[Day Sutton] You might want to check this out before you ingest anymore
cyanide. Just stick with EIS/CS


Snopes is becoming more known for its bias against natural health. Moreover,
even some relatively innocuous ratings (on stories unrelated to health or
life-and-death matters) have been known to be improperly researched, or
researched not at all. Thus, Snopes is not as "neutral" as some would
believe and in some instances has actually purveyed the wrong information.
An egroup I belong to recently discussed this in depth with proof, but
currently I cannot locate the info in my files.


Anyway (as might be expected), the info about B17 and bitter almonds/apricot
pits etc. has not been properly understood or presented by the media. G.
Edward Griffin does a great job of explaining B17, laetrile, and related
issues in his book World Without Cancer.


Griffin points out that the unlocking of the cyanide molecule in B17-a
vitamin present in bitter almonds, and the pits of apricots, plums, peaches,
and other botanically similar fruits-takes place in a number of chemical
steps. Moreover, the cyanide is harmful only to those cells you want to
kill. The following is from Griffin's book, pages 89-90. I have converted
the italics in the book to all capital letters in the quoted passage below.


"Fortunately, the unlocking enzyme [the enzyme that releases the cyanide in
these kernels] is not found to any dangerous degree anywhere in the body
EXCEPT AT THE CANCER CELL, where it always is present in great quantity,
sometimes at levels in excess of one-hundred times that of the surrounding
normal cells. The result is that vitamin B17 is unlocked at the cancer cell,
releases its poisons to the cancer cell, and ONLY TO THE CANCER CELL. . . .
The non-cancerous organs. . . are endowed by nature with the unique capacity
of protecting themselves and even nourishing themselves from the digestion
of the B17 molecule, whereas cancerous tissue converts the same vitamin
substance into powerful toxins against which it has no defense."


I have excerpted only a couple of paragraphs from pages of info on B17 in
Griffin's book. However, you can find information on the web at:


Hopefully, this will put to rest some of the misinformation about B17,
cyanide, and the bitter pits of certain fruits. I eat apples almost every
day (organic, green). I always break open the pits and eat the inner white
part, which I find delicious. So far I'm still here  ;-)




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),

now available in HARDCOVER

& The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy

 <http://www.nenahsylver.com> www.nenahsylver.com