Hallo Peter Meyns,

am Montag, 20. Januar 2003 schriebst Du:

> It is only a work-around, but it is easier than to have them change their
> list-server software. Actually, _their_ Reply-to entry should override your
> own (if existent) on the list...

Well, I once learned that this was deliberate, and thought all mailing
list software acts this way.
So I could put a "Reply-To:" in my mail when I only wanted answers in
private mail. Worked 4 years ago when I last used it. ;-)

Schöne Grüße
Heiko Kuschel                     - http://www.kuschelkirche.de/
                                  - http://www.kuschelchaos.de/
Ev. Kirchengemeinde Gochsheim     - http://www.stmichael-gochsheim.de/
AMIGAplus: alles für die Freundin - http://www.amigaplus.de/

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