Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> Ken Rudolph wrote:
>> Chase Bank is insisting that soon they are going to refuse to access
>>  their site with my "outdated" browser.  Of course my SeaMonkey
>> browser is up to date (Win 7, SM 2.39); but they don't accept
>> SeaMonkey as an approved browser.  I would like to change my User
>> Agent that is sent out to Firefox 30.0 or something similar to spoof
>> them.  Could somebody please tell me EXACTLY STEP BY STOP how to do
>> this even for an idiot like me!  The alternate is to give up
>> SeaMonkey and I don't want to do that.
> My initial reaction was, "take a deep breath and cross the bridge when you 
> come
> to it." Banks make stupid threats like this all the time; mine (rhymes with 
> "Key
> Largo") has for years and nothing has come of it. SeaMonkey still works, 
> always
> has.
> But now I see in your later posts that SeaMonkey already doesn't work with
> Chase? Or are you just getting a nag that you can dismiss and ignore, like 
> when
> you update Flash and it always wants to bundle McAfee or Yahoo or Chrome or
> something?
> If you can't bypass the nag -- if they really insist on enforcing their idiocy
> -- you have to treat them as idiots and lie to them. It's called "user agent
> spoofing." Paul in Houston, TX has offered one way of doing it; the User Agent
> Switcher add-on is another.
> <>

When I click on that link, it says "Not available for SeaMonkey 2.40" so it
won't work for me.
> And of course you can always switch to a bank not run by idiots. Won't hurt
> Chase; as the AT&T monopolists used to say before the breakup, "we don't have 
> to
> care." But it'll save you the hair-pulling.

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