Hello Mary and others following this thread,

In response to the message Mary Bull sent to Allie on 14/07/2004
regarding Changing the Subject Header (sent with a Subject Header
"Time to Upgrade (Was: One caveat about Folder View Settings in v.
2.11.02 [was Re: Time to Upgrade?])"

Since the focus is no longer on whether it's Time to Upgrade (to v.
2.x, which in fact, isn't even mentioned in either post), _NOW is the
time to Change the Subject Header_.

Secondly Mary, I never bawled you out. I simply changed the Subject
Header back to what it was, since 1).- the subject hadn't changed
and 2).- I was using the header to follow up / reply to the answers

I suggest we all keep in mind that these are technical (rather than
personal) matters.

(On my part) Nuff sed! (The next thread I in which I participate is
likely to be titled "Installing v. 2.12" - which I downloaded last

MB>>> Maybe he needs you to remind him to reprimand me. (But since
MB>>> he participated in this thread with Time to Upgrade as the
MB>>> subject, maybe his understanding of the subject subject is
MB>>> similar to mine).

AM>> Yes. I thought the subject was fine.

MB> Allie, could you please clarify the guidelines a bit more for me,
MB> then? I was really trying to cooperate with you when I changed the
MB> subject line ...


Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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