Hello Joe,

Tuesday, October 24, 2006, 2:29:36 PM, you wrote:
> I got 4 (I think), but one was purported to be out of business. Does
> that mean that those lists are classifying *me* (actually, my IP, I
> guess) as a spammer? And that the business that's all-of-a-sudden
> started to bounce my e-mails (though I still get messages *from*
> them!) is using those lists to bounce suspected spamming domains?

Yep, they are classifying the IP listed in the error you received as a
spammer "friendly" IP address. If you're not running your own SMTP,
then this is most likely the IP address for your ISP SMTP server.

> If that's all true, how do I get myself off those lists??? I'm no
> spammer. I HATE SPAMMERS! I send out a few e-mails a week,
> containing mostly jokes, to several dozen friends (who also send me
> the same kind of stuff), and the names are all BCC'd. Could that be
> what these lists are picking up? There's no way that any of these
> people would report me to anyone, even if they knew whom to report
> me to, which I can guarantee you they do not.

It's most likely not even remotely your fault, but it impacts you
heavily because it's an IP that you need to use to send mail. I'd talk
to your ISP.

> What exactly is a "bad reverse lookup"? And what were you able to do
> about being DE-listed?

A bad reverse lookup means that there wasn't an MX record available in
the DNS for the domain we were sending mail from. The SMTP server
couldn't determine our domain was using that IP address. It wasn't
that we were listed anywhere, it just meant we needed to add a MX
record for our domain. Once we did that, things cleared up and people
started receiving our emergency alerts again.

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