The aura is crap; surely that goes without saying. What is important is being 
able to pick out what one likes and dislikes. Point being that this is not only 
possible, it is done regularly on a plebeian, day-to-day basis by people as far 
removed from kings, artifice, and fraud, though blessedly not from laughter.

It's no different from cigarettes or whiskey. As for charlatans, they wouldn't 
exist if their gullible audiences didn't exist. 

From: ss <>
Sent: Friday, 11 November 2011, 6:41
Subject: Re: [silk] Query on wines.... and snobbery

On Thursday 10 Nov 2011 11:14:46 pm Indrajit Gupta wrote:
> Frankly, I think we are hugely overdoing the wine snobbery bit; if we can
>  distinguish between cigarette brands and their smokes, or between
>  different brands of blended whiskey, what is the big deal in being able to
>  distinguish between different types of wine? 

Objection, your honour.

If you sit in a dining room and say you can tell the difference between 
Charminar and Benson & Hedges, most people would give you credit for being 
gifted like a circus clown.

But if you pronounce funny sounding French names and say you can close your 
eyes and say what tastes good and what does not, (a skill that is avaialble to 
all children after the age of 6 months) people act as if you are a king.

It is completely artificial. Completely fraudulent. And a huge laugh. I would 
not give it teh aura it is being given. 


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