"Xememex" to me sounds like a name for a pharmaceutical company.

Or a drug.

Maybe I'd be fine with something like that as an add-on to the name TW.  A 
bit like "Debian Sarge", "Debian Buster", "Debian Sid"

The name "TiddlyWiki" makes it so easy to find anything in the related body 
of knowledge.  "Xememex" won't lead to all things TiddlyWiki that can be 
found on the web.

"TW Xememex", the long version being : "TiddlyWiki Xememex".  That could be 
the best of all worlds.

The challenge of TiddlyWiki and broad acceptance isn't resistance for the 
cutesy "Tiddly" or cutesy "Wiki" .

There was once a saying: "you don't get fired for choosing IBM."  Today, 
I'm thinking: "you don't get fired for choosing Microsoft."  Changing TW 
(TiddlyWiki) to anything else won't matter much when corporate types are 
likely more interested in picking solutions that look good on their own 

To me, I wouldn't try convincing folk of using "TiddlyWiki" as a solution 
to a problem.  TiddlyWiki is the platform with which I would build the 
solution.  The name I then give to the solution is what I use.  The name is 
different for every solution.

Something like that.  I've got some complicated picture of it all in my 
head, and putting that into concise and elegant words will need a few more 
cups of coffee in me ...

On Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 2:32:53 AM UTC-4 Mark S. wrote:

> Xememex contains only 3 letters, arranged to spell the same forward and 
> back. How hard could that be to remember?
> Speaking of not appealing, I remember be astonished as a kid that Exxon 
> had spent thousands (millions ?) developing it's name. It only got worse 
> after the Exxon Valdez (which, BTW, was rebranded).

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