Hi Eugene,
Here's a simple way with an expression:

1. Give your camera a custom parameter (CPSet is called Vertigo, hence
*Camera.Vertigo.width_at_interest)* to define the width at the interest
that needs to remain static.

2. An expression on the camera FOV:

*atan( Camera.Vertigo.width_at_interest / ctr_dist( Camera.,
Camera_Interest. ) ) * 2*
That should hopefully do what you want.

On 28 March 2014 11:34, Eugene Flormata <eug...@flormata.com> wrote:

> hi,
> I'm still new to TD type things
> can I get an opinion on how to build out a dolly zoom into soft?
> https://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/DollyZoom.html
> I think the extent of my ability is to drag and drop expression editor
> links
> I'm trying to upgrade my camera rig for animating.
> at first i tried
> http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fscreencast.com%2Ft%2FNva24cwVVF&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFmTT-3-PVoO9-LkWFroD1bowVa4g
> just plotting out a curve to see what it looked like, and then maybe try
> to rig up a driver with the parameter connection editor. couldnt' wrap my
> head around how to link this one up.
> then I found the website above that calculated the dolly/fov shift with
> some trig.
> the original rig is designed to do more orbital type movements, and I just
> wanted to be able to do anime type camera moves (gundam, naruto)
> it is mainly animated with a null with the camera parented to it. The
> camera itself only moves on position Z relative to it's parent null.
> I had a whole bunch of custom parameters that calculated the camera
> frustum with some trig. and then one parameter is controlling the dollyzoom
> fov. and then I tried to automate the
> but the calculations are messing up in the expressions. I can't tell if
> it's calculating it out of order or anything.
> and I tried rigging it with ice
> and I always fumble there, can't get variables to show up, can I hook this
> into a parameter maybe?
> and I have no idea how to use python.
> any help would be appreciated

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020 7734 0196

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