Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-11 Thread Shane Hathaway

Gary Poster wrote:

On Feb 11, 2006, at 11:48 PM, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Indeed. Plus, I strongly feel that pushing Zope 3 more than Zope 2 or
viceversa isn't helping. We need to push Zope-the-technology and
Zope-the-community. Branding Zope 3 and making it look like something
separate now when Zope 2 is actually moving towards Zope 3 feels  like a
step back.

Let's promote Zope.

Unfortunately, very few of us appear to agree on what Zope 3 is, let  
alone what Zope is.

What does Jim say Zope and Zope 3 are?

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-11 Thread Gary Poster

On Feb 11, 2006, at 11:48 PM, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Indeed. Plus, I strongly feel that pushing Zope 3 more than Zope 2 or
viceversa isn't helping. We need to push Zope-the-technology and
Zope-the-community. Branding Zope 3 and making it look like something
separate now when Zope 2 is actually moving towards Zope 3 feels  
like a

step back.

Let's promote Zope.

Unfortunately, very few of us appear to agree on what Zope 3 is, let  
alone what Zope is.

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-08 Thread Chris Withers

Alexander Limi wrote:
3.x was still just unfinished vapourware, waiting for the fabled Zope2 
integration (the dropping of the X) that people were talking about.

The way it was done was also incredibly unprofessional and created a lot 
of confusion:

Oh don't be so rediculous. No-one ever said how Zope 2 integration would 
happen. It became obvious to many that Five was "the way", as such, 
there was no need for the X anymore. There was a _lot_ of discussion 
about this...

Problem is, the X was never about whether Zope was "ready for production 
use" - it had been *explicitly assigned* as a marker that meant Zope 2 
migration/support was not there yet. 

That was never actually firmly established. Some people thought that, 
but others didn't, and in the end, Five is the way it's happening, so 
there's no need for the X however you look at it, which is why it was 

(I know the reasons, I know the plans for convergence, I know how Five 
works - I'm just pointing out that this part made a lot of people lose 
faith in Zope)

Oh well, their loss... I don't feel the same need to whore our community 
out that some people in this thread seems to be focusing on. Zope 2 or 3 
are both good tools, and they stand up well without the need for fancy 

I'm all for letting the code speak. If Zope gels with people, yay for 
them, any long may they enjoy it. If it doesn't, yay for them still, I 
hope they find something that does.

That's not to put a dampener on the happy positive people trying to help 
here, but whining why the X was or wasn't dropped doesn't seem to have 
any positive benefit...


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-08 Thread Sebastien Douche
On 2/7/06, Jeff Shell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Something that I admire about Ruby on Rails, Django, MochiKit, and
> TurboGears all is that they're opinionated, proud of it, clear in
> their message, and all seem to have a similar degree of respect for
> simplicity and communication.

Just a (recent) example from TG  :

> I've set up a CafePress store for all that TurboGears swag you've been
> dying to have!
> It's under construction (the store header is not ideal, and the G-gear
> needs some fixing up before it goes well on t-shirts), but it's fully
> functional given that CafePress does all of the actual work.
> Thanks to Richard Koorb (who we have to thank for our shiny new
> graphics as it is), there are a couple of shirt designs specifically
> for PyCon 2006! That's why I wanted to let you all know about the
> store before it's even done... there's realistically only a few days
> to order one of those shirts to get it in time for PyCon.
> or if that's not working for you yet:

Sébastien Douche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
XPDay France le 23 & 24 Mars 2006 - séminaire sur l'agilité.
Venez découvrir les méthodes agiles //
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-08 Thread Rob Page

On Feb 7, 2006, at 5:19 AM, Stephan Richter wrote:

On Tuesday 07 February 2006 05:09, Jeff Shell wrote:

Alright, I've stayed up way too late on this.


you always make great points! I would like to nominate you as the  
"Zope 3
Propaganda Minister"! :-) No seriously, you have a great way of  
why Zope 3 is better than the latest hype; I think you are probably  
the best
qualified to lead the marketing efforts? Are you willing? Anyone  

me? :-)

+2  :^)

Rob Page   V: 540 361 1710
Zope Corporation   F: 703 995 0412

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-08 Thread Alen Stanisic
On Wed, 2006-02-08 at 00:59 -0500, Fred Drake wrote:
> So why not say "it's about XP" and make it "Zope XP 3.x.y"?

It sounds too much 'Windows XP' like for my taste.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-08 Thread Reinoud van Leeuwen
On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 03:37:45PM -0700, Shane Hathaway wrote:
> Alexander Limi wrote:
> >The original discussion never suggested code names for releases, but a  
> >brand name to help Zope 3 separate itself from Zope 2 - since it is a  
> >*completely* different beast.
> Random thought... hehe... Zope Cubed.  It's only a typographical change 
> from Zope 3.  The tagline would be "Zope, raised to a higher power!" 
> It's a vague reference to cubicles, where "enterprise developers" 
> usually work. It's also a vague reference to Cubism, which lets the 
> viewer see many perspectives from a single viewpoint, like Zope 3, which 
> lets the developer accomplish many objectives using a single framework. :-)

This sloagan pops up in my mind: "Zope^3 - Think out of the box!"

"Nothing is as subjective as reality"
Reinoud van Leeuwen[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-08 Thread Alexander Limi
On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 03:16:22 -0800, Martijn Faassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

"Zope X3 is the next major Zope release and has been written from  
scratch based on the latest software design patterns and the experiences  
of Zope 2. The "X" in the name stands for "experimental", since this  
release does not try to provide any backward-compatibility to Zope 2."

with the subtle difference that we couldn't ever say Zope 3 was non  
experimental *unless* it has Zope 2 compatibility features.

This is the one I (and several others) read and the one I saw interpreted  
on websites. Hence the confusion.

Now let's forget about that damn X. It's history.

Yup, thanks for providing the full view. The complexity of your post  
further reinforces how confusing the situation is, even to an  


 Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

 Consulting · Training · Development ·

  Plone Co-Founder · · Connecting Content
  Plone Foundation · · Protecting Plone

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-08 Thread Martijn Faassen

Alexander Limi wrote:

On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 00:32:52 -0800, Martin Aspeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Like it or not, Zope (2) seems to have a lot of stigma out there; Zope 
3  has been around a while. In actual fact, for a while I thought Zope 
3.x  was still just unfinished vapourware, waiting for the fabled 
Zope2  integration (the dropping of the X) that people were talking 

The way it was done was also incredibly unprofessional and created a 
lot  of confusion:

Quoting from 

It is our opinion that Zope 3 is more than ready for production use, 
which  is why we decided to drop the X for experimental from the name.


Problem is, the X was never about whether Zope was "ready for 
production  use" - it had been *explicitly assigned* as a marker that 
meant Zope 2  migration/support was not there yet. A lot of people 
actually believed  this would happen (as the Zope roadmap and PR spiel 
told them so), even  though all of us knew it wouldn't happen.

(I know the reasons, I know the plans for convergence, I know how Five  
works - I'm just pointing out that this part made a lot of people lose  
faith in Zope)

I'll defend myself, as I was the one who argued for dropping that X.

Let me first give the full context of that quote; perhaps it wasn't in 
the Zope 3.2 release notes, but it was there in Zope 3.1:

It is in our opinion that Zope 3.1 is more than ready for production 
use, which is why we decided to drop the X for experimental from the 
name. We will also continue to work on making the transition between 
Zope 2 and Zope 3 as smooth as possible. As a first step, Zope 2.8 
includes Zope 3 features in the form of Five.


I think that the full context rather weakens your suggestion that this 
done in an "incredibly unprofessional" way.

Now as to history of that X.

From an old document about security when it was still X3, not 3X:

1b. "Zope 3X" is the preliminary version of Zope 3. It is built from the 
ground up, paying attention to the lessons learned from Zope 2 and CMF. 
It is not a product but intended to let developers get familiar with the 
new architecture early.

1c. "Zope 3" is the mainline release intended for production use and 
including backwards compatibility to Zope 2.


I hope that this makes clear that you are wrong about the X never having 
anything to do with production use; it was connected.

This is what was said back in 2003 in the release note for a milestone 

"What is Zope X3? It's Zope 3 "experimental". This is the release that 
will provide the new features of Zope 3 without any Zope 2 support. Zope 
3.0 will provide support for Zope 2 content and products, probably using 
conversion utilities of some sort."

For the X3 beta, the message was presented as such:

"Zope X3 is the next major Zope release and has been written from 
scratch based on the latest software design patterns and the experiences 
of Zope 2. The "X" in the name stands for "experimental", since this 
release does not try to provide any backward-compatibility to Zope 2."

with the subtle difference that we couldn't ever say Zope 3 was non 
experimental *unless* it has Zope 2 compatibility features.

The main problem with the X was that everybody has their own 
interpretation for what it means. None of the interpretations was 
entirely wrong, or right:

* 'X' stands for 'eXperimental'.

* The 'X' will be dropped when Zope 3 is ready for production use.

* We drop the X when we have backwards compatibility with Zope 2 in Zope 3.

* We drop the X when there's migration support for Zope 2 content to Zope 3.

* We drop the X when there's a migration path to Zope 3 from Zope 2.

Zope 3.2 today is not experimental. It is ready for production use. Full 
backwards compatibility with Zope 2 isn't going to appear; *full* 
compatibility was never exactly promised, but people got that impression 
from the vague message, but we knew damn well by Zope 3.1 that it wasn't 
going to happen that way. It's hard to predict the future anyway.

A migration path for generic Zope 2 content also isn't likely to appear, 
as that means you have to port your applications forward first if your 
application has its own content types, which most significant Zope 2 
applications do. It will presumably happen for particular Zope 2 
applications who are prepared (Silva for instance has had full XML 
export abilities for years), but not for arbitrary Zope 2 content.

Additionally, the version numbering scheme with an X in it (it even 
moved; Zope X3, Zope 3X) is non-standard and thus *invites* 
misinterpretation in all kinds of ways. And then after you drop the X 
from Zope X3.4, you're going to go back and call it Zope 3.0?

I therefore argued for dropping the X. The X was broken and was doing 
damage. I'm not going to be able to sell experimental software not ready 
for production use to my cust

Re: [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 Marketing Competition? (was Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name)

2006-02-08 Thread Martijn Faassen

Joel Moxley wrote:

These are good points. I'm not convinced myself yet we should leave as is and do the marketing for Zope 2 - I think is 
currently mostly anti-marketing for whatever Zope we're talking about.

That said, getting community interest in making something new will work 
way better in the context of Zope 3 then Zope 2.

I myself am genuinely in two minds about a new or a; 
I keep switching every day...

I would appreciate it if you would subscribe to if you 
haven't already, and bring up this discussion in a new thread here. We 
can discuss it there a bit, just poll general interest and pick a 
decision we can all go for.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread kit BLAKE
2006/2/7, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Alexander Limi wrote:
> > The original discussion never suggested code names for releases, but a
> > brand name to help Zope 3 separate itself from Zope 2 - since it is a
> > *completely* different beast.
> Random thought... hehe... Zope Cubed.  It's only a typographical change
> from Zope 3.  The tagline would be "Zope, raised to a higher power!"
> It's a vague reference to cubicles, where "enterprise developers"
> usually work. It's also a vague reference to Cubism, which lets the
> viewer see many perspectives from a single viewpoint, like Zope 3, which
> lets the developer accomplish many objectives using a single framework. :-)


It's also an exponential increase in power.

Cubism was an innovation allowing multiple views of an object.

2006/2/8, Martin Aspeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Zope^3 :)

That's brilliant. It works in ASCII, or in normal text in a paragraph
of a magazine. Now, try it in a few different typefaces, and make it
big. Zope^3 is *far* more visually interesting than 'Zope3'.

2006/2/8, Alexander Limi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Too bad this is already the name for the experimental Plone integration
> work with Zope 3. :)

Too bad? I'd say it's perfect. All the apps will get cubed.  :-)

Infrae · · +31 10 243 7051
Hoevestraat 10 · 3033GC · Rotterdam · The Netherlands
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Fred Drake
On 2/7/06, Alen Stanisic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> upcoming marketing campaign :).  The X can send this message better
> than any other single character and it's not as obtrusive as adding or
> changing a name.  I believe to certain extent there is already
> understanding out there that X could mean XP.

If we must add something at all, I don't see that it needs to be a
single letter.  Adding the X would simply make the confusion worse,
anyway, given that only a limited amount of "marketing" will get done

So why not say "it's about XP" and make it "Zope XP 3.x.y"?


Fred L. Drake, Jr.
"There is no wealth but life." --John Ruskin
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Alexander Limi
On Tue, 07 Feb 2006 14:37:45 -0800, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Alexander Limi wrote:
The original discussion never suggested code names for releases, but a   
brand name to help Zope 3 separate itself from Zope 2 - since it is a   
*completely* different beast.

Random thought... hehe... Zope Cubed.  It's only a typographical change  
from Zope 3.  The tagline would be "Zope, raised to a higher power!"  
It's a vague reference to cubicles, where "enterprise developers"  
usually work. It's also a vague reference to Cubism, which lets the  
viewer see many perspectives from a single viewpoint, like Zope 3, which  
lets the developer accomplish many objectives using a single framework.  

Too bad this is already the name for the experimental Plone integration  
work with Zope 3. :)


 Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

 Consulting · Training · Development ·

  Plone Co-Founder · · Connecting Content
  Plone Foundation · · Protecting Plone

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Alen Stanisic
On 2/8/06, Chris Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, but then we end up with Zope3 3.2.5, which is exactly what caused
> us to drop the X3 previously ;-)

Thinking about the X it is unfortunate it was used to indicate
compatibility with Zope2 and the experimental version of Zope.  It was
mentioned on the users list how Mac OS X communicated the message
adding just the X that this was a completely different operating
system to the previous Mac OS-s.  Of course, as Martin pointed out, it
is not just the brand name but the marketing effort behind it that
makes the difference.  But to me X could very easily stand for Extreme
Programming which is what Zope3 is about - agile, rapid, adaptive,
iterative, extreme development (throwing in a few more words for the
upcoming marketing campaign :).  The X can send this message better
than any other single character and it's not as obtrusive as adding or
changing a name.  I believe to certain extent there is already
understanding out there that X could mean XP.  I also think that

Zope 2.8
Zope 2.9
Zope X 3.2
Zope X 3.3

is clearer that this is a different Zope not just a next release, as
it would be at the moment:

Zope 2.8
Zope 2.9
Zope 3.2
Zope 3.3

or is it

Zope 2.8
Zope 2.9
Zope 3 3.2
Zope 3 3.3

Back in the days of X3.0 I think Philipp in the heading of this
article named "Formula X" used X in a different context and I liked

(maybe we should check with Philipp if this article could be reviewed
for 3.2 and used for the new site as it gives a nice overview)

I am not sure if it was a good idea raising the X from the dead so I
am slowly ducking for cover.  But what's the big deal, we just "adapt
it to a different context"...   or is it "adapt context to a different
interface" ..   or ... anyhow you get my drift :)

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Shane Hathaway

Alexander Limi wrote:
The original discussion never suggested code names for releases, but a  
brand name to help Zope 3 separate itself from Zope 2 - since it is a  
*completely* different beast.

Random thought... hehe... Zope Cubed.  It's only a typographical change 
from Zope 3.  The tagline would be "Zope, raised to a higher power!" 
It's a vague reference to cubicles, where "enterprise developers" 
usually work. It's also a vague reference to Cubism, which lets the 
viewer see many perspectives from a single viewpoint, like Zope 3, which 
lets the developer accomplish many objectives using a single framework. :-)

wasting-time-ly y'rs, Shane
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Chris Withers

Mikhail Kashkin wrote:

1. This is new different platform, based on Zope ideas but with
absolutely different code bases
2. When users searchin' in search engines 'Zope 3', Google or other
throw away 3 and search only for Zope
3. Zope3 (or zope3) is more pythonic, you cann't name your module
'''zope 3.webdev''' or something like this.

Yes, but then we end up with Zope3 3.2.5, which is exactly what caused 
us to drop the X3 previously ;-)


Chris - Simple is better, but then I would say that!

Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Chris Withers

Jeff Shell wrote:

Beyond that, I think that 'Zope 3' is a good looking set of characters
and can be a strong brand in and of itself. Just always, always,
always refer to it as Zope 3. It doesn't need to be Zope on Zydeco or
something like that. 'Zope 3' has a lot of strong brand potential.
It's crisp, it's clear, it builds on something established yet can
differentiate itself from it.

hear hear!

(alright, I'm a little cranky after losing a fight with trying to a do
what I thought was a simple multi-adapter registered with just an
'adapter factory=...' directive call in ZCML... damn thing wouldn't
use my publishTraverse and all I could do was scream and cry and
re-architect my solution because those browser directives did their
magic blessings of publishTraverse, call, and everything else and I
couldn't figure out how to do that on my own easily... augh..)

oooh, suckage :-/ I hope this is easy to unplug...

I think the code-naming thing is silly. Names drive me crazy after a
point because I just don't find the worth in keeping my internal
translations up to date.

hear hear 2!



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Chris Withers

Martin Aspeli wrote:
 - Have funky release codenames. Okay, good - makes it easier to talk 
about Zope 3.2 vs. 3.3. However, I think this is secondary (by far) to ...

My vote? This blows, please don't do it...

The secondary brand name (the Zomething in my example above) was the 
original example - and I personally think this is a good idea, just to 
give the clear message that this is distinct but building on Zope 2.

Again, just my vote, this still blows, if slightly less than the 
hurricane of a code name for each point release ;-)



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/7/06, Stephan Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 February 2006 05:09, Jeff Shell wrote:
> > Alright, I've stayed up way too late on this.
> Jeff,
> you always make great points! I would like to nominate you as the "Zope 3
> Propaganda Minister"! :-) No seriously, you have a great way of explaining
> why Zope 3 is better than the latest hype; I think you are probably the best
> qualified to lead the marketing efforts? Are you willing? Anyone seconding
> me? :-)

I'm willing, if I can make the time. And if I can make the time to
write the lengthy emails that I do, I can write a real document,
right? :)

Last night I was looking at this page:

and going "damn, that's nice" and then "damn, I wrote a lot of that!"
There was some pre-existing material, but I remember updating it into
the form that it stands at now and has stood at since. It really makes
me want to register a "" and putting a page like that
up. I've really really really been wanting to do this, and I've talked
with the other guys here about doing something.. anything... to give
back to the community. Heck, I've been wanting a little server here
that I could play with in making a public facing Zope 3 application.
But our resources have been severely limited :\. I may still go ahead
and make a static page for now, or a post in Griddle Noise. Or even
make a Writeboard.. Or a page in my Backpack account.. Or.. So many
options, but so many deadlines.

But I'll do my part to try to do something in the next few days.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 Marketing Competition? (was Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name)

2006-02-07 Thread Martijn Faassen

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Yes. Rest assured my ambition is to keep ambitions as low as possible. 
:) Otherwise nothing will happen.

The front page of doesn't show the activity around Z3 at all. 
That wouln't cost anything to start to add a few z3 links in Zope Exits 
for example.

(beside the point to have a marco/micro approach)

Good point. I'm not a maintainer of the current so this 
suggestion will have to be made to someone who can change things. I'm 
sure someone is listening on the zope-web mailing list who can?


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Paul Winkler
On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 03:09:01AM -0700, Jeff Shell wrote:
> and this, which I absolutely love:

+1. I think we really need something like that.
> I know that even I would care a lot less about new Python releases if

Paul Winkler
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Benji York

Mikhail Kashkin wrote:

2. When users searchin' in search engines 'Zope 3', Google or other
throw away 3 and search only for Zope

Google doesn't "throw away" the 3.
Benji York
Senior Software Engineer
Zope Corporation
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 Marketing Competition? (was Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name)

2006-02-07 Thread Tarek Ziadé

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Max M wrote:

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Alternatively, we could use our energy to actually work together on 
a new website instead of competing. There's a zope-web mailing list, 
after all, so go and talk there. This would have my preference.

If you want to fix the Zope 2 website at the same time as branding 
Zope 3, I fear it is a monumental task that will never happen.

Yes, that is indeed a risk that I'm well aware of. Still, I think we 
can present a good 'brochure' about Zope 2 on a unified website. 
Whatever we do, we should definitely sketch out the relationship 
between the two projects, something that is now completely missing. 
Zope 2 needs marketing as much as Zope 3.

The Zope 2 website is so big, and has so much content that it should 
have somebody working on it full time if it needs changing. Perhaps 
this "monumental" approach to a zope site is wrong. Microsites with 
well defined boundaries, that a few or a single person could be 
responsible for might be a better approach.

Yes. Rest assured my ambition is to keep ambitions as low as possible. 
:) Otherwise nothing will happen.

The front page of doesn't show the activity around Z3 at all. 
That wouln't cost anything to start to add a few z3 links in Zope Exits 
for example.

(beside the point to have a marco/micro approach)



Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 Marketing Competition? (was Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name)

2006-02-07 Thread Martijn Faassen

Max M wrote:

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Alternatively, we could use our energy to actually work together on a 
new website instead of competing. There's a zope-web mailing list, 
after all, so go and talk there. This would have my preference.

If you want to fix the Zope 2 website at the same time as branding Zope 
3, I fear it is a monumental task that will never happen.

Yes, that is indeed a risk that I'm well aware of. Still, I think we can 
present a good 'brochure' about Zope 2 on a unified website. Whatever we 
do, we should definitely sketch out the relationship between the two 
projects, something that is now completely missing. Zope 2 needs 
marketing as much as Zope 3.

The Zope 2 website is so big, and has so much content that it should 
have somebody working on it full time if it needs changing. 
Perhaps this "monumental" approach to a zope site is wrong. Microsites 
with well defined boundaries, that a few or a single person could be 
responsible for might be a better approach.

Yes. Rest assured my ambition is to keep ambitions as low as possible. 
:) Otherwise nothing will happen.



Zope3-dev mailing list

Re(2): [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 Marketing Competition? (was Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name)

2006-02-07 Thread Klaus Bremer
Ursprüngliche Nachricht
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 11:01:23 +0100
von: Martijn Faassen

>Alternatively, we could use our energy to actually work together on a
>new website instead of competing. There's a zope-web mailing list, after
>all, so go and talk there. This would have my preference.

I agree and think that Zope 3 doesn't need a secondary brand name.

My suggestion: set up a dedicated website zope3.tld to emphazise that it
is not just a new version, and things will go the right direction. The
Zope3-rotterdam logo may be good enough to start a no-nonsens design.

Downloads, tutorials and documentation of any level should be available
by as less clicks as possible.

The site should be as user friendly as possible for someone who looks
the first time at zope3 (and may be thinking the sql-way), this is the

Just my 5¢ for further discussions.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Martin Aspeli (sent by

Hj Jeff,

Okay - I'd like to restate my position. :-)

I think you're right - having different names for each release (Zope 3.2 = Blah, Zope 3.3 = Foo) *is* a bad idea, it creates confusion, especially in a framework with frequent releases. So -1 on that from me from now on. :)


Jeff Shell wrote:
Beyond that, I think that 'Zope 3' is a good looking set of characters
and can be a strong brand in and of itself. Just always, always,
always refer to it as Zope 3. It doesn't need to be Zope on Zydeco or
something like that. 'Zope 3' has a lot of strong brand potential.
It's crisp, it's clear, it builds on something established yet can
differentiate itself from it.

> The secondary brand name (the Zomething in my example above) was the
> original example - and I personally think this is a good idea, just to
> give the clear message that this is distinct but building on Zope 2.

Zope 2 is seldom referred to as Zope 2. Zope 2.x maybe, but I seldom
notice it referred to as Zope 2, except now that Zope  3 is on the
scene. By just adding emphasis to the 3, and it doesn't even need to
be a strong emphasis, I think we can capture a lot.

A fancy name isn't going to give the message that this is distinct,
especially if the experience of finding out what Zope 3 is and how to
use it starts bringing back painful memories of prior Zopes, or starts
to mirror the stories people have heard about Zope - "yeah, it's great
if you can figure it out... good luck figuring it out..."

if you don't mind me using your argumentation to argue my point:

There are a lot of people out there, it seems, that hate Zope. Maybe they hate Zope 2, maybe they even tried Zope 3.0 and got burnt. Somehow, it just seems it's got some bad stigma around it (e.g. look at the average flaming reply to a blog posting about Zope 3). Now, for those people, putting a new name in their heads may be a good way of suggesting that indeed, there is something new and something better here. It's not just the same old Zope with a few more bells and whistles, it's something entirely different. It deserves a second look.

As Stephan pointed out, denying the Zope legacy is denying the work of those who took it from Zope 2 to Zope 3, and denying that we've learnt a lot of lessons from Zope 2. 

Which is why, in my reading, the original proposal for all this was to include all of them: The Zope, the 3 and the new name. And with that, as you identify, some more branding, in terms of resources, in terms of a clear, concise message and tag line, in terms of a good logo that people recognise, and in terms of an outward-facing orientation.

That name should stay the same, across releases!

Let's say we adopted the brand "Zope 3 Singularity",, a slogan ("Zope 3 Singularity - Be Adaptive), a logo, a colour scheme, a web site that's simple and on-message and a download box that says: Download version 3.2. When version 3.3 comes out, you'd say - NEW! Version 3.3, now with these cool new features, click here to see them in action. The brand stays "Zope 3 Singularity", though. The message stays. The logo stays. And for new adopter that raves about Z3 Singularity being the best thing since sliced bread, people will take note that it's something new, not just the same dreary Zope (2) they tried before.

So why the name, why not just "Zope 3"? You say that for Zope 3 to become a strong brand, people should "Just always, always, always refer to it as Zope 3". What about the ones who didn't get the memo? What about J. Random Blogger who goes on and rants or raves about "the latest version of Zope", forgetting the 3 and people either ignore him as a Zope Zealot (heh) with his head in the sand, or start arguing vigorously against him because they used Zope once in 1998 and didn't like it.

As you said - this isn't easy. We need to be opinionated, proud, clear on our message. We need to take marketing seriously, because at the moment, a beautiful framework is obscured by an awful web site and an absent brand.


View this message in context: Re: Re: Selecting a code name
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Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Stephan Richter
On Tuesday 07 February 2006 05:42, Igor Stroh wrote:
> Just curious - has anyone already thought about the ressource organization?
> Is there any place we can paste our marketing slogans into? Some
> repository which could host design proposals for the brand new Zope3
> advocay site?

Join the zope-web mailing list. Martijn has started some materials collecting 

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Igor Stroh
Stephan Richter wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 February 2006 05:09, Jeff Shell wrote:
>>Alright, I've stayed up way too late on this.
> Jeff,
> you always make great points! I would like to nominate you as the "Zope 3 
> Propaganda Minister"! :-) No seriously, you have a great way of explaining 
> why Zope 3 is better than the latest hype; I think you are probably the best 
> qualified to lead the marketing efforts? Are you willing? Anyone seconding 
> me? :-)


Jeffs postings are somewhat lengthy, but allways worth to be read :)

Just curious - has anyone already thought about the ressource organization?
Is there any place we can paste our marketing slogans into? Some
repository which could host design proposals for the brand new Zope3
advocay site?

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Stephan Richter
On Tuesday 07 February 2006 05:09, Jeff Shell wrote:
> Alright, I've stayed up way too late on this.


you always make great points! I would like to nominate you as the "Zope 3 
Propaganda Minister"! :-) No seriously, you have a great way of explaining 
why Zope 3 is better than the latest hype; I think you are probably the best 
qualified to lead the marketing efforts? Are you willing? Anyone seconding 
me? :-)

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/6/06, Martin Aspeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Guys ... from my reading of the z3-user discussion, there were two subtly
> different things that came out:
>   - Have funky release codenames. Okay, good - makes it easier to talk
> about Zope 3.2 vs. 3.3. However, I think this is secondary (by far) to ...

I think it's terrible. I say again, I think 3.2 and 3.3 are easy to
talk about. "Well, the current version is 3.2. 3.3 is coming out this
spring and is likely to include foo.baz. We're hoping to get foo.bill
in for 3.4 later this year, but it depends on the usage patterns we
notice from some of the 3.1 deprecations"

"Well, the current version is Sarengeti. Olympus is coming out this
spring and is likely to include We're hoping to get foo.bill
in for Mushroom later this year, but it depends on the usage patterns
we notice from the Dustmop deprecations"

I don't think the second message is any clearer.

>   - Have a *brand*. That means one name, a name that doesn't change. It
> could just be "Zope 3" with a capital 3, or it could be a more distinctive
> name, e.g. Zope 3 Zomething (where Zomething is something to be decided)
> to have an even more distinctive brand; a logo that has some punch, a
> colour scheme, a web site with proper advocacy and some start-here
> documentation and some quick tutorials.

A good brand name is good. Maybe to be proper with the Web 2.0
phenomenon, it should be 3Zopes.

Beyond that, I think that 'Zope 3' is a good looking set of characters
and can be a strong brand in and of itself. Just always, always,
always refer to it as Zope 3. It doesn't need to be Zope on Zydeco or
something like that. 'Zope 3' has a lot of strong brand potential.
It's crisp, it's clear, it builds on something established yet can
differentiate itself from it.

> The secondary brand name (the Zomething in my example above) was the
> original example - and I personally think this is a good idea, just to
> give the clear message that this is distinct but building on Zope 2.

Zope 2 is seldom referred to as Zope 2. Zope 2.x maybe, but I seldom
notice it referred to as Zope 2, except now that Zope  3 is on the
scene. By just adding emphasis to the 3, and it doesn't even need to
be a strong emphasis, I think we can capture a lot.

A fancy name isn't going to give the message that this is distinct,
especially if the experience of finding out what Zope 3 is and how to
use it starts bringing back painful memories of prior Zopes, or starts
to mirror the stories people have heard about Zope - "yeah, it's great
if you can figure it out... good luck figuring it out..."

(alright, I'm a little cranky after losing a fight with trying to a do
what I thought was a simple multi-adapter registered with just an
'adapter factory=...' directive call in ZCML... damn thing wouldn't
use my publishTraverse and all I could do was scream and cry and
re-architect my solution because those browser directives did their
magic blessings of publishTraverse, call, and everything else and I
couldn't figure out how to do that on my own easily... augh..)

> Seriously, look at or
> This is about getting people to *understand* what Zope is about, to
> understand that we *care* that they understand and that we made an
> *effort* to make it easy for them to get into it. It's about lowering the
> barrier to entry and the risk that they'll spend time learning something
> that'll turn out to be a dead end. It's about showing off that Zope can be
> sexy and knock the socks off the competition. It's about generating some
> excitement, not just a dreary list of technical blather.

Yes! Exactly! You know, for all of the "Django is wonderfully
Pythonic..." "it's for perfectionists..." talk, I see a lot in its
core documentation that I think Zope 3 does better. Django does some
very impressive things, but glancing over documents like their Model

I see a lot of things that remind me of things that didn't scale well
conceptually in Principia/Zope - tuples and tuples of tuples
(including permissions, in the style of (('can_order_pizza', 'Can
Order Pizza'),) )! Those of us who remember building aggressively
large __ac_permissions__ structures also remember, if their
experiences are like mine, the difficulty of maintaining such lists -
is id or title the first element? Oops, I made a typo and did
'cant_order_pizza' and nothing caught it!, and so on.

zope.formlib and zope.schema really blow all of these other systems
away, I think. I think it's ridiculous that people are saying "well, I
don't want to write an Interface" but are fine with writing
``first_name = meta.CharField(maxlength=30)``. But in Zope 3.2, you
can't even get a list of zope.schema.* fields in apidoc easily! To
make up for it, there's *great* documentation about formlib, but it's
in the source.

Anyways, I'm sure this is all stuff that we can agree on.

I think t

Re: [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 Marketing Competition? (was Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name)

2006-02-07 Thread Martijn Faassen

Hi there,
Gary Poster wrote:

+1. I think the requirement to have enough people submitting is very 
important, though. No competition anounced unless we get some idea that 
we'll actually have enough competitors, otherwise we end up looking 
silly ("what happened to the Zope marketing competition?" "oh, nobody 
showed up" would make Zope marketing *worse*)

Alternatively, we could use our energy to actually work together on a 
new website instead of competing. There's a zope-web mailing list, after 
all, so go and talk there. This would have my preference.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: Zope 3 Marketing Competition? (was Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name)

2006-02-07 Thread Paul Everitt

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Monday 06 February 2006 20:49, Gary Poster wrote:

How about we have a marketing competition? :-)

+1 from me plus everything else you said below.

Yep, it's a good idea.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: Zope 3 Marketing Competition? (was Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name)

2006-02-07 Thread Stephan Richter
On Monday 06 February 2006 20:49, Gary Poster wrote:
> How about we have a marketing competition? :-)

+1 from me plus everything else you said below.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Lennart Regebro
On 2/7/06, Martin Aspeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1. This is new different platform, based on Zope ideas but with
> > absolutely different code bases
> Indeed. This is why I think that if a proper moniker (e.g. Zope3 Zimba)
> would be better.

No, it would only make people go "What, first Zope 2, then Zope 3, now
Zope Zimba?" thinking it's three different things.

But always writing it Zope3 might be helpful.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Zope 3 Marketing Competition? (was Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name)

2006-02-06 Thread Gary Poster

On Feb 6, 2006, at 5:37 PM, Martin Aspeli wrote:
This is about getting people to *understand* what Zope is about, to  
understand that we *care* that they understand and that we made an  
*effort* to make it easy for them to get into it. It's about  
lowering the barrier to entry and the risk that they'll spend time  
learning something that'll turn out to be a dead end. It's about  
showing off that Zope can be sexy and knock the socks off the  
competition. It's about generating some excitement, not just a  
dreary list of technical blather.


How about we have a marketing competition? :-)

The goal would be to set a date, like end of February or end of  
March, at which point everyone would submit their entries.  Entries  
would be something like a one-to-three page brochure website.  We'd  
vote...maybe within categories like 'marketing copy', 'layout',  
'logo', and 'overall concept'.  Winners would have net fame, and we'd  
put top contenders up on a zope*.org site.  Maybe we could do  
something else small for the winners too?  Any ideas?

Minimal requirements to get this to happen:
- final submission date
- enough people committing to have an entry (maybe 10?  15?  I think  
*everyone* potentially has something to offer here, so the numbers  
would ideally be even bigger...but I won't hold my breath :-)

- someone willing to organize
- a web site to post the results to. ;-)

If the due date is in March or later, I'll volunteer to organize, if  
there's enough interest and then enough commitments to enter.

That said, if someone else wanted to volunteer to organize, I'd  
gladly hand the reins over.  ;-)

Is this crazy?

Zope3-dev mailing list