My bot vac runs under my desk.
I have wires running aginst the wall, multiple wires actually. It has not
sucked them up or unplugged them at all.
Some thick, some thin from speaker wires.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jim Ruby
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 10:02 PM
Subject: RE: Small update on the BotVac app accessibility.

I wonder how it will do under the computer desks or tables where they may be
cords? Will it suck up the cords, I would not want it to damage the cords.
What about going around say socks left on the floor in the bedroom?


-----Original Message-----
From: 'Sandratomkins' via VIPhone [] 
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: Small update on the BotVac app accessibility.

Hi Zoe,

    Glad you like the sound of the BotVac, I certainly still like mine! I
shall have a shot at answering your questions.

Different types of flooring: I have wood, tile, Laminate and carpeting. I
can't say that the Bot performs differently from floor to floor, but it just
works! There are 2 types of brushes, which are very easy to change, One is
like a squeegee, called the spiral blade brush, which, I find, is especially
good for hard floors, but does a good job on carpets too! However, the other
brush, the one which comes installed, is a mixture of squeegee blade and
bristles. I think that this latter brush might be best for a deeper carpet
brushing. I plan to use that one, say, once a week and see how that does.

    You were wondering about thresholds, I have various types of these, some
are just a small step of about half an inch, while others are real
thresholds, I.E., a sort of wooden strip, 5 inches across, which has a small
up-step of a quarter of an inch, then a slope up and then down and a little
fall-off, the Vac seems to take a run at it and clambers over!! I was
standing very still, and the Bot climbed onto my foot, and then up my ankle!
I'd say he got to about a 45 degree tip before I lost my nerve and ran off!
It is like being harrassed by a big beetle! Getting onto rugs etc is no
problem at all! One of the few times I got a message saying he was stuck, I
found him rocking on top of the dog's rubber bone! So, I don't see a problem
with your doorways. Mind you, When you get your Bot, you should have a
little time to play with him and decide if it will work for you. 

    Falling down stairs? This morning, I did my upstairs. When I did it
first time, I was concerned lest he fall down. I already knew he had "cliff
detection" (which I wish I had!!) but I wanted to be sure. This time I was
busy elsewhere, so left him to it, with no problems. The really cool thing,
I find, is that if you put him, say, upstairs, where there is no dock to go
home to, he will go back, to the exact spot where you started him off. This
means, you don't have to worry about finding him again! If you get into a
habit of placing him in the same spot, you will always know where he is when
he is quiet and finished. 

    As far as accessibility goes, the app is well done and totally
accessible, apart from the battery status, which VO can't recognise for some
reason. Neither can the KNFB Reader app, as it is just a icon whith some
indicator bars. I am still working on a work around for this!! You do get a
few of the error messages, but not all. However, as Jeramy discovered, there
is a work around for this which, in my opinion, is acceptable. Today, my
internet went off and will probably, stay off until my partner gets back,
so, firstly, I found the app could not find the Bot. So, I just used the
Home button and it did its job for me. At one point, it stopped and "bling
blonged" at me. I couldn't guess what was wrong! I felt sure I had emptied
the bin, the brushes felt OK and the battery should have been fine. So, with
no app and no internet, I had to get the KNFB Reader up (thank goodness it
doesn't need the net to work!) took a shot of the screen on the Vac and
managed to read, not perfectly, but well enough, that the bin needed
emptying. I did this, though there wasn't anything in it! Maybe the act of
carrying it upstairs sprinkled some loose dust on its sensors or something,
but it then worked perfectly. So, if push comes to shove, An OCR app may do.
I couldn't use BE My Eyes, because of the no net situation.

    Sorry for such a long reply, please ask anything you like about this, my
new Pal!

PS If anyone, with no sight at all and one of these Vacs can tell me how
they manage to dock it, manually, and be sure it is in the correct position,
I would love to know how you do it! 

sent from the dark side of the moon

> On 27 Jun 2016, at 15:54, zoe fiogkos <> wrote:
> Hi guys, I have been following this thread religiously because this gaget
sounds fantastic and for the most part accessible. However I can't afford
this right now but I'm hoping this will change sometime in the future, so I
have some questions.
> My house is laminate flooring, tiles in the bathroom, carpet in the
bedroom, and plastic vinil in the kitchen. Does this vacume distinguish
between the different types of serfaces and vacume accordingly? Also the
bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom have a small barrier in the doorways. I'm not
sure how to explain this but there is a wide strip, like a small step
separating the rooms from the laminate flooring in the livingroom dining
room, can the vacume pass through these small barriers, can it somehow step
over these seperaters? Also when I take it up stairs to another lecvel, will
it know to vacume the whole level without falling down the stairs?
> Thanks for any help and feedback provided in advanced.
> Regards
> Zoe 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 'Sandratomkins' via VIPhone [] 
> Sent: June 26, 2016 9:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Small update on the BotVac app accessibility.
> Hi Jeramy and all interested in the BotVac app accessibility!
>    My Bot just did the ground floor and returned itself to the dock. I
heard the tune and got the message "I am done cleaning", then, I heard, what
I now know to be an error sound, a sort of "bling blong" repeated a few
times at a minute's interval. I have had this before and when it occurs at
the end of a successful cycle of cleaning, I can be fairly sure it means the
bin needs  emptying . But, this time, upon seeing the error showing up in
the app, I tapped on "more info" and, as Jeramy said, it took me straight to
the appropriate webpage and he error showed up, as I had expected, "bin
full' or some such. This is great! This little discovery has just extended
accessibility of the app/BotVac enormously!! Now, just the setting up of the
Wifi and the battery status and we are fully there!!
> Sandy. 
> sent from the dark side of the moon
>> On 26 Jun 2016, at 12:49, Jeremy Gilley <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> So, I really didn't move the bot from the place it stopped.
>> I just cleaned the brushes from some dog hairs and resumed.
>> As for the error page, yes, it takes you directly to the right error page
>> the bot site.
>> You can either flick right, or use the 2 finger gesture and swipe down
>> have it read the hole screen to you.
>> But really, the first line of the error says it all.
>> My brushes need cleaning. So, I knew just to feel for the brushes and
>> what ever was clogging them.
>> In this case was some dog hairs.
>> My apartment is pretty bot ready too except one of the bathrooms. in one
>> my bathrooms, the bot can go around the toilet on one side, but always
>> stuck on the other side and can't turn around lol.
>> So, I just make sure either the door is closed, or I have something
>> the one side so it can't get stuck.
>> Other then that, it just zooms all over the place.
>> I really love it and was well worth the money.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 'Sandratomkins' via VIPhone [] 
>> Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2016 7:37 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Small update on the BotVac app accessibility.
>> Good call Jeramy!
>>   So, as the error doesn't give a number, did the webpage that the "info"
>> button took you to, land on the correct error message? If you know what I
>> trying to ask? Thus, not just a list of errors, but the specific one you
>> were encountering? If so, this is vastly useful! I shall try it as soon
>> ever I get another error. Mind you, I am finding that, after the first
>> couple of times using the Bot, I get less and less issues, I think this
>> due to the fact that my house is, now, Neato friendly.
>>   Once you had dealt with the brushes, did you put the Bot back in the
>> same place? I have read that this helps with the Bot knowing where it is.
>> you interupt cleaning and place the Bot in another place, it can have
>> trouble finding the dock again.
>> Thanks for the tip,
>> Sandy. 
>> sent from the dark side of the moon
>>> On 26 Jun 2016, at 12:00, Jeremy Gilley <> wrote:
>>> Actually,
>>> Yesterday I did get an error, and I was able to access it on my phone
>>> In the app, when the machine stopped running, in one of the settings, I
>>> forget where, it says "error".
>>> Next to it was a info button. I clicked on the info button.
>>> It then took me to the website for the bot, and I was able to flick
>>> and read that the brushes needed to be cleaned.
>>> Once I did this, I then closed out of the internet, went back to the bot
>>> app, and found the play button and resumed cleaning.
>>> Might be a bit time consuming yeah, but it works.
>>> If you can't find the play button after fixing the error, one can just
>> press
>>> the home button on the machine to resume. I have done that too.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: 'Sandratomkins' via VIPhone [] 
>>> Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2016 6:56 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Small update on the BotVac app accessibility.
>>> Marie,
>>>  I can't remember if I wrote this before: So, at the risk of repeating
>>> myself, press the button to the right of the handle, with the straight
>> edge
>>> nearest you, holding down for 15 seconds and wait. You should hear a
>>> you will have reset your Bot to default settings. If the Bot has not yet
>>> been successfully connected to the wifi, it still won't be. However,
>>> the wifi is turned on again by way of the settings on the machine
>> it
>>> will then show up again as an access point. This happened to me too! I
>>> only say that you do, for now, need help with the initial setting up of
>> the
>>> wifi and this means, until the set up is completed. I have just spend
>>> last week alone, apart from a mad Irish Water Spaniel, who is of no help
>> at
>>> all! and my machine has worked flawlessly, doing the house every day for
>> me,
>>> despite muddy paw prints!! Once you have got past this initial hiccough,
>> you
>>> should be good to go. I know that, at first, while you are getting used
>>> the Bot, it feels frustrating getting error messages that don't explain
>>> themselves via the app, and I am hoping that, as more of us use the
>> BotVac,
>>> we can encourage an improvement in the app, but you soon learn that the
>>> error messages that you don't receive, are, in general, of three types,
>> I.E.
>>> Bin needs emptying, Brushes need cleaning and Battery needs charging.
>>> last one happened to me because, while I thought it was properly docked
>> and
>>> charging, it had been knocked by the dog's ball slightly off. For now, I
>> am
>>> using Be My Eyes when I get stuck, not the best solution, but useful
>>> nevertheless. However, in order to get the most out of BME, you do need
>>> know what to ask your volunteer to look for. For example, when I was
>> wanting
>>> to know the battery status, my helper couldn't see the screen. She said
>>> looked blank, I had a little thought and pressed, just a short press, of
>> the
>>> 'home" button, the one to the right of the handle, this turned the Bot
>>> and my helper on BME could see the screen and read the status for me.
>>>  Truly, this will sort itself, and you will learn how to deal with the
>>> Bot, where, at the moment, we cannot read for ourselves the screen.
>>>  Always remember, just a press of that same button will start you Bot
>>> off, in its default setting, I.E. Clean house in Turbo mode, and then
>> return
>>> to dock.
>>>  Please do keep us posted with your progress as other people are buying
>>> this Bot and we can all learn from each other!!
>>> Sandy.  
>>> sent from the dark side of the moon
>>>> On 25 Jun 2016, at 22:28, Marie <> wrote:
>>>> Well I think you might have underestimated the ease of getting
>>> to the WyFy. I had my sister turn it on and then thought I would be able
>> to
>>> complete the process with the app. I got through all the steps up to
>> waiting
>>> the 3 minutes for it to connect. At the end of that, I got the message
>> that
>>> it failed to connect with no explanation except to check the display
>> screen.
>>> If I could see the display screen I would not need the app. So I am a
>>> frustrated now with no sighted assistance available and no way to get
>>> started. When I try to repeat the process, the Neato no longer shows up
>>> an access point on the WyFy settings? any suggestions?
>>>> Marie
>>>> -----Original Message----- From: 'Sandratomkins' via VIPhone
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 6:14 AM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Small update on the BotVac app accessibility.
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> After a little panic on my part, i now find I can use the app a little
>>> better! i just managed to change Turbo to Eco. I just did a spot clean,
>> when
>>> it cleans an area, either 2 meters x 2 meters or 4 meters x 4 meters.
>>> it returns to base. I did this by just pressing a button, so very easy.
>>> Useful for rugs or single rooms. My issues with my house network wifi
>>> settings are almost resolved, touch wood. I am discovering that the best
>> way
>>> to deal with the vac is to let it do its own thing, I.E., "clean house"
>>> either with the app or just press a button, there are only two buttons,
>> and
>>> then leaving it to finish. From my reading, this is true for all users,
>> but
>>> especially for us, as not all notifications are sent to the app, some
>>> up on the onboard screen and need to be read. I find it a bit concerning
>>> replacing the Bot on its dock, visually, you can tell by the lights that
>> it
>>> is in the right position, but without the clues, hard to tell. So a
>>> way to be sure would be to do a "spot clean" by pressing one button,
>> it
>>> has finished, it will go home and play a tune and send a message.
>>>> Still very happy, floors cleaner than they have been for years!
>>>> Smug, Sandy.
>>>> sent from the dark side of the moon
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