michael douglas wrote:


 Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


michael douglas wrote:

> >>Michael D: Dave H, I am interested in finding out how did God become a man,
DAVEH: Assuming you are referring to God the Father: As man is, God once was is a popular LDS belief.
DAVEH:  I don't have a definitive answer, Michael.  But if you want me to speculate, I would say our Heavenly Father became exalted in the same way his Only Begotten Son became exalted.

-Michael D:  OK, But the critical question then would be how did Father become a man (understanding your position that he was such before becoming God).  And can you give us LDS sources for this?

DAVEH:  As far as I know, it is all a matter of speculation.   I don't recall seeing any official comments.  The assumption that God continues to reveal his secrets to his servants the prophets implies that there are most likely secrets to be revealed at any given time, assuming the Lord has not yet revealed all knowledge.  Michael......My guess would be that the answer you are looking for may not be revealed until 'the end', if at all.  Until then, it is a matter of speculation, IMO.
Dave Hansen

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