NFN Smith wrote:

Ken Rudolph wrote:
Chase Bank is insisting that soon they are going to refuse to access
their site with my "outdated" browser.  Of course my SeaMonkey browser
is up to date (Win 7, SM 2.39); but they don't accept SeaMonkey as an
approved browser.  I would like to change my User Agent that is sent out
to Firefox 30.0 or something similar to spoof them.  Could somebody
please tell me EXACTLY STEP BY STOP how to do this even for an idiot
like me!  The alternate is to give up SeaMonkey and I don't want to do

It's been a while since I've had to access Chase, but I know that their
web developers have a long history of brain-deadness on browsers.

From their perspective, they only want to support as few browsers as
they can, and they seem not to get it that any browser that uses Gecko
should work fine. Thus, instead of sniffing for "Gecko", they explicitly
for Firefox branding, and it looks like they're explicitly rejecting a
User Agent string that doesn't have Firefox as the last point. Thus,
rejection of any Gecko browser, where the UA implies that it might not
be "Firefox". In their view, "we can't support 47 different browsers".

Yeah, well, they could support a thousand different browsers if they'd just write W3C-compliant code. But apparently they'd rather write a half-dozen different versions of their site and pay six times as much in labor than do it correctly once.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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