The test was designed by the ERV and not Rossi.

Doctoring of the instrumentation connected to the reactor under test could
have been done by either party. The only way to verify valid
instrumentation performance is through sealing it and getting post test
calibration performed by the manufacture. This is evidence to be presented
in court and does not require hearsay statements to indicate validity.

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> The amount of heat used by the customer could have been determined by the
>> flow rate of water and its temperature of that water as it left the reactor
>> and re entered the reactor. Is that not the basis of heat
>>  production measurement?
> Not, that is not the basis -- or not the only basis -- because Rossi has
> made huge mistakes again and again in his calorimetry. His measurements of
> these things is not to be trusted. He nearly killed Jim Dunn and the others
> with his mistakes.
> Even if you were inclined to believe Rossi, you would still need to
> confirm the output by examining the customer's equipment. You should also
> use some common sense. It is not possible to use up this much process heat
> in 6,500 sq. ft. You need to find out what is actually happening.
> - Jed

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