I feel these two statements are not in opposition.

chkuser checks recipients only for domains who are in virtualdomains.

When a domain is already inside virtualdomains, for a new user you may simply add a new line with MySQL vpopmail database, and the user will be added automatically as it is used the first time (the first incoming message).

In this way, using a replica MySQL on a front-end qmail system, it will use chkuser for all domains that are listed in virtualdomains and have all users within MySQL. So it looks simply like you have to add your domains to virtualdomains, and put them also in smtproutes.


At 21.00 12/01/2005, you wrote:
Quick question that I can't seem to sort out myself. I see people are doing
the same thing based on the archives but I can't seem to find a definitive

Using a smart host relay to do initial mail checking running qmail. All my
virtual domains are setup up correctly but not listed in the virtualdomains
file. Instead we are using the smtproutes file to pass on to the rest of our
mail system. This all works great. Vpopmail 5.4.7 is setup using MySQL with
a replicated read only host on the smart relay. I noticed in the archives
that people have used the chkuser patch to qmail in this situation with
great success. My question is this: In the FAQ at
it states that chkuser will do the checking only if the domain exists in
rcpthosts(or morercpthosts) AND virtualdomains. The archives seem to suggest
that if you are using MySQL, you don't need the entries in virtualdomains.
Am I misreading this? What would be the correct setup in this case assuming
checking on all domains? Any clarification would be great. Thanks

Brian Lanier

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