Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Ken Rudolph wrote:

Chase Bank is insisting that soon they are going to refuse to access
 their site with my "outdated" browser.  Of course my SeaMonkey
browser is up to date (Win 7, SM 2.39); but they don't accept
SeaMonkey as an approved browser.  I would like to change my User
Agent that is sent out to Firefox 30.0 or something similar to spoof
them.  Could somebody please tell me EXACTLY STEP BY STOP how to do
this even for an idiot like me!  The alternate is to give up
SeaMonkey and I don't want to do that.

My initial reaction was, "take a deep breath and cross the bridge when
you come to it." Banks make stupid threats like this all the time; mine
(rhymes with "Key Largo") has for years and nothing has come of it.
SeaMonkey still works, always has.

But now I see in your later posts that SeaMonkey already doesn't work
with Chase? Or are you just getting a nag that you can dismiss and
ignore, like when you update Flash and it always wants to bundle McAfee
or Yahoo or Chrome or something?

If you can't bypass the nag -- if they really insist on enforcing their
idiocy -- you have to treat them as idiots and lie to them. It's called
"user agent spoofing." Paul in Houston, TX has offered one way of doing
it; the User Agent Switcher add-on is another.

I used this addon, and it worked. Chase didn't add a notice that my browser was out of date, and it all seemed to work ok. I'll have to see if it continues; but for now that seems to work. I was just uncomfortable trying to edit the about:config file...especially with the notice that doing this will "void the warranty"!! Also I'm not sure how to go about editing the file anyway. So this addon seems to be a fix for my problem. Thank you.

And of course you can always switch to a bank not run by idiots. Won't
hurt Chase; as the AT&T monopolists used to say before the breakup, "we
don't have to care." But it'll save you the hair-pulling.

Changing banks if one is really involved with loans and annuities etc. is not as easy as changing browsers, unfortunately. But I already have reason to hate Chase Bank for announcing last year that they no longer support their windows phone app and then just eliminating it entirely. Their customer support is just so arrogant. But even so...hard to punish them by leaving because "they don't have to care."

Ken Rudolph

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