Amen to that Ognjen !

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Ognjen Vukovic <> wrote:

> I suppose at the pace sideFX are steamrolling their app, it could be a
> functional animation software given a year or two. But thats just  a guess
> from my side, maybe someone could comment on that who has a bit more
> knowledge on H.
> Then it could easily snap out the mayas position of industry leader, I
> just wish indy version would support the redshift plug in thats coming out,
> that would make it a no brainer for me personaly as to where i would pledge
> my allegiances to..
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Sebastien Sterling <
>> wrote:
>> Is Fabric at a point where one can use it as a stand alone rigging and
>> skinning platform i wonder ? not much hope of getting studios to adopt,
>> specially not those that rely on sweat shops. but it would be nice to try
>> and sow some better seeds.
>> Softies i love you all, sorry for venting but sometimes it really feels
>> desperate, to come back to rigging in maya a decade later and the most
>> impactful thing to be added is, delta much, tech from another dying
>> company, that everyone and there dog was able to replicate it seems.
>> But no, you come back and the skinning tools are still, shit. The weight
>> painting is a death sentence, the weight smoothing, is a death sentence,
>> the UI for scrubbing through the list of deformers makes me want to snuff
>> it, they still expect you to lock every single joint, less it start firing
>> weights randomly into other deformers. erase influence in a finger, it ends
>> up in a leg... more then just the crippled demented functionality, the feel
>> of the whole thing is off, having to reload the weighting interface every
>> time you want to translate or rotate a bone.... the list goes on and on,
>> On 22 January 2016 at 10:23, Tom Kleinenberg <> wrote:
>>> Heh, sorry, what I meant was sad was the blind crowd-think. I learnt
>>> pretty quickly that that any tool can do anything (when at a Lightwave
>>> studio and they were trumpeting how Lightwave was used for bits of
>>> Ironman). Some tools are just easier than others for certain tasks and
>>> Softimage does 90% of what I do in the easiest way I've come across.
>>> And no Sandy, you never got my rigging, not even in XSI :) One day, one
>>> day...
>>> On 22 January 2016 at 10:10, Sandy Sutherland <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> We never got you rigging in Softimage then Tom - ;)
>>>> S.
>>>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 10:05 AM, Tom Kleinenberg <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> At college we were taught Max and Maya. Maya was by far the most
>>>>> popular with students. I never much cared for it, so I always asked "What
>>>>> do you like about it over Max?" I couldn't ever get a straight answer and
>>>>> was generally fobbed off with something like "Well, they used it in the
>>>>> Matrix/Lord of the Rings/etc". Made me sad.
>>>>> On 22 January 2016 at 09:42, Olivier Jeannel <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> That is very true Stefan.
>>>>>> And people look at you weird just because you're not in the Maya
>>>>>> majority...
>>>>>> It's like speaking of the taste of chiken inside a kfc, nobody get's
>>>>>> a clue.
>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 9:10 AM, Stefan Kubicek <
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> There are only two kinds of 3D Artists:
>>>>>>> Those who use Softimage, and those who never tried.
>>>>>>> The story of Softimage's demise is one of ignorance.
>>>>>>> But they don;t know for better so burning bed for them is as good as
>>>>>>> it gets.
>>>>>>> They have no idea what is a fluffy feeling of Softimage around you :(
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 8:26 AM, Gerbrand Nel <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I know many of us are forced by employers or situations to convert
>>>>>>>> to maya.
>>>>>>>> My heart goes out to you!
>>>>>>>> But the rest of you fuckers who choose to go to maya over all the
>>>>>>>> other options out there.
>>>>>>>> You have made your beds, now burn in them.

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