I have to jump in here on a quick note.

> > This thread really distresses me.
> >
> > The amount of effort that has gone into say what should be done
> > instead of actually doing it is ludicrous.


> Sorry Chris, but I have to pipe up here, IMHO that is bolagna. I love
> what you're doing and appreciate it to death, *but*...
> A project should *always* want user feedback, whether it's positive or
> negative.

Yes, negative feedback is valuable, particularly when it's constructive.

But it's most valuable when it comes with an offer to help ;)

If people want us to do more, that's great to know, but not something
that we can promise (apart from some special grant of super-powers)
since we're at the limits of our resources.

If on the other hand people want to help out, there are a million
ways, and we perhaps we're not doing a good job of getting people who
want to contribute involved.  That's a significant potential problem,
but as far as I can tell it's a problem that's more potential than
real.  If anybody wants to help and doesn't know how, please e-mail me
on or off list and I'll help you get started.

And we do appreciate and value feedback of all kinds, but it can be
hard to feel like you give a good part of your life for something and
people keep asking for *more.*   That said, I can take it, so if you
want to level any particularly harsh criticisms, or provide a long
list of demands send them to me via private e-mail.

But seriously, it impacts the motivation of all the TG developers when
they read a thread like this, and it really would help a lot if people
spent more effort building up the community than demanding yet more
work from the existing developer pool.

--Mark Ramm

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