> I do not agree that this is a relocation-specific
> issue, and if we want the component to mimic the
> expected behaviour of standard browsers, it needs to
> automatically encode all URLs when composing the
> request, at the latest point when the location
> address has been "commited" immutably.

I don't think the component has to encode all URL, specialy surely not 
encode the URL provided in the URL property. This would break a lot of 
existing code.

BUT, in the relocation process, it is OK to encode any URL involved because 
the user has no effective acces to this URL.

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----- Original Message ----- 
To: <twsocket@elists.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:30 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 "bad request"

>> The main issue is however that with the followrelocate
>> set it will generate an error while a browser will not.
> As has been stated before, that is not the main
> issue.  The main issue is that the HttpCli component
> does not perform *any* encoding of URLs prior to
> sending a request to the server, which runs contrary
> to the behaviour of any standard browser.  It just so
> happens that the problem manifested itself in your
> case as a relocation address with as space on it.
> I do not agree that this is a relocation-specific
> issue, and if we want the component to mimic the
> expected behaviour of standard browsers, it needs to
> automatically encode all URLs when composing the
> request, at the latest point when the location
> address has been "commited" immutably.
> This means that it has to compensate for pre-encoded
> URLs (just like standard browsers do: give IE an
> encoded URL and it will leave it alone, give it one
> with funky characters and it will encoded it).
>      -dZ.
>>------- Original Message -------
>>From    : Frans van Daalen[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent    : 4/19/2007 3:58:57 PM
>>To      : twsocket@elists.org
>>Cc      :
>>Subject : RE: Re: [twsocket] httpcli v6 "bad request"
> >my 2 cents on this :
> If you feed Thttpcli.url with a invalid url no
> urldecode is executed. To
> keep consistency in behavior I would not just do an
> automatic urldecode on a
> relocate.
> The main issue is however that with the
> followrelocate set it will generate
> an error while a browser will not.
> To allow a programmer to make a decision on an
> invalid relocate url the
> component must provide an option to do so.
> I therefore see 3 possible solutions.
> 1) A new property AutoDecodeRelocationUrl  type
> Boolean. Default FALSE. If
> set TRUE will execute a urldecode on the relocate AND
> possible on the
> httpcli.url also. But if it include the later option
> as well the name maybe
> should be AutoUrlDecode.
> 2) A new event OnRelocationRecieved(data : String;
> Accept : Boolean) to be
> called around line 2675 (procedure getheaderlinenext)
> ----------------------------------
>                {
> co=32&js=1.4&sr=1024x768&re=
> http://www.thesite.com/you.html  }
>                FLocationFlag := TRUE;
>                if Proxy <> '' then begin
> ----------------------------------
> something like
> ----------------------------------
>                {
> co=32&js=1.4&sr=1024x768&re=
> http://www.thesite.com/you.html  }
>   baccept := true;
>   if Assigned(FOnRelocationRecieved) then
> FOnRelocationRecieved(data,baccept);
>   If baccept then
>                FLocationFlag := TRUE;
>                if Proxy <> '' then begin
> ----------------------------------
> This would allow the programmer to temporary overrule
> the FFollowRelocation
> setting on demand but also allow adjustment of the
> received header data. I
> think that would enhance flexibility.
> 3) A change to the procedure getheaderlinenext to
> just change the received
> data. In my opion not the best option as it can cause
> confusion about what
> is really received.
> Feedback appreciated :>>
> -- 
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