
I am currently using an Antrun regex replace job to remove the version
number from "Generated by javadoc ([docletVersion])" comments in
javadocs, see the JDK issue I raised:

          <replaceregexp byline="true">
            <regexp pattern="^(&lt;!-- Generated by javadoc ).* (--&gt;)$"/>
            <substitution expression="\1\2"/>
            <fileset dir="${}/apidocs">
              <include name="**/*.html"/>

I could do something similar for this issue, but it is super ugly
already and I would like to avoid using more of that stuff.

Alexander Kriegisch

Greg Chabala schrieb am 26.02.2024 00:16 (GMT +07:00):

> I would also like a solution to this, but am no closer to solving it.
> The noise from these date and version comments in the diffs make finding
> real changes too difficult.

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