Look pal, speaking as one of Mike's Michigan homeboys, you and I are
gonna throw down.  When Mike says, "The facts are true, the opinions are
mine,"  he means it.  If you have a mental disorder that distorts your
analytical skills to the point where you can't tell fact from opinion,
then you really should only read Mike's books or watch his films under
the supervision of a trained mental health specialist.  Until you're
ready to seek mental health services, I suggest you go back to your
flock of ostriches and stick your head back in the sands of the
mainstream media informational wasteland.

Now that I've unloaded the emotional baggage, as far as drug related
violence is concerned, Uncle Sam is the supreme aggressor in the drug
war.  He's got over 1.6 million American drug war POW's serving up to 20
year mandatory minimum sentences in his domestic prisons, while he
considers a national average half million annual deaths due to the use
of legally condoned alcohol and tobacco an acceptable loss.  Prisons on
American soil are every bit as nasty and brutal as Abu Ghraib and Camp
X-Ray.  Another similarity between domestic and offshore prisons under
US control, is that the vast majority of inmates happen to have dark
skin.  Prison labor is nothing more than modernized institutional
slavery.  Well known consumer products such as Victoria's Secret
intimate apparel are manufactured by these modern-day slaves on the
promise of early release, in exchange for ghostly pennies per hour that
are garnished as fast as they're earned to pay court imposed fines.  I
think President Lincoln would roll over in his grave if he could see
this ironic abuse of the lowest valued coin in the American monetary
system that bears his likeness.

In my opinion, rounding people up and warehousing them under lock and
key, razor wire, tons of concrete, and chain link fencing in government
operated sweatshops as punishment for harming themselves is the wrong
approach.  Drug policy funding should be immediately and completely
diverted from law enforcement, judicial, and correctional agencies into
education and health care agencies, as well as voluntary at-risk youth
diversion programs providing job skills training at an early age, to
effectively manage the problem of drug abuse and addiction in America.
Schools and clinics are less expensive to build and operate than
prisons, and they're a net asset, rather than a net liability to the
community.  To rehabilitate a person is to return them to a previous
state of ability from their current state of disability.  Therefore, we
must thoroughly habilitate our youth now to avoid their possible
rehabilitation in adulthood.  The old clichˇ about the difficulties of
imparting amusing behaviors to aged canines is just plain common sense.

This drug war phenomenon has its roots in the American slave trade.  The
upper economic class of the Southern states were the region's majority
of agrarian slave and land owners.  Their eventual secession in the mid
19th century and the resulting war to preserve the union hinged on the
10th Amendment right of the states, or the people, to govern themselves
within the confines of the US Constitution, which until later amended,
institutionalized inequality by requiring the slave to be counted in the
national census as only 60 percent human, and expressly forbidding
altogether the inclusion of the untaxed indigenous population in the
census, thereby relegating them to the status of wild beasts.  This is
ironic, in that there are numerous references, both in print and on the
internet, including the assertions of President Kennedy in the
introduction to the 1961 Dell paperback edition of The American Heritage
Book of Indians by William Brandon, to Iroquois and other tribal
influences in the shaping of ideas of democracy in the infancy of this
country that we can now call the only nuclear military superpower
nation-state in the world.  Today we count people of color in America,
be they indigenous in origin or those whose ancestors were kidnapped
from their native lands to be used as human workhorses, as equals.  But
a fair head count is where the equality really stops, and that, in my
opinion is unequivocally wrong and insidiously evil.

As a lifelong resident of the state that gave birth to the Republican
Party, I've studied its history even though, in my opinion, many of the
planks in its current platform are old and infested with termites.
While still in its infancy, the Grand Old Party learned that violence is
a good way to solve problems.  To carry the insect metaphor further, my
personal view of human combat in general leads me to conclude the
possibility that human evolution hasn't yet reached the point where it
has completely eliminated chromosomes left over from the colonial insect
branch of our prehistoric family tree.  Those who view war as a
profitable venture, in my opinion, are possibly more genetically
primitive than others who view peace as the ideal.

America may be the land of milk and honey, but the fascist beehive has
Stinger (tm) Missiles that can and will swarm in the blink of an eye
when the collective preservation instinct is triggered by imagined
threats, and the docile dairy herd is plagued with a variant of Mad Cow
Disease that is curable with liberal doses of truth.  I should warn you
about the treatment of the sick herd, it can be as physically hard to go
through and as emotionally hard to witness as chemotherapy  If the truth
doesn't induce the herd into a suicidal stampede off the nearest cliff,
the prognosis is a healthier, more productive, and contented cooperative
community of cattle with enhanced maternal instincts, which with the aid
of a diligent and determined, well funded husbandry regimen will last
through generations into the indefinite future.

William J. Dwyer,
Drug War Freedom Fighter and thrice removed maternal relative of William
Lloyd Garrison

PS: Resistance is NOT futile.  WAKE UP and you will not be assimilated.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 3:00 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Re: Fahrenheit 9/11

I'm curious as to what FoxNews has to do wtih anything. It seems to me
that your implying that I am dangerously republican, unfortunately, you
couldn't be more wrong. I don't emphatecally support Bush, and I don't
punch the republican hole on the ballot without knowing who I'm voting
for. I am actually an independent and I tend to vote for people who are
quite moderate. I think Bush did make a number of mistakes and I would
like nothing more than to see Edwards become President. So I have no
neo-conservative bias. My problem is that Moore doesn't make good

Moore shows pictures and tells stories but concludes very little. He
implies many things and leaves it to the audience to decide. He doesn't
leave many options to pick from, but at least they buy into his theories
without him blatantly spitting out falsities. In his documentary about
how bad GM is for closing the Flint plant, he shows evictions and people
getting kicked out onto the street. It's no result of the GM closing,
the person didn't work for GM but it made a good picture for his point.
In Bowling for Columbine he references a little 6 year old who got hold
of a gun and killed someone or maybe even himself. It was evidence
though of how guns should be out of every home. Irregardless of the fact
that the gun probably would have been illegally in the crack house where
the kid lived and was abused. Its good upstanding households like that
that are good and accurate reference material. His references to the
Bush families connections to Osama are out of place a well. The
connections to the Bin Laden family are quite public. The Bin Ladens
have tons of connections in America, they're rich, so are the Bush's,
guess what, the rich get rich and stay rich by making connections with
other people that are rich. I don't think the Bush family planned
terrorist attacks to use as reasons for war and then exploit them for
money. I think there is something curious about the war in Iraq, but I
also think Saddam should have been taken out in the Gulf War. Of course
there is the best part with the mother weeping for her son. Thats
footage that needs to be shown. Of course it should always be followed
by a bunch of American's killing all those civillians. This is of course
irregardless of the fact that almost 70% of Iraqi's are happy that
Saddam is now out of power and that the casualty rate for US troops is
really quite low for such a large scale head on assault. The Coalition
has lost about 1000 troops in Iraq, as opposed to the 58,000 who died in
Vietnam. I'd say there is a significant improvement. But, we couldn't
mention that there. We also strategically ignore the precision
capabilities of the weapons used as well. A large number of civilians
died in Iraq during the war and occupation. I'm wiling to bet that a
very large portion of those deaths were not inflicted by Americans
though. The car bombs, etc tend to take more Iraqis than Americans. So
all in all Moore does a real fine job of showing a twisted side of
reality. The movie was a twist of truth, and I don't think he even tries
to show his point. Rather he shows what he thinks will sway people
against Bush. Whether you like Bush or not, this is not an accurate
portrayal of anything other than Michael Moore's hatred for George W.

Randall Sanborn

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