On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Aanjhan Ranganathan <aanj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://xkcd.com/915/

Ironically, I spent some time yesterday hunting for deals on Lapsang
souchong and Pu'erh.


While in college my friends and I were more likely to be found in one
of a dozen tea bars (I believe that term is still valid in Madras,
yes?) than in class. These small nooks tucked away in the armpits of
the city and unsavory elsewheres pinned their survival on unwelcome
teenagers who slouched their rides lazily to drag on a cigarette and a
shared glass of tea. The tea stood out from dish water only in
temperature, but it bonded us in socialist camaraderie and disease for
a mere two rupees. The conversation flowed freely as it only can when
the worries of the world weigh heavily on young shoulders. I haven't
had any beverage alcoholic or otherwise produce the same quality of
conversation since.


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