Saturday, June 5, 2004, 5:06:56 AM, Simon wrote:

SM> ...the CPU usage goes to 100%...

SM> ...and I have to kill TheBat from the Windows task manager.

OK, attention all!  How many times has this basic symptom been reported
now?  I had a bit of a rant on here recently about getting my bug report
looked at on this very topic (0002755).

Obviously TB! has a generic problem that causes CPU hogging, apparently
in a variety of circumstances and it is *very* annoying.

I don't know how many RIT folk watch this list, but if any are watching,
PLEASE concentrate some effort on sorting this one out before adding any
new features.  And all you others out there who have ever experienced
this problem, or who feel for those who do - please add your weight to
this in any way you see fit.

Maybe if those beer mugs and fish were real they could be treated as
compensation of a sort, but all I see is diversion of resource.


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