@TiddlyTweeter wrote:

> Part of the issue is the idea of creating a Tiddler gets easily 
> conceptually confused with creating a data record. This is something I have 
> written at length about--that TiddlyWiki is NOT a "card-index"--though you 
> can make it look like one. 

Well, Josiah, I wasn't the one who came with the idea of creating a 
TiddlyWiki. Probably the best here would be asking Jeremy Ruston what was 
his initial vision and the intended usage of tiddlers and other basic 
building blocks. From your responses I feel I'm crossing some borders of 
fair-play when questioning basic functionality of the system. I really 
don't want to point at some *dysfunction *of the system that arises 
completely from *my own misuse of TiddlyWiki*. I'm well aware how much 
effort and time you spend to have a perfect system.  

Usually when you create a record in software it creates a unique protected 
> ID for a new record separate from whatever its user fillable fields add.

This is exactly the behavior that I expected from TiddlyWiki. Let's have a 
look at the Airtable <http://www.airtable.com/> app for instance that I use 
a lot for tabular data: Whenever you create a new record (a row in a table) 
it gets an internal ID that you don't see and cannot access for 
editing. You can even create an empty row in a table (that is perfectly 
correct)  and then create relationships from other tables just by pointing 
to the row. At the same time each table has a "key" column that is used to 
simplify the linking of records, searching or filtering. It is a fully 
functional structure to be modified to my needs. If you overwrite the value 
in the "key" cell than all the linked records in other tables are 
automatically updated as well. 

> Not so with Tiddlers. The "title" IS the ID. On the one hand its flexibly 
> lightweight. On the other hand it adds complications. Especially if you 
> need extensive inter-linking and need to change titling as you go along. As 
> far as I understand it, within the current basic architecture, 
> fundamentally changing that behaviour is not possible. So its more about 
> accepting it or finding ways round it.

I see. Maybe some quick analysis by the system architect will help to 

   - the amount of work to bring this flexibility
   - the consequences on your plugins etc.

Thanks again for spending your time and the patience you have with me, 
Josiah (and others as well).


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