Indi wrote:

> Also, those reading my words should know I have been mostly
> unsuccessful at trying to get what I'd call accurate, unbiased medical
> advice about CS and other alternative treatments. All I really have to
> go by is my limited scientific knowledge of chemistry and physics, and
> my own (obviously anecdotal) personal experience. 

That is a basic condition of the whole area of study, re: CS. Nothing 
that's studied and found in journal articles bears much resemblence to 
what we're making and using.

In fact, what we do have is many years and many people's personal, 
anecdotal experiences plus limited clinical results, along with various 
experiments by amateurs and the occasional professional or semi-

Among the consensus results is that "true colloidal" and "ionic" both 
seem to work very well. 

Remember that "ionic" silver will a) complex to form metallo-proteins 
in the saliva during sublingual absorption, and b) form silver chloride 
in the stomach, which in the small quantities involved is largely 
soluble, thereby remaining bio-available and active.

If it's the minority colloidal component that makes "ionic" silver 
successful for so many, then so be it. It's also not caused problems 
when made properly and used responsibly.

Of course, that situation may change, just as we've finally seen cases 
of argyria for people using archaic recipes using a bit of salt brine 
as an accelerant, to add to other known cases from concentrated silver 
salts, silver proteins, and other silver compounds.

Blanket statements that particulate is good and ionic is bad are likely 
as incomplete and inaccurate as their opposite numbers.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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