Only adding some thoughts at the complaining.
What sadden me is also the loss of something valuable as a piece of art in
human culture.
Like loosing pieces of literature, or paintings.
Software is immaterial, is the product of creative thinking and you
perceive it mostly using it with your mind; like reading or watching a
painting or a movie start something emotionally strong and creative inside
of you, pushing and helping you create with what you are skilled most (
with your brain, hands,...).
Softimage helped me to think and ACT, exit from depression I went into 15
years ago.
It's because of that I think we have to protect what is valuable
achievement of human culture.
And most with software, because when you unplug the computer it's lost
I repeat myself from anonther post, I don't want be the marketing target of
a corporation anymore.
I want to be able to access to what I think is suitable to me to live

Sorry, just sharing some thinking.

Autodesk reconsider at least the proposal and not end XSI.

Christian Lattuada

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Emilio Hernandez <>wrote:

> Hello Jason.  Even though my emotions play an important role in my job,
> when it comes to work I am a lean, clean polished machine, and Maya is not
> as lean, as clean, and polished as Softimage, nor I have found another DCC
> tool.
> Honestly IMHO if you are taking something out of the market is because you
> have a better option to offer.  Sorry to sound like:
> "The future is bright... click"  but Autodesk is not bringing us a better
> offer.  If I was the only guy around here with this feeling, maybe I will
> be wrong, and will start considering that I am just a blind stubborn mind
> ;).
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.
> 2014-03-13 3:10 GMT-06:00 Jason S <>:
>  Hi Emilio .. to be (able to be more) fair, you have to put (practice
>> putting) your own emotions aside ;)
>> On 03/13/14 4:38, Emilio Hernandez wrote:
>>  Hello again Maurice.
>>  I am sorry to say that killing Softimage is the worst decision ever made
>> by Autodesk, as Autodesk does not have a true alternative for a better
>> software than Softimage.  Maybe Maya is stronger than Softimage in other
>> aspects, but the ones that we care as artists/users Maya is not.
>>  People like me and others that since Autodesk acquired Softimage gave
>> Maya a chance to prove it is a better tool.  Unfortunatley Maya failed.
>>  People that all his life used Maya and never care to give Softimage a
>> real try, because they thought it was not worth it, will never know what
>> they have been missing.  So for them it is easy to stick to an intrincate
>> workflow as they are used to.
>>  To be honest with you, after carefully analyzing the reasons Autodesk
>> is telling us of why they decided to terminate Softimage, none of then
>> makes sense at full.
>>  If I were to end a product line that recently started to be more
>> recognized and sucessfull, it is only because I have a better product to
>> offer.  And that is not the case here.  Again, sorry to say so, but Maya or
>> MAX in anyway are better products than Softimage.
>>  Until now you only have some "experiments" going down the line. Without
>> something real to offer us.
>>  That is why most of the people are looking for even some combo options
>> from other manufacturers.
>>  Again,  I will say reconsider this "strategic decision"
>>  Keep fixing the bugs, and open the SDK.
>>  Cheers!
>>  -------------------------------------------------------
>> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.
>> 2014-03-13 2:20 GMT-06:00 Tim Leydecker <>:
>>> Comparing Maya and Softimage jobs/projects I worked on for the last
>>> 10-15 yrs,
>>> I would come to the conclusion that I worked on many "almost vanilla
>>> install"
>>> Softimage projects while the Maya projects involved a significantly
>>> higher amount
>>> of using scripted extensions and plug-in functionality.
>>> That may boil down to the Softimage projects I was involved in being
>>> more from
>>> the commercials side of jobs while the Maya projects where often
>>> incorporating
>>> bigger teams or bigger promises made in advance.
>>> Currently, I惴 on a Maya centric project, myself doing all the modeling in
>>> Softimage, creating assets and handing them off into the Maya pipeline.
>>> The reason I惴 modeling in Softimage today is the 3D Love Tour and the
>>> home access
>>> to XSI Foundation this gave me back then. I will miss modeling in
>>> Softimage (2014sp2).
>>> Maya is not on par with Softimage in terms of fluidly modeling in my
>>> opinion.
>>> A co-worker is biased heavily towards C4D and I惴 impressed with it愀
>>> potential.
>>> Personally, I haven愒 decided where to lean to but am grateful for the
>>> heads-up
>>> and license conversion options offered by Autodesk.
>>> As a freelancer, I have learned not to expect being treated as part of
>>> the family,
>>> moving on is part of the job and am transfering this to the choice of my
>>> tools.
>>> I惻l see what愀 out there and what comes next.
>>> All the best,
>>> tim
>>> On 13.03.2014 08:56, Mirko Jankovic wrote:
>>>> There is a bit of perspective of view issue here.
>>>> To developers Maya sounds like god given tol to work on.
>>>> On the other hand to artists Softimage is god given tool to work on.
>>>> Now at the end what is more important - developers to have smooth day
>>>> developing or artists to have smooth workflow? :)
>>>> Ideally it would be both bur right now artists are loosing battle..
>>>> with heavy losses :)
>>>> Point is, why killing when instead by developing Maya, making it
>>>> better, really better, people would naturally move to better tool.
>>>> This right now is shoving it to Softimage users in the face saying that
>>>> we will like it and it is for our own good.
>>>> All this issue could be handled way better with much lesser resistance
>>>> if AD actual paid attention to customersand tried to eas in and help with
>>>> transition instead of killing years
>>>> of dedication and experiences and turning a LOT of Softimage veterans
>>>> into Maya juniors...
>>>> Btw most of those now to be juniors are 30+,40+ ...
>>>>  On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:38 AM, Maurice Patel <
>>>> <>> wrote:

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