Axil Axil <> wrote:

In order to meet the 1 MW requirement for heat production, the heat
> transferred to the customer must have been constant without much
> other words, a constant heat sink. The customer must have
> used the heat need it or not in their manufacturing process.

In real life, at a real factory, they turn off the boiler when production
is shut down. What you are saying is that for some strange reason they
decided to leave the boiler running. In that case there must be ventilation
equipment running when they do not need the heat.

Any person evaluating this claim would have to examine both the production
equipment and the ventilation equipment. You would not rely on calorimetry
alone; you would use every method available to confirm the claim. No one
would pay $89 million without doing this. Rossi and Penon stated this is
not necessary. You saw that in the Lewan interview.  such ludicrous
assertions are why I think those two must be very stupid, or they are

- Jed

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