Hi, when reading this I was reminded of a book I used to have called "Left For 
Dead" and this was by the red pepper man, Dick Quinn. He had open heart surgery 
and was threatening another heart attack and going blind but his doctor said 
well, that is just side symptoms. Duh. He went to the park and met this old 
lady who told him about red pepper and he rather laughed at it but as the 
threats continued he went to the health food store and bought some and began. 
After 17 years he is in perfect health and had written that book and believe he 
sells some red pepper/hawthorne pills but not sure. It has helped me when I had 
slight anxiety attacks that is the first thing I think about. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Scott 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 11:39 AM
  Subject: RE: CS>CS & Lupus

  At times my heart feels like it is not beating strongly. I'm not sure that 
answers the irregular part.  I have an appt with the pulmonologist next week 
and hopefully he can help me with some of this problem.  I do eat raw garlic 
almost daily with at least one meal and use "Diamond Brand" Kosher Salt which 
has no caking agents or additives in it and is made in purified fresh water. I 
use it almost daily on my meals but have not used it in a glass of water for 
quite awhile. I take potassium tabs each day but my doc says I am still low 
overall on it.  I will try the other items you suggested. Thanks, Jess. Stay in 

  In His Service,

  jessie70 <jessi...@optonline.net> wrote:
    Scott, do you have an irregular heartbeat? I've read that hawthorne tea is 
very good for the heart. You may have to add salt to your diet to get your 
sodium potassium balance. Also drink some organic pomegranate juice or 
lime-aid. A little raw garlic with your meals would be good for your overall 
immune system. Sounds like you're drinking a lot of CS. I would cut back on it. 
      -----Original Message-----
      From: Scott [mailto:scottie592...@yahoo.com]
      Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 10:38 PM
      To: silver-list@eskimo.com
      Subject: Re: CS>CS & Lupus

      Hey, Jessie

      Pardon me for not getting right back to you.  I have been experiencing 
some lupus-related phenomena with my heart which makes me feel very anxious.  
So all I want to do is rest, stay still, hope and pray that it goes away.
      Anyhow, SLE stands for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.  Just a fancy name 
for systemic Lupus. 
      Any ideas/comments about these "heart anxieties" let me know.

      In His Service,
      jessi...@optonline.net wrote: 

        What is SLE? Thanks, Jess
        ----- Original Message -----
        From: Scott 
        Date: Monday, August 27, 2007 8:49 am
        Subject: CS>CS & Lupus
        To: Silver List 

        > Hey, Friends!
        > Please let me know if any of you have experience with Lupus and 
        > the use of CS and any other natural alternatives in 
        > treating/healing it. I just found out last Friday that I have 
        > SLE. The doctor prescribed Prednisone - 5mg per day and it made 
        > me feel a little bit better but the side effects are another 
        > story. Anyhow, I am a 48 y.o. male, live in the San Joaquin 
        > Valley of California and was working as a substance abuse 
        > counselor prior to getting ill. The most difficult things I am 
        > currently dealing with are not working, pain throughout my body, 
        > skin rashes with purple coloring and hair loss in those areas 
        > and chronic fatigue. I have been taking CS for almost two years 
        > and I currently drink about 8 oz per day of it along with about 
        > 32oz of distilled water per day (separately). So, please give me 
        > some suggestions.
        > In His Service,
        > Scott Young<><
        > ---------------------------------
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