Hi Morten,
Could you emit by volume using both pieces of geometry as an emitter, then do "Point in Volume" tests for both and delete any points that don't succeed in both tests?


On 09/12/2015 11:24, Morten Bartholdy wrote:

I am trying to initiate particle emission from the volume of an object by intersecting it with a different object, so I can gr a dually expand the volume from which particles are emitted. Much like when an object collides with another and subsequently breaks into particles in slowmotion, starting from the point of impact.

I have checked example scenes and currently I am trying spawning when particles are inside a volume, but I can't figure out how to only emit particles when the emitter intersects with another object. I am guessing I need to use a state machine, but have yet to figure out how to make it start an emission rather than change parameters on existing particles or control spawning.

Any pointers or examples are most welcome :)



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