Twitter has been great responding to XAuth application requests, and
helping developers implement their API.  I suspect with all the OAuth
integration work coming to a head, and the annotations hack fest going
on this weekend, your request may have just fallen through a crack.

On May 30, 7:57 pm, Jann Gobble <> wrote:
> Thanks!
> For now I have implemented xAuth (even though it does not work) by using 
> examples and what I expect.  BUT I have hidden the Twitter button on my app 
> until xAuth is approved and I can fully test.  
> The one thing Twitter does NOT need right now is app developers leaving them 
> in the dust because they make it too hard to implement their protocols.  We 
> will see how my user base handles *not* having Twitter along side the other 
> social networks in my app (until I get approved).  My guess is that they will 
> choose to post to their FB Wall instead.  
> We will see.
> Jann
> On May 30, 2010, at 5:00 PM, Ron wrote:
> > XAuth is is the right choice for an end-user client app and
> > satisfactorily resolves the UX issues in client applications that
> > OAuth creates.  Unfortunately, many web-app developers simply don't
> > know enough about end-user client app development to understand these
> > UX issues, or why end-user client application trust is neither an
> > issue that needs addressing nor one that OAuth can (nor even attempts
> > to) address.
> > It shouldn't take more than a week or two to get your authorization
> > from Twitter to use XAuth if you're applying for a client app.
> > On May 30, 1:40 pm, Bernd Stramm <> wrote:
> >> On Sun, 30 May 2010 11:14:54 -0700
> >> Abraham Williams <> wrote:
> >>> On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 11:01, Bernd Stramm <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>> The user does trust the app, otherwise they would not be using it.
> >>>> The problem with the scheme of using the app *and* a browser is
> >>>> that the user has to trust *both* of them.
> >>>> And if they don't trust the app, why are they using it to post their
> >>>> tweets?
> >>> Trust is not a boolean value. There are levels of it. I trust my
> >>> mobile browser to not take over my Twitter account but I only trust
> >>> random new Twitter client to not post spam. If the Twitter client
> >>> breaks my trust it is easy to revoke access to it.
> >> Is it easy for most users? The authentication token doesn't expire, so
> >> an application (any application, not just desktop/mobile client) can do
> >> what it wants for quite a while.
> >> You should be careful with trusting browsers, mobile or otherwise. They
> >> are very leaky.
> >> And my point remains, when using a browser *and* a standalone client,
> >> the user trusts both of them. From the point of view of the honest
> >> application developer, I do not want to assume that another application
> >> (the browser) which is completely unknown to me, is trustworthy. Hence
> >> I prefer the solution with the small integrated webview in my
> >> application.
> >> But also, what do people to with their twitter account that needs
> >> protecting, other than posting messages and media content? And of
> >> course giving away great data to the data miners.
> >> A lot of this authentication business misses the easiest intrusion
> >> vector anyway. People will steal your phone, and have access to
> >> everything you store on it. Including any authentication for serious
> >> business. Nevermind trusting the standalone app or the browser, the
> >> entire system is easily compromised if its stolen.
> >> --
> >> Bernd Stramm
> >> <>

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