[ZION] Truman the villain

2002-11-15 Thread Gary Smith
No, the burden of proof isn't on anyone. The burden was on Truman and his
DoD Chiefs of Staff. They had to look at it from their day. As far as
they could see, Stalin had begun implementing 5 year plans, had built the
bomb, had MIGs and tanks they were giving to the North Koreans, and was
intent on Lenin's world wide revolution.

Truman and his chiefs saw this as just one more step toward a
communist/socialist global encroachment. The intelligence we had in that
day suggested the Russians were equal to us in military capability and
nuclear armament (yes, even that soon after WWII). Remember, only a few
years more and Russia would succeed in sending the first satellites
(read: ICBM and spying) into space.  Yes, their people were starving, but
the military machine looked very strong from the USA's viewpoint.

China and Russia were close allies at that time, and had agreements to
defend one another. Only in the 1970s would they break, giving the USA
the opportunity to make treaties with China and change the balance of
power somewhat.

At this time, Mao hadn't killed/slaughtered millions of his own (at least
not to our knowledge). Mao had barely taken China in 1949, and his
millions of potential soldiers were on par with our military in 1950,
when our technology was not very advanced.

In reality, we could have quickly finished the Korean war when the North
Koreans first invaded. We had troops waiting for them NK army in one of
the few valleys they could go through to Seoul. When they approached, our
artillery fired, only to have the old WWI shells bounce harmlessly off
the NK vehicles. The NK successfully pushed us back to the Chosun
Reservoir (with Chinese help), before we were able to bring in more
capable and modern equipment.

As for us entering WWII earlier, we should have. Hitler invaded other
nations and was doing atrocities outside his own nation. Mao did his
slaughtering within his own country. Yes, it is a tragedy, but a nation
must handle its own problems. However, when one nation invades another
and then slaughters their people, it is up to the league of nations to
step in and stop the atrocities. 

As for defending a Democrat-- I grew up in a family of Democrats.
However, my family turned Republican with Reagan. My parents tended to
vote Democrat, but primarily for the person with character. They hated
LBJ, voted for Nixon, only to be disgusted with him, and passing around
petitions to impeach Ford for pardoning Nixon. My Mom was proud she voted
for Hubert H Humphrey.

Back then, there were some good Democrats (not all, of course) who truly
cared for the nation and its people. Today, I think the party has lost
its way, seeking more to stay in power than to help the people. I admire
Truman, even though I do not fully agree with all he did. He made some
tough decisions, rather than worrying about the popular choice, he made
what he thought was the right one.  It wasn't easy to drop the Bomb. It
wasn't easy for him to fire MacArthur. But he did what was needed. As the
sign on his desk said, "the buck stops here."

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The burden of proof is on those who claim that Russia would have entered 
the war and nuked the USA.  I don't believe either contention.  Mao went
to kill up to 75 million Chinese to consolidate his power over the new 
communist regime in China. 

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Re: [ZION] Truman the Villain

2002-11-15 Thread Paul Osborne
JWR confessed:
>I've got to stop this.  It's killing me.

It would be a good idea to take a political break. It kills me too. I
just can't handle too much of it. 

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] truman the villain

2002-11-14 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 05:42 PM 11/14/2002, you wrote:

After much pondering, Steven Montgomery favored us with:

Were it not for economic and technical assistance given to the Soviet 
Union and Red China by the United States the North Koreans would never 
have invaded the South. They wouldn't have been in a position to do so. 
In fact, a good position can be made that it was aid, trade and diplomacy 
which built up the Soviet Union, Red China, and their satellite states 
over the years. The Russian invasion of Afghanistan being a good case in 
point. How did the Russians invade Afghanistan? Over a highway built by 
U.S. Foreign Aid Dollars with trucks built at the Kama River Truck Plant 
also built by U.S. help.

Specifically by Ford with the authorization of our government.  And I'll 
bet it was financed with government guaranteed loans backed by the good 
credit of the American taxpayer.  --JWR

Exactly so. $153 million from the export-import bank ran by William J. 
Casey at the time. The bank providing the money was David Rockefeller's 
Chase Manhattan Bank. Other contractors involved in building the Kama River 
Truck Plant besides the Ford Company was Glidden Machine & Tool Company, 
Gulf and Western Industries, Honeywell, the Swindell-Dressler Company, 
Warner & Swazey, the Ingersoll Milling Machine Company, and the E.W. Bliss 

Steven Montgomery

". . . it is as much their [The Elders of Israel] duty to study correct 
political principles as well as religion, and to seek and know and 
comprehend the social and political interests of man, and to learn and be 
able to teach that which would be best calculated to promote the interests 
of the world."--John Taylor

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Re: [ZION] truman the villain

2002-11-14 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Marc A. Schindler favored us with:

You mean Congress isn't doing its duty if it isn't always declaring war on
someone? No wonder they want to invade Canuckistan now -- there are no 
other rogue
states left.

Congress has no duty to declare war.  It just has a constitutional 
prerogative to do so that the Executive Branch doesn't have.  But it's all 
academic anyway.  Our government abides by the Constitution only when it is 
convenient.  It wants us to obey the law but feels that it is above the law.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
At present, the Book of Mormon is studied in our Sunday
School and seminary classes every fourth year. This
four-year pattern, however, must not be followed by
Church members in their personal and family study. We
need to read daily from the pages of the book that will get
a man "nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by
any other book." (Ezra Taft Benson, October 1988)
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Truman the Villain

2002-11-14 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Dan R Allen favored us with:

It was. The Korean war was basically a civil war. The North Koreans already
controlled part of Korean; hence their distinction as 'North' Koreans. Our
scope was limited to ensuring that they did not overthrow the government,
and thus control all of the Korean peninsula. The Chinese were likely
_hoping_ that we would start a full scale war with them; they were
expecting backup from the Russians. Once that battle started, there would
have been nothing to stop the Russians from rolling over Europe.

This is just baloney.  I don't believe a word of it.  China was not hoping 
any such thing.  And Russia was in no position to be "rolling over 
Europe."  It was completely trashed by Germany only eight years earlier and 
it nuclear capability was something stolen, not developed in 
house.  Further, it was such a fledgling industry they couldn't possibly 
have prevail against the USA.  Plus we were still fully mobilized and 
gaining steam after our WWII victory.  Of all the nations on this planet we 
were among the most untouched by WWII.  None of the fighting was done on 
our soil, and the war had only made us stronger by mobilizing our industry.

I've got to stop this.  It's killing me.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We tend to scoff at the beliefs of the ancients.  But we
can't scoff at them personally, to their faces, and this is
what annoys me. --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Truman the Villain

2002-11-14 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Dan R Allen favored us with:

The negative impacts were the complete loss of an entire generation of
young men vs. a relative handful, significant economic hardship for the
people that remained home, and the very real probability that Russia might
drop a nuke on American soil.

I would like to challenge this notion that Russia would have gotten 
involved if we had gone to war with China as a result of the Korean War.  I 
would also like to challenge the notion that Russia would have nuked 
us.  The Korean War was in 1953, less than 8 years after the end of 
WWII.  Russia was torn to pieces and in shambles because of its desperate 
war with Germany.  It was in economic shambles because the USA and the west 
hadn't had enough time to prop them up with foreign aid as occurred 
later.  It's nuclear industry was desperately trying to play catchup with 
the United States because they hadn't developed their own bomb but had to 
steal ours.  And for every nuke they had, we had many.  Not even Russia is 
stupid enough to open a nuclear conflict with a vastly better prepared 

The burden of proof is on those who claim that Russia would have entered 
the war and nuked the USA.  I don't believe either contention.  Mao went on 
to kill up to 75 million Chinese to consolidate his power over the new 
communist regime in China.  We could have prevented that if we had just let 
MacArthur "take it to the enemy."  China would have capitulated so fast it 
would have made a head spin.  Look how fast it caved in to Japan before we 
got into the war.  In what way was China better suited to wage a war 
against the United States just a few years later?

Why is it that so many Americans feel we should have gotten into WWII 
earlier in order to prevent Hitler from killing 6 million domestic Jews, 
but they feel perfectly justified in letting China kill 75 million domestic 
Chinese.  When China attacked us across the Yalu, we should have cleaned 
their clock.  And when Truman ordered MacArthur to let them go, he should 
have resigned his commission.  Truman's action in giving such an order to 
MacArthur was unspeakably immoral.  And those who don't agree, just don't 
understand the situation.

Truman was a Democrat for Pete's sake.  Why are you sticking up for 
him?  Why are you trying to justify undeclared wars that are "police 
actions?"  I just don't understand how you and Jon can have swallowed all 
this public school textbook propaganda.

Anyway, I'm starting to get angry about this thread, so I'm going to quit 
participating in it.  No wonder this country is wallowing in the sewer when 
the best people I know support it criminal folly.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laurie got offended that I used the word "puke." But to
me, that's what her dinner tasted like. --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] truman the villain

2002-11-14 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Steven Montgomery favored us with:

Were it not for economic and technical assistance given to the Soviet 
Union and Red China by the United States the North Koreans would never 
have invaded the South. They wouldn't have been in a position to do so. In 
fact, a good position can be made that it was aid, trade and diplomacy 
which built up the Soviet Union, Red China, and their satellite states 
over the years. The Russian invasion of Afghanistan being a good case in 
point. How did the Russians invade Afghanistan? Over a highway built by 
U.S. Foreign Aid Dollars with trucks built at the Kama River Truck Plant 
also built by U.S. help.

Specifically by Ford with the authorization of our government.  And I'll 
bet it was financed with government guaranteed loans backed by the good 
credit of the American taxpayer.  --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Truman the villain

2002-11-14 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Gary Smith favored us with:

Actually, no. We had a treaty, signed by Congress, stating we would
defend Korea from any invasions. Congress also ratified our working with
the UN on fighting the war. So, it was done under the okay of our

Sorry, in the USA treaties have to be ratified by a 2/3 vote of the 
Senate.  Was that done?  I doubt it.  And in any case, a civil war is not 
an invasion.

You see, the Constitution doesn't say we have to declare war, it only says 
that it is Congress' duty to declare war.

That sounds like clever lawyer talk to me, sort of like "That all depends 
on what 'is' means."

As I understand the Constitution--you know, plain English--Congress decides 
whether, when and who we fight, while the Executive Branch carries on the 
war.  For our Commander and Chief to instigate wars and execute them 
without a congressional declaration of war is a clear violation of the 
intent of the Constitution, clever lawyer language notwithstanding.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
At present, the Book of Mormon is studied in our Sunday
School and seminary classes every fourth year. This
four-year pattern, however, must not be followed by
Church members in their personal and family study. We
need to read daily from the pages of the book that will get
a man "nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by
any other book." (Ezra Taft Benson, October 1988)
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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[ZION] Truman the Villain

2002-11-14 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Gary Smith favored us with:

Would you say that the Nephites and Capt Moroni should then have trudged
into Lamanite territory and totally obliterated the enemy? Or was their
defensive war a villanous thing to do? This sounds totally opposite what
you have been saying concerning the possible upcoming war with Iraq. We
just see it differently.

Come on, Gary.  Surely you can see the difference between deciding the 
question of whether or not we should go to war, and how we conduct it once 
we are involved in one.  I have repeatedly said that we should have stayed 
home and not gone to fight in Korea.  That is exactly what I have said 
about Iraq.  But once we decide to go to war, we have an obligation to our 
fighting men to win a victory.  Anything less, is a betrayal of them and 
our whole nation.

If we go to war with Iraq again, and let Saddam off again as we did the 
last time.  I will be just as disgusted as I am about Korea.  We should 
stay out of it, and if we don't, we should finished it with an overwhelming 
and complete victory.  These "limited" wars like Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq 
are evil wars.  They trivialize war, and slaughter good people on both 
sides to no good purpose.

Jon, to you and all those in favor of going to war with Saddam, remember 
that Iraq is not a democracy.  When we kill ten of thousands and hundreds 
of thousand of Iraqis without killing Saddam, we are killing people who are 
forced to fight, people who would refuse to fight if they could.  They 
don't deserve to die no matter how offensive Saddam is.  They are trapped 
in a situation not of their own making.  We have no right to kill them 
unless they are a direct threat to our own population.

I know.  I know.  I'm just wasting my breath.  I should give a squat about 
all those hundreds of thousands who are going to die through no fault of 
their own.  And it shouldn't bother me that it is my own country that is 
going to perpetrate this atrocity.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to
ask is if they ever press charges. --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] truman the villain

2002-11-14 Thread Marc A. Schindler
You mean Congress isn't doing its duty if it isn't always declaring war on
someone? No wonder they want to invade Canuckistan now -- there are no other rogue
states left.

Gary Smith wrote:

> Actually, no. We had a treaty, signed by Congress, stating we would
> defend Korea from any invasions. Congress also ratified our working with
> the UN on fighting the war. So, it was done under the okay of our
> Constitution. You see, the Constitution doesn't say we have to declare
> war, it only says that it is Congress' duty to declare war.
> Would you say that the Nephites and Capt Moroni should then have trudged
> into Lamanite territory and totally obliterated the enemy? Or was their
> defensive war a villanous thing to do? This sounds totally opposite what
> you have been saying concerning the possible upcoming war with Iraq. We
> just see it differently. Different enemies require different treatments.
> Some can be persuaded with diplomacy, some with a little muscle and
> containment, while others require full out offensive.
> If it were just us against the North Koreans, I can see your point. But
> as Jesus told us that the wise man counts his pennies before building the
> house, we had to determine just what level of interdiction we were
> willing to make in Korea. Given that the Soviets would have jumped in on
> the war if we were to have invaded China, we were looking at nuclear
> holocaust. Truman wasn't willing to go that far, and I thank him for it.
> K'aya K'ama,
> Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
> .geocities.com/rameumptom/index.html
> "No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
> Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
> JWR:
> Unless the order is illegal.  And Truman's orders were clearly illegal by
> any constitutional standards.  The whole war was unconstitutional.
> And that is the whole problem.  Nations have no business going to war
> with
> a "limited plan."  Do you think that either the North Koreans or China
> had
> a "limited plan?"  Talking about a "limited plan" is talking about
> pulling
> your punches.  And in any fight, pulling your punches is  the road to
> defeat such as we suffered in Vietnam.
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
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nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] Truman the Villain

2002-11-14 Thread Dan R Allen

>No battle plan ever survives first contact with the enemy. We went into
>Korea with a limited plan; do not allow the Communists to take over Korea.

And that is the whole problem.  Nations have no business going to war with
a "limited plan."  Do you think that either the North Koreans or China had
a "limited plan?"  Talking about a "limited plan" is talking about pulling
your punches.  And in any fight, pulling your punches is  the road to
defeat such as we suffered in Vietnam.

Sure they do, the 'ideal' limited plan would be to just defend our country
right? The North Korean's plans were limited to the overthrow of the
sitting government. The Chinese plan was limited to helping the North
Koreans with theirs; else why didn't the Chinese take the opportunity to
invade Japan? A limited plan takes into account what your intentions,
abilities, and resources are. Expanding the scope of the Korean war, as
MacArthur wanted to do, would have involved the Russians and their nukes at
some point. Our intentions from the beginning of the Korean war was simply
to reject the North Korean take over of the Korean government. We were
doing that, quite successfully, until the Chinese stepped in. Truman had no
intention of attacking China because of their alliance with Russia; he
didn't want to try to take both of them on at the same time. A war with
China was outside the scope of the original purpose of our actions in

>When the Chinese entered the battle the scope completely changed . Truman
>was not willing to throw us into another full-scale war with all of the
>negative impacts it would have at home.

Truman was a traitor to his country and a betrayer of the men who served
under him in battle.  And if "negative impacts" were going to keep us from
going for a victory, then we never should have gone into Korea in the first

place.  Victory is the ONLY moral objective in a war.  First, may darn sure

you are justified in going to war, and second, win it or die trying.

Korea was an undeclared, ie. unconstitutional, police action.  We had no
business there, especially as part of a UN operation.  And all of the top
civilian leaders who put us there and then didn't let us take the war to
the enemy are going to burn in hell unless they repented.

Where does the Constitution state what specific wording is required for
congress to declare war? The Senate ratified the multinational treaty
creating the UN in '45. Congress ratified the UN resolution stipulating the
use of military force in Korea. In addition, we had a treaty with the
Korean government to come to their aid if attacked. Our involvement in the
Korean war was constitutionally sound - even though the treaties that made
it so were certainly closed-minded.
The negative impacts were the complete loss of an entire generation of
young men vs. a relative handful, significant economic hardship for the
people that remained home, and the very real probability that Russia might
drop a nuke on American soil. The moral objective of going into Korea was
_very_ clear; until the Chinese jumped in.

>The Korean war needed to stay within the initial scope of denying the
>Communists all of Korea.

Wrong.  The only morally acceptable "initial scope" should have been
defeating North Korea for their incursion into the south.  And China should

have known up front that if they interfered they would have to deal with us

in a full scale war.

It was. The Korean war was basically a civil war. The North Koreans already
controlled part of Korean; hence their distinction as 'North' Koreans. Our
scope was limited to ensuring that they did not overthrow the government,
and thus control all of the Korean peninsula. The Chinese were likely
_hoping_ that we would start a full scale war with them; they were
expecting backup from the Russians. Once that battle started, there would
have been nothing to stop the Russians from rolling over Europe.

The truth of the matter is, we had people in our government that were on
the side of North Korea and China.  That is why they conducted the war the
way they did.  The same thing happened in Vietnam.

If a country isn't going to go all out to win a war, it should stay out of
it in the first place.  Anything else is a betrayal of the men who fight,
their families, their communities, and the nation.

In war you have to choose which battles you want to focus your efforts on.
You don't want to throw away resources on something that will provide
limited tactical or strategic benefit.

We have also had government leaders that wanted our country to be a
monarchy instead of the constitutional republic it's supposed to be. We
also had an Army General who was more interested in fighting than the good
of the country. We owe it to our fighting men to waste as little of their
blood as possible while living up to our agreements. I personally would
like to see most of those agreements scratched, but until they are we have

Re: [ZION] truman the villain

2002-11-14 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 10:51 AM 11/14/2002, Gary wrote:

If it were just us against the North Koreans, I can see your point. But
as Jesus told us that the wise man counts his pennies before building the
house, we had to determine just what level of interdiction we were
willing to make in Korea. Given that the Soviets would have jumped in on
the war if we were to have invaded China, we were looking at nuclear
holocaust. Truman wasn't willing to go that far, and I thank him for it.

Were it not for economic and technical assistance given to the Soviet Union 
and Red China by the United States the North Koreans would never have 
invaded the South. They wouldn't have been in a position to do so. In fact, 
a good position can be made that it was aid, trade and diplomacy which 
built up the Soviet Union, Red China, and their satellite states over the 
years. The Russian invasion of Afghanistan being a good case in point. How 
did the Russians invade Afghanistan? Over a highway built by U.S. Foreign 
Aid Dollars with trucks built at the Kama River Truck Plant also built by 
U.S. help.

Steven Montgomery


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[ZION] truman the villain

2002-11-14 Thread Gary Smith
Actually, no. We had a treaty, signed by Congress, stating we would
defend Korea from any invasions. Congress also ratified our working with
the UN on fighting the war. So, it was done under the okay of our
Constitution. You see, the Constitution doesn't say we have to declare
war, it only says that it is Congress' duty to declare war. 

Would you say that the Nephites and Capt Moroni should then have trudged
into Lamanite territory and totally obliterated the enemy? Or was their
defensive war a villanous thing to do? This sounds totally opposite what
you have been saying concerning the possible upcoming war with Iraq. We
just see it differently. Different enemies require different treatments.
Some can be persuaded with diplomacy, some with a little muscle and
containment, while others require full out offensive.

If it were just us against the North Koreans, I can see your point. But
as Jesus told us that the wise man counts his pennies before building the
house, we had to determine just what level of interdiction we were
willing to make in Korea. Given that the Soviets would have jumped in on
the war if we were to have invaded China, we were looking at nuclear
holocaust. Truman wasn't willing to go that far, and I thank him for it.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Unless the order is illegal.  And Truman's orders were clearly illegal by

any constitutional standards.  The whole war was unconstitutional.

And that is the whole problem.  Nations have no business going to war
a "limited plan."  Do you think that either the North Koreans or China
a "limited plan?"  Talking about a "limited plan" is talking about
your punches.  And in any fight, pulling your punches is  the road to 
defeat such as we suffered in Vietnam.

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Re: [ZION] Truman the Villain

2002-11-13 Thread Paul Osborne
>If it isn't, then it is a traitor and betrayer.  Which just 
>about sums up what I feel about Truman.  He betrayed our armed forced,
>deserves to be remembered as one of the blackest villains of our

I wonder if his temple ordinances have been performed yet?  Hmmm.


Paul O

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Re: [ZION] Truman the Villain

2002-11-13 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Dan R Allen favored us with:

Define "win" John.

To me this is like asking me to define "is."  Obviously, "win" means to 
defeat the enemy.  Did we defeat the North Koreans?  No.  Did we defeat the 
Chinese?  No.

No battle plan ever survives first contact with the enemy. We went into 
Korea with a limited plan; do not allow the Communists to take over Korea.

And that is the whole problem.  Nations have no business going to war with 
a "limited plan."  Do you think that either the North Koreans or China had 
a "limited plan?"  Talking about a "limited plan" is talking about pulling 
your punches.  And in any fight, pulling your punches is  the road to 
defeat such as we suffered in Vietnam.

When the Chinese entered the battle the scope completely changed . Truman 
was not willing to throw us into another full-scale war with all of the 
negative impacts it would have at home.

Truman was a traitor to his country and a betrayer of the men who served 
under him in battle.  And if "negative impacts" were going to keep us from 
going for a victory, then we never should have gone into Korea in the first 
place.  Victory is the ONLY moral objective in a war.  First, may darn sure 
you are justified in going to war, and second, win it or die trying.

Korea was an undeclared, ie. unconstitutional, police action.  We had no 
business there, especially as part of a UN operation.  And all of the top 
civilian leaders who put us there and then didn't let us take the war to 
the enemy are going to burn in hell unless they repented.

The Korean war needed to stay within the initial scope of denying the 
Communists all of Korea.

Wrong.  The only morally acceptable "initial scope" should have been 
defeating North Korea for their incursion into the south.  And China should 
have known up front that if they interfered they would have to deal with us 
in a full scale war.

The truth of the matter is, we had people in our government that were on 
the side of North Korea and China.  That is why they conducted the war the 
way they did.  The same thing happened in Vietnam.

If a country isn't going to go all out to win a war, it should stay out of 
it in the first place.  Anything else is a betrayal of the men who fight, 
their families, their communities, and the nation.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You know what would make a good story?  Something
about a clown who make people happy, but inside he's
real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea. --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Truman the Villain

2002-11-13 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Dan R Allen favored us with:

A military officer who disobeys a superiors orders (unless they are
illegal) is not fit to be an officer.

Unless the order is illegal.  And Truman's orders were clearly illegal by 
any constitutional standards.  The whole war was unconstitutional.

Truman, as Commander-in-Chief, was responsible for more than just the army 
in the field;

The minute that Truman committed troops to the field he only had one 
responsibility:  victory.  We'll just have to agree to disagree on this.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laurie got offended that I used the word "puke." But to
me, that's what her dinner tasted like. --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Truman the Villain

2002-11-13 Thread Dan R Allen

I don't know how to say this, but I'll try.  In a fight, a combatant must
not be allowed sanctuary.  If he can attack from sanctuary, there is no way

to defeat him.  And he is free to kill at his convenience.  In war, a
general must be allowed to pursue those who retreat to keep them from
regrouping.  If he isn't allowed to do this, he is being forced to make
targets of his men with no recourse.

A ground war is about occupying ground. In Korea, the enemy wanted the
ground we were occupying. Korea was never intended to be an 'all-out' war -
which is what you are describing. The intent was to kick them out of
territory that they had occupied, not start another world war.
MacArthur was tasked with holding a defensive position, and allowed to take
whatever measures he felt necessary to do that - but not occupy territory
beyond that line. The Chinese were not attacking us from "sanctuary"
[strawman alert], but were trying to reoccupy territory we had denied them.
MacArthur continued to send patrols beyond his line, attack 'targets of
opportunity', and generally bloody the Chinese army whenever he had the
Which makes a better target to an army advancing on-line: a soldier in a
fortified bunker, or one lying down in the tall grass?

This is what Reagan did in Lebanon and why we lost 277 Marines there in
that truck bombing.  The factions fighting us could attack at will be we
were effectually forbidden to return fire which would have entailed going
and getting whoever was shooting at us.  Instead our troops were confined
to an indefensible position on an airport runway.  This is little more than
murder of ones own troops.

What Reagan did in Lebanon of completely different that what Truman _and_
MacArthur did in Korea. Apples and Oranges. Not sure what the airport
comment is in reference to.

In any case, if Truman wasn't going to let MacArthur win the Korean War
even if it meant following Chinese combatants across the Yalu, he should
never have sent our troops over there.  When China attacked us we were at
war with China, weren't we?  Well, if China wants to attack us, we must
defeat them.  What we did was dishonest and a betrayal of our fighting men
in the field.  Don't we owe something to our fighting men in time of war?
Don't we owe them the support to let them win?  The military should be
subject to civilian leadership, but that leadership needs to be loyal to
the troops.  If it isn't, then it is a traitor and betrayer.  Which just
about sums up what I feel about Truman.  He betrayed our armed forced, and
deserves to be remembered as one of the blackest villains of our national

Define "win" John. No battle plan ever survives first contact with the
enemy. We went into Korea with a limited plan; do not allow the Communists
to take over Korea. When the Chinese entered the battle the scope
completely changed . Truman was not willing to throw us into another
full-scale war with all of the negative impacts it would have at home. The
Korean war needed to stay within the initial scope of denying the
Communists all of Korea. We were not there fighting for our very existence,
but the right of a separate people to have a chance at democracy. Following
MacArthur's plans would have been a far _greater_ betrayal of our country
than what we ended up with. We owe it to our fighting men, and now women,
to ensure that their sacrifices are not wasted on egotistical empire
building. MacArthur was a brilliant tactician, but in many ways he was more
interested in his legacy than what was right for the country. Truman had
his own problems, some of which were created in dealing with the mess
Roosevelt left him, but betrayal of the military was not one of them.

MacArthur shouldn't have disobeyed his civilian leaders.  He should have
resigned his commission.  As it was, he humiliated himself and let Truman
win the argument.  Truman was scum.  MacArthur should have quit and then
taken his plea to the American people.  Not that they would have paid any
attention to him.  The average voter in this country is a vile as Truman
was.  They don't care how dishonorably their government acts.  They don't
even seem to understand that in a democracy we are responsible for the
actions of our government.

A military officer who disobeys a superiors orders (unless they are
illegal) is not fit to be an officer. Truman, as Commander-in-Chief, was
responsible for more than just the army in the field; he was also
responsible for putting the country back together, and taking care of all
of the dirty deals Roosevelt had started. As Commander-in-Chief he had
every right to expect MacArthur to take care of the one small part of the
overall picture he was tasked with. By taking his argument into the public
sector MacArthur showed that he could not be trusted to obey orders. Had
Truman followed MacArthur's plan, the Korean war would have escalated into
another world war, and we would hav

[ZION] Truman the Villain

2002-11-12 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Dan R Allen favored us with:

No, he _wasn't_ ordered to "stand down". He was ordered to stand his
ground, and retreat only if necessary.
MacArthur's problem was that he wanted to invade China - regardless of the
cost, and challenged the orders of the Joint Chiefs publicly. The military
doesn't look kindly on that kind of activity - it suggests a lack of unity
and control. The American People are not part of the chain of command.
The problem with MacArthur's plan was that it would all but require the use
of Nukes once we made into China proper. Truman didn't want to be backed
into that corner, so he moved MacArthur out of the way.

I don't know how to say this, but I'll try.  In a fight, a combatant must 
not be allowed sanctuary.  If he can attack from sanctuary, there is no way 
to defeat him.  And he is free to kill at his convenience.  In war, a 
general must be allowed to pursue those who retreat to keep them from 
regrouping.  If he isn't allowed to do this, he is being forced to make 
targets of his men with no recourse.  This is what Reagan did in Lebanon 
and why we lost 277 Marines there in that truck bombing.  The factions 
fighting us could attack at will be we were effectually forbidden to return 
fire which would have entailed going and getting whoever was shooting at 
us.  Instead our troops were confined to an indefensible position on an 
airport runway.  This is little more than murder of ones own troops.

In any case, if Truman wasn't going to let MacArthur win the Korean War 
even if it meant following Chinese combatants across the Yalu, he should 
never have sent our troops over there.  When China attacked us we were at 
war with China, weren't we?  Well, if China wants to attack us, we must 
defeat them.  What we did was dishonest and a betrayal of our fighting men 
in the field.  Don't we owe something to our fighting men in time of 
war?  Don't we owe them the support to let them win?  The military should 
be subject to civilian leadership, but that leadership needs to be loyal to 
the troops.  If it isn't, then it is a traitor and betrayer.  Which just 
about sums up what I feel about Truman.  He betrayed our armed forced, and 
deserves to be remembered as one of the blackest villains of our national 

MacArthur shouldn't have disobeyed his civilian leaders.  He should have 
resigned his commission.  As it was, he humiliated himself and let Truman 
win the argument.  Truman was scum.  MacArthur should have quit and then 
taken his plea to the American people.  Not that they would have paid any 
attention to him.  The average voter in this country is a vile as Truman 
was.  They don't care how dishonorably their government acts.  They don't 
even seem to understand that in a democracy we are responsible for the 
actions of our government.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to
ask is if they ever press charges. --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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