On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 15:57:49 +0000, Ian Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

freenet:// handled by Opera, Firebird etc. If Freenet isn't installed, a redirection to http://freenet.sf.net where the download links are more prominently displayed.

We have debated the whole freenet:xxx thing before and there are serious problems with it - not least of which that it will force us to start maintaining a different Freenet plugin for each version of each different web browser, this could rapidly turn into a support nightmare. Combine this with the fact that there is little other than an asthetic benefit to this.

You asked what is needed for general acceptance of Freenet, I replied. I've advocated Freenet for a long time along my peers (I'm a professional Software Engineer, specialising in crypto/security issues) - and trying to get people to visit links to http://localhost:8888 isn't working. Other programs (e2dk:// I believe) do this - Freenet needs it as well.

My experience is that this is a central issue for "regular people" - your mileage may of course differ. This is a project where I would expect people who feel strongly about the issue to be the ones who'll maintain it. I'll gladly do what needs to be done towards Opera since that's my browser of choice.


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