Hi Woj and Satoru,

Thanks for spending time to explain MAP to the ML. It really helps to
understand it better. Thanks

I concur with Maoke's analysis. If the 1:1 mode means giving the CE a
complete IPv4 address (or an IPv4 prefix) in the Rule IPv4 prefix (i.e.
EA-bit=0 and r <= 32) , this is what MAP allows. If 1:1 means explicitly
provisioning PSID in the BR for shared an IPv4 address and PSID isn't
contained in the CE MAP address, AFAIK this is not MAP originally designed

In the current version of the draft, I found two references:

   MAP can also be provisioned in 1:1 mode.  In 1:1 mode the BR has a
   MAP domain per subscriber, and the CE is configured in hub and spoke
   mode, with only a DMR and no other mapping rules.  This allows for a
   mode where the BR has one rule per subscriber and the provisioning of
   IPv4 address or prefix and port sets is independent of the End-User
   IPv6 prefix.
   In 1:1 mode, the MAP CE is provisioned with only a Default Mapping
   Rule, and the full IPv4 address/prefix and port range is provisioned
   using the DHCP option.
When I read them, my interpretation is when EA-bit=0, port-set could be
provisioned to CE. BR will also install the BMR+Port-set per CE. It seems to
me the 1:1 is the second case rather than first case. Am I reading the draft

I also have a question about routing the packet to CE. If EA-bit=0, does
this require each CE will have a different Rule IPv6 prefix (i.e. Each sub
is in its domain)? If not, how does routing work in BR?


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