2009/5/21 Teemu Koskinen <teemu.koski...@mbnet.fi>:
> On Thu, 21 May 2009 03:13:06 +0300, Radomir Cernoch
> <radomir.cern...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> We are seeking a situation, where two large areas with road networks
>> overlap each other on a map. All streets in one area must have a
>> different speed limit from streets in the second area. In such a
>> situation, using "maxspeed=*" tag on any street must be inappropriate.
> http://openstreetmap.org/?lat=60.18933&lon=24.9642&zoom=18&layers=B000FTF
> Sturenkatu is in 40 km/h zone, the zone continues over the bridge.
> Teollisuuskatu is in 50 km/h zone that is signed with the city sign.
> Both zones also include large amount of other roads. IIRC the 50 km/h zone
> can be followed from that point many kilometers, and the 40 km/h zone
> extends tens of roads. There also might be other overlaps between them, or
> with other zones.


I think this might the point, where the confusion comes from. I do not
think that streets like Sturenkatu or Teollisuuskatu, nor any of
connected primary/secondary/tertiary form a "zone". I would suggest to
define a "zone" as an "area with predominantly uniform traffic

I've spent only a few minutes looking at the map, so here's just a
rough idea how such area could be mapped: I would suggest to use
"zone-50" for whole Helsinki, because it's the speed limit in Finland
for all cities. Smaller areas to south and east from the bridge can be
covered by "zone-30". I have seen many 40 km/h streets more to north,
which could form "zone-40". These two zones can be easily connected to
the large "zone-50" using a multipolygon, because they are inside the
Helsinki traffic regulation. However there is no reason for "zone-40"
and "zone-30" to overlap.

And the roads: If the eg. Hämeentie falls between above mentioned
"zone-30" and "zone-40", it will not have to include any "maxspeed=*"
tag. Otherwise, it can have "maxspeed=50".
I would also like to point out that a map, where all roads have
"maxspeed" tag do not have to change at all in order to comply to the
proposed schema.

Lastly please notice one detail, which proves why I think that
zone-polygons are a good idea: If you look north-east from the bridge,
there are a few 'service' roads (Allotriankuja, Rialtonkuja and
unnamed 5074030). These roads do not have any "maxspeed" tag. Is then
their speed limit 100 km/h, which is the limit for paved provincial
roads in Finland? Or how do you conclude that these streets are in a

This example shows that even in a very complete and well made map
(like the map of Helsinky), people tend to forget about specifying
speed limits. Zone-polygon solves such issues.

Best regards,
Radek Černoch

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