In reply to  Eric Walker's message of Wed, 31 Jan 2018 22:19:50 -0700:
>I was of the understanding that the event horizon is merely the point of no
>return for light, where it begins to curve on a trajectory that does not
>escape the black hole.  In this understanding, time slows down
>asymptotically as objects approach the singularity, but it is still running
>(albeit more slowly) at the event horizon.
>To outside observers, time might seem to come to a standstill for the
>electron and positron, but they would still have time to annihilate.
>(Unless I'm mistaken.)

If time comes to standstill for them as they approach the event horizon, then
they never reach a point where they annihilate *inside* the black hole.
(Outside wouldn't be a problem).

Robin van Spaandonk

local asymmetry = temporary success

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