On 8/17/2009 9:32 AM, Paul Hartman wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Mark Hansen<m...@nospamwinfirst.com> wrote:
>> Huh? Can't use just block all images from the site? Go to Tools ->
>> Image Manager -> Block Images from this Site (or Manage Image
>> Permissions and do it manually).
> Or just disable images entirely. There are some addons which give an
> easy on/off toggle. On Firefox there is ImgLikeOpera which lets you
> right-click to load images when desired, which I think would be
> perfect for the OP, but I don't know of a Seamonkey version.

Install the PrefBar extension from
<http://prefbar.mozdev.org/installation.html/prefbar4.2.xpi>.  Then
download and import the PrefBar "button" (actually a menulist) Image
Menulist 1.0 from
<http://prefbar.mozdev.org/buttons.html/imagemenulist.btn>.  This will
allow you to switch quickly between no images, all images, and images
only from the current domain, all from the PrefBar toolbar.

David E. Ross

Go to Mozdev at <http://www.mozdev.org/> for quick access to
extensions for Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and other
Mozilla-related applications.  You can access Mozdev much
more quickly than you can Mozilla Add-Ons.
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