Friday, October 22, 1999

Hello §yafril",

Friday, Friday, October 22, 1999, you wrote:

§yafril"> Hello The Bat! List Member,

§yafril"> I just receive one attachment that make The Bat! "working hard".
§yafril"> The  message size (plus the attachment) only 3,316,620 Bytes (not big,
§yafril"> right), but to view or open this message I need more than 10 minutes.
This is an oversized email, anything more then 2 mb should be avoided.

§yafril"> Later,  I realize that the attachment in *.bmp format, and the content
§yafril"> is fax image (2.3 MB size).

§yafril"> Then  I  close  TB, start again and disable HTML auto-view; now I need
§yafril"> around  2  minutes  to  view the message (IMHO still not "normal", too
§yafril"> slow).To  open  the  attachment,  I  need around 5 minutes, change the
§yafril"> setting to external viewer, then I just need 1 minutes.

§yafril"> Any  explanation  why  TB  so  slow  to  view/open messages with *.bmp
§yafril"> attachment ?

I never see them, BMP, EXE, DOC and XLS are considered spam by my
setup and get zapped off my server.
Same with anyone getting stuck on our isp we tell them zap it and
tell the ***** on the other site to learn to send jpegs, or zipping OR
to use an ftp as stage in between.
Now on the other hand I have noticed that if the bat has been open for
a while and you edit and look many things, system gets slower and
I have 256 mb ram and essentially it ends freezing after a few hours.
I suspect a nice leak in memory  and non released resources due to
file openings and closures being the reason.

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.36 


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