?


> Down with proprietory solutions, I say!
> -Hugh Todd
> *
> The discussion list for See 
> for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
> *

The discussion list for See
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Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-07 Thread Scott Barnes
Hugh Todd wrote:
Scott, you said,
If this IS the case, what benefits are we getting as developers for 
taking on extra headaches in making it W3C compliant (who by the way 
aren't an international elected body - more of a group that have 
taken liberty to makeup standards).

Who would elect such a body? Web designers? Governments? Users? The UN?
True, its just amazing how we blindly follow a cluster of people? based 
on the fact we hero-worship them in some way or form? What if they 
actually put concepts to a public vote? the web itself could vote on yes 
(you couldn't ask for a more diverse separated parallel society), lets 
abolish/implement xyz or no lets not?  In that set a time frame, all 
votes are final, done. Wonder how a concept like this, in its basic 
democratic form would impact on future browser development? At the 
moment most browser development teams probably could only hazard a guess 
on what features to make w3c compliant and what ones not to (can't do 
them all in one hit in that or implement new approved standards). To me 
this would give me the little a guy at least a voice in something, while 
at the same time giving Browser based technologies out there an actual 
statistical impact study on what actual new/old issues are hot vs ones 
aren't furthermore it gives me the little guy who would like to help 
shape the online language we have come to know and love.

I mean, I'm sure the people in the w3c gang are really smart monkeys, 
but like all clusters of people, politics could end up driving it 
(whether it be some small hidden demon within who voted No on something 
purely because the guy who thought it up made a bad XMAS party joke 
about him)? its why we as a society just fail at coming to a collective 
decision on topics unless a majority ruling is in fact in place (look to 
local governments).

I dunno, personally i have set reservations on webstandards being set 
and expected to be followed no questions asked. You can join and 
"contribute" ideas to the w3c but i can't find anywhere where i can 
participate in some way as to how end decisions get made? unless i am an 
organization that appears to "pay" for such privilege?

Like all open & free good ideas, they are great on paper, but it needs 
money to make them work.

So to answer your question, Who would elect such a body why my good man, 
The web.

As it is, we have the major browser manufacturers on board, the guy 
who invented the web heading it up, and some of the clearest-thinking, 
most far-sighted people in the web community making contributions that 
aim to free the web from proprietory chains and dead-end hacks, with 
as elegant solutions as can be devised. What more could you want?

far-sighted? or near-sighted? how do you measure their progress on a 
daily basis? furthermore what impact are they having on new features? 
are they simply there for profile sake, are they active? do they embrace 
new technology with just as much passion as we seem to do? or are they 
traditional conservative people? ... in other words just because they 
"invented the web" many a year ago, is it a big ask for us to follow 
their lead still? or is it a matter of retiring the old lion and make 
way for the upstart cub?


Down with proprietory solutions, I say!
-Hugh Todd
The discussion list for
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

The discussion list for
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

RE: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-07 Thread Lee Roberts
Scott wants to know who voted the W3C the ruling authority.

That was me!  20 years on the *net gave me that right.

Seriously, though, who voted the ISO or IETF to be authoritative enough to
establish rules for people using the Internet and World Wide Web, oh yes
there is a difference?  Who established the rules for the World Wide Web
which ethical designers and developers attempt to follow?

If web development is your job, don't you think you should be good enough to
follow the rules established?  If you were a construction builder wouldn't
you have to follow rules?

As for iframe, I don't like it either.  I've used it once, but the page it
was pulling in was a flash communications presentation for my radio show.
As for frames, they were the most ignorant thing ever created.  Personally,
they should be allowed to exist today, but for some reason we can't get rid
of them by some developers.

The real problem with frames is people don't know how to use them in the
first place.  Second, they lack any real features for accessibility.  For
SEO purposes they are really bad.

Frames were allowed in the beginning because browsers didn't have very good
caching abilities.  Now that they do, you don't need them.  They won't help.

Perhaps that will help some.

Scrolling DIVs at least put all the information on the same page, unless you
plan on pulling in another page.  In my opinion the latter is a mistake.
Search engines say all content must be visible, it never says you can't
scroll a DIV to see all the information.

Lee Roberts

-Original Message-
From: Hugh Todd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: Future.(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

Scott, you said,

> If this IS the case, what benefits are we getting as developers for 
> taking on extra headaches in making it W3C compliant (who by the way 
> aren't an international elected body - more of a group that have taken 
> liberty to makeup standards).

Who would elect such a body? Web designers? Governments? Users? The UN?

As it is, we have the major browser manufacturers on board, the guy who
invented the web heading it up, and some of the clearest-thinking, most
far-sighted people in the web community making contributions that aim to
free the web from proprietory chains and dead-end hacks, with as elegant
solutions as can be devised. What more could you want?

Down with proprietory solutions, I say!

-Hugh Todd

The discussion list for See
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

The discussion list for
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-07 Thread Scott Barnes
Thanks Brian,
I haven't really gotten into the Devices side of things as of late, and 
hand't considered that angle, but I can accept what you've outlined 
below. I was just curious as i see a constant "you gotta go XHTML" but 
we aren't following through with some sort of rewards? either technology 
wise or "coool factors".

The sad part is, while i enjoy backward compatibility as it saves your 
butt more times then none, it can sadly sufficate good / new concepts to 
death as people keep ignoring the new and stick with the old. I will say 
that the user of Object tag was a new one for me.. is there any 
compatibility issues out there for using it that you know off?

Scott Barnes
Brian Cummiskey wrote:
Scott Barnes wrote:
Q. I've been on the List for a while now, and while i love the 
webstandards concept, i'm finding it hard to believe that the web 
will adjust itself to suite extensions like XHTML? The reason i say 
this is if we were to make a concious decision to move forward, it 
would be years 5+ before we would even see a shift in its coding 
standards alone, not to mention implementing STRICT. If this IS the 
case, what benefits are we getting as developers for taking on extra 
headaches in making it W3C compliant (who by the way aren't an 
international elected body - more of a group that have taken liberty 
to makeup standards).

the most important to me, is search engine rankings.  css-driven 
compliant code are read much easier by the bots.  but more so, its for 
blind and other handicapped folks as well.  governnment related sites 
here in the states are REQUIRED by US law to meet 508 accesibility 
standards.  And even more so, the internet is changing.  more and more 
folks are using palms, cell phones, and other devices to hit the web.  
that is only gowing each and every day.  try throwing a table-based 
image layout to a text browser on a phone, and your site is 
worthless.  have a full xhtml, or even wap, and mobile devices can 
read the text.  it might not look pretty- but the fact remains that it 
can STILL be read.

To me, tags like iframe are being used and quite a lot and do do away 
with them, is in many ways the kiss of death for movements like this, 
as you will be faught all the way. Even though the tag is a wrapper 
(defined in DTD) in many ways for the HTML Object it still leaves me 
wondering why tags like iframe aren't valid? to me they seemed 
harmless along with tags like B to STRONG so forth.

they aren't valid because, again, devices as above can't handel them.  
I hate i frames.  i see zero purpse to them.  In my opinion, an iframe 
serves as a hack-job approach to dynamic content.  its simply the 
wrong tool for the job.

Not to mention the web is looking to shift away from browsers, and 
move more to native XML packets to run its presentation layer on 
applications (ie MXML, AXML, XFORMS etc). It just seems lately to be 
a futile battle, and extensive one and yet no real gains? why would a 
developer go out of his/her way to learn XHTML?

I shoudl have read ths hwole thing before replying :)  seems like 
we're on the same megahurtz :)

the problem with learnign xhtml 1.0 is that, theres next to nothing to 
leran from html 4.01.  all lowercase tags, and a couple properties 

but really, XHTML 1.1 is where it becomes a learning process- its the 
modularization that the whole web is slowly moving to.

I personally use strict XHTML as its the only real DTD that fixes the 
Box Model bug in both IE & Mozilla (consistencey). Its got added 
pain, but i'm used to it now.. but others well they'd go "too hard pile"

take a look here:
The discussion list for
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

The discussion list for
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-07 Thread Hugh Todd
Scott, you said,
If this IS the case, what benefits are we getting as developers for 
taking on extra headaches in making it W3C compliant (who by the way 
aren't an international elected body - more of a group that have taken 
liberty to makeup standards).
Who would elect such a body? Web designers? Governments? Users? The UN?
As it is, we have the major browser manufacturers on board, the guy who 
invented the web heading it up, and some of the clearest-thinking, most 
far-sighted people in the web community making contributions that aim 
to free the web from proprietory chains and dead-end hacks, with as 
elegant solutions as can be devised. What more could you want?

Down with proprietory solutions, I say!
-Hugh Todd
The discussion list for
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: Future.....(was: Re: [WSG] iFrames vs Scrolling Divs)

2004-07-07 Thread Brian Cummiskey
Scott Barnes wrote:
Q. I've been on the List for a while now, and while i love the 
webstandards concept, i'm finding it hard to believe that the web will 
adjust itself to suite extensions like XHTML? The reason i say this is 
if we were to make a concious decision to move forward, it would be 
years 5+ before we would even see a shift in its coding standards 
alone, not to mention implementing STRICT. If this IS the case, what 
benefits are we getting as developers for taking on extra headaches in 
making it W3C compliant (who by the way aren't an international 
elected body - more of a group that have taken liberty to makeup 
the most important to me, is search engine rankings.  css-driven 
compliant code are read much easier by the bots.  but more so, its for 
blind and other handicapped folks as well.  governnment related sites 
here in the states are REQUIRED by US law to meet 508 accesibility 
standards.  And even more so, the internet is changing.  more and more 
folks are using palms, cell phones, and other devices to hit the web.  
that is only gowing each and every day.  try throwing a table-based 
image layout to a text browser on a phone, and your site is worthless.  
have a full xhtml, or even wap, and mobile devices can read the text.  
it might not look pretty- but the fact remains that it can STILL be read.

To me, tags like iframe are being used and quite a lot and do do away 
with them, is in many ways the kiss of death for movements like this, 
as you will be faught all the way. Even though the tag is a wrapper 
(defined in DTD) in many ways for the HTML Object it still leaves me 
wondering why tags like iframe aren't valid? to me they seemed 
harmless along with tags like B to STRONG so forth.
they aren't valid because, again, devices as above can't handel them.  I 
hate i frames.  i see zero purpse to them.  In my opinion, an iframe 
serves as a hack-job approach to dynamic content.  its simply the wrong 
tool for the job.

Not to mention the web is looking to shift away from browsers, and 
move more to native XML packets to run its presentation layer on 
applications (ie MXML, AXML, XFORMS etc). It just seems lately to be a 
futile battle, and extensive one and yet no real gains? why would a 
developer go out of his/her way to learn XHTML?
I shoudl have read ths hwole thing before replying :)  seems like we're 
on the same megahurtz :)

the problem with learnign xhtml 1.0 is that, theres next to nothing to 
leran from html 4.01.  all lowercase tags, and a couple properties 

but really, XHTML 1.1 is where it becomes a learning process- its the 
modularization that the whole web is slowly moving to.

I personally use strict XHTML as its the only real DTD that fixes the 
Box Model bug in both IE & Mozilla (consistencey). Its got added pain, 
but i'm used to it now.. but others well they'd go "too hard pile"
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