On 2010.06.21, at 21:07, Aaron Peeler wrote:

> On 6/21/10 1:32 PM, David Abdurachmanov wrote:
>> I have it partially running (feels good). I have a base image created and 
>> it's moved to managed node. Everything is grouped correctly with the right 
>> permissions and it already allows to load image to virtual machine. The 
>> problem I am having now is that setup of private network (VMWare Host-Only) 
>> is not working. Virtual machine gets IP from DHCP exactly as it should, but 
>> host computer is not reachable from virtual machine and virtual machine is 
>> not reachable from host computer. I have a key generated on public network 
>> and VCLD can not connect via SSH because of host is unknown after loading on 
>> virtual machine. I am gonna try fixing networks setup in a few days.
> Make sure the hostname of the vm can be resolved at the cmd line. Also check 
> to make sure the hostname of the virtual machine is listed in the /etc/hosts 
> file on the management node.

The IP can be resolved, and hosts file is exactly as mentioned in tutorial, but 
still you can not communicate between localvmhost and vm-guest1. I always get 
message that it's unreachable, it's like they would be on different networks. I 
was suggested to reconfigure network and using subnet instead of There might be problems with VMWare using different subnet. I will 
write in few days how it went.

>> Also found a problem with vcl.sql. In image table you have:
>> (7, 'vmwarewinxp-base7-v1', 'No Apps (WinXP vmware)', 1, 1, 16, NULL, 512, 
>> 1, 1024, 100, NULL, 5, 0, 0, '2007-04-04 09:45:38', 1, 0, 'vcl', 3244),
>> While in imagerevision table:
>> (7, 7, 0, 1, '2007-04-03 11:24:12', 0, 1, NULL, 'vmwarewinxp-base7-v0'),
>> Imagerevision record should be changed to vmwarewinxp-base7-v1, that's the 
>> name used in all tutorials, otherwise it will always look for 
>> vmwarewinxp-base7-v0 in management node.
> Thanks. I've added this to jira and already committed the fix for the 
> upcoming 2.2 release planned for late July.
> Aaron
>> Also I noticed that documentation for provisioning modules is not finished 
>> (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/VCL/Provisioning+Engine+Module+Interface+Specification)
>> On 2010.06.21, at 20:16, Josh Thompson wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> David,
>>> I've never set up the VCL standalone environment.  Unfortunately, the Apache
>>> VCL community is still pretty small; so, I don't know if we'll end up having
>>> enough time to help you debug this or not.  Maybe someone else with 
>>> experience
>>> with it will have some time to help.
>>> If you do get it working, it would be great if you could update the
>>> instructions on the wiki page.  You just need to create an account and start
>>> editing.
>>> Josh
>>> On Wednesday 09 June 2010 2:47:16 pm David Abdurachmanov wrote:
>>>> Okay, I am following
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/VCL/Configuring+a+Standalone+VM
>>>> ware+VCL+Environmentinstructions.
>>>> Problems:
>>>> a) Step "Configure the VM host profile:" is not possible. To manage virtual
>>>> hosts you must change computer state to "vmhostinuse". Otherwise you get
>>>> this message after pressing "Virtual Hosts":
>>>> You do not have access to manage any existing virtual hosts.
>>>> To create a new Virtual Host, change the state of a computer to
>>>> 'vmhostinuse' under Manage Computers->Computer Utilities.
>>>> The next step is to change localvmhost to "vmhostinuse" state, but by using
>>>> database, which does not enable Virtual Host. Only by assinging localvmhost
>>>> to "vmhostinuse" using web tools, enabled Virtual Host.
>>>> b) Very little information in last step (privileges tree). First of all
>>>> there are no such resource group as "all vm guest images", even if it would
>>>> be created what should be assigned to it? What kind of permissions should
>>>> be given, mostly possible, all?
>>>> c) What about images location? I have running DB, Web, VCLD. All running
>>>> fine. I can connect to VMWare Windows XP via ssh, vcl.key was generated
>>>> fine. As I understand I should put somwhere VMWare image files that VCLD
>>>> could find them, don't I? (Using VMWare Server GSX 1.0.X)
>>>> d) Don't know if this is a bug, but I can't change computers IP via web. It
>>>> always returns old IP after change.
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> -- 
> Aaron Peeler
> Program Manager
> Virtual Computing Lab
> NC State University
> aaron_pee...@ncsu.edu
> 919-513-4571

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