> "I implore you to not spend so much time on adding new
> features to 2.1 and focus on getting these core problems taken care of
> first and foremost. Please please please make 2.1 all about polish."

I agree with this hole-heartedly, and we have already done some work
in this arena.  The main push for 2.1 was to get the dispatch cleaned
up, and that is done.  Jorge also did a bunch of work to remove the
TurboJson dependency that less than 1% of our user base took advantage
of.  This removes 7 deps. from the entire stack.  We have been waiting
for dependent packages (sprox and TW) to release new versions before
we push the alpha, but it is definitely ready, and I have been using
it in production for about 2 months.

My previous message has two parts, first that I'd like to see those
who find the time to complain maybe find some time to help to scratch
what itches them, and 2 to raise awareness of the existing docs.  I
have written comprehensive tutorials for: tgext.admin, RestController,
CrudRestController, ToscaWidgets, Sprox Tables and Sprox Forms in the
past few months.  I just think that maybe our docs need better
organization, and it is obvious we need to advertise the existing
documentation better.  Again, I'm on irc almost constantly, so you may
come complain directly to me.

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