"MCBastos" <myemail@example.invalid> wrote in message 
> Interviewed by CNN on 10/11/2012 11:27, Desiree told the world:
>> Now I am confused. I thought Win 8 was Metro or Desktop and when on 
>> Desktop
>> you keep getting flipped into Metro when you don't want that. So, you 
>> have
>> to do all sorts of third party fixes and tweaks to keep from being 
>> flipped
>> to Metro which a desktop user wants to avoid completely, right? The real
>> difference is what sort of monitor you have. I have no intention of 
>> buying a
>> 24 Dell Ultrsharp that is touch screen! YUCK! You need Metro for
>> touch...what else would you need it for? So, hardware that has a touch
>> screen, some laptops and tablets and ultrabooks would require Metro
>> ...everything else would be Desktop side. Right?
>> Is there is special Tablet version of Win 8?
> The "tablet" version (more accurately called the "ARM CPU" version) is
> called Windows RT. It is *only* Metro, and does not not support desktop
> applications at all.
> I have tested Windows 8 Pro x64 in a brand-new Dell laptop (one which
> came with Windows 7 and does not have a touchscreen, by the way);
> generally speaking, the whole experience of using it for regular Windows
> desktop stuff has been disappointing; the whole
> switch-back-to-Metro-to-start-a-new-app is annoying. I didn't figure out
> yet a convenient way to create desktop icons for applications, which
> would help a lot -- it is possible to do it the "hard way", but I didn't
> find something equivalent to right-mouse-drag-from-the-Start-Menu.
> But I had no problems running old apps on it; I even managed to install
> MS Money 99 -- yes, a *fourteen-year-old* app written for *Windows 98*.
> Basically, it happily accepted any application that Windows 7 could run.
> System utilities are a different matter, of course. But I expect
> Seamonkey will run fine in Windows 8 desktop. The Windows 8 specific
> bugs somebody listed, from what I saw, are mostly related to setting up
> convenient shortcuts and defining SM as a default application and
> shouldn't keep it from working correctly.

If MS Money from '99 will run on it, I sure wish Word before 2007 would. I 
have MS Money for W98 but I want earlier version (non ribbon) of Word to run 
but have been told it will not.

> -- 
> MCBastos
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