On 28.06.2012 14:17, Lee, Yiu wrote:
> Hi Woj and Satoru,
> Thanks for spending time to explain MAP to the ML. It really helps to
> understand it better. Thanks
> I concur with Maoke's analysis. If the 1:1 mode means giving the CE a
> complete IPv4 address (or an IPv4 prefix) in the Rule IPv4 prefix (i.e.
> EA-bit=0 and r <= 32) , this is what MAP allows. If 1:1 means explicitly
> provisioning PSID in the BR for shared an IPv4 address and PSID isn't
> contained in the CE MAP address, AFAIK this is not MAP originally
> designed for. 
> In the current version of the draft, I found two references:
Sorry for interrupting, but which current version do you referring to?
There is softwire-map-01 published earlier today with the 1:1 mode removed.

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