Fully agree with Maoke!

This is not just the issue of publishing two documents.......To accormodate
with 4rd-U, many existing RFCs should be updated, like RFC
4291,RFC6052,etc. There is no evidence to show that we need to do that
because 4rd-U havn't been shown that it is workable in today's Internet.


2012/4/4 Maoke <fib...@gmail.com>

> well, i cannot help but send out this late Apr-1 joke: let's see what is
> the problem publishing the two document plus an informational doc analysing
> what problems 4rd-u introduces to architecture and real operation, with
> them all stable and having an RFC number for each? if this is fine, we all
> could be happy and the peace comes. lol
> a serious point not of the Apr-1 joke: as an IETF WG, we are obliged to
> provide surely high-quality document to the market. even we believe market
> choice, at least we have to publish what we ourselves have well understood,
> carefully coded and well tested. otherwise, the market would see IETF more
> of a group of doc-makers rather than technology-explorers.
> - maoke
> ----
> - we reject kings, presidents, and voting...
> - Rex redivit. vive le Roi.
> 2012/4/3 Marc Blanchet <marc.blanc...@viagenie.ca>
>> well, let's see the other way around: what is the problem of publishing
>> the two documents now?So that they are stable and have a RFC number. Then
>> any implementer can implement based on the RFC. Providers can request their
>> manufacturers to have a product which conforms to the RFC.
>> Marc.
>> Le 2012-04-03 à 14:56, Wojciech Dec a écrit :
>> The irony is that this is an apples and oranges comparison, and throwing
>> away ripe apples into some box with raw oranges looks rather unfair.
>> Some of the of the indicators are:
>> - MAP is not only the result of a consensus of a broad WG design team,
>> but also that of numerous authors of the merged drafts whihc have been
>> discussed for 1 year+. The 4rd-u technical proposals were evaluated by the
>> design team, and have not gained support there.
>> - MAP running code exist
>> - 4rd-U covers a technical corner case that is "self created" (if not
>> self invented/motivated)
>> - 4rd-U does not allow v4-v6 communication (say a v4 host to a v6 sign-up
>> portal, etc)
>> - 4rd-U is not by any means "universal". As admitted it requires the
>> coupling with BIH, which features the same technical corner case that 4rd-u
>> claims to solve (doh).
>> The other aspect is that some different measure appears to be being
>> applied in this selection *for WG adoption* vs the selection of the other
>> drafts in softwire, which have gained WG draft status without even a shred
>> of running code.
>> -Woj.
>> On 3 April 2012 18:32, Marc Blanchet <marc.blanc...@viagenie.ca> wrote:
>>> I don't see a way out of this thread.
>>> my suggestion:
>>> - published both as experimental
>>> - let the market decide
>>> - come back later to move one or the other standard track.
>>> Above all, I think having a stable specification (i.e. RFC) that
>>> implementers can code against  and providers to require is what is needed
>>> first.
>>> Marc.
>>> Le 2012-04-03 à 11:14, Jan Zorz @ go6.si a écrit :
>>> > Dear Softwires WG chairs.
>>> >
>>> > For how long will you leave this useless cockfight go on instead of
>>> steering the working group into a direction, that may enable us to decide
>>> on something and chose the direction?
>>> >
>>> > We are running in circles here and just amplificating the noise,
>>> coming from certain usual suspects.
>>> >
>>> > Cheers, Jan
>>> >
>>> > P.S: I too enjoy observing the roosters fight, but I don't think we
>>> have time for this now. :)
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