
> Hello Gleason,

> On Thu, 11 Mar 2021 09:35:56 -0500 GMT (11-Mar-21, 21:35 +0700 GMT),
> Gleason wrote:

>>>> We have also changed plans about the calendar which is going to be a major 
>>>> addition and decided to postpone its release to the second half of this 
>>>> year.

>>> Pity about the delay, but looking forward to that! Will it be possible to 
>>> sync to CalDav online calendars, and will it be possible to send/accept 
>>> meeting invitations? That sure would be a killer feature!

>> It would be a "me too" feature.  Maybe new ideas in email handling have run 
>> out?

>> My opinion:  Email clients have better things to do than try to be pim's or 
>> calendars.
>> Email clients that try to provide other complex features often end up not 
>> doing any of them really well.
>> Sometimes the old linux idea of doing one thing and doing it really well, 
>> applies.

> I respect your opinion.

> On my side, I receive .ics attachments when companies or large organisations 
> make appointments. These days they often virtual appointments, so they also 
> include a link too. Obviously, this is some Outlook-internal format. I can 
> neither read the appoinment date/time nor do I have access to the link. I 
> don't even use thr Outlook calendar, I use the Google calendar.

> I have no idea how to solve this problem. Now, I have to always send them an 
> email back and ask for a clear-text info, which of course is annoying for 
> them and looks bad for me. One person once asked me, "why don't you just use 
> Outlook like everybody else?"

I have heard that.  There was a time when I ran OS/2 when it was far superior 
to anything MS or Apple offered.  Then I decided I wanted
to go to University in a computer oriented program.  I had no choice.  Windows 
it was, but not 98, NT 4 was the best at the time.  I have never been able to
go back to OS/2, but my choice remains a server os, Server 2016 these days.  
Which is to say, you don't need to run Win 98 simply because everybody
else is.  And you don't need to have your calendar built into your email client 
simply because everybody else does.  There are other ways.

> Software applications, especially those used in working envirnments, are 
> often integrated applications these days. Yes, it was different in the last 
> century and I  was of the opinion then that an email client should be limited 
> to (stay focussed on) email. Times have changed.

Doing something well is no longer a priority?

> I support the idea of a calendar, and I would like the option to synch it 
> with my Google calendar. Just my 2 cents worth.

> --

> Cheers,
> Thomas.

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